819 research outputs found

    A lower bound in Nehari's theorem on the polydisc

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    By theorems of Ferguson and Lacey (d=2) and Lacey and Terwilleger (d>2), Nehari's theorem is known to hold on the polydisc D^d for d>1, i.e., if H_\psi is a bounded Hankel form on H^2(D^d) with analytic symbol \psi, then there is a function \phi in L^\infty(\T^d) such that \psi is the Riesz projection of \phi. A method proposed in Helson's last paper is used to show that the constant C_d in the estimate \|\phi\|_\infty\le C_d \|H_\psi\| grows at least exponentially with d; it follows that there is no analogue of Nehari's theorem on the infinite-dimensional polydisc

    Some results on the lattice parameters of quaternionic Gabor frames

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    Gabor frames play a vital role not only modern harmonic analysis but also in several fields of applied mathematics, for instances, detection of chirps, or image processing. In this work we present a non-trivial generalization of Gabor frames to the quaternionic case and give new density results. The key tool is the two-sided windowed quaternionic Fourier transform (WQFT). As in the complex case, we want to write the WQFT as an inner product between a quaternion-valued signal and shifts and modulates of a real-valued window function. We demonstrate a Heisenberg uncertainty principle and for the results regarding the density, we employ the quaternionic Zak transform to obtain necessary and sufficient conditions to ensure that a quaternionic Gabor system is a quaternionic Gabor frame. We conclude with a proof that the Gabor conjecture do not hold true in the quaternionic case

    Studies of acid deposition and its effects in two small catchments in Hunan, China

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    International audienceAcid deposition and its effects were studied by analysing the chemistry in precipitation, stream water, soil water and soils in two catchments in Hunan. One site, Linkesuo (denoted LKS), is on the outskirts of Changsha, the provincial capital of Hunan, the other (Bailutang, denoted BLT) on the outskirts of Chenzhou in southern Hunan. Volume-weighted average pH values and sulphate concentrations in wet deposition were 4.58 (BLT) and 4.90 (LKS) and 174 ?molc L-1 and 152 ?molc L-1, respectively. Wet deposition of sulphate has been estimated as 4.3 gS m-2yr-1 and 3.4 gS m-2yr-1 at BLT and LKS, respectively. Estimates of the corresponding total depositions (dry + wet) are 6.1 gS m-2yr-1 and 5.3 gS m-2yr-1. In precipitation and throughfall, sulphate was the major anion and calcium the major cation. In stream and soil water, nitrate was slightly higher than sulphate on an equivalent basis and magnesium (Mg) not much lower than calcium (Ca). Important soil properties, such as soil pH, soil organic matter (SOM) content, exchangeable acidic cations, exchangeable base cations, effective cation exchange capacity (CECe), base saturation (BS), and aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe) pools, were determined for five forest soil profiles (consisting of four horizons) in each of the two catchments. The soils in BLT are generally more acid, have lower BS and higher Al and Fe pools than the LKS soils. The Al- and Fe-pools were generally higher in the topsoils (i.e. the O and A horizons) than in deeper soils (i.e. E and B horizons) especially at the most acidic site (BLT). There are significant correlations between Fe-pools and the corresponding Al-pools in both catchments except between the amorphous Feox and Alox. Considering the long-term high deposition of sulphate, there is a risk of future ecological damage due to acidification, especially in the BLT catchment, although vegetation damage has yet to be observed in the catchments. This condition appears to be representative of a large part of Hunan. Keyword: acid deposition, soil acidification, catchment, Al-pools, Fe-pools, Hunan</p

    Characterization of individual airborne particles in Taiyuan City, China

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    Taiyuan, the capital of Shanxi province, China, is one of the most polluted cities in the world. To characterize the ambient particulate pollution, samples of particulates with aerodynamic diameter less than 10 ”m (PM(10)) were collected during a 6-day campaign. Individual particles were analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy-Dispersive Spectrometer (SEM-EDS) to determine their chemical composition. Meanwhile, photomicrographs were obtained from SEM to aid in particles’ source identification. The lumped data from SEM-EDS were subjected to hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) to sort out particle types chemically. HCA combined with SEM photomicrographs allowed us to identify 20 different particle types, namely (in order of particle frequency), soil/fly ash particles, coal-burning, sulfur-rich, and iron-rich particles, gypsum, syngenite, quartz, cement, silicon sulfide, siliconferro alloy, calcium-rich particles, ferrochromium alloy, ammonium sulfate and chloride, iron-zinc, ammonium chloride, molybdenum-rich, potassium sulfate, dolomite, lead sulfate, and copper-rich particles. Their possible origins and pathways are suggested. The majority of the particles seem to originate from coal combustion, which conforms to Taiyuan’s industrial structure

    Acid rain in Europe and the United States: an update.

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    Abstract This paper discusses the evolution of science and policies to control acid rain in Europe and the United States over the past several decades. Acid rain gained prominence in the late 1960s because of its perceived effects on ecosystem integrity. Extensive research efforts in both Europe and the United States, however, have concluded that the effects of acid rain-at least those on terrestrial ecosystems-were less serious than originally believed. More recently, interest in controlling acid rain precursors stems primarily from health concerns, particularly their effects in the form of fine particulate matter. The paper discusses the emergence of acid rain as an environmental concern, scientific evidence about the effects of acidic deposition on natural ecosystems, US and European acid rain control policies, studies of the costs and benefits of reducing acid rain, and different policy contexts in Europe and the United States

    Inhibition of O-GlcNAc transferase activates tumor-suppressor gene expression in tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer cells

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    In this study, we probed the importance of O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) activity for the survival of tamoxifen-sensitive (TamS) and tamoxifen-resistant (TamR) breast cancer cells. Tamoxifen is an antagonist of estrogen receptor (ERa), a transcription factor expressed in over 50% of breast cancers. ERa-positive breast cancers are successfully treated with tamoxifen; however, a significant number of patients develop tamoxifen-resistant disease. We show that in vitro development of tamoxifenresistance is associated with increased sensitivity to the OGT small molecule inhibitor OSMI-1. Global transcriptome profiling revealed that TamS cells adapt to OSMI-1 treatment by increasing the expression of histone genes. This is known to mediate chromatin compaction. In contrast, TamR cells respond to OGT inhibition by activating the unfolded protein response and by significantly increasing ERRFI1 expression. ERRFI1 is an endogenous inhibitor of ERBB-signaling, which is a known driver of tamoxifen-resistance. We show that ERRFI1 is selectively downregulated in ERa-positive breast cancers and breast cancers driven by ERBB2. This likely occurs via promoter methylation. Finally, we show that increased ERRFI1 expression is associated with extended survival in patients with ERa-positive tumors (p = 9.2e-8). In summary, we show that tamoxifen-resistance is associated with sensitivity to OSMI-1, and propose that this is explained in part through an epigenetic activation of the tumor-suppressor ERRFI1 in response to OSMI-1 treatment.Peer reviewe

    Intertester reliability of brachial artery flow-mediated vasodilation using upper and lower arm occlusion in healthy subjects

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    The assessment of endothelial function as brachial artery flow-mediated vasodilatation is a widely used technique that determines the effect of risk factor intervention and may have the potential to predict the clinical benefit of antiatherogenic therapy. Previous studies suggest that flow-mediated dilation is greater using the upper-arm occlusion technique, but no data are available to compare intertester reliability between technicians. This study was undertaken to compare the amount of hyperemia between upper and lower occlusion techniques and to determine reproducibility between testers. Nineteen healthy adults, ages 25 to 50, were included in the study. Brachial artery vasodilatation was measured 1 and 3 minutes post cuff deflation and was compared with the baseline and expressed as a percent change. There was a tester effect in the percent change in diameter across all measurements. The results of this study reveal inconsistencies between testers when using a blood pressure cuff to induce hyperemia for the assessment of endothelial function through brachial artery flow-mediated vasodilation. However, upper arm as compared to lower arm blood pressure cuff occlusion results in significantly greater hyperemia and vasodilatation, even though there was a difference in measurements between testers

    Analytic Representation of Finite Quantum Systems

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    A transform between functions in R and functions in Zd is used to define the analogue of number and coherent states in the context of finite d-dimensional quantum systems. The coherent states are used to define an analytic representation in terms of theta functions. All states are represented by entire functions with growth of order 2, which have exactly d zeros in each cell. The analytic function of a state is constructed from its zeros. Results about the completeness of finite sets of coherent states within a cell are derived

    Hard photon and neutral pion production in cold nuclear matter

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    The production of hard photons and neutral pions in 190 MeV proton induced reactions on C, Ca, Ni, and W targets has been for the first time concurrently studied. Angular distributions and energy spectra up to the kinematical limit are discussed and the production cross-sections are presented. From the target mass dependence of the cross-sections the propagation of pions through nuclear matter is analyzed and the production mechanisms of hard photons and primordial pions are derived. It is found that the production of subthreshold particles proceeds mainly through first chance nucleon-nucleon collisions. For the most energetic particles the mass scaling evidences the effect of multiple collisions.Comment: submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Analysis of iron-containing compounds in different compartments of the rat liver after iron loading

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    The livers of iron-loaded rats were fractionated and a cytosolic fraction, a lysosomal fraction, a siderosomal fraction and haemosiderin were obtained. All iron-containing compounds from these fractions were isolated and their morphology, Fe/P ratios, iron core diameter and peptide content were compared. The cytosolic fraction contained ferritin (CF) and a slower sedimenting, light ferritin (CLF). The lysosomal fraction also contained ferritin (LF) and a slower sedimenting light ferritin (LLF). The siderosomal fraction contained ferritin (SF), a faster sedimenting non-ferritin iron compound (SIC) and haemosiderin (HS). SIC and HS did not resemble ferritin as much as the other products did, but were found to be water-insoluble aggregates. The Fe/P ratios of CF and CLF were lower than the Fe/P ratios of LF and LLF and these in turn had lower Fe/P ratios than SF, SIC and HS. The iron core diameter of the cytosolic ferritin was increased after lysosomal uptake. The iron core diameters of the siderosomal products were smaller. CLF, CF, LF, LLF and SF contained one kind of subunit of approximately 20.5 kDa. SIC and HS contained other peptides in addition to the 20.5-kDa subunit. The results indicate that storage of ferritin molecules is not limited to the cytosolic compartment, but is also the case in the lysosomes. Extensive degradation of the ferritin molecule seems to be confined to the siderosomes
