8 research outputs found

    Complications of Hyperthyroidism

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    The Effects of Heat Stress on Haematological Parameters in Production Department of Food Industry Employees

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    Objective: Haematological to investigate the effects of heat stress on some haematological parameters among food industry employees working in the production department. Method: The ambispective, single-centre, case-control study was conducted from December 1, 2016, to June 6, 2018, at Istanbul Gedik University and the Okan University, Istanbul, which is part of the Marmara region of Turkey. The study comprised subjects of either gender aged 22-57 years. Those working in the food industry were the cases in group A, while healthy controls formed group B. Within group A, subjects who were office workers formed subgroup A1, while those in the production department working in the heat treatment areas exposed to high temperatures formed subgroup A2. Heat stress in the environment was evaluated using the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature index. Peripheral blood haemoglobin and platelet levels, neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio and platelet-lymphocyte ratio were compared between the cases and the controls. Data was analysed using SPSS 22. Results: Of the 257 subjects, 139(54.1%) were women and 118 45.9%) were men. The overall mean age was 35.07±7.32. There were 143(55.6%) subjects in group A and 114(44.4%) in group B. Within group A, 19(13.3%) subjects were in subgroup A1 and 124(86.7%) in subgroup A2. The mean working duration for group A was 9.95±4.37 years (range: 5-24 years with).  Haemoglobin and platelet levels were significantly lower and the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio was significantly higher in subgroup A2 compared to those in subgroup A1 and group B (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in terms of platelet-lymphocyte ratio (p=0.486). Conclusion: Differences in haematological parameters were significantly different in individuals who worked in the production department and were exposed to heat stress compared to those who did not. Key Words: Haematological parameters, Heat stress, Food industry, Production department, Occupational health

    Czy istnieje związek między średnią objętością płytek krwi a zaawansowaniem choroby wieńcowej?

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    Background: Platelet activation and aggregation play key roles both in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and in the developmentof acute thrombotic events. Platelet volume is a marker of platelet activation and function, and is measured usingmean platelet volume (MPV).Aim: To determine the relationship between MPV and angiographic Gensini and SYNTAX scores, which give information about the severity and complexity of coronary artery disease (CAD).Methods: This study included 435 consecutive patients undergoing elective coronary angiography. The complete blood countand biochemical examination of blood were obtained after 12 h of fasting. The independent association between MPV andthe severity of CAD was statistically evaluated using PASW Statistics 18 for Windows.Results: Mean age of the study population was 58.4 ± 9.3 years, of whom 196 were female (45.1%) and 239 male (54.9%). Of the patients, 63.2% had CAD, 31.7% had diabetes mellitus, 61.8% had hypertension, 56.6% had hyperlipidaemia, and 38.6% were smokers. Mean Gensini score was 20.7 ± 31.1. According to Gensini scores, 160 of the patients (36.8%) hadnormal coronary arteries (Gensini score: 0), 134 of the patients (30.8%) had minimal CAD (Gensini score: 1–19), and 141 ofthem (32.4%) had severe CAD (Gensini score ≥ 20). Mean MPV values were 8.4 ± 1.0 fL in the group that had no CAD,8.7 ± 1.0 fL in the group with minimal CAD, and 9.3 ± 1.5 fL in the group with severe CAD. According to Spearman correlationanalysis, the positive relationship found between MPV and Gensini score was statistically significant (p &lt; 0.001,r = 0.290). Likewise, SYNTAX score was also associated with MPV (p &lt; 0.001, r = 0.504).Conclusions: We determined a positive correlation between MPV and Gensini and SYNTAX scores. Therefore, this simple haematology test can be used in determining cardiovascular disease burden besides other risk factors during routine clinical practice. For further information about this topic, large-scale studies are needed.Wstęp: Aktywacja i agregacja płytek krwi odgrywają istotną rolę w patogenezie miażdżycy, a także w rozwoju ostrych zdarzeń zakrzepowo-zatorowych. Objętość płytek krwi, opisywana jako średnia objetość płytek (MPV), jest wyznacznikiem aktywnościpłytek i ich funkcji.Cel: Celem badania było określenie zależności między MPV a wskaźnikiem Gensini i SYNTAX score, będącymi liczbową miarąstopnia zaawansowania choroby wieńcowej.Metody: Badanie przeprowadzono u 435 chorych, u których wykonano planową koronarografię. Krew do badań morfologicznychi biochemicznych pobrano na czczo (12 h od ostatniego posiłku). Niezależny związek między MPV i stopniem nasilenia choroby wieńcowej oceniono za pomocą programu PASW Statistics 18 dla systemu Windows.Wyniki: Średni wiek pacjentów wynosił 58,4 ± 9,3 roku; 196 (45,1%) osób stanowiły kobiety, a 239 (54,9%) mężczyźni. Wśród badanych u 63,2% zdiagnozowano chorobę wieńcową, u 31,7% — cukrzycę, u 61,8% — nadciśnienie tętnicze, a u 56,6% — hiperlipidemię. Wśród badanych 38,6% osób paliło tytoń. Średni wynik Gensini score był równy 20,7 ± 31,1. Według Gensini score 160 (36,8%) chorych miało prawidłowe tętnice wieńcowe (Gensini score: 0), u 134 (30,8%) pacjentów występowały minimalne oznaki choroby wieńcowej (Gensini score: 1–19), a u pozostałych 141 (32,4%) osób stwierdzono zaawansowaną chorobę wieńcową (Gensini score: ≥ 20). Wartości MPV u pacjentów bez choroby wieńcowej wynosiły średnio 8,4 ± 1,0 fl,w grupie z minimalnym zaawansowaniem choroby wieńcowej — 8,7 ± 1,0 fl, a w grupie z zaawansowaną chorobą wieńcową— 9,3 ± 1,5 fl. Analiza korelacji Spearmana pokazała pozytywny związek między MPV i Gensini score (p &lt; 0,001;r = 0,290). Podobnie wynik SYNTAX score wiązał się z MPV (p &lt; 0,001; r = 0,504).Wnioski: Stwierdzona dodatnia korelacja między Gensini i SYNTAX score a MPV wskazuje, że w rutynowej praktyce lekarskiej proste badanie hematologiczne można wykorzystać do oceny obciążenia chorobami układu sercowo-naczyniowego, opróczinnych czynników ryzyka. Aby potwierdzić tę zależność i uzyskać dodatkowe informacje, należy przeprowadzić badanie w większej grupie chorych

    Wpływ suplementacji hormonów tarczycy na ograniczenie przyrostu nasierdziowej tkanki tłuszczowej u chorych z subkliniczną niedoczynnością tarczycy

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    Background: Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) is a common disorder which has adverse cardiovascular effects. Epicardial adipose tissue (EAT), a novel marker of cardiovascular risk, is increased in SCH. Aim: We aimed to investigate whether L-thyroxine treatment can reverse the thickening of EAT in SCH. Methods: Forty-four patients with SCH and 42 euthyroid control subjects were included. EAT thickness was measured using transthoracic echocardiography at baseline and after restoration of the euthyroid status with 3 months of L-thyroxine treatment. Results: At baseline, mean EAT thickness was significantly greater in the SCH group when compared to the control group (6.3 ± 1.7 mm vs. 4.1 ± 0.9 mm, respectively, p &lt; 0.001). There was a significant positive correlation between baseline serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level and EAT thickness in the SCH group. There was a significant reduction in mean EAT thickness in response to L-thyroxine treatment (6.3 ± 1.7 mm vs. 5.1 ± 1.4 mm, p &lt; 0.001). The decrease in EAT thickness after L-thyroxine treatment when compared to baseline (DEAT) significantly correlated to the difference in TSH levels before and after treatment (DTSH; r = 0.323; p = 0.032). Conclusions: Epicardial adipose tissue thickness is increased in patients with SCH. This thickening was alleviated with restoration of the euthyroid status with L-thyroxine treatment in our study population of predominantly male, relatively old subjects with greater baseline EAT thickness.  Wstęp: Subkliniczna niedoczynność tarczycy (SCH) jest częstym zaburzeniem niekorzystnie wpływającym na układ sercowo-naczyniowy. U chorych z SCH stwierdza się zwiększenie grubości nasierdziowej tkanki tłuszczowej (EAT) — nowego wskaźnika ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego. Cel: Badanie przeprowadzono w celu ustalenia, czy leczenie L-tyroksyną może zmniejszyć grubość EAT u tych chorych. Metody: Do badania włączono 44 chorych z SCH i 42 osoby z eutyreozą, które stanowiły grupę kontrolną. Na początku badania i po przywróceniu eutyreozy w wyniku 3-miesięcznego leczenia L-tyroksyną zmierzono grubość EAT metodą echokardiografii przezprzełykowej. Wyniki: Na początku badania średnia grubość EAT była istotnie większa w grupie SCH niż w grupie kontrolnej (odpowiednio 6,3 ± 1,7 mm vs. 4,1 ± 0,9 mm; p &lt; 0,001). W grupie SCH stwierdzono istotną dodatnią korelację między początkowym stężeniem TSH w surowicy a grubością EAT. Po leczeniu L-tyroksyną nastąpiła istotna redukcja średniej grubości EAT (6,3 ± 1,7 mm vs. 5,1 ± 1,4 mm; p &lt; 0,001). Zmniejszenie grubości EAT po leczeniu L-tyroksyną w stosunku do wartości początkowych (DEAT) korelowało istotnie z różnicą stężeń TSH przed terapią i po jej zakończeniu (DTSH; r = 0,323; p = 0,032). Wnioski: U chorych z SCH grubość EAT jest zwiększona. W populacji niniejszego badania, złożonej głównie z mężczyzn w starszym wieku z większą początkową grubością EAT, zmniejszono ilość nasierdziowej tkanki tłuszczowej dzięki przywróceniu eutyreozy poprzez leczenie L-tyroksyną.

    Behcet's: A Disease or a Syndrome? Answer from an Expression Profiling Study

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    Behcet's disease (BD) is a chronic, relapsing, multisystemic inflammatory disorder with unanswered questions regarding its etiology/pathogenesis and classification. Distinct manifestation based subsets, pronounced geographical variations in expression, and discrepant immunological abnormalities raised the question whether Behcet's is a disease or a syndrome. To answer the preceding question we aimed to display and compare the molecular mechanisms underlying distinct subsets of BD. For this purpose, the expression data of the gene expression profiling and association study on BD by Xavier et al (2013) was retrieved from GEO database and reanalysed by gene expression data analysis/visualization and bioinformatics enrichment tools. There were 15 BD patients (B) and 14 controls (C). Three subsets of BD patients were generated: MB (isolated mucocutaneous manifestations, n = 7), OB (ocular involvement, n = 4), and VB (large vein thrombosis, n = 4). Class comparison analyses yielded the following numbers of differentially expressed genes (DEGs); B vs C: 4, MB vs C: 5, OB vs C: 151, VB vs C: 274, MB vs OB: 215, MB vs VB: 760, OB vs VB: 984. Venn diagram analysis showed that there were no common DEGs in the intersection MB vs C boolean AND OB vs C boolean AND VB vs C. Cluster analyses successfully clustered distinct expressions of BD. During gene ontology term enrichment analyses, categories with relevance to IL-8 production (MB vs C) and immune response to microorganisms (OB vs C) were differentially enriched. Distinct subsets of BD display distinct expression profiles and different disease associated pathways. Based on these clear discrepancies, the designation as Behcet's syndrome (BS) should be encouraged and future research should take into consideration the immunogenetic heterogeneity of BS subsets. Four gene groups, namely, negative regulators of inflammation (CD69, CLEC12A, CLEC12B, TNFAIP3), neutrophil granule proteins (LTF, OLFM4, AZU1, MMP8, DEFA4, CAMP), antigen processing and presentation proteins (CTSS, ERAP1), and regulators of immune response (LGALS2, BCL10, ITCH, CEACAM8, CD36, IL8, CCL4, EREG, NFKBIZ, CCR2, CD180, KLRC4, NFAT5) appear to be instrumental in BS immunopathogenesis

    Behcet's: A Disease or a Syndrome? Answer from an Expression Profiling Study

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    Behcet's disease (BD) is a chronic, relapsing, multisystemic inflammatory disorder with unanswered questions regarding its etiology/pathogenesis and classification. Distinct manifestation based subsets, pronounced geographical variations in expression, and discrepant immunological abnormalities raised the question whether Behcet's is "a disease or a syndrome". To answer the preceding question we aimed to display and compare the molecular mechanisms underlying distinct subsets of BD. For this purpose, the expression data of the gene expression profiling and association study on BD by Xavier et al (2013) was retrieved from GEO database and reanalysed by gene expression data analysis/visualization and bioinformatics enrichment tools. There were 15 BD patients (B) and 14 controls (C). Three subsets of BD patients were generated: MB (isolated mucocutaneous manifestations, n = 7), OB (ocular involvement, n = 4), and VB (large vein thrombosis, n = 4). Class comparison analyses yielded the following numbers of differentially expressed genes (DEGs); B vs C: 4, MB vs C: 5, OB vs C: 151, VB vs C: 274, MB vs OB: 215, MB vs VB: 760, OB vs VB: 984. Venn diagram analysis showed that there were no common DEGs in the intersection "MB vs C" boolean AND "OB vs C" boolean AND "VB vs C". Cluster analyses successfully clustered distinct expressions of BD. During gene ontology term enrichment analyses, categories with relevance to IL-8 production (MB vs C) and immune response to microorganisms (OB vs C) were differentially enriched. Distinct subsets of BD display distinct expression profiles and different disease associated pathways. Based on these clear discrepancies, the designation as "Behcet's syndrome" (BS) should be encouraged and future research should take into consideration the immunogenetic heterogeneity of BS subsets. Four gene groups, namely, negative regulators of inflammation (CD69, CLEC12A, CLEC12B, TNFAIP3), neutrophil granule proteins (LTF, OLFM4, AZU1, MMP8, DEFA4, CAMP), antigen processing and presentation proteins (CTSS, ERAP1), and regulators of immune response (LGALS2, BCL10, ITCH, CEACAM8, CD36, IL8, CCL4, EREG, NFKBIZ, CCR2, CD180, KLRC4, NFAT5) appear to be instrumental in BS immunopathogenesis

    Leading Infectious Diseases Problems in Turkey

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    Clin Microbiol Infect 2012; 18: 10561067 Abstract Turkey has significant geographical and socio-economic differences throughout a vast area of the country. These characteristics affect the epidemiology of infectious diseases, some of which are rarely seen in western Europe. However, effectively implemented control measures have resulted in decreased rates of many community-acquired infections, including tuberculosis and malaria, that were major health problems only a few decades ago. There are high rates of antimicrobial resistance in various nosocomial isolates of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. A recently implemented, nationwide, electronic resistance surveillance system in hospitals is expected to produce reliable data, and possibly will help to develop an effective strategy to decrease antimicrobial resistance in bacteria that currently plague many tertiary-care hospitals in the country. This article summarizes the most frequently encountered community-acquired infections, and gives an overview of current antimicrobial resistance in both outpatient and hospital settings in Turkey.WoSScopu