65 research outputs found
Embarazo adolescente: Resultados perinatales en la maternidad de un hospital de la Ciudad de Corrientes
El embarazo en la adolescencia constituye un grave problema de la salud pública, más aún en nuestro país donde presenta un alto porcentaje de casos, lo que involucra mayores riesgos de salud reproductiva aumentando de esta manera la morbilidad y mortalidad. El objetivo es analizar los resultados perinatales, en los recién nacidos de las gestantes adolescentes en la maternidad del Hospital "Dr José R. Vidal” de la ciudad de Corrientes. Estudio observacional, retrospectivo, analítico y transversal comprendido entre Agosto-2015 a Julio-2016. La población en estudio estuvo conformada por recién nacidos de madres adolescentes entre 10 a 19 años. Las variables fueron edad materna; semanas de gestación al momento del parto; peso del recién nacido de término; puntuación de Apgar y destino del recién nacido. Del total de partos el 22,14% fueron de madres adolescentes, de los cuales 77% correspondieron a nacimientos de término de peso adecuado para la edad gestacional (PAEG) (91,02%), con puntuación de Apgar normal (79%) que ingresaron a internación junto a la madre (82%). Los nacimientos de pretérmino resultaron 22,69%, siendo el 66,66% deprimidos moderados según Apgar y el 79,24% fueron trasladados a unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales (UCIN). La frecuencia de embarazos adolescentes fue elevada, en cuanto a los resultados perinatales se observó peso adecuado, puntuación de Apgar normal e internación conjunta con la madre predominaron ampliamente en el recién nacido de termino.
Formação contínua e identidade docente: ponderações sobre o contexto atual
The reflections proposed in this article discuss the essentiality of continuing education for the improvement of teaching, highlighting the scenario currently experienced, which deserves considerations, extending the personal and professional implications. Meanwhile, the general objective was to discuss continuing education in relation to the possibilities of affirming a critical and solidary identity, observing the thread based on dialogue, criticality, solidarity and empathy, principles necessary for the conduction of genuinely pedagogical practices. In this context, the qualitative study was carried out in the light of theoretical support based on the premises mentioned above. The results pointed out that continuing education, in its various dimensions, expands, consolidates and re-signifies teacher education and reverberates, especially in the teacher identity, observing the data of the present reality with eyes turned to a more empathetic, dialogic and welcoming future.As reflexões propostas neste artigo discorrem sobre a essencialidade da formação contínua para o aprimoramento da docência, com destaque para o cenário vivido atualmente, o qual merece ponderações, alargamento das implicações pessoais e profissionais. Nesse ínterim, o objetivo geral consistiu em discutir a formação contínua no que se refere às possibilidades de afirmar uma identidade crítica e solidária, observando-se o fio condutor baseado no diálogo, na criticidade, na solidariedade e na empatia, princípios necessários para a condução de práticas genuinamente pedagógicas. Nesse contexto, o estudo qualitativo foi realizado à luz de suporte teórico balizado a partir das premissas supramencionadas. Os resultados apontaram que a formação contínua, em suas variadas dimensões, amplia, consolida e ressignifica a formação de professores e reverbera-se, em especial, na identidade docente, observando-se os dados da realidade presente com os olhos voltados para um futuro mais empático, dialógico e acolhedor
Continental Origin for Q Haplogroup Patrilineages in Argentina and Paraguay
Haplogroup Q originated in Eurasia around 30,000 years ago. It is present in Y-chromosomes from Asia and Europe at rather low frequencies. Since America is undoubtedly one of the continents where this haplogroup is highly represented, it has been defined as one of the founding haplogroups. Its M3 clade has been early described as the most frequent, with Pan-American representation. However, it was also possible to find several other haplogroup Q clades at low frequencies. Numerous mutations have been described for haplogroup Q, allowing the analysis of its variability and the assignment of its geographic origin. We have analyzed 442 samples belonging to haplogroup Q of unrelated men from Argentina and Paraguay, but this work is specifically referred to 27 Q (xM3) lineages. We tested 3 SNPs by APLP, 3 for RFLP, 15 SNPs by Sanger sequencing, and 17 STRs. Our approach allowed us to identify 5 sub-haplogroups. Q-M3 and Q-CTS2730/Z780 are undoubtedly autochthonous lineages and represent the most frequent sub-haplogroups. With significant representation in self-defined aboriginal populations, their autochthonous status has been previously described. The aim of present work is to identify the continental origin of the remaining Q lineages. Thus, we analyzed the STR haplotypes for the samples of our series and compared them with haplotypes described by other authors for the rest of the world. Even when haplogroup Qs have been extensively studied in America, some of them could have their origin in post Columbian human migration from Europe and Middle East
Translation, Cross-Cultural Adaptation, and Validation of the Portuguese Version of the Rotterdam Elderly Pain Observation Scale
INTRODUCTION: This study reports on the translation, cultural adaptation, and validation of a Portuguese version of the Rotterdam Elderly Pain Observation Scale (REPOS), a Dutch scale to assess pain in patients who cannot communicate, with or without dementia. METHODS: This is a multicenter study in pain and neurological units involving Brazil (clinical phase) and the Netherlands (training phase). We performed a retrospective cross-sectional, 2-staged analysis, translating and culturally adapting the REPOS to a Portuguese version (REPOS-P) and evaluating its psychometric properties. Eight health professionals were trained to observe patients with low back pain. REPOS consists of 10 behavioral items scored as present or absent after a 2-min observation. The REPOS score of ≥3 in combination with the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) of ≥4 indicated pain. The Content Validity Index (CVI) in all items and instructions showed CVI values at their maximum. According to the higher correlation coefficient found between NRS and REPOS-P, it may be suggested that there was an adequate convergent validity. RESULTS: The REPOS-P was administered to 80 patients with a mean age of 60 years (SD 11.5). Cronbach's alpha coefficient showed a moderate internal consistency of REPOS-P (α = 0.62), which is compatible with the original study of REPOS. All health professionals reached high levels of interrater agreement within a median of 10 weeks of training, assuring reproducibility. Cohen's kappa was 0.96 (SD 0.03), and the intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.98 (SD 0.02), showing high reliability of REPOS-P scores between the trainer (researcher) and the trainees (healthcare professionals). The Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.95 (95% confidence interval 0.94–0.97), showing a significant correlation between the total scores of REPOS-P and NRS. CONCLUSION: The REPOS-P was a valuable scale for assessing elderly patients with low back pain by different healthcare professionals. Short application time, ease of use, clear instructions, and the brief training required for application were essential characteristics of REPOS-P
Evaluación de las condiciones del cuidado doméstico y extradoméstico, estado nutricional y desarrollo infantil en el distrito de Ensenada
Se presentan resultados parciales del proyecto Evaluación de las condiciones del cuidado doméstico y extradoméstico, estado nutricional y desarrollo infantil en Berisso y Ensenada (PFCCIC 2016), cuyo objetivo es contribuir al cono-cimiento de las vinculaciones entre los factores ambientales no naturales (domésticos y extradomésticos) y algunos indicadores de la salud infantil, en distritos de la provincia de Buenos Aires.
El proyecto asume: a) un diseño transeccional correlacional a partir de una muestra probabilística polietápica, estratificada por conglomerados, con selección de escuelas de nivel inicial –y secciones de 5 años– del ámbito público, de forma aleatoria proporcional; y b) una estrategia de triangulación intrametodológica con uso de encuestas semiestructuradas, autoadministradas a padres/madres, mediciones antropométricas y evaluación del desarrollo psicológico de todos/as los/as niños/as de las secciones seleccionadas, con consentimiento informado.
Los resultados que se presentan aquí son los obtenidos para el municipio de Ensenada. Son un aporte a la evaluación de las condiciones del cuidado –doméstico y extradoméstico–, el estado nutricional y el desarrollo infantil en niños/as que asisten al nivel inicial de escuelas públicas, y se espera que representen un insumo valioso destinado a orientar acciones dirigidas a resolver problemáticas extendidas en la infancia.Trabajo presentado por el Centro de Estudios en Nutrición y Desarrollo Infantil (CEREN
Evaluación de las condiciones del cuidado doméstico y extradoméstico, estado nutricional y desarrollo infantil en el distrito de Ensenada
Se presentan resultados parciales del proyecto Evaluación de las condiciones del cuidado doméstico y extradoméstico, estado nutricional y desarrollo infantil en Berisso y Ensenada (PFCCIC 2016), cuyo objetivo es contribuir al cono-cimiento de las vinculaciones entre los factores ambientales no naturales (domésticos y extradomésticos) y algunos indicadores de la salud infantil, en distritos de la provincia de Buenos Aires.
El proyecto asume: a) un diseño transeccional correlacional a partir de una muestra probabilística polietápica, estratificada por conglomerados, con selección de escuelas de nivel inicial –y secciones de 5 años– del ámbito público, de forma aleatoria proporcional; y b) una estrategia de triangulación intrametodológica con uso de encuestas semiestructuradas, autoadministradas a padres/madres, mediciones antropométricas y evaluación del desarrollo psicológico de todos/as los/as niños/as de las secciones seleccionadas, con consentimiento informado.
Los resultados que se presentan aquí son los obtenidos para el municipio de Ensenada. Son un aporte a la evaluación de las condiciones del cuidado –doméstico y extradoméstico–, el estado nutricional y el desarrollo infantil en niños/as que asisten al nivel inicial de escuelas públicas, y se espera que representen un insumo valioso destinado a orientar acciones dirigidas a resolver problemáticas extendidas en la infancia.Trabajo presentado por el Centro de Estudios en Nutrición y Desarrollo Infantil (CEREN
Continental Origin for Q Haplogroup Patrilineages in Argentina and Paraguay
Haplogroup Q originated in Eurasia around 30,000 years ago. It is present in Y-chromosomes from Asia and Europe at rather low frequencies. Since America is undoubtedly one of the continents where this haplogroup is highly represented, it has been defined as one of the founding haplogroups. Its M3 clade has been early described as the most frequent, with pan-American representation. However, it was also possible to find several other haplogroup Q clades at low frequencies. Numerous mutations have been described for haplogroup Q, allowing analysis of its variability and assignment of its geographic origin. We have analyzed 442 samples of unrelated men from Argentina and Paraguay belonging to haplogroup Q; here we report specifically on 27 Q (xM3) lineages. We tested 3 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) by amplified product-length polymorphism (APLP) analysis, 3 SNPs for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, 15 SNPs by Sanger sequencing, and 17 short tandem repeats (STRs). Our approach allowed us to identify five subhaplogroups. Q-M3 and Q-CTS2730/Z780 are undoubtedly autochthonous lineages and represent the most frequent subhaplogroups, with significant representation in self-defined aboriginal populations, and their autochthonous status has been previously described. The aim of present work was to identify the continental origin of the remaining Q lineages. Thus, we analyzed the STR haplotypes for the samples and compared them with haplotypes described by other authors for the rest of the world. Even when haplogroup Q lineages have been extensively studied in America, some of them could have their origin in post-Columbian human migration from Europe and Middle East.Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología CelularFacultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoComisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aire
“Se viveres como louco, sabes que hás de morrer sem juízo”: as orientações para o bem morrer na literatura cristã portuguesa do século XVIII
Resumo Orientar os fiéis para uma vida santificada e instruí-los para uma boa morte foram objetivos muito comuns na literatura religiosa portuguesa do período moderno, especialmente aquela divulgada no século XVIII e que se propunha a definir e propagar virtudes morais e comportamentos que garantissem o bem morrer. Nosso objetivo, neste artigo, é o de analisar as orientações que todo fiel católico deveria observar como preparação prévia para a morte nas obras Sermão da Missão da quarta tarde da quaresma (1734), Terceiro Instruído na Virtude (1742) e Mestre da Virtude(1745), produzidas pelo padre dominicano português João Franc
Adherence to medication before and after the use of a Drug-Dispensing System with usage control
The aim of the present work was to assess the adherence to medication from polymedicated patients before and after the use of a Drug-dispensing System with Usage Control (DDSUC) and compare the levels of the clinical parameters - blood pressure, postprandial glycemia, glycated hemoglobin, triglycerides and cholesterol. DDSUC consisted of a monthly drug-dispensing package, in the shape of a blister with a calendar. This quasi-experimental study was performed in a Basic Health Unit. Twenty four patients were selected to use DDSUC for 4 months. Medication adherence was assessed through Morisky-Green test. Among the participants of the study, 62.5% were women and the average age was 67 years old. Before the use of DDSUC, 83.3% of the patients were considered as "less adherent". After the use of the system, 100% were considered as "more adherent" (p < 0.01), the means of the systolic blood pressure decreased 23.7 mmHg (p=0.000), the diastolic blood pressure decreased 12.1 mmHg (p=0.004) and glycemia diminished 79.3 mg/dl (p=0.000). The use of DDSUC improved the adherence to medication and decreased the values of the clinical parameters, making patients safer when it comes to respecting the correct use of their medication.</p
FungalTraits:A user-friendly traits database of fungi and fungus-like stramenopiles
The cryptic lifestyle of most fungi necessitates molecular identification of the guild in environmental studies. Over the past decades, rapid development and affordability of molecular tools have tremendously improved insights of the fungal diversity in all ecosystems and habitats. Yet, in spite of the progress of molecular methods, knowledge about functional properties of the fungal taxa is vague and interpretation of environmental studies in an ecologically meaningful manner remains challenging. In order to facilitate functional assignments and ecological interpretation of environmental studies we introduce a user friendly traits and character database FungalTraits operating at genus and species hypothesis levels. Combining the information from previous efforts such as FUNGuild and Fun(Fun) together with involvement of expert knowledge, we reannotated 10,210 and 151 fungal and Stramenopila genera, respectively. This resulted in a stand-alone spreadsheet dataset covering 17 lifestyle related traits of fungal and Stramenopila genera, designed for rapid functional assignments of environmental studies. In order to assign the trait states to fungal species hypotheses, the scientific community of experts manually categorised and assigned available trait information to 697,413 fungal ITS sequences. On the basis of those sequences we were able to summarise trait and host information into 92,623 fungal species hypotheses at 1% dissimilarity threshold
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