929 research outputs found

    Extrapolation Methods for the Dirac Inverter in Hybrid Monte Carlo

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    In Hybrid Monte Carlo(HMC) simulations for full QCD, the gauge fields evolve smoothly as a function of Molecular Dynamics (MD) time. Thus we investigate improved methods of estimating the trial solutions to the Dirac propagator as superpositions of the solutions in the recent past. So far our best extrapolation method reduces the number of Conjugate Gradient iterations per unit MD time by about a factor of 4. Further improvements should be forthcoming as we further exploit the information of past trajectories.Comment: latex file with espcrc2 styl

    Spain in America

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    Gedicht über die Zerstörung der spanischen Flott

    The Poet's Testament

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    Gedicht in Spanisch und Englisc

    Consideraciones sobre el género Jasonia (Compositae, Inuleae): Sistemática y usos.

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    Consideraciones sobre el género Jasonia (Compositae, Inuleae). Sistemática y usos. En este trabajo se estudia el género Jasonia en la Península Ibérica, en la que viven J. tuberosa y J. glutinosa. Además se aportan datos sobre las especies insulares mediterráneas y del norte de África. El género Chiliadenus se incluye razonadamente en la sinonimia de Jasonia. Se confirma la validez nomenclatural de J. glutinosa y se cita correctamente su basiónimo. Además se aportan datos nomenclaturales y morfológicos y se incluyen dos mapas de distribución de las especies. Se proponen dos nuevas combinaciones: J. bocconei y J. lopadusanus. Dada la importancia del té de roca (J. glutinosa) como planta medicinal de extendido uso popular en España, se detallan sus usos y la distribución de los mismos

    Land use, landscape and sustainability: examples from Montesinho

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    The traditional and multifunctional landscapes of Montesinho Natural Park (PNM), with their typical complexes of agro-, silvo- and pastoral components, changed thoroughly during past decades. Historical, social, economic and cultural factors, such as poor communications, biophysical events, and direct contact with nature in everyday life should be taken into account to explain its present land use pattern. The current land use patterns are based in an ancestral arrangement of factors resulting from a combination of two main parameters: water availability and village proximity, both of them highly dependent of the topographic circumstances. As a result, four main land use groups must be considered: vegetable gardens and orchards near village streams margins, mainly over Fluvisols; meadows along the streams, also over Fluvisols; open cereal fields around the village, frequently over Dystric Cambisols and Leptosols; and more or less wooded open land outside th is agricultural matrix, on Umbric Leptosols (IPB/ICN, 2006). The last one, the open woodland matrix, is the largest component of PNM landscape. Essentially. it 'is an export ecosystem: shrubs, firewood. pasture, but al so, rock outcrops, honey, etc. In contrast, the vegetable gardens and orchards benefit greatly from human and animal labor manure and water, in order to produce the seasonal fresh food to complement the inhabitants' diet, which is mainly based on cereals and meal. The meadows are, or were, essentially a “power'” ecosystem feeding cattle used to plough fields. The open cereal fields ultimately provide bread, the basis of human life.EduNatTe

    La teoría de la desintegracion positiva de Dabrowski

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    El siguiente artículo resume someramente la teoría de la Desintegración Positiva de Kazimier Dabrowski, a través de la que se analiza el desarrollo humano. Sus presupuestos básicos se centran en la defensa de la evolución interna del sujeto a lo largo de cinco niveles mediante los que se va acercando a la consecución de su «Ideal de per-sonalidad», para lo que dispone de mecanismos, capacidades internas y oportunidades que determinarán sus elecciones y logros durante este proceso.This article explains briefly the theory of Positive Disintegracion proposed by Kazimier Dabrowski, who analizes the developmental process. His basic thoughts are centered in the idea of the inner evolution through five levels; the individual is achieving his «Personlaity ideal» across them. The person has mechanisms, inner capacities and environment opportunities to fulfil this objective, which determine his choices and prices along the process

    Ethnobotany: traditional management of plants and cultural heritage

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    The scope of Ethnobotany is to study the relationships between plants and people. The discipline has been growing rapidly in Spain over the last twenty years. Its main objective is to study traditional uses and knowledge of plants. Radical change in life style and in the relationship internature have been brought about by modifications to rural societies over the last few decades. Not many years ago knowledge of plants and their uses was essential to settle basic needs of the population. Migration from rural areas and social and cultural changes have forged a gap between generations that has interrupted communication of this kind of knowledge and loss of a rich heritage. Gathering popular wisdom and traditions, that are important part of the identity and cultural personality of people, is a priority.La etnobotánica estudia las relaciones entre los seres humanos y los vegetales. En España ha recibido un notable desarrollo en los últimos veinte años. Su principal objetivo son los conocimientos sobre plantas y sus utilidades en la cultura popular tradicional. Las transformaciones acontecidas en las sociedades rurales en las últimas décadas han provocado cambios radicales en los modos de vida y especialmente en las relaciones con la naturaleza. Hasta no hace muchos años el conocimiento de las plantas y sus usos era fundamental para solucionar las necesidades vitales de la población. El despoblamiento rural y los cambios socioculturales han provocado un salto generacional que impide la transmisión oral de estos conocimientos, perdiéndose así gran parte de este rico patrimonio. Urge recopilar todas estas sabidurías y tradiciones, parte sustantiva de la identidad y personalidad cultural de cada pueblo.Peer reviewe