10 research outputs found

    It did happen here: recollections of political repression in America

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    In this moving book, two skilled oral historians collect the words of Americans who have been victims of political repression in their own country. Disturbing and provocative, It Did Happen Here is must-reading for everyone who cares about protecting the rights and liberties upon which this country has been built

    August Wilhelm Hofmann: "Regierender Oberchemiker"

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    Vor 125 Jahren, am 11. November 1867, hat sich die Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft zu Berlin konstitutiert. Von ihren GrĂŒndern dazu bestimmt, reine und angewandte Chemie zusammenzufĂŒhren, um eine neue QualitĂ€t der Zusammenarbeit von Hochschulforschung und Chemischer Industrie zu erreichen, sollte die Gesellschaft rasch zum wichtigsten Forum der deutschen und darĂŒber hinaus der europĂ€ischen Chemie werden. Dieses Programm trug die Handschrift eines einzigen Mannes: die ihres GrĂŒndungsprĂ€sidenten August Wilhelm Hofmann, der vor 100 Jahren starb. FĂŒr die Zeitgenossen war Hofmann die Verkörperung eines neuen Typus von Hochschulchemiker, und nie wieder hat sich der Berufsstand der Chemiker so im Vollbesitz von Ansehen und Zukunft gefĂŒhlt wie zu seiner Zeit. Schon damals hat man sein Bild ins Monumentale gesteigert, und noch heute ist es aus der Ahnengalerie der Chemie nicht fortzudenken. – Jahrestage geben Anlaß, die Vergangenheit und damit uns selbst in den Blick zu nehmen. Sind wir doch Erben jener Epoche, der die Moderne ihr Profil verdankt. Mit den Fragen der Gegenwart wollen wir uns einem der BegrĂŒnder der modernen Chemie nĂ€hern. Es gilt aber zugleich, eine Zeit zu verstehen, die, unter dem Mantel von ProsperitĂ€t und Fortschrittsgewißheit, so widersprĂŒchlich war wie die unsere – eine Zeit, die um ein neues VerstĂ€ndnis der Rolle von Naturwissenschaft im Industriezeitalter rang

    The behaviour and welfare of buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) in modern dairy enterprises

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    This review deals with the behaviour of river buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis), in confinement and in extensive conditions, also focusing on the effects of different housing and rearing conditions on their welfare. The behavioural repertoire expressed by buffaloes in extensive and intensive conditions is similar to those displayed by other domestic ruminants. However, through natural selection, buffaloes have also acquired several morphological, physiological and behavioural (i.e. wallowing) adaptations to hot climatic conditions. Buffaloes kept in intensive conditions and having no access to pasture and water for wallowing extend their periods of idling and are less often involved in investigative activities. Confinement is also associated with a reduction of space; however, no specific studies have been carried out to determine the specific requirements of this species. Space restriction can adversely affect various aspects of buffalo welfare, such as health (increased levels of lesions and injuries), social behaviour (increased number of agonistic interactions) and heat dissipation. The buffaloes, originating from tropical areas, are well adapted to large variations in food availability and quality, and to dietetic unbalances. As to human animal relationship, it has been observed that the incidence of stepping and kicking behaviour of buffaloes in the milking parlour is positively correlated with the frequency of oxytocin injections, whereas the frequency of positive stockperson interactions with the animals such as talking quietly, petting and gentle touching are negatively correlated with the number of kicks during milking. Data from farms where both dairy cattle and buffaloes are present show that avoidance distance measured in the pen is lower in buffaloes than in cattle. This may be attributed to the fact that buffaloes are generally recognised to be curious animals. Finally, the effects of different farming practices on animal-related indicators are described. However, these measures should be integrated into a monitoring protocol, such as the Welfare QualityR scheme, to reliably assess buffalo welfare in the current intensive farming conditions

    Teaching the classics radically: Developing non‐canonical readings of canonical texts

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