43 research outputs found

    The Ross seal and its underwater vocalizations

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    Since its discovery in 1840, the Ross seal (Ommatophoca rossii) has rarely been observed. The present thesis provides an overview of the biology of the Ross seal acquired from the literature available. However, the corresponding underwater vocalizations have not been described in detail before. The Southern Ocean is largely unaffected by anthropogenic noise. Therefore, it provides the ideal location for long-term underwater recordings as implemented with PALAOA (PerenniAL Acoustic Observatory in the Antarctic Ocean). This listening station, set up by the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) in 2005, is located on the Ekström Ice Shelf at Atka Bay, Antarctica, consisting of an array of hydrophones deployed through the ice shelf. PALAOA was designed to autonomously obtain year- round broadband (15 Hz - 96 kHz) and high resolution (up to 24bit) underwater recordings, while providing real-time data access. For analysis, these recordings were scanned visually and aurally to characterize 280 Ross seal calls in detail, and to count an additional 17 000 calls for seasonal and diurnal calling rates. The main result of this thesis is the differentiation of four distinct call types: three siren calls (High, Mid, Low) and the Whoosh. These call types can easily be discerned by their maximum and minimum frequencies. This detailed characterization of underwater call types provides the basis for further investigations on geographic variation within Ross seal vocalizations, and for the development of automated pattern recognition algorithms. It has been found that the annual acoustic presence of Ross seals at Atka Bay is the period between December and February only. The increase in calling rate in mid January matches recent satellite tagging experiments and is probably caused by the arrival of seals that were pelagic before. The striking drop at the end of January corresponds with the migration of most Ross seals northwards. During their presence at PALAOA, Ross seals show a clear diurnal calling pattern with peak calling rates around midnight, which correlates rather with daylight conditions than with tidal currents. The nocturnal peaks in calling rates of Ross seals are consistent with other Antarctic seal species

    Comprehensive space-time hydrometeorological simulations for estimating very rare floods at multiple sites in a large river basin

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    Estimates for rare to very rare floods are limited by the relatively short streamflow records available. Often, pragmatic conversion factors are used to quantify such events based on extrapolated observations, or simplifying assumptions are made about extreme precipitation and resulting flood peaks. Continuous simulation (CS) is an alternative approach that better links flood estimation with physical processes and avoids assumptions about antecedent conditions. However, long-term CS has hardly been implemented to estimate rare floods (i.e. return periods considerably larger than 100 years) at multiple sites in a large river basin to date. Here we explore the feasibility and reliability of the CS approach for 19 sites in the Aare River basin in Switzerland (area: 17 700 km2) with exceedingly long simulations in a hydrometeorological model chain. The chain starts with a multi-site stochastic weather generator used to generate 30 realizations of hourly precipitation and temperature scenarios of 10 000 years each. These realizations were then run through a bucket-type hydrological model for 80 sub-catchments and finally routed downstream with a simplified representation of main river channels, major lakes and relevant floodplains in a hydrologic routing system. Comprehensive evaluation over different temporal and spatial scales showed that the main features of the meteorological and hydrological observations are well represented and that meaningful information on low-probability floods can be inferred. Although uncertainties are still considerable, the explicit consideration of important processes of flood generation and routing (snow accumulation, snowmelt, soil moisture storage, bank overflow, lake and floodplain retention) is a substantial advantage. The approach allows for comprehensively exploring possible but unobserved spatial and temporal patterns of hydrometeorological behaviour. This is of particular value in a large river basin where the complex interaction of flows from individual tributaries and lake regulations are typically not well represented in the streamflow observations. The framework is also suitable for estimating more frequent floods, as often required in engineering and hazard mapping

    Comprehensive space–time hydrometeorological simulations for estimating very rare floods at multiple sites in a large river basin

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    Estimates for rare to very rare floods are limited by the relatively short streamflow records available. Often, pragmatic conversion factors are used to quantify such events based on extrapolated observations, or simplifying assumptions are made about extreme precipitation and resulting flood peaks. Continuous simulation (CS) is an alternative approach that better links flood estimation with physical processes and avoids assumptions about antecedent conditions. However, long-term CS has hardly been implemented to estimate rare floods (i.e. return periods considerably larger than 100 years) at multiple sites in a large river basin to date. Here we explore the feasibility and reliability of the CS approach for 19 sites in the Aare River basin in Switzerland (area: 17 700 km2) with exceedingly long simulations in a hydrometeorological model chain. The chain starts with a multi-site stochastic weather generator used to generate 30 realizations of hourly precipitation and temperature scenarios of 10 000 years each. These realizations were then run through a bucket-type hydrological model for 80 sub-catchments and finally routed downstream with a simplified representation of main river channels, major lakes and relevant floodplains in a hydrologic routing system. Comprehensive evaluation over different temporal and spatial scales showed that the main features of the meteorological and hydrological observations are well represented and that meaningful information on low-probability floods can be inferred. Although uncertainties are still considerable, the explicit consideration of important processes of flood generation and routing (snow accumulation, snowmelt, soil moisture storage, bank overflow, lake and floodplain retention) is a substantial advantage. The approach allows for comprehensively exploring possible but unobserved spatial and temporal patterns of hydrometeorological behaviour. This is of particular value in a large river basin where the complex interaction of flows from individual tributaries and lake regulations are typically not well represented in the streamflow observations. The framework is also suitable for estimating more frequent floods, as often required in engineering and hazard mapping

    Zum Zusammenhang von Geschlechterungleichheiten in Bildung, Beruf und Karriere : ein Ausblick

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    Ziel der folgenden AusfĂŒhrungen im abschliessenden Teil dieses Sammelbands zur Entwicklung und Genese von geschlechtsspezifischen Bildungsungleichheiten ist es, den Blick zu öffnen in Richtung Berufsleben. Wie sind die verbesserten Bildungsmöglichkeiten von Frauen zu interpretieren? Ist es in den letzten Jahrzehnten gelungen, eines der grundlegendsten gesellschaftlichen UngleichheitsverhĂ€ltnisse zu beseitigen? Oder beginnt sich dieses sogar zu verkehren in eine gesellschaftliche Benachteiligung der MĂ€nner? Wir gehen bei unseren Überlegungen von der These aus, dass ein Abbau von Benachteiligungen der Frauen im Bildungssystem fĂŒr sich genommen noch wenig aussagekrĂ€ftig ist, wenn wir uns mit der klassischen soziologischen Frage der Persistenz bzw. des Wandels von gesellschaftlichen Ungleichheiten befassen wollen. Erst wenn die ganze VerknĂŒpfung von Bildung und gesellschaftlicher Ungleichheit in den Blick genommen wird und sich dabei zeigt, dass Frauen ihre Bildungsgewinne auch in entsprechende Chancen im BeschĂ€ftigungssystem umsetzen können, sind ihre verbesserten Bildungschancen ein Gewinn fĂŒr die Individuen und ein Fortschritt fĂŒr die Gesellschaft – und erst dann könnten mögliche Bildungsvorteile von Frauen, wie sie in den vorliegenden AufsĂ€tzen z.T. diagnostiziert werden, gar als neue gesellschaftliche Benachteiligungen von MĂ€nnern skandalisiert werden

    Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) – a community perspective

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    This paper is the outcome of a community initiative to identify major unsolved scientific problems in hydrology motivated by a need for stronger harmonisation of research efforts. The procedure involved a public consultation through on-line media, followed by two workshops through which a large number of potential science questions were collated, prioritised, and synthesised. In spite of the diversity of the participants (230 scientists in total), the process revealed much about community priorities and the state of our science: a preference for continuity in research questions rather than radical departures or redirections from past and current work. Questions remain focussed on process-based understanding of hydrological variability and causality at all space and time scales. Increased attention to environmental change drives a new emphasis on understanding how change propagates across interfaces within the hydrological system and across disciplinary boundaries. In particular, the expansion of the human footprint raises a new set of questions related to human interactions with nature and water cycle feedbacks in the context of complex water management problems. We hope that this reflection and synthesis of the 23 unsolved problems in hydrology will help guide research efforts for some years to come

    PALAOA: Ross Seal Presence and Calling Patterns

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    The autonomous perennial acoustic observatory in the Antarctic Ocean (PALAOA) constitutes a powerful tool to monitor the acoustic presence of marine mammals at a pristine location in the Southern Ocean. For a limited period of time, these recordings are dominated by vocalizations of the Ross seal (Ommatophoca rossii) a species considered to be the rarest and the least known of all Antarctic seals. PALAOAs acoustic data provides new information on the presence of Ross seals at the location of Atka Bay. Ross seal calls are shown to comprise of four distinct call types, which are explicitly described for the first time. Their seasonal as well as their diurnal calling patterns are presented and placed into a behavioural context. The number of vocalizing seals is estimated by using time-delays between the two recorded channels of the hydrophone array. The results provide information required for the development of automated pattern recognition for acoustic censusing, particularly when faced with analysing the PALAOA multi-year recordings

    Scanning behavior in echolocating common pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus pipistrellus).

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    Echolocating bats construct an auditory world sequentially by analyzing successive pulse-echo pairs. Many other mammals rely upon a visual world, acquired by sequential foveal fixations connected by visual gaze saccades. We investigated the scanning behavior of bats and compared it to visual scanning. We assumed that each pulse-echo pair evaluation corresponds to a foveal fixation and that sonar beam movements between pulses can be seen as acoustic gaze saccades. We used a two-dimensional 16 microphone array to determine the sonar beam direction of succeeding pulses and to characterize the three dimensional scanning behavior in the common pipistrelle bat (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) flying in the field. We also used variations of signal amplitude of single microphone recordings as indicator for scanning behavior in open space. We analyzed 33 flight sequences containing more than 700 echolocation calls to determine bat positions, source levels, and beam aiming. When searching for prey and orienting in space, bats moved their sonar beam in all directions, often alternately back and forth. They also produced sequences with irregular or no scanning movements. When approaching the array, the scanning movements were much smaller and the beam was moved over the array in small steps. Differences in the scanning pattern at various recording sites indicated that the scanning behavior depended on the echolocation task that was being performed. The scanning angles varied over a wide range and were often larger than the maximum angle measurable by our array. We found that echolocating bats use a "saccade and fixate" strategy similar to vision. Through the use of scanning movements, bats are capable of finding and exploring targets in a wide search cone centered along flight direction