92 research outputs found

    Peran Agama dalam Aktivitas Pelestarian Alam: Studi Deskriptif pada Front Nahdliyyin untuk Kedaulatan Sumber Daya Alam, FNKSDA

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    The purpose of this study was to discuss the role of religion in nature conservation activities carried out by the Nahdliyyin Front for Natural Resources Sovereignty. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive method through theoritical analysis and literature study. The results of this study indicate that nature conservation activities the Nahdliyyin Front for Natural Resources Sovereignty has a role for religion. Namely in the form of a power boost called Religious Assets. The religious assets include; 1) Transcendent Motivation; 2) Shared Identity; 3) Socio-Geographical Religion; 4) Special Legitimacy; and 5) Institutional Interests. This research has significance for the development of the discourse of Religious Studies in the field of Religion and Ecology. Considering that the discourse on the relationship between religion and the issue of nature conservation is still considered minimally studied. The conclusion of this study is that religion has a role in the form of encouragement of strength through moral and institutional messages in an effort to preserve nature


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    It has been found that there is less optimal learning outcomes of students for the course subject of standard overhaul cooling system indicated by the number of students having the low score at under KKM 70. Teachers have not known what the exact cause of this case. The relation of learning interest with learning outcome would be the research topic conducted to determine whether there is a significant positive relationship or even opposite between them thus it will be reference for teacher to improve student’s learning outcomes to be more optimal. This research used the survey method with correlation approach that is to know the relation of learning interest and student learning outcomes. The subject of this research is all students of class XI-TSM Karsa Mulya Palangka Raya involving 2 classes. The sample used is a saturated sample that takes both classes. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire using Likert scale followed by the number of statements using 25 items that have been validated with 0.89 (reliability). The results obtained that the average score of student interest in the class XI-TSM is equal to 101.387 with as many as 48.39% or as many as 30 students have scores below average and 51.61% or as many as 32 students (scores above average). The student learning outcomes obtained an average score of 76.37 with 37.1% and 23 students have scores below the average learning achievement and as much as 62.9% or as many as 39 students have scores above the average. Moreover, the total students are 50 students expressing the successful target and 12 students were failed. The normality test results have obtained the student's interest in learning data is normally distributed. From the calculation obtained r xy (rcount) is 0.689, while the value of rtable with the significant level of 0.05 and degrees of freedom (db) n - 2 is 0.254. Thus, since (rhitung = 0.689)> (rtabel = 0.254) there is a significant correlation or correlation between learning Interest (X) with Learning Outcomes (Y). Then hypothesis testing is H0 rejected and Ha accepted (Ha: r ? 0). Furthermore, hypothesis testing using t-test has obtained tcount value> ttable (7,750> 2,000). Because thitung = bigger than ttabel then H0 rejected Ha accepted. All in all, the conclusion that there is a significant positive relationship between the learning interest with student learning outcomes on the course subject of standard overhaul cooling system in the class XI-TSM Karsa Mulya Palangka Raya at academic year 2016/2017

    Investigating Urban Crime Pattern and Accessibility Using Geographic Information System in Bandung City

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    Urban crime is unplanned change from urban development processes. Understanding of urban crime is necessary for crime prevention and increase urban living quality. The geographical approach in urban crime analysis can analyze crime pattern using a geographic information system, also investigate a correlation between crime and environmental condition. This research is conducted to analyze the relationships between urban crime and urban accessibility in Sumur Bandung as the region with the highest crime in Bandung City. Urban crime pattern can be determined using geographic information systems through kernel density estimation, whereas urban accessibility is obtained via network indices methods. The correlation between urban crime pattern and urban accessibility is determined from statistical tests. The results show there is a significant positive relationship between urban crime and urban accessibility in Sumur Bandung Sub-District. Urban crime pattern is concentrated in Braga and Babakan Ciamis. Crime will increase in a more accessible area, thus crime prevention effort through physical access controlling regulation in the urban region


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    Dalam dokumen Indonesian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (IBSAP) 2015 2020, keanekaragaman hayati belum memberi dampak kesejahteraan dan peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat, padahal faktanya banyak kekayaan hayati Indonesia yang dapat dipergunakan namun belum tergali dan dipetakan secara maksimal. Tersedianya data dan informasi kehati nasional yang aktual akan memberikan banyak manfaat dalam penyusunan kebijakan nasional internasional dan perencanaan pembangunan yang tepat, serta informasi ilmiah yang selalu terupdate. Untuk mengetahui dan memetakan kehati tersebut, maka pembangunan data kehati perlu dilakukan melalui kegiatan Inventarisasi berbasis teknologi maju seperti drone. Adanya permasalahan pendata an kehati, seharusnya menyadarkan kita untuk tidak hanya menganda lkan kegiatan inventarisasi dengan pendekatan konvensional, namun perlu penguatan sistem pendataan kehati melalui pemanfaatan teknologi maju. Data kehati presisi terwujud, jika metode yang digunakan merupakan sintesis dari 3 indikator penting: kepraktisan, biaya dan output. Adapun sintesis ketiga indikator ini dinamakan Drone Smart Monitoring (DSM) yang telah diimplementasikan dalam membangun data kehati di beberapa kawasan konservasi di Indonesia

    Pengaruh Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) dan Loan to deposit Ratio (LDR) terhadap Return On Asset (ROA) pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Periode 2000-2012.

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    Latar belakang penelitiaan ini adalah hasil yang tidak konsisten mengenai CAR, LDR dan ROA untuk waktu dan tempat yang berbeda, bahkan di antaranya kontradiktif terhadap yang lain. kemudian didukung adanya fenomena gap data sampel, di dalam nilai ROA mengalami perubahan yang cukup fluktuatif yang mungkin secara tidak langsung dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh CAR dan LDR terhadap ROA pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan data yang diperoleh dari laporan keuangan selama 13 tahun sejak tahun 2000-2012. Pengujian hipotesis dengan menggunakan UJi t, Uji F dan R2. ROA adalah rasio yang dapat menunjukkan kemampuan perusahaan dalam menghasilkan keuntungan dengan aktiva yang dimilikinya. Dengan semakin meningkatnya profitabilitas (ROA), maka bank akan mampu mengembangkan usaha serta menghadapi persaingan usaha, sedangkan rasio CAR yang memperlihatkan seberapa jauh seluruh aktiva bank yang mengandung risiko (kredit, penyertaan, surat berharga, tagihan pada bank lain), Semakin tinggi nilai CAR mengindikasikan bahwa bank telah mempunyai modal yang cukup baik dalam menunjang kebutuhannya serta menanggung risiko-risiko yang ditimbulkan termasuk didalamnya risiko kredit. dan yang menunjukkan seberapa likuid suatu bank adalah rasio LDR, semakin tinggi tingkat LDR maka semakin illikuid suatu bank. Dalam keadaan illikuid, bank akan kesulitan untuk memenuhi kewajiban-kewajiban jangka pendeknya, seperti adanya penarikan tiba-tiba oleh nasabah terhadap simpanannya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa secara parsial CAR berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ROA dengan tingkat signifikan sebesar 0,018, dan LDR secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ROA dengan tingkat signifikan sebesar 0,000. Hasil penelitian secara simultan menunjukan bahwa CAR dan LDR berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ROA dengan tingkat signifikan 0,000. Hasil koefisien determinasi (R2) 0,839. Nilai 83,9% ini menunjukan pengaruh CAR dan LDR terhadap ROA, sedangkan sisanya 16,1% dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain


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    This research is the implication of the lack of interesting technique used in learning basic Japanese sentence pattern. While it has been a lot of media used in learning Japanese that have not been effective in fostering students’ interest. Regarding the issues, the researcher tries to present a learning technique and the use of media that is appropriate in learning basic Japanese sentence pattern. It tries to develop transformation drill technique combined with the use of multimedia into learning basic Japanese sentence pattern. The research is intended to investigate the effectiveness of using transformation drill technique with multimedia in improving students achievement in learning basic Japanese sentence pattern and to examine the responses of students toward the implementation of using transformation drill technique with multimedia. The research was conducted by using true experimental research with pretest-posttest group design. It involves two classes of eleventh grade which were choosen based on random sampling. One class acted as control class (IPS 2) and the other hand acted as experimental class (IPS 3). Each class consists of 20 students as the sample of the research. To analyze and collect the data, the researcher obtained through test and questionnaire. The test was divided into three categories, they were pretest, posttest and progress test. The analysis of the data showed that there was a significant difference of students achievement. It could be seen from the students’ posttest score showed that the students achievement average of experimental class was 89,3 and the students achievement average of control class was 81,1. Moreover, the computation result of posttest showed that t obtain 2,2 was higher than t table 2,02 in significance level of 5% with degree of freedom (df) 40. Furthermore, the students’ responses showed that they looked more enthusiastic in teaching learning process. They tended to respond positively toward the feedback provided by using transformation drill with multimedia and they considered it helpful for them to understand basic Japanese sentence pattern bette

    Gaya Kepemimpinan Demokratis Kepala Sekolah dalam Mengembangkan Profesionalisme Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    This research departs from an idea about the principal's democratic leadership style that can develop the professionalism of PAI teachers at SMAN 30 Garut. However, even though the principal in his leadership applies a democratic leadership style, there are still PAI teachers who are not yet professional in carrying out their duties as learners. This shows that there is a problem in it. The purpose of the study was to find out about the planning, implementation of the concept and assessment policies and the steps taken by the principal, the inhibiting and supporting factors as well as the solutions and follow-up of the principal in implementing a democratic leadership style to develop PAI teachers. The theological foundations are the Al-Quran and Al-Hadith, the philosophical foundations that form the basis of leadership in accordance with theory. The research method used is a qualitative research method. The data collection techniques were carried out by means of interviews, observations, documentation studies and literature studies. Analysis of the data used in this study using inductive data analysis. From the research, it was concluded that the democratic leadership of the head of SMAN 30 Garut showed a democratic leadership style, (1) Planning by implementing high school curriculum by adopting some of the MA curriculum and creating a school that was in accordance with the declared Vision, Mission and Goals; (2) The implementation is carried out by the principal's efforts to involve and involve all school members (Teachers, Employees and School Committees) to take part in the implementation of school programs in accordance with their respective main tasks and functions; (3) The assessment is carried out by the principal, namely providing control over teacher activities, supervision, seeing teacher preparation and readiness before carrying out the learning process, praise and criticism; (4) Inhibiting factors (teachers, environment, costs, students, learning resources and government policies that do not favor Islamic religious education) and supporting factors (welfare, allowances, certification and rewards); (5) The solution and follow-up are to socialize the rules of the game that apply in schools, control, involve teachers in various scientific activities, seminars and workshops, PAI extracurricular programs, provide welfare, reward and punishment, provide motivation, guidance and direction to students. teachers to achieve maximum educational goals. The researcher conveys a suggestion that the principal should always be dissatisfied with the success that has been achieved, in order to always make innovations and new breakthroughs in developing the professionalism of PAI teachers

    Tipikal Kuantitas Infiltrasi Menurut Karakteristik Lahan (Kajian Empirik Di DAS Cimanuk Bagian Hulu)

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    Laju infiltrasi merupakan fungsi dari parameter hidraulik tanah, yaitu; permeabilitas, suction head; dan kelembaban tanah. Parameter-parameter tersebut mempunyai hubungan erat dengan karakteristik fisik tanah dan dapat diformulasikan melalui penelitian empirik. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh kuantitas infiltrasi tipikal berdasarkan karakteritik lahan melalui kajian lapangan (empirik). Metode infiltrasi Green-Ampt dikembangkan dan digunakan untuk mengkaji kapasitas infiltrasi tipikal di Daerah Aliran Sungai Bagian Hulu (Kasus DAS Cimanuk Hulu). Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan empirik-analitik. Penelitian dilakukan pada tanah oxisol yang digunakan oleh lima macam penggunaan lahan. Sebanyak 96 sampel tanah diambil dari 16 titik pengamatan. Sekitar 12 parameter sifat fisik tanah dianalisis untuk setiap sampel tanah. Kajian mencakup pengembangan tipikal kapasitas infiltrasi berdasarkan data empirik pada aneka macam penggunaan lahan (hutan; agroforestri; palawija; permukiman; dan lahan tidak digarap). Intensitas hujan diformulasikan sebagai fungsi dari lama hujan dan probabilitas hujan I=f(t,p). Parameter K diformulasikan sebagai fungsi dari kandungan air; pori drainase cepat, dan pori drainase lambat (K = f(ć, įc, įl). Parameter suction head (Ď), diformulasi sebagai fungsi dari kelembaban tanah (Ď=f(ć)). Parameter F(t)dummy, diformulasi sebagai fungsi dari lama hujan (t) dan probabilitas hujan (p); (F(t)dummy=f(t,p)). Sehingga berdasarkan data empirk, laju infiltrasi (f(t)) Green Ampt dikembangkan sebagai f(t) = f(ć,įc, įl, t, p); dan infiltrasi kumulatif dihitung oleh F(f) = f(t). t. Infiltrasi setiap macam tutupan lahan mempunyai pola yang hampir sama, namun berbeda dalam kuantitasnya

    Spatial dynamics model of land use and land cover changes: A comparison of CA, ANN, and ANN-CA

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    Land use and land cover (LULC) changes through built-up area expansion always increases linearly with land demand as a consequence of population growth and urbanization. Cirebon City is a center for Ciayumajakuning Region that continues to grow and exceeds its administrative boundaries. This phenomenon has led to peri-urban regions which show urban and rural interactions. This study aims to analyze (1) the dynamics of LULC changes using cellular automata (CA), artificial neural network (ANN), and ANN-CA; (2) the influential factors (drivers); and (3) change probability in the period 2030 and 2045 for Cirebon’s peri-urban. We used logistic regression as quantitative approach to analyze the interaction of drivers and LULC changes. The LULC data derived from Landsat series satellite imagery in 1999-2009 and 2009-2019, validation of dynamic spatial model refers to 100 LULC samples. This research shows that LULC changes are dominated by built-up area expansion which causes plantations and agricultural land to decrease. The drivers have a simultaneous effect on LULC changes with r-square of 0.43, where land slope, distance from existing built-up area, distance from CBD, and accessibility are significant triggers. LULC simulation of CA algorithm is the best model than ANN and ANN-CA based on overall accuracy and overall accuracy (0.96, 0.75, 0.73 and 0.95, 0.66, 0.66 respectively), it reveals urban sprawl through the ribbon and compact development. The average probability of built-up area expansion is 0.18 (2030) and 0.19 (2045). If there is no intervention in spatial planning, this phenomenon will decrease productive agricultural lands in Cirebon's peri-urban
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