278 research outputs found


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    Within the recent occasions, several techniques of multi-view hashing were suggested for ingenious similarity search. These techniques mostly rely on spectral, graph otherwise deep learning strategies to achieve data structure protecting encoding. However hashing technique purely along with other schemes is usually responsive to data noise and struggling with high computational difficulty. We recommend a manuscript without supervision multi-view hashing approach, called as Multi-view Alignment Hashing, which fuses several information sources and utilize discriminative low-dimensional embedding by way of nonnegative matrix factorization.  Non-negative matrix factorization is a well-liked technique within data mining tasks which seeks to discover a non-negative parts-based representation that gives better visual interpretation of factoring matrices for high-dimensional data

    Postprandial apoE isoform and conformational changes associated with VLDL lipolysis products modulate monocyte inflammation.

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    ObjectivePostprandial hyperlipemia, characterized by increased circulating very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) and circulating lipopolysaccharide (LPS), has been proposed as a mechanism of vascular injury. Our goal was to examine the interactions between postprandial lipoproteins, LPS, and apoE3 and apoE4 on monocyte activation.Methods and resultsWe showed that apoE3 complexed to phospholipid vesicles attenuates LPS-induced THP-1 monocyte cytokine expression, while apoE4 increases expression. ELISA revealed that apoE3 binds to LPS with higher affinity than apoE4. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of site-directed spin labels placed on specific amino acids of apoE3 showed that LPS interferes with conformational changes normally associated with lipid binding. Specifically, compared to apoE4, apoE bearing the E3-like R112→Ser mutation displays increased self association when exposed to LPS, consistent with a stronger apoE3-LPS interaction. Additionally, lipolysis of fasting VLDL from normal human donors attenuated LPS-induced TNFα secretion from monocytes to a greater extent than postprandial VLDL, an effect partially reversed by blocking apoE. This effect was reproduced using fasting VLDL lipolysis products from e3/e3 donors, but not from e4/e4 subjects, suggesting that apoE3 on fasting VLDL prevents LPS-induced inflammation more readily than apoE4.ConclusionPostprandial apoE isoform and conformational changes associated with VLDL dramatically modulate vascular inflammation

    Circle grid fractal plate as a turbulent generator for premixed flame: an overview

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    This review paper focuses to ascertain a new approach in turbulence generation on the structure of premixed flames and external combustion using a fractal grid pattern. This review paper discusses the relationship between fractal pattern and turbulence flow. Many researchers have explored the fractal pattern as a new concept of turbulence generators, but researchers rarely study fractal turbulence generators on the structure premixed flame. The turbulent flow field characteristics have been studied tand investigated in a premixed combustion application. In terms of turbulence intensity, most researchers used fractal grid that can be tailored so that they can design the characteristic needed in premixed flame. This approach makes it extremely difficult to determine the exact turbulent burning velocity on the velocity fluctuation of the flow. The decision to carry out additional research on the effect circle grid fractal plate as a turbulent generator for premixed flame should depends on the blockage ratio and fractal pattern of the grid. 1

    Hyperspectral remote sensing of cyanobacterial pigments as indicators for cell populations and toxins in eutrophic lakes

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    The growth of mass populations of toxin-producing cyanobacteria is a serious concern for the ecological status of inland waterbodies and for human and animal health. In this study we examined the performance of four semi-analytical algorithms for the retrieval of chlorophyll a (Chl a) and phycocyanin (C-PC) from data acquired by the Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager-2 (CASI-2) and the Airborne Imaging Spectrometer for Applications (AISA) Eagle sensor. The retrieval accuracies of the semi-analytical models were compared to those returned by optimally calibrated empirical band-ratio algorithms. The best-performing algorithm for the retrieval of Chl a was an empirical band-ratio model based on a quadratic function of the ratio of re!ectance at 710 and 670 nm (R2=0.832; RMSE=29.8%). However, this model only provided a marginally better retrieval than the best semi-analytical algorithm. The best-performing model for the retrieval of C-PC was a semi-analytical nested band-ratio model (R2=0.984; RMSE=3.98 mg m−3). The concentrations of C-PC retrieved using the semi-analytical model were correlated with cyanobacterial cell numbers (R2=0.380) and the particulate and total (particulate plus dissolved) pools of microcystins (R2=0.858 and 0.896 respectively). Importantly, both the empirical and semi-analytical algorithms were able to retrieve the concentration of C-PC at cyanobacterial cell concentrations below current warning thresholds for cyanobacteria in waterbodies. This demonstrates the potential of remote sensing to contribute to early-warning detection and monitoring of cyanobacterial blooms for human health protection at regional and global scales

    Saga of deep sea prawn fishery of Kerala

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    Deep-sea prawn records from Indian waters date back to early 20th century from the surveys of the RIMS Investigator, University Research Vessel Conch, M. V. Kalava and Varuna followed by the Indo-Norwegian Project, FORV Sagar Sampada off the Southwest Coast of India. The distribution of deep-sea prawns was recorded upto Ratnagiri (lat.16° N) with maximum concentration in the Quilon Bank (lat. 8°- 9°N). The enterprising small and medium prawn trawler operators of Kerala ventured into deep sea fishing for the first time in November 1999 with an annual average estimated landings of deep-sea prawns of 11315 t during 1999-2020 while 9137 t during 2007-2020 from the MDTN at a depth of 200-500 m. The species composition showed the dominance of M. andamanensis (27.6%) followed by A. alcocki (20%), P. quasigrandis (19.9%). H. chani (17.6%), H. woodmasoni (9.4%). Mitochondrial sequences (COI, 16S, and Cytb) of deep-sea prawn records were deposited in NCBI GenBank for accession numbers

    Cdc42 and Gsk3 modulate the dynamics of radial glial growth, inter-radial glial interactions and polarity in the developing cerebral cortex

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    Polarized radial glia are crucial to the formation of the cerebral cortex. They serve as neural progenitors and as guides for neuronal placement in the developing cerebral cortex. The maintenance of polarized morphology is essential for radial glial functions, but the extent to which the polarized radial glial scaffold is static or dynamic during corticogenesis remains an open question. The developmental dynamics of radial glial morphology, inter-radial glial interactions during corticogenesis, and the role of the cell polarity complexes in these activities remain undefined. Here, using real-time imaging of cohorts of mouse radial glia cells, we show that the radial glial scaffold, upon which the cortex is constructed, is highly dynamic. Radial glial cells within the scaffold constantly interact with one another. These interactions are mediated by growth cone-like endfeet and filopodia-like protrusions. Polarized expression of the cell polarity regulator Cdc42 in radial glia regulates glial endfeet activities and inter-radial glial interactions. Furthermore, appropriate regulation of Gsk3 activity is required to maintain the overall polarity of the radial glia scaffold. These findings reveal dynamism and interactions among radial glia that appear to be crucial contributors to the formation of the cerebral cortex. Related cell polarity determinants (Cdc42, Gsk3) differentially influence radial glial activities within the evolving radial glia scaffold to coordinate the formation of cerebral cortex

    Present status of exploitation of fish and shellfish resources: Prawns

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    The Prawn fishery of the west coast of India is reviewed with particular reference to monsoon season and related management problems based on observations at Cochin, Calicut, Mangalore and Bombay. With an estimated average annual production of about 25,000 tonnes for the period 1984-88, the monsoon season contributes only 15% to the total prawn landings of this coast. While shrimp trawling remains almost completely suspended in most of the centres during this period, it is very active at Cochin and Sakthikulangara in Kerala Coast and moderately active in Bombay Coast

    Prawn fauna (Crustacea: Decapoda) of India - An annotated checklist of the Penaeoid, Sergestoid, Stenopodid and Caridean prawns

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    Twenty four species of Pandalid shrimps reported from the Indian waters, of which six genera (Chlorotocella, Chlorotocus, Chlorocurtis, Dorodotes, Heterocarpoides and Stylopandalus) are represented by single species each. The genera, Plesionika and Heterocarpus are represented by eleven and seven species respectively. Plesionika adensameri (Balss, 1914) a deep-sea shrimp hitherto unreported from Indian waters is recorded from west coast of India. Information on some biological aspects of few Pandalid shrimps from Indian waters is also reported in the present paper

    Prawn or shrimp? Resolving the question

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    The confusion in the usage of terms “prawn” and “shrimp” is existing since a long time among the common people as well as the scientific community. It is hard to differentiate between these two based on their size, habitat, texture, nutritional value etc. as there are no existing standards to classify these two into separate groups. In reality, both the terms are widely and similarly used in all arenas of fisheries whether it is capture, culture, post-harvest or in the trade and do not have any particular scientific basis