296 research outputs found

    Los riesgos tras la deportación para los solicitantes de asilo fallidos

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    ¿Qué les sucede a las personas deportadas después de que sus solicitudes de asilo se rechacen? Pese a que muchas son deportadas aun cuando eso les pondrá en peligro desde el momento en que lleguen a su país de origen escasean los procesos de seguimiento y supervisión de los resultados de las deportaciones

    Case Report: Characterizing the Role of the STXBP2-R190C Monoallelic Mutation Found in a Patient With Hemophagocytic Syndrome and Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

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    Histiocitosi de cèl·lules de Langerhans; Desgranulació; Exocitosi de grànuls líticsHistiocitosis de células de Langerhans; Desgranulación; Exocitosis de gránulos líticosLangerhans-cell-histiocytosis; Degranulation; Lytic granule exocytosisHemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a life-threatening hyperinflammatory disorder. HLH can be considered as a threshold disease depending on the trigger and the residual NK-cell cytotoxicity. In this study, we analyzed the molecular and functional impact of a novel monoallelic mutation found in a patient with two episodes of HLH. A 9-month-old child was diagnosed at 2 months of age with cutaneous Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH). After successful treatment, the patient developed an HLH episode. At 16 month of age, the patient went through an HSCT losing the engraftment 5 months later concomitant with an HLH relapse. The genetic study revealed a monoallelic mutation in the STXBP2 gene (.pArg190Cys). We transfected COS7 cells to analyze the STXBP2-R190C expression and to test the interaction with STX11. We used the RBL-2H3 cell line expressing STXBP2-WT-EGFP or R190C-EGFP for degranulation assays. Mutation STXBP2-R190C did not affect protein expression or interaction with syntaxin-11. However, we have demonstrated that STXBP2-R190C mutation diminishes degranulation in the RBL-2H3 cell line compared with the RBL-2H3 cell line transfected with STXBP2-WT or nontransfected. These results suggest that STXBP2-R190C mutation acts as a modifier of the degranulation process producing a decrease in degranulation. Therefore, under homeostatic conditions, the presence of one copy of STXBP2-R190 could generate sufficient degranulation capacity. However, it is likely that early in life when adaptive immune system functions are not sufficiently developed, an infection may not be resolved with this genetic background, leading to a hyperinflammation syndrome and eventually develop HLH. This analysis highlights the need for functional testing of new mutations to validate their role in genetic susceptibility and to establish the best possible treatment for these patients.This work was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, grants PI17/00660 and PI18/00346, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

    Gntb-A, a Novel Sh2d1a-Associated Surface Molecule Contributing to the Inability of Natural Killer Cells to Kill Epstein-Barr Virus–Infected B Cells in X-Linked Lymphoproliferative Disease

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    In humans, natural killer (NK) cell function is regulated by a series of receptors and coreceptors with either triggering or inhibitory activity. Here we describe a novel 60-kD glycoprotein, termed NTB-A, that is expressed by all human NK, T, and B lymphocytes. Monoclonal antibody (mAb)-mediated cross-linking of NTB-A results in the induction of NK-mediated cytotoxicity. Similar to 2B4 (CD244) functioning as a coreceptor in the NK cell activation, NTB-A also triggers cytolytic activity only in NK cells expressing high surface densities of natural cytotoxicity receptors. This suggests that also NTB-A may function as a coreceptor in the process of NK cell activation. Molecular cloning of the cDNA coding for NTB-A molecule revealed a novel member of the immunoglobulin superfamily belonging to the CD2 subfamily. NTB-A is characterized, in its extracellular portion, by a distal V-type and a proximal C2-type domain and by a cytoplasmic portion containing three tyrosine-based motifs. NTB-A undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation and associates with the Src homology 2 domain–containing protein (SH2D1A) as well as with SH2 domain–containing phosphatases (SHPs). Importantly, analysis of NK cells derived from patients with X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XLP) showed that the lack of SH2D1A protein profoundly affects the function not only of 2B4 but also of NTB-A. Thus, in XLP-NK cells, NTB-A mediates inhibitory rather than activating signals. These inhibitory signals are induced by the interaction of NTB-A with still undefined ligands expressed on Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-infected target cells. Moreover, mAb-mediated masking of NTB-A can partially revert this inhibitory effect while a maximal recovery of target cell lysis can be obtained when both 2B4 and NTB-A are simultaneously masked. Thus, the altered function of NTB-A appears to play an important role in the inability of XLP-NK cells to kill EBV-infected target cells

    Stereodynamics Study of the Reaction of O(3P) with CH4 (v = 0, j = 0)

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    A new London-Eyring-Polanyi-Sato (LEPS) potential energy surface (PES) is used in the O + CH4 → OH + CH3 reaction via the quasiclassical trajectory method (QCT). Comparing with the experiments and the former ab initio calculations, the new LEPS PES describes the actual potential energy surface of the O + CH4 reaction successfully. The four polarization dependent “generalized” differential cross sections (PDDCS) are presented in the center of mass frame. In the meantime, the distribution of dihedral angle [P(φr), the distribution of angle between k and j′ (P(θr)] and the angular distribution of product rotational vectors in the form of polar plots in θr and φr (P(θr, φr) are calculated. The isotope effect for the reactions O + CD4 is also calculated. These results are in good agreement with the experiments

    Planta de producción de acrilonitrilo

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    El proyecto realizado, se basa en la producción de acrilonitrilo mediante el proceso Sohio. El proceso consiste en la amonoxidación catalítica del propileno, mediante un catalizador de óxidos de metales tales como vanadio y molibdeno. Junto al acrilonitrilo se obtienen como subproductos sulfato de amonio, cianuro de hidrógeno y acetonitrilo "bruto". Éste último es utilizado como materia prima por otras industrias. Para lograr el objetivo del proyecto, se requiere de un reactor catalítico de tipo lecho fluidizado de grandes dimensiones y por ello, se opta por duplicarlo. También se requiere un cristalizador, para la obtención de la sal de amonio, y además un conjunto de 9 columnas de separación, de las cuales dos son de absorción, cinco de rectificación convencionales y dos de rectificación especiales. Estas dos últimas columnas, son necesarias para la ruptura de los azeótropos resultantes de la interacción acrilonitriloagua y acrilonitrilo-agua, respectivamente (se tiene en una de las dos columnas, una mezcla ternaria acrilonitrilo-acetonitrilo-agua). Debido a la naturaleza de los compuestos manipulados, es estrictamente necesario disponer de unas medias de seguridad especiales en toda la planta, así como en el parque de tanques. Además, hace falta destacar que el proceso, requiere un sistema de control de notable envergadura, (alrededor de 300 señales analógicas y digitales), debido a la complejidad del tren de purificación. En el proceso se intenta optimizar, tanto el consumo de recursos (reutilización del agua generada en el reactor para su uso como absorbente en las unidades de Quench y absorción), como el consumo energético (aprovechamiento de flujos calientes para precalentar otros fríos, generación de vapor en el reactor y a lo largo del proceso con corrientes que requieren de enfriamiento de caudales elevados a altas temperaturas, generación de electricidad con una turbina de cogeneración…). A pesar de esto, no se consiguen beneficios económicos, considerándolo así económicamente inviable. Este ha sido el resultado del estudio del flujo de caja de cada año que siempre ha resultado negativo debido a los elevados costes de producción. Finalmente, se proponen posibles mejoras para hacer viable el proceso. Algunas de estas son: cambiar la materia prima por otra de menor coste (propano en vez de propileno), cambiar el catalizador por uno de conversión mayor, minimizar los costes de tratamiento de residuos reduciendo así los gastos de nueva materia prima, u optimizar el proceso incrementado el precio del inmovilizado para disminuir el coste de producción

    Review of OCS gas-phase reactions in dark cloud chemical models

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    The association reaction S + CO {\to} OCS + hnu has been identified as being particularly important for the prediction of gas-phase OCS abundances by chemical models of dark clouds. We performed detailed ab-initio calculations for this process in addition to undertaking an extensive review of the neutral-neutral reactions involving this species which might be important in such environments. The rate constant for this association reaction was estimated to be several orders of magnitude smaller than the one present in current astrochemical databases. The new rate for this reaction and the introduction of other processes, notably OH + CS {\to} OCS + H and C + OCS {\to} CO + CS, dramatically changes the OCS gas-phase abundance predicted by chemical models for dark clouds. The disagreement with observations in TMC-1 (CP) and L134N (N), suggests that OCS may be formed on grain surfaces as is the case for methanol. The observation of solid OCS on interstellar ices supports this hypothesis.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Solution Structure of Tensin2 SH2 Domain and Its Phosphotyrosine-Independent Interaction with DLC-1

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    Background: Src homology 2 (SH2) domain is a conserved module involved in various biological processes. Tensin family member was reported to be involved in tumor suppression by interacting with DLC-1 (deleted-in-liver-cancer-1) via its SH2 domain. We explore here the important questions that what the structure of tensin2 SH2 domain is, and how it binds to DLC-1, which might reveal a novel binding mode. Principal Findings: Tensin2 SH2 domain adopts a conserved SH2 fold that mainly consists of five b-strands flanked by two a-helices. Most SH2 domains recognize phosphorylated ligands specifically. However, tensin2 SH2 domain was identified to interact with nonphosphorylated ligand (DLC-1) as well as phosphorylated ligand. Conclusions: We determined the solution structure of tensin2 SH2 domain using NMR spectroscopy, and revealed the interactions between tensin2 SH2 domain and its ligands in a phosphotyrosine-independent manner

    X-Linked Lymphoproliferative Disease Type 1: A Clinical and Molecular Perspective

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    X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XLP) was first described in the 1970s as a fatal lymphoproliferative syndrome associated with infection with Epstein–Barr virus (EBV). Features include hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), lymphomas, and dysgammaglobulinemias. Molecular cloning of the causative gene, SH2D1A, has provided insight into the nature of disease, as well as helped characterize multiple features of normal immune cell function. Although XLP type 1 (XLP1) provides an example of a primary immunodeficiency in which patients have problems clearing primarily one infectious agent, it is clear that XLP1 is also a disease of severe immune dysregulation, even independent of EBV infection. Here, we describe clinical features of XLP1, how molecular and biological studies of the gene product, SAP, and the associated signaling lymphocyte activation molecule family receptors have provided insight into disease pathogenesis including specific immune cell defects, and current therapeutic approaches including the potential use of gene therapy. Together, these studies have helped change the outcome of this once almost uniformly fatal disease