55 research outputs found

    Inzulinrezisztencia és következményei gyermek- és serdülőkorban

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    Számos adat igazolja, hogy az inzulinrezisztencia gyakori jelenség gyermek- és serdülőkorban, és szoros kapcsolatban áll a cardiovascularis kockázat növekedésével, ami miatt a kérdéskörre az életnek ebben a korai szakaszában is kiemelt figyelmet kell fordítani. Ma már egyre több ismerettel rendelkezünk a kockázati tényezőket illetően, nincs azonban egységes álláspont az inzulinrezisztencia meghatározására vonatkozóan a klinikai gyakorlatban, és nem rendelkezünk megfelelő laboratóriumi markerekkel, melyek segítségével a veszélyeztetetteket széles körben eredményesen lehetne azonosítani. Mindezek alapján a laboratóriumi módszerrel történő szűrés ebben az életkorban nem indokolt, azon-ban a társuló és következményes kórállapotok klinikai alapon történő felismerésére törekedni kell. A cardiovascularis kockázat megelőzésére irányuló életmódbeli prevenció hatásos az inzulinrezisztencia csökkentésében, a gyakorlatban azonban kivitelezése és eredményessége korlátozott. A gyógyszeres intervenció jelenleg ebben az életkorban csak egyes szelektált esetekben kerülhet alkalmazásra. További klinikai kutatásokra van szükség az inzulinrezisztencia mé-rése, az életmódbeli és gyógyszeres intervenciós lehetőségek területén annak érdekében, hogy sikeres stratégiák le-gyenek kialakíthatók a cardiovascularis halálozás megelőzése, csökkentése érdekébe

    Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis:Roma Children Seem to Run More Risk than Non-Roma

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    Background: Ethnic information regarding juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) exists for various populations across the world but is fully lacking for Roma. We assessed the occurrence and clinical characteristics of JIA in Roma vs. non-Roma children. Methods: We obtained data on all outpatients (n = 142) from a paediatric rheumatology centre (age 3 to 18 years) in the eastern part of Slovakia (Kosice region). We assessed patients’ age, gender, disease type and related extra-articular conditions by ethnicity. We obtained population data from the 2011 census. Results: The share of Roma children was higher in the clinical JIA sample than in the overall population (24.6%, n = 35, Roma in the sample vs. 10.8%, n = 142, Roma in the population, p < 0.05). Moreover, Roma children had been diagnosed more frequently with extra-articular conditions but did not differ in other symptoms. Treatments also did not differ by ethnicity. Conclusion: Roma children had been diagnosed more with JIA than their non-Roma peers. This calls for further research on the causes of this increased disease burden in Roma children

    ‘Browning’ the cardiac and peri-vascular adipose tissues to modulate cardiovascular risk

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    Excess visceral adiposity, in particular that located adjacent to the heart and coronary arteries is associated with increased cardiovascular risk. In the pathophysiological state, dysfunctional adipose tissue secretes an array of factors modulating vascular function and driving atherogenesis. Conversely, brown and beige adipose tissues utilise glucose and lipids to generate heat and are associated with improved cardiometabolic health. The cardiac and thoracic perivascular adipose tissues are now understood to be composed of brown adipose tissue in the healthy state and undergo a brown-to-white transition i.e. during obesity which may be a driving factor of cardiovascular disease. In this review we discuss the risks of excess cardiac and vascular adiposity and potential mechanisms by which restoring the brown phenotype i.e. “re-browning” could potentially be achieved in clinically relevant populations

    Pesticide Residues and Their Metabolites in Grapes and Wines from Conventional and Organic Farming System

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    In this study, the occurrence of pesticide residues and their metabolites in grapes and wines was investigated. A targeted analysis of 406 pesticide residues in 49 wine and grape samples from organic and conventional production were performed using the QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe) extraction method, followed by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. Multiple residues (>4 residues/sample) were detected in 22 tested samples. The most commonly detected residues were fungicides (e.g., boscalid) and insecticides (e.g., methoxyfenozide). An ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–high resolution mass spectrometry method (UHPLC–(HR)MS) was used for screening of pesticide metabolites. We also provide a method and database for detecting pesticide metabolites (extending our previously published database to 49 metabolites originating from 25 pesticides). An introduced strategy of targeted screening of pesticide metabolites was applied for authentication of 27 organic grapes and wines. In total, 23 samples were free of quantifiable residues/detected metabolites or contained residues approved for organic production