23 research outputs found

    Global grass (Poaceae) success underpinned by traits facilitating colonization, persistence and habitat transformation

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    Poaceae (the grasses) is arguably the most successful plant family, in terms of its global occurrence in (almost) all ecosystems with angiosperms, its ecological dominance in many ecosystems, and high species richness. We suggest that the success of grasses is best understood in context of their capacity to colonize, persist, and transform environments (the "Viking syndrome"). This results from combining effective long-distance dispersal, efficacious establishment biology, ecological flexibility, resilience to disturbance and the capacity to modify environments by changing the nature of fire and mammalian herbivory. We identify a diverse set of functional traits linked to dispersal, establishment and competitive abilities. Enhanced long-distance dispersal is determined by anemochory, epizoochory and endozoochory and is facilitated via the spikelet (and especially the awned lemma) which functions as the dispersal unit. Establishment success could be a consequence of the precocious embryo and large starch reserves, which may underpin the extremely short generation times in grasses. Post-establishment genetic bottlenecks may be mitigated by wind pollination and the widespread occurrence of polyploidy, in combination with gametic self-incompatibility. The ecological competitiveness of grasses is corroborated by their dominance across the range of environmental extremes tolerated by angiosperms, facilitated by both C3and C4photosynthesis, well-developed frost tolerance in several clades, and a sympodial growth form that enabled the evolution of both annual and long-lived life forms. Finally, absence of investment in wood (except in bamboos), and the presence of persistent buds at or below ground level, provides tolerance of repeated defoliation (whether by fire, frost, drought or herbivores). Biotic modification of environments via feedbacks with herbivory or fire reinforce grass dominance leading to open ecosystems. Grasses can be both palatable and productive, fostering high biomass and diversity of mammalian herbivores. Many grasses have a suite of architectural and functional traits that facilitate frequent fire, including a tufted growth form, and tannin-like substances in leaves which slow decomposition. We mapped these traits over the phylogeny of the Poales, spanning the grasses and their relatives, and demonstrated the accumulation of traits since monocots originated in the mid-Cretaceous. Although the sympodial growth form is a monocot trait, tillering resulting in the tufted growth form most likely evolved within the grasses. Similarly, although an ovary apparently constructed of a single carpel evolved in the most recent grass ancestor, spikelets and the awned lemma dispersal units evolved within the grasses. Frost tolerance and C4photosynthesis evolved relatively late (late Palaeogene), and the last significant trait to evolve was probably the production of tannins, associated with pyrophytic savannas. This fits palaeobotanical data, suggesting several phases in the grass success story: from a late Cretaceous origin, to occasional tropical grassland patches in the later Palaeogene, to extensive C3grassy woodlands in the early-middle Miocene, to the dramatic expansion of the tropical C4grass savannas and grasslands in the Pliocene, and the C3steppe grasslands during the Pleistocene glacial periods. Modern grasslands depend heavily on strongly seasonal climates, making them sensitive to climate change

    Dispersal of seeds as a constraint in revegetation of old fields in Renosterveld vegetation in the Western Cape, South Africa

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    Thesis (MScFor )--Stellenbosch University, 2003.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Species-rich Renosterveld vegetation does not return to old agricultural fields even after many years (10-20) of abandonment. In most cases the fields are slowly taken over by non-indigenous species, particularly alien pasture grasses and African lawn grass. While poor survival of indigenous seedlings due to competition, grazing or any other establishment constraints, might explain the failure of natural vegetation to colonise old fields, here I am testing the hypothesis that recolonisation by indigenous plant species is limited by seed dispersal. I have quantified changes in seed density with distance from the natural vegetation into old fields using seed traps and soil seed bank assessment. I have also looked at seed dispersal in the dung of large herbivores. Shrubs (with the exception of Eytropappus rhinocerotis) were poorly represented in the seed rain indicating that they might be seed limited. Dicerothamnus rinocerotis (a dominant shrub in Renosterveld) and certain geophytes (that were recovered in the soil bank) have proven that seed dispersal is not the primary constraint to their return to ploughed fields. Dicerothamnus rinocerotis produces a large number of seeds that are dispersed long distances into the old field and a number of geophytes were well represented in the soil bank. Large herbivores are dispersing a lot of herbaceous forbs in their dung but make very little contribution to the dispersal of indigenous tussock grass and shrubs. Seeds of indigenous Renosterveld tussock grasses (e.g Tribolium hispidum) were restricted to the edge of the natural vegetation. My research has shown that some indigenous seeds, particularly those dispersed in wind and through large mammals, do reach the old ploughed field. I therefore conclude that seed dispersal is not the primary constraint to the natural recovery of populations of some indigenous plant species on old fields, but may limit recovery of certain indigenous geophytes, grasses and shrubs.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Spesie-ryke Renosterveld plantegroei hervestig nie op ou landerye nie, selfs ná baie jare (l0-20) van verlating. Oor die algemeen word hierdie grond stadig oorgeneem deur uitheemse spesies, veral uitheemse weidingsgrasse en kweekgras. Terwyl swak oorlewing van inheemse saailinge as gevolg van kompetisie, weiding of enige ander vestigingsbeperkinge, die mislukte vestiging van natuurlike plantegroei op ou benutte grond kan verduidelik, toets ek hier die hipotese dat hervestiging deur inheemse plantspesies deur saadverspreiding beperk word. Ek het veranderinge in saaddigtheid oor afstand vanaf die natuurlike plantegroei na ou landerye gekwantifiseer, deur gebruik te maak van saadopvangsvalle en sand saadbank beraminge. Ek het ook gekyk na saadverspreiding in die mis van groot herbivore. Struike (behalwe Eytropappus rhinocerotis) was swak verteenwoordig in die "saadreën", wat mag toon dat struike saadbeperk is. Eytropappus rhinocerotis ('n dominante struik in Renosterveld) en sekere geofiete (wat in die saadbank gevind is) het bewys dat saadverspreiding nie die hoofbeperking is vir hulle terugkeer na geploegde lande nie. Eytropappus rhinocerotis produseer 'n groot hoeveelheid saad wat oor groot afstande oor die ou landerye versprei word en 'n aantal geofiete was goed verteenwoordig in die saadbank. Groot herbivore versprei 'n groot hoeveelheid kruidagtige forbe in hulle mis, maar maak 'n baie klein bydrae tot die verspreiding van inheemse polgras en struike. Saad van inheemse Renosterveld polgrasse (bv. Tribolium hispidum) was beperk tot die some van die natuurlike plantegroei. My navorsing het getoon dat sommige inheemse saad, veral dié wat deur die wind en deur groot herbivore versprei word, wel die ou geploegde landerye bereik. Ek maak dus die gevolgtrekking dat saadverspreiding nie die hoofbeperking is vir die natuurlike herstel van populasies van sommige inheemse plantspesies op ou landerye nie, maar mag die herstel van sekere inheemse geofiete, grasse en struike beperk

    Spatio-temporal distribution of grass and shrubs at the ecotone between an arid grassland and succulent shrubland : ecological interactions and the influence of soils

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 110-122).This thesis presents ecological investigations of vegetation at an ecotone between the Namaqualand shrublands and Bushmanland arid grassland at the climatic transition between the predominantly winter rainfall Succulent Karoo and the predominantly summer rainfall Nama-Karoo biomess. The work focused on the determinants of grass and succulent shrub vegetation characterising the ecotone, and on determining the current and past distribution of this vegetation. A combination of detailed community the current and past distribution of this vegetation. A combination of detailed community level investigations (both observational and experimental), and a variety of remotely sensed data and techniques were applied to capture processes and patterns at different scales. In the first set of investigations, I have investigated the role of soil and competition on vegetation patterns. Secondly, field data were combined with remote sensing technology to establish the current distribution of grasses and shrubs along the ecotone, and to determine how this vegetation has changed over the past 20 years

    Seed dispersal in the dung of large herbivores: Implications for restoration of Renosterveld shrubland old fields

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    Species-rich, winter-rainfall, microphyllous Renosterveld vegetation in the Western Cape Province of South Africa has largely been transformed for production of wheat and wine. Remaining fragments thus have high conservation value. Abandoned old fields adjacent to natural vegetation fragments could potentially be restored as corridors and habitat for indigenous flora and fauna. We hypothesised that indigenous antelope maintained in a matrix of natural vegetation and abandoned field could play a role in restoration of Renoserveld via seed dispersal.We collected dung of indigenous ungulates in an abandoned field at various distances from natural Renosterveld vegetation, in order to assess the potential of large herbivores to contribute to restoration of plant diversity through seed dispersal. Emerged seedlings from the collected dung represented 29 forb, 13 grass, four sedge, four geophyte and one shrub species. The most abundant emerging seedlings were lawn grass Cynodon dactylon (38%), alien pasture grasses (31%) and indigenous geophyte Romulea rosea (12%). Whereas seeds of annual forbs and grasses were dispersed, only one shrub species was dispersed at very low density. We concluded that large herbivores could retard the rate of recovery of Renosterveld vegetation because viable seeds of herbaceous plants, particularly alien annual grasses and lawn-grasses were more abundant in the dung than the shrub, geophyte or perennial tussock grass species that characterise this vegetation type. © 2006 Springer.Articl

    Modelling Ecological Systems with the Calculus of Wrapped Compartments ⋆

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    Abstract. The Calculus of Wrapped Compartments is a framework based on stochastic multiset rewriting in a compartmentalised setting originally developed for the modelling and analysis of biological interactions. In this paper, we propose to use this calculus for the description of ecological systems and we provide the modelling guidelines to encode within the calculus some of the main interactions leading ecosystems evolution. As a case study, we model the distribution of height of Croton wagneri, a shrub constituting the endemic predominant species of the dry ecosystem in southern Ecuador. In particular, we consider the plant at different altitude gradients (i.e. at different temperature conditions), to study how it adapts under the effects of global climate change