180 research outputs found

    Considerações acerca da leitura em livros didáticos de química: uma análise a partir de textos complementares

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    AbstractTe use of different textual genres has been seen as fundamental in the formation of flexible readers. In this sense, textbooks with a didactic character have an important role once that it is allowed introducing other textual genres as complementary texts. In Brazil, they are called “complementary texts” as those whose format is different from that of the original text (with different type and size of fonts, written in boxes, or sections enhanced). Te present work investigates some aspects presented by texts of this type in chemistry textbooks, such as its number, sources and activities proposed. Te number of texts is a positive aspect in most of the textbooks. However, a wider range of textual genres and of texts sources, as well as reading strategies that take into account interactive and socio-cognitive role of reading, would be important to increase the quality of pedagogical actions taken from these texts.ResumenEl uso de diferentes géneros de textos es visto como fundamental para la formación de lectores versátiles. En este sentido, los libros de texto didácticos juegan un papel importante por su inserción como textos complementarios. En Brasil se llaman “textos complementarios” aquellos que tienen un formato diferente al texto original (un diferente tipo y tamaño de letra, escritos en cuadros de texto o secciones destacadas). Esta investigación estudió algunos aspectos de estos textos en libros didácticos de química, tales como su cantidad, fuentes citadas y actividades propuestas. El número de textos es un aspecto positivo en la mayor parte de las obras. No obstante, para enriquecer las propuestas pedagógicas del uso de estos textos, se requiere que consideren más diversidad de géneros y fuentes de información, así como estrategias de lectura que consideren el papel interactivo y socio-cognitivo de la lectura

    the incomplete process of an action research in the hospital

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    Health professionals are at high risk for developing burnout symptoms. Directed at reducing the organizational variables affecting professionals’ burnout, an action research was developed in a specific sector of a large hospital, with 59 doctors, 66 nurses, and 42 ancilliary professionals. Researchers conducted 11 interviews, one focus group, and 20 h of in loco observation. Professionals report demotivation and the need to address the emotional part of their job. Nonetheless, the hierarchy blocked the proposed intervention possibilities. Organizational factors are unequivocally relevant, particularly in complex settings with emotionally charged interactions, and the direct hierarchy is pivotal for facilitating organizational change.publishersversionpublishe

    Endometrial cancer after pelvic radiotherapy: a case-report and review of literature

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    Cancer treatment has evolved with advances in radiation and chemotherapy. However, over time the effects of ionizing radiation become more evident. In spite of attempting a more targeted therapeutic approach, the harmful effects of radiation on healthy tissues are many times inevitable. We report the case of a young woman who underwent chemoradiotherapy for stage IB2 cervical cancer with no evidence of relapse during 10 years follow-up. Instead she had radiation associated colitis and cystitis and vertebral necrosis. After 10 years an endometrial cancer was diagnosed. Radiation associated endometrial cancer is rare and may present with atypical symptoms making the diagnosis challenging. High degree of suspicion is necessary for an on time diagnosis and treatment

    Os paradigmas atuais da formação docente: olhares sobre o PIBID

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    Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do título de Mestre ao Programa de PósGraduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de Rondônia.Nesta pesquisa investigamos os atuais paradigmas da formação docente e a proposta de formação do PIBID de Química da UNIR. O objetivo central deste estudo buscou investigar em quais aspectos o PIBID contribuiu para a formação inicial dos ex-bolsistas de iniciação à docência do período de 2009 a 2013. O estudo tem uma abordagem qualitativa/exploratória e utilizamos os seguintes instrumentos de coleta de dados: questionários, entrevistas e análise documental. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram oito egressas do curso de Química e expibidianas; dois coordenadores de área e; duas supervisoras do PIBID/Química da UNIR. Ao analisarmos os dados coletados, identificamos uma proposta de formação pautada no paradigma da prática-reflexiva diferentemente do modelo apresentado pelo currículo do curso de Química. Assim, o programa é um norteador para o desenraizamento da racionalidade técnica presente no curso de Licenciatura em Química da UNIR. Os principais resultados encontrados foram: maior articulação entre a teoria e prática; mobilização dos saberes da experiência aos licenciandos por meio do contato com a realidade escolar e com os coordenadores e supervisores; o ensino da Química pauta-se em fundamentos atuais, nos quais são priorizados uma função social dos conteúdos relacionando a disciplina com o contexto social e com uma aprendizagem significativa para a formação do cidadão; desenvolvimento de trabalhos em equipe e; metodologia baseada em ensino prático reflexivo. Embora haja alguns limitantes no programa, como: 1) não haver um prazo para a continuidade do programa, ou seja, pode ser encerrado a qualquer momento e; 2) não dar acesso a todos os estudantes de licenciatura, os aspectos positivos promovidos pelo programa em um curto espaço de tempo são singulares para a (re)construção da carreira docente e do ensino de Química

    Saúde da pessoa idosa no período pandêmico de Covid-19 e os benefícios das práticas integrativas em saúde para essa população

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    Objective: This article discusses the importance of integrative health practices for preventing complications in the elderly population, given that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the population as a whole, with the elderly being among the most affected due to certain vulnerabilities that exist among younger individuals. Therefore, the recovery and management therapies for these patients should be specific and tailored to their needs, especially when dealing with a globally impacting disease. The aim is to review the literature on available therapies for this population. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review conducted by searching for scientific publications in the following databases: Virtual Health Library (Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde - BVS), Interinstitutional Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy (Revista Interinstitucional Brasileira de Terapia Ocupacional - REVISBRATO), USP Journal, and Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy (Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional - UFSCar). The search covered publications from 2020 to 2023. Conclusion: Despite the advancements and technologies in the field, it is still necessary to have a critical and holistic approach to caring for these patients, given that mental health and post-COVID-19 sequelae continue to persist to this day.  Objetivo: Este artigo retrata sobre a importância das práticas integrativas em saúde para a prevenção de agravos na pessoa idosa, visto que a pandemia por covid-19 afetou a população como um todo, porém, alguns dos pacientes mais acometidos por ela foram a população idosa, pois, dentre os mais jovens, existem algumas fragilidades que devem ser observadas. Dessa forma, as terapias de recuperação e manejo desses pacientes devem ser específicas e voltadas para suas necessidades principalmente quando associadas a uma doença de acometimento mundial. Tem como objetivo revisar a literatura acerca das terapias disponíveis para essa população. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, realizada a partir da busca por publicações científicas nas bases de dados: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde - BVS, Revista Interinstitucional Brasileira de Terapia Ocupacional- REVISBRATO, Revista da USP e Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional - UFSCar. Escritos entre os anos de 2020 e 2023. Conclusão: As tecnologias e avanços realizados no ramo, ainda é necessário se ter um olhar crítico e holístico para o cuidado com esses pacientes visto que a saúde mental as sequelas após a covid-19 ainda estão perdurando até os dias atuais

    Transcriptomic landscape of the kleptoplastic sea slug Elysia viridis

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    The longevity of kleptoplasts and sea slugs during starvation may be mediated by multiple factors, including the recognition of the plastids during feeding by multiple receptors (e.g. PRRs, CTLRs and SRs) and ROS-quenching proteins using enzymatic and nonenzymatic mechanisms. In particular, in the transcriptome of E. viridis we found that the presence of CDSs corresponds to multiple PRRs that may be involved in the plastid-recognition process; this is despite the fact that this species has a low receptor richness in comparison with other elysoids (Melo Clavijo et al., 2020). In addition, we also detected multiple enzymatic families involved in the ROS-quenching response. In contrast, the production of antioxidant compounds may contribute in only a minor way to the control of oxidative stress. A further enriched GO category in species that sequester chloroplasts corresponded to G protein-coupled receptors, which suggests that these receptors may be required for plastid recognition in Sacoglossan sea slugs, paralleling their role in other symbioses, such as the mutualism between cnidarians and dinoflagellates (Rosset et al., 2020). Sacoglossan sea slugs may also require the presence of iron ions to reduce the oxidative stress generated after plastid acquisition. All this evidence, derived from the transcriptome analysis of E. viridis, sheds interesting new light on the possible mechanisms used by sea slugs to recognize and establish kleptoplasts within their bodies.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GPC2014/067Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2018/30

    Controlled polymerisation and purification of branched poly(lactic acid) surfactants in supercritical carbon dioxide

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    Product degradability, sustainability and low-toxicity are driving demand for the synthesis of biobased polymers and surfactants. Here we report the synthesis of novel surface active polymers using cyclic esters (D,L-lactide) and temperature sensitive polyols (D-sorbitol) as renewable building blocks. We highlight the modification of chain length and degree of branching to provide a route to tailoring the properties and application performance of these new compounds. High processing temperatures (≥180 °C) and harsh post-reaction treatments are often needed to remove residual monomer and catalysts and these can become barriers to creating materials based on renewable resources. Here we exploit supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) as a green solvent to overcome these challenges; significantly reducing reaction temperatures, targeting controlled molecular weights with narrow dispersities and reducing sideproduct formation. Additionally in the same pot, we can use supercritical extraction to purify the compounds and to efficiently remove unreacted reagents, which could be recovered and recycled. We believe that our approach to the production and purification of these novel branched poly(lactides) is a significant step towards the development of the next generation of biopolymers and green surfactants, combining both the use of bio-sourced raw materials and the potential to use sustainable, low energy processes and techniques

    Job Stress, burnout and coping in police officers: relationships and psychometric properties of the Organizational Police Stress Questionnaire

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    Policing is a stressful occupation, which impairs police officers’ physical/mental health and elicits burnout, aggressive behaviors and suicide. Resilience and coping facilitate the management of job stress policing, which can be operational or organizational. All these constructs are associated, and they must be assessed by instruments sensitive to policing idiosyncrasies. This study aims to identify operational and organizational stress, burnout, resilient coping and coping strategies among police officers, as well to analyze the psychometric properties of a Portuguese version of the Organizational Police Stress Questionnaire. A cross-sectional study, with online questionnaires, collected data of 1131 police officers. With principal components and confirmatory factor analysis, PSQ-org revealed adequate psychometric properties, despite the exclusion of four items, and revealed a structure with two factors (poor management and lack of resources, and responsibilities and burden). Considering cut-off points, 88.4% police officers presented high operational stress, 87.2% high organizational stress, 10.9% critical values for burnout and 53.8% low resilient coping, preferring task-orientated than emotion and avoidance coping. Some differences were found according to gender, age and job experience. Job stress and burnout correlated negatively with resilient coping, enthusiasm towards job and task-orientated coping. Results reinforce the importance to invest on police officers’ occupational health.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio