51 research outputs found

    Il libro bianco sulla sicurezza alimentare. Futuri aspetti normativi

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    RIASSUNTO Il Libro Bianco si basa sul principio che la politica della sicurezza alimentare deve prendere in considerazione l’intera catena alimentare, tanto che la Commissione, nella sua stesura, ha già delineato più di 80 azioni necessarie ad integrare ed ammodernare l’attuale normativa, per renderla più coerente, comprensibile e flessibile, per farla rispettare meglio e per garantire una maggiore trasparenza. L’impegno primario è di definire i ruoli di tutti i partecipanti alla catena alimentare: i produttori di mangimi, gli agricoltori ed i produttori/operatori del settore che devono avere la responsabilità primaria riguardo la sicurezza degli alimenti; le autorità competenti negli Stati membri e nei Paesi terzi che devono avere compiti di monitoraggio e devono far sì che tutte le responsabilità vengano rispettate attuando sistemi nazionali di controllo e di sorveglianza; la Commissione che deve avere il compito di valutare la capacità che hanno le autorità competenti di attuare tutti i sistemi di controllo (audit e ispezioni a livello nazionale); infine, i consumatori che devono essere coscienti che sono responsabili dell’adeguata conservazione, manipolazione e cottura degli alimenti. SUMMARY The white paper base itself on the principle that the politic on food security must consider the whole food chain. For this reason the Commission, during the drawing up of the White Book, has already outlined more than 80 necessary actions: to integrate and to modernize the present provisions, to make the provisions more coherent understandable and flexible, to make the provisions better observable, and to guarantee a greater transparence. The primary objective of the book is to determine the role of every people involved in the food chain. The feed producers, the farmers and the producers/workers of the chain must have the primary responsibility of the food safety. The competent Authorities, in each European Country, and also in the so called Third Countries, must monitor the productive process and must perform random checkups and controls, to evaluate their systems and, eventually, to detect faults of every kind of operator. The European Commission must evaluate the Authorities of each European Country and also of the trading foreigner Countries (by audit and inspections on the national markets). The consumers must storage, handle and cook the food with the correct methods

    Isolation and characterization of non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing <i>Escherichia coli</i> from beef carcasses, cuts and trimmings of abattoirs in Argentina

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    Several foods contaminated with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are associated with human diseases. Some countries have established microbiological criteria for non-O157 STEC, thus, the absence of serogroups O26, O45, O103, O104, O111, O121, and O145 in sprouts from the European Union or ground beef and beef trimmings from the United States is mandatory. While in Argentina screening for O26, O103, O111, O145 and O121 in ground beef, ready-to-eat food, sausages and vegetables is mandatory, other countries have zero-tolerance for all STEC in chilled beef. The aim of this study was to provide data on the prevalence of non-O157 STEC isolated from beef processed in eight Argentinean cattle slaughterhouses producing beef for export and local markets, and to know the non-O157 STEC profiles through strain characterization and genotypic analysis. Samples (n = 15,965) from 3,205 beef carcasses, 9,570 cuts and 3,190 trimmings collected between March and September 2014 were processed in pools of five samples each. Pools of samples (n = 3,193) from 641 carcasses, 1,914 cuts and 638 trimming were analyzed for non-O157 STEC isolation according to ISO/CEN 13136:2012. Of these, 37 pools of carcasses (5.8%), 111 pools of cuts (5.8%) and 45 pools of trimmings (7.0%) were positive for non-O157 STEC. STEC strains (n = 200) were isolated from 193 pools of samples. The most prevalent serotypes were O174:H21, O185:H7, O8:H19, O178:H19 and O130:H11, and the most prevalent genotypes were stx2c(vh-b) and stx2a/saa/ehxA. O103:H21 strain was eae-positive and one O178:H19 strain was aggR/aaiC-positive. The prevalence of non-O157 STEC in beef carcasses reported here was low. None of the non-O157 STEC strains isolated corresponded to the non-O157 STEC serotypes and virulence profiles isolated from human cases in Argentina in the same study period. The application of microbiological criteria for each foodstuff should be determined by risk analysis in order to have a stringent monitoring system. Likewise, zero-tolerance intervention measures should be applied in beef, together with GMP and HACCP. Further, collaborative efforts for risk assessment, management and communication are extremely important to improve the safety of foodstuffs.Instituto de Genética VeterinariaFacultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Isolation and characterization of non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing <i>Escherichia coli</i> from beef carcasses, cuts and trimmings of abattoirs in Argentina

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    Several foods contaminated with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are associated with human diseases. Some countries have established microbiological criteria for non-O157 STEC, thus, the absence of serogroups O26, O45, O103, O104, O111, O121, and O145 in sprouts from the European Union or ground beef and beef trimmings from the United States is mandatory. While in Argentina screening for O26, O103, O111, O145 and O121 in ground beef, ready-to-eat food, sausages and vegetables is mandatory, other countries have zero-tolerance for all STEC in chilled beef. The aim of this study was to provide data on the prevalence of non-O157 STEC isolated from beef processed in eight Argentinean cattle slaughterhouses producing beef for export and local markets, and to know the non-O157 STEC profiles through strain characterization and genotypic analysis. Samples (n = 15,965) from 3,205 beef carcasses, 9,570 cuts and 3,190 trimmings collected between March and September 2014 were processed in pools of five samples each. Pools of samples (n = 3,193) from 641 carcasses, 1,914 cuts and 638 trimming were analyzed for non-O157 STEC isolation according to ISO/CEN 13136:2012. Of these, 37 pools of carcasses (5.8%), 111 pools of cuts (5.8%) and 45 pools of trimmings (7.0%) were positive for non-O157 STEC. STEC strains (n = 200) were isolated from 193 pools of samples. The most prevalent serotypes were O174:H21, O185:H7, O8:H19, O178:H19 and O130:H11, and the most prevalent genotypes were stx2c(vh-b) and stx2a/saa/ehxA. O103:H21 strain was eae-positive and one O178:H19 strain was aggR/aaiC-positive. The prevalence of non-O157 STEC in beef carcasses reported here was low. None of the non-O157 STEC strains isolated corresponded to the non-O157 STEC serotypes and virulence profiles isolated from human cases in Argentina in the same study period. The application of microbiological criteria for each foodstuff should be determined by risk analysis in order to have a stringent monitoring system. Likewise, zero-tolerance intervention measures should be applied in beef, together with GMP and HACCP. Further, collaborative efforts for risk assessment, management and communication are extremely important to improve the safety of foodstuffs.Instituto de Genética VeterinariaFacultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    The state of the Martian climate

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    60°N was +2.0°C, relative to the 1981–2010 average value (Fig. 5.1). This marks a new high for the record. The average annual surface air temperature (SAT) anomaly for 2016 for land stations north of starting in 1900, and is a significant increase over the previous highest value of +1.2°C, which was observed in 2007, 2011, and 2015. Average global annual temperatures also showed record values in 2015 and 2016. Currently, the Arctic is warming at more than twice the rate of lower latitudes

    Isolation and characterization of non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing <i>Escherichia coli</i> from beef carcasses, cuts and trimmings of abattoirs in Argentina

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    Several foods contaminated with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) are associated with human diseases. Some countries have established microbiological criteria for non-O157 STEC, thus, the absence of serogroups O26, O45, O103, O104, O111, O121, and O145 in sprouts from the European Union or ground beef and beef trimmings from the United States is mandatory. While in Argentina screening for O26, O103, O111, O145 and O121 in ground beef, ready-to-eat food, sausages and vegetables is mandatory, other countries have zero-tolerance for all STEC in chilled beef. The aim of this study was to provide data on the prevalence of non-O157 STEC isolated from beef processed in eight Argentinean cattle slaughterhouses producing beef for export and local markets, and to know the non-O157 STEC profiles through strain characterization and genotypic analysis. Samples (n = 15,965) from 3,205 beef carcasses, 9,570 cuts and 3,190 trimmings collected between March and September 2014 were processed in pools of five samples each. Pools of samples (n = 3,193) from 641 carcasses, 1,914 cuts and 638 trimming were analyzed for non-O157 STEC isolation according to ISO/CEN 13136:2012. Of these, 37 pools of carcasses (5.8%), 111 pools of cuts (5.8%) and 45 pools of trimmings (7.0%) were positive for non-O157 STEC. STEC strains (n = 200) were isolated from 193 pools of samples. The most prevalent serotypes were O174:H21, O185:H7, O8:H19, O178:H19 and O130:H11, and the most prevalent genotypes were stx2c(vh-b) and stx2a/saa/ehxA. O103:H21 strain was eae-positive and one O178:H19 strain was aggR/aaiC-positive. The prevalence of non-O157 STEC in beef carcasses reported here was low. None of the non-O157 STEC strains isolated corresponded to the non-O157 STEC serotypes and virulence profiles isolated from human cases in Argentina in the same study period. The application of microbiological criteria for each foodstuff should be determined by risk analysis in order to have a stringent monitoring system. Likewise, zero-tolerance intervention measures should be applied in beef, together with GMP and HACCP. Further, collaborative efforts for risk assessment, management and communication are extremely important to improve the safety of foodstuffs.Instituto de Genética VeterinariaFacultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Benessere in allevamento. le nuove norme sui suini

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    RIASSUNTO Con il cambiamento di sensibilità dell’uomo nei confronti degli animali è divenuto necessario garantire la tutela dei diritti degli animali durante tutta la loro carriera produttiva: l’opinione pubblica infatti richiede sempre più un prodotto di elevati standard qualitativi, che origini da un animale che abbia potuto vivere e crescere nel rispetto del suo benessere. Sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale delle Comunità Europee del 1° dicembre 2001 sono state pubblicate due Direttive, la Direttiva 2001/88/CE del Consiglio del 23 ottobre 2001 e la Direttiva 2001/93/CE della Commissione del 9 novembre 2001, che apportano modifiche alla Direttiva 91/630/CEE che stabilisce le norme minime per la protezione dei suini, recepita con il Decreto Legislativo n. 534/92. Entro il 1° gennaio del 2003 anche l’Italia è tenuta a recepire queste due Direttive che cercano di fornire parametri oggettivi più restrittivi e facilmente misurabili rispetto a quelli delle norme già in vigore adottando le disposizioni legislative, regolamentari ed amministrative necessarie per conformarsi alle disposizioni di queste Direttive. La Direttiva 2001/88/CE del Consiglio, ha modificato alcuni articoli della Direttiva 91/630/CEE mentre la Direttiva 2001/93/CE sostituisce l’allegato della Direttiva 91/630/CEE. Questo Allegato, che apporta le vere e proprie novità, si divide in due Capitoli: il primo detta le Condizioni generali ed il secondo le Disposizioni specifiche per le varie categorie di suini, e cioè i verri, le scrofe e le scrofette, i lattonzoli, i suinetti e suini all’ingrasso. SUMMARY The guardianship of the rights of the animals during all the theirs productive career is becoming necessary with the man change of sensitiveness toward the animals. Public opinion in fact requests a product of high standard quality but obtained by animals that have been able to live and growth in the respect of wellbeing. On the Gazzetta Ufficiale of the European Community (December, 1, 2001) two directives has been published: The Directive 2001/88/EEC (October, 23, 2001) of the Council and the Directive 2001/93/EEC (November, 9, 2001) of the Commission. Those directives modify the Directive 91/630/EEC that establishes the rearing technologies to be applied for the protection of swine’s (applied with the Decreto Legislativo n. 534/92). Within the 2003, January the first, also Italy must apply this two directives which supplies objectify parameters for wellbeing, more restrictive and easily measurable in comparison with those adopted by the old rules. So that Italy must perform the necessary legislative dispositions to conform to the dispositions of these directives. The Directive 2001/88/EEC of the Council has modified some articles of the Directive 91/630/EEC, while the Directive 2001/93/EEC replaces the enclosure of the Directive 91/630/EEC. The really novelty are bring by the enclosure, which is divided in two capitulates: the first rules the general conditions and the second rules the specific dispositions for the different swine’s category: boars, sows, sucking pigs, and fattening pigs

    Contaminazione e fattori ambientali. Disposizioni comunitarie

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    RIASSUNTO Gli autori esaminano la complessa normativa comunitaria sui contaminanti nei prodotti alimentari cercando di dare una visione d’insieme dell’impostazione europea su tale problematica poiché l’UE si pone il difficile obiettivo di salvaguardare al massimo i consumatori senza per questo porre inutili difficoltà e limiti alla libera circolazione delle merci. Contaminante viene definita qualsiasi sostanza non aggiunta intenzionalmente ai prodotti alimentari e presente in essi sotto forma di residuo sia nelle fasi di produzione, fabbricazione, preparazione, trattamento, trasformazione, imballaggio, condizionamento, trasporto, immagazzinamento sia a causa di contaminazione ambientale e un prodotto alimentare non può essere commercializzato se contiene un contaminante in quantitativi inaccettabili sul piano tossicologico. Gli autori esaminano il Regolamento (CEE) n. 315/93, che stabilisce procedure comunitarie relative ai contaminanti nei prodotti alimentari emanato con lo scopo di disporre una procedura che consenta di valutare il livello ammissibile di tossicità di un contaminante contenuto nei prodotti alimentari, tenendo conto di tutte le possibili fonti e che non si applica ai contaminanti disciplinati da norme più specifiche. Dopo aver brevemente esaminato il Regolamento n. 466/2001/CE, che stabilisce i tenori massimi per alcuni contaminanti nei prodotti alimentari, emanato con lo scopo di ridurre la presenza di contaminanti in alcuni prodotti alimentari ai livelli minimi che consentano ragionevolmente l’applicazione di buoni procedimenti agricoli o di fabbricazione per garantire un elevato livello di protezione della salute pubblica, segnatamente per i gruppi più sensibili della popolazione e di armonizzare le normative degli Stati membri per quanto attiene ai tenori massimi di contaminanti in alcuni prodotti alimentari per garantire l’omogeneità del mercato e prevenire distorsioni di concorrenza, gli autori riferiscono per sommi capi la legislazione comunitaria relativa alla contaminazione radioattiva, alla contaminazione attraverso i prodotti chimici, le sostanze ad effetto ormonale e gli organismi geneticamente modificati. SUMMARY “Contaminant” means any substance not intentionally added to food which is present in such food as a result of the production (including operations carried out in crop husbandry, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine), manufacture, processing, preparation, treatment, packing, packaging, transport or holding of such food, or as a result of environmental contamination and food containing a contaminant in an amount which is unacceptable from the public health viewpoint and in particular at a toxicological level shall not be placed on the market. The authors examine the Council Regulation (EEC) n. 315/93 of 8 February 1993 laying down Community procedures for contaminants in food issued to have a procedure to value the contaminant maximum tolerances in food considering all possible sources. This Regulation shall not apply to contaminants which are the subject of more specific Community rules. After, the Authors examine the Commission Regulation (EC) n. 466/2001 of 8 March 2001 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs adopted to keep contaminants at levels which are toxicologically acceptable to apply good manufacturing or agricultural practices, in order to achieve a higher level of health protection, especially for sensitive groups of the population and to harmonized the laws of Member States in regard to the maximum levels for contaminants in certain foodstuffs to ensure market unity while abiding by the principle of proportionality and to prevent consequent risk of distortion of competition. In conclusion the authors report briefly the Community rules regarding radioactive contamination and contamination by chemical products, substances having a hormonal or thyrostatic action and genetically modified micro-organisms

    Il piano nazionale 2002 per la ricerca dei residui negli animali ed in alcuni prodotti di origine animale

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    RIASSUNTO Il Piano Nazionale 2002 per la “Ricerca dei Residui negli Animali ed in alcuni Prodotti di Origine Animale” (PNR), elaborato dal Ministero della salute, si basa sulle disposizioni del Decreto Legislativo (D.Lgs.) n. 336/99. Le Regioni attuano il Piano in base alle singole realtà produttive e zootecniche coordinando l’attività delle Aziende Unità Sanitarie Locali; verificano la corretta esecuzione del PNR sul territorio di loro competenza specie per il rispetto delle procedure di campionamento, l’uniforme distribuzione dei controlli e l’applicazione del D.Lgs. n. 432/98; trasmettono al Ministero della salute gli esiti del campionamento ogni sei mesi (comunque entro il 31 luglio 2002 e il 31 gennaio 2003) e danno comunicazione immediata in caso di positività. La programmazione per l’anno 2002 prevede la ricerca dei residui di sostanze ad effetto anabolizzante e di sostanze non autorizzate nonché di farmaci veterinari e di contaminanti ambientali nel settore bovino, suino, ovi-caprino ed equino; nel settore avicolo; nel settore dell’acquacoltura; settore cunicolo; settore della selvaggina da penna d’allevamento; settore del latte; settore delle uova; settore del miele; settore della selvaggina cacciata. È prevista la ricerca del cadmio negli equini e dei PCB e delle diossine nelle varie matrici. Inoltre per il 2002 è stata inserita la ricerca dei piretrodi nel latte ovino a seguito della presenza di focolai di Blue Tongue in Sardegna, Sicilia, Calabria e Basilicata nonché la ricerca di tetracicline nel suino e di chinolonici nel suino e nel pollame. In conformità alle richieste dell’Unione Europea è stata inserita la ricerca del CAF nel muscolo. SUMMARY The National Plan 2002 for the “Research of the residues in the animals and in some Animal products and by products”, well-known as PNR 2002, has been elaborated by the ministry of the health. It is based on the dispositions of the Decreto Legislativo (D.Lgs.) n. 336/99 emanated in putting into effect of the directive 96/22/EEC and 96/23/EEC. The Regions must carry into effect the plan basing on the single productive and zootechnic realities and must coordinate the activity of the Aziende Unità Sanitarie Locali. They verify also the correct execution of the PN on the territory of its competence, in particular for what concerns the respect for the sampling procedure, the uniform distribution of controls and the application of the D.Lgs. n. 432/98. They transmit the results to the Ministry of the health every six months (within July 31, 2002 and January 31, 2003) and communicate immediately positively cases. The programming for the year 2002 foresee to the research of the residues of anabolic steroids, not authorized drugs, veterinary medicines and ambient contaminants in the bovine (milk too), swine, goat, equine, poultry (egg too), fish, rabbit bee (honey) and game sector. The programming foresee the research of cadmium in equines and the research of PCB’s and dioxins in vary matrixes. Besides for 2002 has been programmed the research of piretroides in the sheep milk (due to the presence of Blue Tongue in Sardegna, Sicilia, Calabria and Basilicata), the research of tetracycline’s in swine’s and the research of chinolone’s in swine’s and in the poultry’s. In conformity to the request for the e Europe Union, the research of the CAF has been programmed for every kind of muscle

    Decreto Legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n. 196 'Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali'

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    RIASSUNTO Il Decreto Legislativo, n. 196 del 30 giugno 2003 "Codice in materia di protezione deidati personali" o "Codice sulla privacy" (GURI n. 174, 29 luglio 2003, SO n. 123) ha abrogato la normativa precedente raccogliendo in un testo unico tutte le disposizioni in tema di privacy. Questa norma stabilisce che chiunque ha diritto alla protezione dei dati personali che lo riguardano; garantisce che il trattamento dei dati personali si svolga nel rispetto dei diritti e delle libertà fondamentali, nonché della dignità dell’interessato, con particolare riferimento alla riservatezza, all’identità personale e al diritto alla protezione dei dati personali; sancisce che il trattamento dei dati personali è disciplinato assicurando un elevato livello di tutela dei diritti e delle libertà nel rispetto dei principi di semplificazione, armonizzazione ed efficacia delle modalità previste per il loro esercizio da parte degli interessati, nonché per l’adempimento degli obblighi da parte dei titolari del trattamento. SUMMARY The Legislative Decree n. 196/03 (June, 30, 2003) "Privacy disclaimer Processing of Personal Data" is the only reference for this matter (GURI n. 174, July, 292003, SO n. 123) and has deleted every previous rule on management or possession of data that are classified as being sensitive (general and tax data, as well as data of an economic nature and so on). The new rule state that Nobody can be in possession of any data that is classified as being sensitive (art 4 letter "d" of the code) or legal (art. 4 letter “e” of the code) without the agreement of the subject. Everybody can protect personal data and, even if when the data are given by people, the rule guarantee that personal data must be processed by the use of instruments and procedures that are suitable to guarantee security and confidentiality either if they are performed on paper or on computer support