111 research outputs found

    Oscillations and nonoscillations in mixed differential equations with monotonic delays and advances

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    Nonoscillations in retarded equations

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    On Nonoscillation of Mixed Advanced-Delay Differential Equations with Positive and Negative Coefficients

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    For a mixed (advanced--delay) differential equation with variable delays and coefficients x˙(t)±a(t)x(g(t))b(t)x(h(t))=0,tt0 \dot{x}(t) \pm a(t)x(g(t)) \mp b(t)x(h(t)) = 0, t\geq t_0 where a(t)0,b(t)0,g(t)t,h(t)t a(t)\geq 0, b(t)\geq 0, g(t)\leq t, h(t)\geq t explicit nonoscillation conditions are obtained.Comment: 17 pages; 2 figures; to appear in Computers & Mathematics with Application

    Oscillation of Nonlinear Difference Equations with Delayed Argument

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    Oscillation Criteria for First Order Linear Difference Equations with Several Delay Arguments

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    The difference equation with delayed arguments ∆u(k) + Σpₗ(k) u(τₗ(k)) = 0, is considered, where ∆u(k) = u(k + 1) − u(k), pₗ : N → R, τₗ : N → N, lim k→+∞ τₗ (k) = +∞, i = 1, ..., m. In the paper sufficient conditions are established for all proper solutions of the above equation to be oscillatory.The difference equation with delayed arguments ∆u(k) + Σpₗ(k) u(τₗ(k)) = 0, is considered, where ∆u(k) = u(k + 1) − u(k), pₗ : N → R, τₗ : N → N, lim k→+∞ τₗ (k) = +∞, i = 1, ..., m. In the paper sufficient conditions are established for all proper solutions of the above equation to be oscillatory. Розглянуто рiзницеве рiвняння з запiзненнями в аргументах ∆u(k) + Σpₗ(k) u(τₗ(k)) = 0, де u(k) = u(k + 1) − u(k), pₗ : N → R, τₗ : N → N, lim k→+∞ τₗ (k) = +∞, i = 1, ..., m. Знайдено достатнi умови для того, щоб всi правильнi розв’язки рiвняння були осцилюючими

    Oscillatory mixed difference systems

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss the oscillatory behavior of difference systems of mixed type. Several criteria for oscillations are obtained. Particular results are included in regard to scalar equations. Copyright © 2006 J. M. Ferreira and S. Pinelas. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, dis-tribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1

    Nonoscillations in retarded systems

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    AbstractThis note is concerned with the existence of nonoscillatory solutions of a linear retarded system. Several criteria for nonoscillations are obtained, some of them regarding specific classes of continuous and differentiable delay functions