9 research outputs found
NFAT5 Is Activated by Hypoxia: Role in Ischemia and Reperfusion in the Rat Kidney
The current hypothesis postulates that NFAT5 activation in the kidney's inner medulla is due to hypertonicity, resulting in cell protection. Additionally, the renal medulla is hypoxic (10–18 mmHg); however there is no information about the effect of hypoxia on NFAT5. Using in vivo and in vitro models, we evaluated the effect of reducing the partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) on NFAT5 activity. We found that 1) Anoxia increased NFAT5 expression and nuclear translocation in primary cultures of IMCD cells from rat kidney. 2) Anoxia increased transcriptional activity and nuclear translocation of NFAT5 in HEK293 cells. 3) The dose-response curve demonstrated that HIF-1α peaked at 2.5% and NFAT5 at 1% of O2. 4) At 2.5% of O2, the time-course curve of hypoxia demonstrated earlier induction of HIF-1α gene expression than NFAT5. 5) siRNA knockdown of NFAT5 increased the hypoxia-induced cell death. 6) siRNA knockdown of HIF-1α did not affect the NFAT5 induction by hypoxia. Additionally, HIF-1α was still induced by hypoxia even when NFAT5 was knocked down. 7) NFAT5 and HIF-1α expression were increased in kidney (cortex and medulla) from rats subjected to an experimental model of ischemia and reperfusion (I/R). 7) Experimental I/R increased the NFAT5-target gene aldose reductase (AR). 8) NFAT5 activators (ATM and PI3K) were induced in vitro (HEK293 cells) and in vivo (I/R kidneys) with the same timing of NFAT5. 8) Wortmannin, which inhibits ATM and PI3K, reduces hypoxia-induced NFAT5 transcriptional activation in HEK293 cells. These results demonstrate for the first time that NFAT5 is induced by hypoxia and could be a protective factor against ischemic damage
Impacto de intervención temprana a cuidadores de pacientes secuelados de un accidente cerebro vascular. Estudio piloto.
Background: Caregivers of ischemic stoke damaged patients feels during the first months after the event a lack of information on how to help their relative, affecting the sense of stress and anxiety. We made an intervention to caregivers of the stroke unit of the University of Chile Hospital, in 2008. Objective: Determine whether the intervention to caregivers of stroke damaged patients is a protective factor in their emotional state and stress on caregivers. Subjects and methods: Direct healthy caregivers were recruited with a severe impaired family member within the hospitalization period. Intervention was conducted in 4 sessions, 3 during the hospital period and 1 in his home within the first month after discharge, where the issues discussed with caregiver was self-care and patient management. To measure the intervention we evaluated before the workshop and 2 months after the last session with some standardized tests (Zarit, Caregiver Stress Index) and anxiety (Goldberg). Results: After the intervention there was a significant 20% reduction in the number of caregivers with depression (p=0.036) and 37% in the number of caregivers with anxiety (p=0.034.). There was also a significant decrease in the score of caregiver's emotional overload measured by the Zarit scale (p=0.044). Conclusions: The intervention evaluated in this pilot study appears to be an effective measure in reducing the emotional overload and anxiety of the caregiver, with an evident improvement in their mood. Introducción: Los cuidadores de personas secueladas de un Accidente Cerebro Vascular (ACV), perciben que durante los primeros meses carecen de la información necesaria sobre el proceso de su familiar, afectando sobre su estado afectivo y percepción de estrés. Objetivo: Evaluar la intervención realizada a cuidadores de pacientes secuelados de un ACV como factor protector en el estado afectivo y de carga en los cuidadores. Sujetos y métodos: Se reclutaron cuidadores directos, de personas con secuelas de ACV, según Escala de Rankin durante el período hospitalario. Se realizo un taller teórico-práctico, consistentes en 4 sesiones; 3 durante el periodo hospitalario del usuario y 1 dentro del primer mes posterior al alta, los temas tratados eran organización y distribución de la rutina, integración de rutinas de tiempo libre y relajación y manejo del paciente en el hogar. Se evalúo a los cuidadores con escalas diagnósticas de carga emocional (Zarit, Indice de Esfuerzo del Cuidador) y ansiedad (Goldberg). Resultados: Luego del taller hubo una reducción significativa de 20% en el número de cuidadores con depresión (p=0,036) y 37% en el número de cuidadores con ansiedad (p=0,034.). Asimismo hubo una disminución significativa en el puntaje de sobrecarga emocional del cuidador medido mediante la escala de Zarit (p = 0,044). Conclusiones: La intervención evaluada en el presente estudio piloto parece ser una medida que contribuye en disminuir la sobrecarga emocional y ansiedad del cuidador
Impacto de intervención temprana a cuidadores de pacientes secuelados de un accidente cerebro vascular. Estudio piloto.
Background: Caregivers of ischemic stoke damaged patients feels during the first months after the event a lack of information on how to help their relative, affecting the sense of stress and anxiety. We made an intervention to caregivers of the stroke unit of the University of Chile Hospital, in 2008. Objective: Determine whether the intervention to caregivers of stroke damaged patients is a protective factor in their emotional state and stress on caregivers. Subjects and methods: Direct healthy caregivers were recruited with a severe impaired family member within the hospitalization period. Intervention was conducted in 4 sessions, 3 during the hospital period and 1 in his home within the first month after discharge, where the issues discussed with caregiver was self-care and patient management. To measure the intervention we evaluated before the workshop and 2 months after the last session with some standardized tests (Zarit, Caregiver Stress Index) and anxiety (Goldberg). Results: After the intervention there was a significant 20% reduction in the number of caregivers with depression (p=0.036) and 37% in the number of caregivers with anxiety (p=0.034.). There was also a significant decrease in the score of caregiver's emotional overload measured by the Zarit scale (p=0.044). Conclusions: The intervention evaluated in this pilot study appears to be an effective measure in reducing the emotional overload and anxiety of the caregiver, with an evident improvement in their mood. Introducción: Los cuidadores de personas secueladas de un Accidente Cerebro Vascular (ACV), perciben que durante los primeros meses carecen de la información necesaria sobre el proceso de su familiar, afectando sobre su estado afectivo y percepción de estrés. Objetivo: Evaluar la intervención realizada a cuidadores de pacientes secuelados de un ACV como factor protector en el estado afectivo y de carga en los cuidadores. Sujetos y métodos: Se reclutaron cuidadores directos, de personas con secuelas de ACV, según Escala de Rankin durante el período hospitalario. Se realizo un taller teórico-práctico, consistentes en 4 sesiones; 3 durante el periodo hospitalario del usuario y 1 dentro del primer mes posterior al alta, los temas tratados eran organización y distribución de la rutina, integración de rutinas de tiempo libre y relajación y manejo del paciente en el hogar. Se evalúo a los cuidadores con escalas diagnósticas de carga emocional (Zarit, Indice de Esfuerzo del Cuidador) y ansiedad (Goldberg). Resultados: Luego del taller hubo una reducción significativa de 20% en el número de cuidadores con depresión (p=0,036) y 37% en el número de cuidadores con ansiedad (p=0,034.). Asimismo hubo una disminución significativa en el puntaje de sobrecarga emocional del cuidador medido mediante la escala de Zarit (p = 0,044). Conclusiones: La intervención evaluada en el presente estudio piloto parece ser una medida que contribuye en disminuir la sobrecarga emocional y ansiedad del cuidador
Underpinnings of entangled ethnical and gender inequalities in obesity in Cochabamba-Bolivia : an intersectional approach
BACKGROUND: Social inequalities in obesity have been observed not only by gender but also between ethnic groups. Evidence on combined dimensions of inequality in health, and specifically including indigenous populations, is however scarce, and presents a particularly daunting challenge for successful prevention and control of obesity in Bolivia, as well as worldwide. OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were i) to examine intersectional inequalities in obesity and ii) to identify the factors underlying the observed intersectional inequalities. METHODS: An intersectional approach study was employed, using the information collected in a cross-sectional community-based survey. The sample consisted of youth and adults with permanent residence in Cochabamba department (N = 5758), selected through a multistage sampling technique. An adapted version of the WHO-STEPS survey was used to collect information about Abdominal obesity and risk factors associated. Four intersectional positions were constructed from gender (woman vs. men) and ethnic group (indigenous vs. mestizo). Joint and excess intersectional disparities in obesity were estimated as absolute prevalence differences between binary groups, using binomial regression models. The Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition was applied to estimate the contributions of explanatory factors underlying the observed intersectional disparities, using Oaxaca command in Stata software v15.1. RESULTS: The prevalence of abdominal obesity had a higher prevalence in mestizos (men 35.01% and women 30.71%) as compared to indigenous (men 25.38% and women 27.75%). The joint disparity was estimated at 7.26 percentage points higher prevalence in the doubly advantaged mestizo men than in the doubly disadvantaged indigenous women. The gender referent disparity showed that mestizo-women had a higher prevalence than indigenous-women. The ethnic referent disparity showed that mestizo-men had a higher prevalence than indigenous men. The behavioural risk factors were the most important to explain the observed inequalities, while differences in socioeconomic and demographic factors played a less important role. CONCLUSION: Our study illustrates that abdominal obesity is not distributed according to expected patterns of structural disadvantage in the intersectional space of ethnicity and gender in Bolivia. In the Cochabamba case, a high social advantage was related to higher rates of abdominal obesity, as well as the behavioural risk factors associated with them
Urban systems of accumulation: half a century of Chilean neoliberal urban policies
We analyse a half-century of Chilean urban reforms to explain the introduction of a system of urban accumulation by dispossession of public resources and opportunities. Three stages have been conceptualised in the imposition of a neoliberal creative-destructive process: proto-neoliberalism, roll-back and roll-out periods. Empirical studies have traditionally analysed this process by examining a single urban policy's evolution over time. In this paper, we go beyond these types of studies by performing a systemic analysis of multiple urban policy reforms in Santiago, Chile. We use a genealogical thematic analysis to track changes in laws, government programmes and planning documents from between 1952 and 2014. Our analysis identifies different “urban systems of accumulation” by looking at the interplay of four urban policies: (1) urban planning deregulation; (2) social housing privatisation; (3) devolution of territorial taxes; and (4) decreased public service provision. Moreover, our multidimensional policy analysis in Santiago characterises a more radical, fourth expression in the creative destruction process of “accumulation by dismantling”. Consequently, we advocate for more multidimensional urban policy research that goes beyond a three-period analysis in order to gain a deeper understanding of contemporary neoliberal creative-destructive processes in variegated geographies
Políticas públicas
Amputación de extremidades superiores: caracterización epidemiológicaAnálisis comparado de las políticas de promoción de la salud entre Chile y CataluñaAnálisis de los Avisa para la toma de decisiones en políticas de saludAntecedentes de colelitiasis en pacientes que presentaron colecistitis aguda. ¿Se puede prevenir la urgencia?Asociación entre alcoholemia y traumatismos en Copiapó, 2009Automedicación en la población asistente al Cesfam de Puerto NatalesAutotoma vaginal para detección de VPH para la prevención de cáncer cervicouterino, ChileCalidad de atención programa Auge- cáncer cervicouterino: la perspectiva de los profesionalesCaracterización de los casos de traumatismo encéfalo craneano en la comuna de Til-TilConocimiento de conductores universitarios sobre la alcoholemia permitida para conducir y su equivalencia en bebidas alcohólicasDescripción de la consulta dermatológica pediátrica en el Hospital Roberto del Río (2007-2008)Elementos para un abordaje metodológico de la salud intercultural en la Región Metropolitana de SantiagoEstudio descriptivo de consultas Sapu Cesfam Angachilla, visión tras dos años de registro clínico-electrónicoEstudio descriptivo de ingresos a Conin Valdivia, una revisión de 10 años (1998-2008)Estudio descriptivo de pacientes hospitalizados por absceso y celulitis peritonsilar en el hospital de PurranqueEvaluación de la aceptabilidad y consumo de alimentos del Pacam inscritos en el Cesfam Dr. V.M.FEvaluación de la interacción de medicinas alternativas o complementarias (MAC) en dos centros APSExposición a humo de tabaco ambiental. Signos y síntomas respiratorios bajos: estudio de prevalenciaFactores relacionados con la rotación laboral de médicos en consultorios del Gran SantiagoFibrosis quística como patología GES: una mirada críticaHipersensibilidad dentinaria: comparación de diferentes alternativas terapéuticasImpacto del GES en cáncer mamario: seguimiento a 5 años en un hospital del SSMSImplementación de la política nacional de medicamentos: percepción del profesional químico farmacéuticoLa implementación de políticas públicas cambió mortalidad de los pacientes gran quemado en Chile¿La infertilidad debería ser considerada un problema de salud pública en el Perú?Modelo de monitoreo de una política de protección a la infanciaMortalidad materna en el Hospital Dr. Alfredo van Grieken Coro, Estado Falcón, Venezuela 2005-2009Objetivos de desarrollo del milenio. Modelación de la mortalidad infantil Nicaragua - Costa Rica 1978-2008Percepción de riesgo y beneficio respecto del cigarrillo y su relación con el tabaquismo adolescentePolíticas públicas y salud intercultural: la experiencia de la organización indígena Taiñ adkimnPrevalencia de atipias celulares del cuello uterino en mujeres entre 18 y 24 añosProceso de ser histerectomizada: relatos de experiencias de mujeres en un hospital público de SantiagoProceso de ser histerectomizada: relatos de experiencias de mujeres en un hospital público de SantiagoPrograma Auge y cáncer cervicouterino: calidad de atención percibida por las usuarias del programaResolución quirúrgica por patología adenoamigdalina: ¿Es la población mapuche un grupo de riesgo?Resultados de alcoholemias tanatológicas del Servicio Médico Legal de Copiapó 1999-2009Resultados de la evaluación de los objetivos sanitarios de la década 2000-2010Una mirada a los servicios de salud para adolescentes en Puente Alt