59 research outputs found

    Identification of therapeutic and diagnostic targets through yeast two hybrid system: molecular biology in medicine

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    Nas últimas décadas, o desenvolvimento da biologia molecular tem impulsionado a medicina, principalmente na identificação de novos alvos terapêuticos e de diagnóstico. Nas células são as proteínas as principais intervenientes responsáveis pelo funcionamento de todos os processos celulares, desde a síntese de novas moléculas de DNA, à formação de RNA e de novas proteínas, ao transporte de todos os componentes celulares bem como da composição estrutural da própria célula. Também são as proteínas um dos componentes mais relevantes das vias de sinalização entre as células. Estudos apontam para que, normalmente, as proteínas não funcionem sozinhas mas em complexos. Daí a importância de estudar as interações entre proteínas e, por outro lado, encontrar compostos que interfiram com esses complexos para tratamentos farmacológicos. Já existem alguns fármacos com estas características. A tricostatina A, um inibidor duma diacetilase de histonas (DH), atua no complexo Proteína Fosfatase 1-DH, sendo um bom alvo na terapia anti-cancerígena. Em 1989, de um modo revolucionário para a época, Fields e Songs desenvolveram o Yeast Two Hybrid system (YTH). Este método baseia-se na genética da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae para detetar interações entre proteínas. Desde a sua descoberta sofreu várias modificações que permitiram a sua aplicação à investigação translacional. Por exemplo, esta técnica permite fazer um rastreio em larga escala para determinar que droga pode interferir com uma determinada interação proteica. Por outro lado, pode também utilizar-se para se determinar que proteínas num determinado tecido (por exemplo, cérebro ou testículo) interagem com a nossa proteína de interesse. Deste modo é possível desvendar funções de novas proteínas, vias de sinalização e funcionamento de tecidos. A grande quantidade de informação produzida por esta abordagem é de eleição para a identificação e validação de alvos de diagnóstico, terapêuticos e mesmo desenvolvimento de novos fármacos. Esta revisão tem como intuito elucidar o funcionamento do Yeast Two Hybrid system e a sua contribuição para a identificação de novos tratamentos farmacológicos

    Diagnosis of Human Leptospirosis in a Clinical Setting: Real-Time PCR High Resolution Melting Analysis for Detection of Leptospira at the Onset of Disease:

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    Currently, direct detection of Leptospira can be done in clinical laboratories by conventional and by real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). We tested a biobank of paired samples of serum and urine from the same patient (202 patients) presenting at the hospital in an area endemic for leptospirosis using qRT-PCR followed by high resolution melting (HRM) analysis. The results were compared with those obtained by conventional nested PCR and with the serologic gold standard microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Differences were resolved by sequencing. qRT-PCR-HRM was positive for 46 of the 202 patients (22.7%, accuracy 100%) which is consistent with known prevalence of leptospirosis in the Azores. MAT results were positive for 3 of the 46 patients (6.5%). Analysis of paired samples allowed us to identify the illness point at which patients presented at the hospital: onset, dissemination or excretion. The melting curve analysis of Leptospira species revealed that 60.9% (28/46) of patients were infected with L. interrogans and 39.1% (18/46) were infected with L. borgpetersenii, both endemic to the Azores. We validated the use of qRT-PCR-HRM for diagnosis of leptospirosis and for identification of the Leptospira species at the earliest onset of infection in a clinical setting, in less than 2 hours.publishersversionpublishe

    An intriguing shift occurs in the novel protein phosphatase 1 binding partner, TCTEX1D4: evidence of positive selection in a pika model

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    T-complex testis expressed protein 1 domain containing 4 (TCTEX1D4) contains the canonical phosphoprotein phosphatase 1 (PPP1) binding motif, composed by the amino acid sequence RVSF. We identified and validated the binding of TCTEX1D4 to PPP1 and demonstrated that indeed this protein is a novel PPP1 interacting protein. Analyses of twenty-one mammalian species available in public databases and seven Lagomorpha sequences obtained in this work showed that the PPP1 binding motif 90RVSF93 is present in all of them and is flanked by a palindromic sequence, PLGS, except in three species of pikas (Ochotona princeps, O. dauurica and O. pusilla). Furthermore, for the Ochotona species an extra glycosylation site, motif 96NLS98, and the loss of the palindromic sequence were observed. Comparison with other lagomorphs suggests that this event happened before the Ochotona radiation. The dN/dS for the sequence region comprising the PPP1 binding motif and the flanking palindrome highly supports the hypothesis that for Ochotona species this region has been evolving under positive selection. In addition, mutational screening shows that the ability of pikas TCTEX1D4 to bind to PPP1 is maintained, although the PPP1 binding motif is disrupted, and the N- and C-terminal surrounding residues are also abrogated. These observations suggest pika as an ideal model to study novel PPP1 complexes regulatory mechanisms

    TCTEX1D4, a novel protein phosphatase 1 interactor: connecting the phosphatase to the microtubule network

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    Reversible phosphorylation plays an important role as a mechanism of intracellular control in eukaryotes. PPP1, a major eukaryotic Ser/Thr-protein phosphatase, acquires its specificity by interacting with different protein regulators, also known as PPP1 interacting proteins (PIPs). In the present work we characterized a physiologically relevant PIP in testis. Using a yeast two-hybrid screen with a human testis cDNA library, we identified a novel PIP of PPP1CC2 isoform, the T-complex testis expressed protein 1 domain containing 4 (TCTEX1D4) that has recently been described as a Tctex1 dynein light chain family member. The overlay assays confirm that TCTEX1D4 interacts with the different spliced isoforms of PPP1CC. Also, the binding domain occurs in the N-terminus, where a consensus PPP1 binding motif (PPP1BM) RVSF is present. The distribution of TCTEX1D4 in testis suggests its involvement in distinct functions, such as TGFβ signaling at the blood-testis barrier and acrosome cap formation. Immunofluorescence in human ejaculated sperm shows that TCTEX1D4 is present in the flagellum and in the acrosome region of the head. Moreover, TCTEX1D4 and PPP1 co-localize in the microtubule organizing center (MTOC) and microtubules in cell cultures. Importantly, the TCTEX1D4 PPP1BM seems to be relevant for complex formation, for PPP1 retention in the MTOC and movement along microtubules. These novel results open new avenues to possible roles of this dynein, together with PPP1. In essence TCTEX1D4/PPP1C complex appears to be involved in microtubule dynamics, sperm motility, acrosome reaction and in the regulation of the blood-testis barrier

    Phosphoprotein Phosphatase 1 isoforms alpha and gamma respond differently to prodigiosin treatment and present alternative kinase targets in melanoma cells

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    Reversible protein phosphorylation is a central regulatory mechanism of cell function. Deregulation of the balanced actions of protein kinases and phosphatases has been frequently associated with several pathological conditions, including cancer. Many studies have already addressed the role of protein kinases misregulation in cancer. However, much less is known about protein phosphatases influence. Phosphoprotein Phosphatase 1 (PPP1) is one of the major serine/threonine protein phosphatases who has three catalytic isoforms: PPP1CA, PPP1CB, and PPP1CC. Its function is achieved by binding to regulatory subunits, known as PPP1-interacting proteins (PIPs), which may prefer a catalytic isoform. Also, some inhibitors/enhancers may exhibit isoform specificity. Here we show that, prodigiosin (PG), a molecule with anticancer properties, promotes the formation of PPP1CA-AKT complex and not of PPP1CC-MAPK complex. Both, AKT and MAPK, are wellknown PIPs from two pathways that crosstalk and regulate melanoma cells survival. In addition, the analysis performed using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technology indicates that PPP1 interacts with obatoclax (OBX), a drug that belongs to the same family of PG. Overall, these results suggest that PG might, at least in part, act through PPP1C/PIPs. Also, this study is pioneer in demonstrating PPP1 isoform-specific modulation by small molecules.publishe

    Chronic wasting disease risk assessment in Portugal: analysis of variability and genetic structure of the Portuguese roe deer population

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    Among the Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies, Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in cervids is now the rising concern in wildlife within Europe after the first case detected in Norway in 2016. CWD shows a notable horizontal transmission, affecting both free-ranging and captive cervids. Furthermore, several genetic variants in the Prion Protein (PRNP) gene coding sequence of the cervid were identified, which increase the susceptibility to the disease.This work was supported by the project WastingPrionRisk [POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029,947/ PTDC/CVT-CVT/29947/2017] funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). FCT PhD grant [SFRH/BD/146961/2019] financed by FCT through FSE (Fundo Social Europeu). This work was also supported by national funds [UIDB/CVT/00772/2020], [LA/P/0059/2020] and [UIDB/04033/2020] by FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Preclinical Evidence Supporting Early Initiation of Citalopram Treatment in Machado-Joseph Disease

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    Spinocerebellar ataxias are dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disorders with no disease-modifying treatment. We previously identified the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor citalopram as a safe and effective drug to be repurposed for Machado-Joseph disease. Pre-symptomatic treatment of transgenic (CMVMJD135) mice strikingly ameliorated mutant ataxin-3 (ATXN3) pathogenesis. Here, we asked whether citalopram treatment initiated at a post-symptomatic age would still show efficacy. We used a cohort of CMVMJD135 mice that shows increased phenotypic severity and faster disease progression (CMVMJD135hi) compared to the mice used in the first trial. Groups of hemizygous CMVMJD135hi mice were orally treated with citalopram. Behavior, protein analysis, and pathology assessment were performed blindly to treatment. Our results show that even when initiated after symptom onset, treatment of CMVMJD135hi mice with citalopram ameliorated motor coordination and balance, attenuating disease progression, albeit to a lesser extent than that seen with pre-symptomatic treatment initiation. There was no impact on ATXN3 aggregation, which contrasts with the robust reduction in ATXN3-positive inclusions observed in CMVMJD135 mice, when treated pre-symptomatically. Post-symptomatic treatment of CMVMJD135hi mice revealed, however, a limited neuroprotective effect by showing a tendency to repair cerebellar calbindin staining, and to increase the number of motor neurons and of NeuN-positive cells in certain brain regions. While supporting that early initiation of treatment with citalopram leads to a marked increase in efficacy, these results strengthen our previous observation that modulation of serotonergic signaling by citalopram is a promising therapeutic approach for Machado-Joseph disease even after symptom onset.European Regional Development Funds (FEDER), through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme (COMPETE), and by National funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), under the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007038. This article has been developed under the scope of the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the FEDER. This work was also supported by FCT and COMPETE through the projects [PTDC/SAU-GMG/112617/2009] (to PM) and [EXPL/BIM-MEC/0239/2012] (to AT-C), by FCT through the project [POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016818 (PTDC/NEU-NMC/3648/2014)] (to PM), by National Ataxia foundation (to PM and to AT-C), and by Ataxia UK (to PM). SE, SD-S, SO, and AT-C were supported by the FCT individual fellowships, SFRH/BD/78554/2011, SFRH/BD/78388/2011, PD/BD/127818/2016, and SFRH/BPD/102317/2014, respectively. FCT fellowships are co-financed by POPH, QREN, Governo da República Portuguesa, and EU/FSEinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An intriguing shift occurs in the novel protein phosphatase 1 binding partner, TCTEX1D4: evidence of positive selection in a pika model

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    T-complex testis expressed protein 1 domain containing 4 (TCTEX1D4) contains the canonical phosphoprotein phosphatase 1 (PPP1) binding motif, composed by the amino acid sequence RVSF. We identified and validated the binding of TCTEX1D4 to PPP1 and demonstrated that indeed this protein is a novel PPP1 interacting protein. Analyses of twenty-one mammalian species available in public databases and seven Lagomorpha sequences obtained in this work showed that the PPP1 binding motif 90RVSF93 is present in all of them and is flanked by a palindromic sequence, PLGS, except in three species of pikas (Ochotona princeps, O. dauurica and O. pusilla). Furthermore, for the Ochotona species an extra glycosylation site, motif 96NLS98, and the loss of the palindromic sequence were observed. Comparison with other lagomorphs suggests that this event happened before the Ochotona radiation. The dN/dS for the sequence region comprising the PPP1 binding motif and the flanking palindrome highly supports the hypothesis that for Ochotona species this region has been evolving under positive selection. In addition, mutational screening shows that the ability of pikas TCTEX1D4 to bind to PPP1 is maintained, although the PPP1 binding motif is disrupted, and the N- and C-terminal surrounding residues are also abrogated. These observations suggest pika as an ideal model to study novel PPP1 complexes regulatory mechanisms.publishe

    Limited effect of chronic valproic acid treatment in a mouse model of Machado-Joseph disease

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    Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disease, caused by a CAG repeat expansion within the coding region of ATXN3 gene, and which currently lacks effective treatment. In this work we tested the therapeutic efficacy of chronic treatment with valproic acid (VPA) (200mg/kg), a compound with known neuroprotection activity, and previously shown to be effective in cell, fly and nematode models of MJD. We show that chronic VPA treatment in the CMVMJD135 mouse model had limited effects in the motor deficits of these mice, seen mostly at late stages in the motor swimming, beam walk, rotarod and spontaneous locomotor activity tests, and did not modify the ATXN3 inclusion load and astrogliosis in affected brain regions. However, VPA chronic treatment was able to increase GRP78 protein levels at 30 weeks of age, one of its known neuroprotective effects, confirming target engagement. In spite of limited results, the use of another dosage of VPA or of VPA in a combined therapy with molecules targeting other pathways, cannot be excluded as potential strategies for MJD therapeuticsPM received funding from Ataxia UK Grant (Project: Pharmacologic therapy for Machado-Joseph disease: from a C. elegans drug screen to a mouse model validation). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Controlo químico de infestantes

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    Uma planta é considerada infestante quando nasce espontaneamente num local e momento indesejados, podendo interferir negativamente com a cultura instalada. As infestantes competem com as culturas para o espaço, a luz, água e nutrientes, podendo atrasar e prejudicar as operações de colheita, depreciar o produto final e assegurarem a reinfestação nas culturas seguintes. Dado o modo de propagação diferenciado das diversas espécies de infestantes, com as anuais a propagarem-se por semente e as perenes ou vivazes a assegurarem a sua propagação através de órgãos vegetativos (rizomas, bolbos, tubérculos, etc.), assim, também o seu controlo quer químico, quer mecânico terá que ser diferenciado, ou seja, para controlar infestantes anuais será suficiente destruir a sua parte aérea, enquanto para controlar infestantes perenes teremos que destruir os seus órgãos reprodutivos. O controlo de infestantes poderá ser químico, através da utilização de herbicidas, ou mecânico pela utilização de alfaias agrícolas, tais como a charrua de aivecas, a charrua de discos, a grade de discos, o escarificador e a fresa. Quando a técnica utilizada na instalação das culturas é a sementeira directa, o controlo das infestantes terá que ser obrigatoriamente químico, enquanto se o recurso à mobilização do solo for a técnica mais utilizada (sistema de mobilização tradicional ou sistema de mobilização reduzida), o controlo das infestantes tanto poderá ser químico como mecânico. Neste trabalho iremos abordar apenas, o controlo químico de infestantes