587 research outputs found
Mise en oeuvre du programme national VIH/sida de 1999 à 2000: état des activités en 1999 dans les différents domaines sous les angles de la couverture et de la durabilité
Le présent rapport décrit la situation en 1999 des activités dans le domaine VIH/sida en Suisse, au moment du début de la mise en oeuvre du nouveau programme national VIH/sida de 1999 à 2003. Ses objectifs sont les suivants: - décrire les principales dimensions de la situation d'ensemble au niveau national de chacun des 18 domaines considérés: instances assumant la responsabilité générale du domaine, acteurs et activités développées, couverture assurée par ces activités, financement et durabilité des activités, appréciation de la situation par les acteurs; (...) La récolte des données utilisées a consisté en une recension des activités entreprises dans les cantons dans le domaine VIH/sida, effectuée à l'aide d'un questionnaire... [Auteurs, p. 5]
[Table des matières] 1. Méthodes. 1.1. Construction du questionnaire. 2. Situation dans les domaines. 2.1. Prévention sida en milieu scolaire (tous les niveaux, yc apprentissage) et pour les jeunes hors du système de formation. 2.2. Population générale, femmes et hommes hétérosexuels. 2.3. Prévention sida spécifiques selon le genre pour les femmes ou les hommes hétérosexuel(le)s / adultes (sauf HSH). 2.4. Hommes avec rapports sexuels avec des hommes (HSH). 2.5. Migrant(e)s (Populations étrangères en Suisse). 2.6. Prévention sida pour les personnes en prison : information et conseil, VIH, distribution de matériel d'injection et de désinfection, de préservatifs, etc. 2.7. Voyageurs. 2.9. Prostitution. 2.10. Toxicomanes : matériel d'injection stérile, préservatifs. 2.11. Prévention des risques professionnels. 2.12. Test de dépistage du VIH. 2.13. Prophylaxie post exposition VIH (PEP). 3. Conclusions générales. 3.1. Types de problèmes. 3.2. Définition des rôles respectifs du niveau national et du niveau régional. 5. Questionnaire sur l'état des activités dans le domaine VIH/sida en Suisse = Fragebogen zum Stand der Aktivitäten im Bereich HIV/AIDS in der Schweiz
Sleep-dependent motor memory consolidation in healthy adults: A meta-analysis
It is widely accepted that sleep better facilitates the consolidation of motor memories than does a corresponding wake interval (King et al., 2017). However, no in-depth analysis of the various motor tasks and their relative sleep gain has been conducted so far. Therefore, the present meta-analysis considered 48 studies with a total of 53 sleep (n = 829) and 53 wake (n = 825) groups. An overall comparison between all sleep and wake groups resulted in a small effect for the relative sleep gain in motor memory consolidation (g = 0.43). While no subgroup differences were identified for differing designs, a small effect for the finger tapping task (g = 0.47) and a medium effect for the mirror tracing task (g = 0.62) were found. In summary, the meta-analysis substantiates that sleep generally benefits the consolidation of motor memories. However, to further our understanding of the mechanisms underlying this effect, examining certain task dimensions and their relative sleep gain would be a promising direction for future research
Towards Transiently Secure Updates in Asynchronous SDNs
© ACM 2016. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on ACM SIGCOMM 2016 Conference - SIGCOMM ’16, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2934872.2959083.Software-Defined Networks (SDNs) promise to overcome the often complex and error-prone operation of tradi- tional computer networks, by enabling programmabil- ity, automation and verifiability. Yet, SDNs also in- troduce new challenges, for example due to the asyn- chronous communication channel between the logically centralized control platform and the switches in the data plane. In particular, the asynchronous commu- nication of network update commands (e.g., OpenFlow FlowMod messages) may lead to transient inconsisten- cies, such as loops or bypassed waypoints (e.g., fire- walls). One approach to ensure transient consistency even in asynchronous environments is to employ smart scheduling algorithms: algorithms which update subsets of switches in each communication round only, where each subset in itself guarantees consistency. In this demo, we show how to change routing policies in a transiently consistent manner. We demonstrate two al- gorithms, namely, Wayup [5] and Peacock [4], which partition the network updates sent from SDN controller towards OpenFlow software switches into multiple rounds as per respective algorithms. Later, the barrier mes- sages are utilized to ensure reliable network updates.EC/FP7/619609/EU/Unifying Cloud and Carrier Networks/UNIF
A morphological evaluation of botulinum neurotoxin A injections into the detrusor muscle using magnetic resonance imaging
Objectives: Although botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT/A) intradetrusor injections are a recommended therapy for neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO), refractory to antimuscarinic drugs, a standardisation of injection technique is missing. Furthermore, some basic questions are still unanswered, as where the toxin solution exactly spreads after injection. Therefore, we investigated the distribution of the toxin solution after injection into the bladder wall, using magnet resonance imaging (MRI). Methods: Six patients with NDO were recruited. Three of six patients received 300U of BoNT/A+contrast agent distributed over 30 injection sites (group 1). The other three patients received 300U of BoNT/A+contrast agent distributed over 10 injection sites (group 2). Immediately after injection, MRI of the pelvis was performed. The volume of the detrusor and the total volume of contrast medium inside and outside the bladder wall were calculated. Results: In all patients, a small volume (mean 17.6%) was found at the lateral aspects of the bladder dome in the extraperitoneal fat tissue, whereas 82.4% of the injected volume reached the target area (detrusor). In both groups there was a similar distribution of the contrast medium in the target area. A mean of 33.3 and 25.3% of the total detrusor volume was covered in group 1 and 2, respectively. Six weeks after injection, five of six patients were continent and showed no detrusor overactivity in the urodynamic follow-up. No systemic side effects were observed. Conclusions: Our results provide morphological arguments that the currently used injection techniques are appropriate and saf
In vitro blood sample assessment: investigating correlation of laboratory hemoglobin and spectral properties of dual-energy CT measurements (ρ/Z)
Our study comprised a single-center retrospective in vitro correlation between spectral properties, namely ρ/Z values, derived from scanning blood samples using dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) with the corresponding laboratory hemoglobin/hematocrit (Hb/Hct) levels and assessed the potential in anemia-detection.
DECT of 813 patient blood samples from 465 women and 348 men was conducted using a standardized scan protocol. Electron density relative to water (ρ or rho), effective atomic number (Z), and CT attenuation (Hounsfield unit) were measured.
Positive correlation with the Hb/Hct was shown for ρ (r-values 0.37–0.49) and attenuation (r-values 0.59–0.83) while no correlation was observed for Z (r-values −0.04 to 0.08). Significant differences in attenuation and ρ values were detected for blood samples with and without anemia in both genders (p value < 0.001) with area under the curve ranging from 0.7 to 0.95. Depending on the respective CT parameters, various cutoff values for CT-based anemia detection could be determined.
In summary, our study investigated the correlation between DECT measurements and Hb/Hct levels, emphasizing novel aspects of ρ and Z values. Assuming that quantitative changes in the number of hemoglobin proteins might alter the mean Z values, the results of our study show that there is no measurable correlation on the atomic level using DECT. We established a positive in vitro correlation between Hb/Hct values and ρ. Nevertheless, attenuation emerged as the most strongly correlated parameter with identifiable cutoff values, highlighting its preference for CT-based anemia detection.
Clinical relevance statement:
By scanning multiple blood samples with dual-energy CT scans and comparing the measurements with standard laboratory blood tests, we were able to underscore the potential of CT-based anemia detection and its advantages in clinical practice.
Key Points:
° Prior in vivo studies have found a correlation between aortic blood pool and measured hemoglobin and hematocrit.
° Hemoglobin and hematocrit correlated with electron density relative to water and attenuation but not Z.
° Dual-energy CT has the potential for additional clinical benefits, such as CT-based anemia detection
Comparative Effects of Methylphenidate, Modafinil, and MDMA on Response Inhibition Neural Networks in Healthy Subjects
Psychostimulants such as methylphenidate and modafinil are increasingly used by healthy people for cognitive enhancement purposes, whereas the acute effect of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy) on cognitive functioning in healthy subjects remains unclear. This study directly compared the acute effects of methylphenidate, modafinil, and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on the neural mechanisms underlying response inhibition in healthy subjects.; Using a double-blind, within-subject, placebo-controlled, cross-over design, methylphenidate, modafinil, and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine were administrated to 21 healthy subjects while performing a go/no-go event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging task to assess brain activation during motor response inhibition.; Relative to placebo, methylphenidate and modafinil but not 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine improved inhibitory performance. Methylphenidate significantly increased activation in the right middle frontal gyrus, middle/superior temporal gyrus, inferior parietal lobule, presupplementary motor area, and anterior cingulate cortex compared with placebo. Methylphenidate also induced significantly higher activation in the anterior cingulate cortex and presupplementary motor area and relative to modafinil. Relative to placebo, modafinil significantly increased activation in the right middle frontal gyrus and superior/inferior parietal lobule, while 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine significantly increased activation in the right middle/inferior frontal gyrus and superior parietal lobule.; Direct comparison of methylphenidate, modafinil, and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine revealed broad recruitment of fronto-parietal regions but specific effects of methylphenidate on middle/superior temporal gyrus, anterior cingulate cortex, and presupplementary motor area activation, suggesting dissociable modulations of response inhibition networks and potentially the superiority of methylphenidate in the enhancement of cognitive performance in healthy subjects
Strongly induced collapse in the Class 0 protostar NGC 1333 IRAS 4A
The onset of gravitational collapse in cluster-forming clouds is still poorly
known. Our goal is to use the Class 0 protostar IRAS 4A, which is undergoing
collapse in the active molecular cloud NGC 1333, to set constraints on this
process. In particular we want to measure the mass infall rate and investigate
whether the collapse could have been triggered by a strong external
perturbation. We analyze existing continuum observations to derive the density
structure of the envelope, and use our new molecular line observations done
with the IRAM 30m telescope to probe its velocity structure. We perform a
detailed comparison of this set of data with a numerical model of collapse
triggered by a fast external compression. Both the density and velocity
structures of the envelope can be well fitted by this model of collapse induced
by a fast external compression for a time elapsed since point mass formation of
1-2 x 10**4 yr. We deduce a large mass infall rate of 0.7-2 x 10**-4 Msun/yr.
The momentum required for the perturbation to produce this large mass infall
rate is of the same order as the momenta measured for the NGC 1333 numerous
outflows. Our analysis shows also that the turbulence is highly non uniform in
the envelope, dropping from supersonic to subsonic values toward the center.
The inner subsonic turbulence is most likely a relic of the conditions
prevailing in the dense core before the onset of collapse. The vigorous
collapse undergone by IRAS 4A was triggered by a fast external compression,
probably related to the expansion of a nearby cavity, which could have
triggered the collapse of the nearby Class 0 protostar IRAS 4B simultaneously.
This cavity could have been generated by an outflow but we have not found a
good protostellar candidate yet.Comment: Accepted by A&A. 12 pages, 10 figure
FLOWERING LOCUS T paralogs control the annual growth cycle in Populus trees
In temperate and boreal regions, perennials adapt their annual growth cycle to the change of seasons. These adaptations ensure survival in harsh environmental conditions, allowing growth at different latitudes and altitudes, and are therefore tightly regulated. Populus tree species cease growth and form terminal buds in autumn when photoperiod falls below a certain threshold.(1) This is followed by establishment of dormancy and cold hardiness over the winter. At the center of the photoperiodic pathway in Populus is the gene FLOWERING LOCUS T2 (FT2), which is expressed during summer and harbors significant SNPs in its locus associated with timing of bud set.(1-4) The paralogous gene FT1, on the other hand, is hyper-induced in chilling buds during winter.(3,5) Even though its function is so far unknown, it has been suggested to be involved in the regulation of flowering and the release of winter dormancy(.3,5). In this study, we employ CRISPR-Cas9-mediated gene editing to individually study the function of the FT-like genes in Populus trees. We show that while FT2 is required for vegetative growth during spring and summer and regulates the entry into dormancy, expression of FT1 is absolutely required for bud flush in spring. Gene expression profiling suggests that this function of FT1 is linked to the release of winter dormancy rather than to the regulation of bud flush per se. These data show how FT duplication and sub-functionalization have allowed Populus trees to regulate two completely different and major developmental control points during the yearly growth cycle
Reduction of airspace after lung resection through controlled paralysis of the diaphragm
Objectives: Residual airspace following thoracic resections is a common clinical problem. Persistent air leak, prolonged drainage time, and reduced hemostasis extend hospital stay and morbidity. We report a trial of pharmacologic-induced diaphragmatic paralysis through continuous paraphrenic injection of lidocaine to reduced residual airspace. The objectives were confirmation of diaphragmatic paralysis and possible procedure related complications. Methods: Six eligible patients undergoing resectional surgery (lobectomy or bilobectomy) were included. Inclusion criteria consisted of: postoperative predicted FEV1 greater than 1300ml, right-sided resection, absence of parenchymal lung disease, no class III antiarrhythmic therapy, absence of hypersensitivity reactions to lidocaine, no signs of infection, and informed consent. Upon completion of resection an epidural catheter was attached in the periphrenic tissue on the proximal pericardial surface, externalized through a separate parasternal incision, and connected to a perfusing system injecting lidocaine 1% at a rate of 3ml/h (30mg/h). Postoperative ICU surveillance for 24h and daily measurement of vital signs, drainage output, and bedside spirometry were performed. Within 48h fluoroscopic confirmation of diaphragmatic paralysis was obtained. The catheter removal coincided with the chest tube removal when no procedural related complications occurred. Results: None of the patients reported respiratory impairment. Diaphragmatic paralysis was documented in all patients. Upon removal of catheter or discontinuation of lidocaine prompt return of diaphragmatic motility was noticed. Two patients showed postoperative hemodynamic irrelevant atrial fibrillation. Conclusion: Postoperative paraphrenic catheter administration of lidocaine to ensure reversible diaphragmatic paralysis is safe and reproducible. Further studies have to assess a benefit in terms of reduction in morbidity, drainage time, and hospital stay, and determine the patients who will profi
Sub-wavelength grating mode transformers in silicon slab waveguides.
We report on several new types of sub-wavelength grating (SWG) gradient index structures for efficient mode coupling in high index contrast slab waveguides. Using a SWG, an adiabatic transition is achieved at the interface between silicon-on-insulator waveguides of different geometries. The SWG transition region minimizes both fundamental mode mismatch loss and coupling to higher order modes. By creating the gradient effective index region in the direction of propagation, we demonstrate that efficient vertical mode transformation can be achieved between slab waveguides of different core thickness. The structures which we propose can be fabricated by a single etch step. Using 3D finite-difference time-domain simulations we study the loss, polarization dependence and the higher order mode excitation for two types (triangular and triangular-transverse) of SWG transition regions between silicon-on-insulator slab waveguides of different core thicknesses. We demonstrate two solutions to reduce the polarization dependent loss of these structures. Finally, we propose an implementation of SWG structures to reduce loss and higher order mode excitation between a slab waveguide and a phase array of an array waveguide grating (AWG). Compared to a conventional AWG, the loss is reduced from -1.4 dB to < -0.2 dB at the slab-array interface
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