9 research outputs found

    Meshfree simulations for solution mining processes

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    Experimental and field investigations for solution mining processes have improved intensely within the last years. Due to today’s computing capacities, 3D simulations of potential salt solution caverns can further enhance the process understanding. They serve as a “virtual prototype” of a projected site and support planning in reasonable time. In this contribution, we present a meshfree generalized finite difference method based on a cloud of numerical points that is able to simulate solution mining processes on microscopic as well as macroscopic scales. Focusing on anticipated industrial requirements, Lagrangian and Eulerian formulations including an ALE-approach are considered

    A Meshfree Generalized Finite Difference Method for Solution Mining Processes

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    Experimental and field investigations for solution mining processes have improved intensely in recent years. Due to today's computing capacities, three-dimensional simulations of potential salt solution caverns can further enhance the understanding of these processes. They serve as a "virtual prototype" of a projected site and support planning in reasonable time. In this contribution, we present a meshfree Generalized Finite Difference Method (GFDM) based on a cloud of numerical points that is able to simulate solution mining processes on microscopic as well as macroscopic scales, which differ significantly in both the spatial and temporal scale. Focusing on anticipated industrial requirements, Lagrangian and Eulerian formulations including an Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) approach are considered

    Numerische Algorithmen für gitterfreie Methoden zur Lösung von Transportproblemen

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    Gitterfreie Berechnungsmethoden kommen aufgrund ihrer Flexibilität in erster Linie bei Problemstellungen mit zeitabhängigen komplexen Geometrien zum Einsatz, da sich dort die Erzeugung, Organisation und Anpassung der Rechengitter überaus schwierig und sehr zeitaufwändig gestaltet. Da in zahlreichen Fällen zur effizienten Lösung solcher Problemstellungen die Eulersche Betrachtungsweise notwendig ist, werden geeignete Verfahren zur Approximation der konvektiven Terme benötigt. Dies stellt für gitterfreie Methoden eine große Herausforderung dar, da zur Approximation lediglich eine Menge von Punkten zur Verfügung steht. Während im Rahmen der gitterbasierten Methoden die Approximation konvektions-dominierender Probleme bereits ausführlich behandelt wurde und viele Verfahren bereitgestellt werden, gibt es im Kontext der gitterfreien Methoden bisher nur wenige Ansätze zur Lösung solcher Probleme. Deshalb werden hier neue Verfahren entwickelt, die eine effiziente Lösung konvektions-dominierender Probleme ermöglichen, wobei der Fokus auf der Lösung inkompressibler Strömungsprobleme liegt

    Meshfree simulations for solution mining processes

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    Experimental and field investigations for solution mining processes have improved intensely within the last years. Due to today’s computing capacities, 3D simulations of potential salt solution caverns can further enhance the process understanding. They serve as a “virtual prototype” of a projected site and support planning in reasonable time. In this contribution, we present a meshfree generalized finite difference method based on a cloud of numerical points that is able to simulate solution mining processes on microscopic as well as macroscopic scales. Focusing on anticipated industrial requirements, Lagrangian and Eulerian formulations including an ALE-approach are considered


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