34 research outputs found

    Global Health Governance in the Sustainable Development Goals: is it grounded in the Right to Health?

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    This paper explores the extent to which global health governance - in the context of the early implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals is grounded in the right to health. The essential components of the right to health in relation to global health are unpacked. Four essential functions of the global health system are assessed from a normative, rights-based, analysis on how each of these governance functions should operate. These essential functions are: the production of global public goods, the management of externalities across countries, the mobilization of global solidarity, and stewardship. The paper maps the current reality of global health governance now that the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals are beginning to be implemented. In theory, the existing human rights legislation would enable the principles and basis for the global governance of health beyond the premise of the state. In practice, there is a governance gap between the human rights framework and practices in global health and development policies. This gap can be explained by the political determinants of health that shape the governance of these global policies. Current representations of the right to health in the Sustainable Development Goals are insufficient and superficial, because they do not explicitly link commitments or right to health discourse to binding treaty obligations for duty-bearing nation states or entitlements by people. If global health policy is to meaningfully contribute to the realization of the right to health and to rights based global health governance then future iterations of global health policy must bridge this gap. This includes scholarship and policy debate on the structure, politics, and agency to overcome existing global health injustices

    Effect of perturbations on yield in ICF targets – 4 π

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    ICF simulations were carried out with the amplitude of perturbations from spherical symmetry treated as a free parameter with the aim of reproducing experimentally observed yields. The simulations began at peak velocity and multi-wavelength perturbations were imposed in the velocity field. It was found that increasing the perturbation caused the gamma bang time to lag behind the xray bang time. Fluid motion broadening of the neutron spectrum was also examined. The effect of perturbation amplitude on alpha particle losses was investigated

    The role of low fat diets in the management of gall-bladder disease

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    Full text of this article is not available in the UHRAThis paper presents the results obtained from 87 questionnaires completed by dietitians about the dietary management of gall-biadder disease. Of the patients referred to the dietitians, 86% were referred by surgeons. Of the dietitians that responded 77% thought that there was a role for low fat diets in the management of these patients; 92% would advise a low fat diet to help avoid pain, and 11% would advise a low fat diet to patients with gall-bladder disease who did not have pain, steatorrhoea or obesity. The paper reviews the available evidence concerning the effect of dietary fat on the gall-bladder; it is concluded that, at present, there is little data to support the therapeutic use of a low fat diet for individuals with gall-stones.Peer reviewe

    The greenhouse gas climate change initiative (GHG-CCI): Comparative validation of GHG-CCI SCIAMACHY/ENVISAT and TANSO-FTS/GOSAT CO2 and CH4 retrieval algorithm products with measurements from the TCCON

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    International audienceColumn-averaged dry-air mole fractions of carbon dioxide and methane have been retrieved from spectra acquired by the TANSO-FTS (Thermal And Near-infrared Sensor for carbon Observations-Fourier Transform Spectrometer) and SCIAMACHY (Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Cartography) instruments on board GOSAT (Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite) and ENVISAT (ENVIronmental SATellite), respectively, using a range of European retrieval algorithms. These retrievals have been compared with data from ground-based high-resolution Fourier transform spectrometers (FTSs) from the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON). The participating algorithms are the weighting function modified differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) algorithm (WFMD, University of Bremen), the Bremen optimal estimation DOAS algorithm (BESD, University of Bremen), the iterative maximum a posteriori DOAS (IMAP, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and Netherlands Institute for Space Research algorithm (SRON)), the proxy and full-physics versions of SRON's RemoTeC algorithm (SRPR and SRFP, respectively) and the proxy and full-physics versions of the University of Leicester's adaptation of the OCO (Orbiting Carbon Observatory) algorithm (OCPR and OCFP, respectively). The goal of this algorithm inter-comparison was to identify strengths and weaknesses of the various so-called round- robin data sets generated with the various algorithms so as to determine which of the competing algorithms would proceed to the next round of the European Space Agency's (ESA) Greenhouse Gas Climate Change Initiative (GHG-CCI) project, which is the generation of the so-called Climate Research Data Package (CRDP), which is the first version of the Essential Climate Variable (ECV) "greenhouse gases" (GHGs). For XCO2, all algorithms reach the precision requirements for inverse modelling (< 8 ppm), with only WFMD having a lower precision (4.7 ppm) than the other algorithm products (2.4-2.5 ppm). When looking at the seasonal relative accuracy (SRA, variability of the bias in space and time), none of the algorithms have reached the demanding < 0.5 ppm threshold. For XCH4, the precision for both SCIAMACHY products (50.2 ppb for IMAP and 76.4 ppb for WFMD) fails to meet the < 34 ppb threshold for inverse modelling, but note that this work focusses on the period after the 2005 SCIAMACHY detector degradation. The GOSAT XCH4 precision ranges between 18.1 and 14.0 ppb. Looking at the SRA, all GOSAT algorithm products reach the < 10 ppm threshold (values ranging between 5.4 and 6.2 ppb). For SCIAMACHY, IMAP and WFMD have a SRA of 17.2 and 10.5 ppb, respectively

    Effective mass of one 4He in liquid 3 He

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    A microscopic calculation of the effective mass of one 4He impurity in homogeneous liquid He at zero temperature is performed for an extended Jastrow-Slater wave function, including two- and three-body dy­namical correlations and also backflow correlations between the He atom and the particles in the medium. The effective mass at equilibrium density, m; /m4 = 1.21, is in very good agreement with the recent experimental determination by Edwards et al. The three-particle correlations appear to give a small contribution to the effective mass and different approximations for the three-particle distribution function give almost identical results for m: /m4