15 research outputs found

    Strategies for socialization into a non-conventional family project

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    In this paper we put together data from various projects focused on the construction of nontraditional family projects in Spain: (1) a multi-sited ethnographic study on the construction of singleparent families by choice in Spain; (2) a qualitative comparative study of adoptive families in Madrid and Chicago; (3) an on-going multi-sited ethnographic project on disclosure processes in families formed via gamete donation. Across the data of these studies, involving a wide variety of family configurations (single and two-parent families, heterosexual and homo-parental families, international and interracial adopted children, partially-related biological offspring, etc.), we have identified a series of socialization strategies that are explicitly pointed out by parents as playing a role in socializing children into understanding their non-conventional family experience. Some of these strategies include creating socialization, support and leisure spaces with families of similar characteristics, multiple forms or narrative and storytelling activity on children's origin and the construction of their family project, managing conversations and interactions about their family when their children are present as over hearers or using daily interactions to construct and explore their family project. Across our data and studies socialization emerges as an active, bi-directional and reflexive process central to family and parental identities. With our findings we present a portrait of emergent processes in Spain and open the door to cross-cultural comparison


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    Introduction The humanization of labour places women at the centre of medical attention. In September 2013, a process of humanization of caesarean sections was launched at the Hospital General de Hospitalet. This process included the presence of a companion in low-risk caesareans, early initiation of breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact in the operating room. Objective The aim of this article is to expose the steps that were followed to launch the initiative and asses the results of a satisfaction survey conducted on the first sample of women and their companions who benefited from the procedure. Materials and methods Description of the procedure followed in the first phase and analysis of the satisfaction survey conducted during the second phase. Results The results of the satisfaction survey reveal that the initiative was highly gratifying both for women and their companions. Conclusions The fact that the delivery entails a caesarean section is no reason to deprive families of the opportunity of living together such an exciting experience. IntroducciónLa humanización del trabajo de parto se define como aquella asistencia que sitúa a la mujer en el centro de la atención. En Septiembre de 2013 se puso en marcha un procedimiento de humanización de las cesáreas en el Hospital General de L´Hospitalet, en el cual se incluye la presencia de un acompañante en las cesáreas de bajo riesgo, el inicio precoz de la lactancia materna y el contacto piel a piel en el quirófano.ObjetivoEl objetivo del presente artículo es divulgar los pasos que se siguieron para poner en marcha el procedimiento y valorar la satisfacción de la primera muestra de mujeres y sus acompañantes que se beneficiaron del procedimiento.Material y métodoEn la primera fase, se realiza la descripción del procedimiento; en la segunda, se administra la encuesta de satisfacción.ResultadosLos resultados de la encuesta de satisfacción realizada evidencian que la iniciativa fue altamente gratificante, tanto para las mujeres como para sus acompañantes.ConclusionesEl hecho de que la vía del nacimiento deba ser una cesárea no es motivo para que privemos a las familias de vivir juntas una experiencia tan emocionante


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    IntroductionSterile water injections in the Rhombus of Michaelis are used as a simple technique to alleviate back pain during childbirth. However, the technique itself is painful and requires two professionals to carry it out. ObjectiveTo assess the level of pain associated with the technique of sterile water injection after the injection of lidocaine, compared to the technique of sterile water injection without lidocaine. The aim was also to assess whether both techniques (with and without lidocaine) reduce back pain during childbirth. Material and Methods A semi-experimental study was carried out. The level of pain was assessed using the VAS scale before the technique, during the technique, and 30 minutes after the technique in two groups of expectant mothers (with and without lidocaine). The expectant mothers were divided randomly into two groups. The SPSS programme was used for the data analysis. Results The results showed that the technique with lidocaine could be undertaken by one professional and was significantly less painful than the technique without the anesthetic. In both cases, the level of pain stated prior to the sterile water injection was reduced 30 minutes after the injection. The reduction in pain was clinically relevant. Conclusions Sterile water injection in the Rhombus of Michaelis is an effective technique for reducing back pain during childbirth. The injection of lidocaine prior to the technique enables its use without the main disadvantage: pain on injection of sterile water.IntroducciónLas inyecciones de agua estéril en el Rombo de Michaelis se usan como técnica simple para aliviar el dolor lumbar durante el parto. Pero la técnica es dolorosa y requiere de dos profesionales para su realización.ObjetivoEvaluar el nivel de dolor de la técnica de la inyección de agua estéril previa inyección de lidocaína respecto de la técnica de inyección de agua estéril sin lidocaína. Así mismo, se pretendía evaluar si ambas técnicas (sin lidocaína y con lidocaína) disminuían el dolor lumbar durante el parto.Material y MétodosSe llevó a cabo un estudio cuasi-experimental. Se evaluó el nivel de dolor mediante la escala EVA antes de la técnica, durante la técnica y a los 30 minutos de la técnica en dos grupos de gestantes (sin lidocaína y con lidocaína). Las gestantes fueron asignadas a ambos grupos de forma aleatoria. Para el análisis de los datos, se utilizó el programa estadístico SPSS.Resultados Los resultados mostraron que la técnica con lidocaína es significativamente menos dolorosa que sin lidocaína y la puede realizar un solo profesional. Así mismo, el nivel de dolor referido antes de la técnica disminuyó en ambos casos a los 30 minutos de forma clínicamente relevante.ConclusionesLas inyecciones de agua estéril en el Rombo de Michaelis constituyen una técnica efectiva para la reducción del dolor lumbar durante el parto. Además, la inyección de lidocaína previa a la técnica permite su uso evitando su principal inconveniente, el dolor al inyectar el agua estéril

    Protocol d'atenció i acompanyament al naixement a Catalunya

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    Acompanyament al naixement; Voluntats de la dona; Atenció al nadóBirth support; Women's wills; Newborn careAcompañamiento en el nacimiento; Voluntades de la mujer; Atención al recién nacidoL’Organització Mundial de la Salut, l’any 2018 va proposar una sèrie d’actuacions per a l’atenció al moment del part, que tenen per lema ‘Atenció per a una experiència positiva en el naixement’. En aquest document s’actualitza el ‘Protocol del part, puerperi i atenció al nadó’, document elaborat pel Departament de Salut, publicat l’any 2003 i actualitzat l’any 2019 com a ‘Protocol d’atenció i acompanyament al naixement’, seguint les recomanacions de l’OMS, així com totes aquelles basades en l’evidència científica, amb el màxim respecte a les opinions i voluntats de les dones gestants i amb l’objectiu d’ajudar-les a elles i a les seves famílies a tenir una experiència positiva en el part. Les activitats de promoció de la salut i prevenció de la malaltia són l’eix vertebrador d’aquest protocol i de tots els que es coordinen des del Servei de Salut Maternoinfantil de la Sub-direcció de Promoció de la Salut de l’Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya del Departament de Salut. En aquest sentit, cal ressaltar la seva relació amb el Protocol del seguiment de l’embaràs a Catalunya (3a. edició) que es va presentar el 2018, amb el qual comparteix principis i enfocament. El protocol s’estructura en tres capítols en relació a les etapes (prepart, part i puerperi), recollint en el tercer, l’atenció la nadó. Cada capítol té diversos apartats en les activitats a realitzar, la informació a donar i el registre, entre d’altres. Es recull, després, la bibliografia i una sèrie de annexos amb eines pràctiques

    Midwives’ contribution to normal childbirth care: Cross-sectional study in public health settings, the MidconBirth Study protocol

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    This paper presents the Protocol for a multicentre study that seeks to analyse the relationship between midwife care during childbirth and spontaneous vaginal birth. Each participating hospital collects outcome data from a sample of all women birthing, determined according to the number of annual births attended by midwives, in each hospital. Data collected are sociodemographic variables (age, nationality, level of education). Clinical variables collected are onset of labour, augmentation of labour, professional (midwife or obstetrician) providing care in the first and second stage of labour, transfer of care between professionals, mobility during labour, pharmacological and non-pharmacological pain-management methods used, if any, position for birth, mode of birth outcomes, Apgar score at 1 and 5 minutes, birth weight, timing of breastfeeding initiation and breastfeeding rates. The Bologna Score scale items, are evaluated also. The midwife’s contribution in the care of normal birth, and the relationship with spontaneous birth (i.e. vaginal birth without the use of instruments) will serve as a basis for further improving the quality of care provided to pregnant women and their families. Phase I of the study ended in January 2017

    Intracutaneous sterile water injections in the Rhombus of Michaelis after local anaesthesia: a complementary therapy for relieving pain during childbirth

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    IntroducciónLas inyecciones de agua estéril en el Rombo de Michaelis se usan como técnica simple para aliviar el dolor lumbar durante el parto. Pero la técnica es dolorosa y requiere de dos profesionales para su realización.ObjetivoEvaluar el nivel de dolor de la técnica de la inyección de agua estéril previa inyección de lidocaína respecto de la técnica de inyección de agua estéril sin lidocaína. Así mismo, se pretendía evaluar si ambas técnicas (sin lidocaína y con lidocaína) disminuían el dolor lumbar durante el parto.Material y MétodosSe llevó a cabo un estudio cuasi-experimental. Se evaluó el nivel de dolor mediante la escala EVA antes de la técnica, durante la técnica y a los 30 minutos de la técnica en dos grupos de gestantes (sin lidocaína y con lidocaína). Las gestantes fueron asignadas a ambos grupos de forma aleatoria. Para el análisis de los datos, se utilizó el programa estadístico SPSS.ResultadosLos resultados mostraron que la técnica con lidocaína es significativamente menos dolorosa que sin lidocaína y la puede realizar un solo profesional. Así mismo, el nivel de dolor referido antes de la técnica disminuyó en ambos casos a los 30 minutos de forma clínicamente relevante.ConclusionesLas inyecciones de agua estéril en el Rombo de Michaelis constituyen una técnica efectiva para la reducción del dolor lumbar durante el parto. Además, la inyección de lidocaína previa a la técnica permite su uso evitando su principal inconveniente, el dolor al inyectar el agua estéril.IntroductionSterile water injections in the Rhombus of Michaelis are used as a simple technique to alleviate back pain during childbirth. However, the technique itself is painful and requires two professionals to carry it out.ObjectiveTo assess the level of pain associated with the technique of sterile water injection after the injection of lidocaine, compared to the technique of sterile water injection without lidocaine. The aim was also to assess whether both techniques (with and without lidocaine) reduce back pain during childbirth.Material and MethodsA semi-experimental study was carried out. The level of pain was assessed using the VAS scale before the technique, during the technique, and 30 minutes after the technique in two groups of expectant mothers (with and without lidocaine). The expectant mothers were divided randomly into two groups. The SPSS programme was used for the data analysis.ResultsThe results showed that the technique with lidocaine could be undertaken by one professional and was significantly less painful than the technique without the anesthetic. In both cases, the level of pain stated prior to the sterile water injection was reduced 30 minutes after the injection. The reduction in pain was clinically relevant.ConclusionsSterile water injection in the Rhombus of Michaelis is an effective technique for reducing back pain during childbirth. The injection of lidocaine prior to the technique enables its use without the main disadvantage: pain on injection of sterile water

    La percepción de las personas sordas sobre la lectura: una mirada a la adolescencia

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    El presente estudio pone el acento en la percepción que las personas sordas tienen sobre la lectura, con una especial reflexión sobre la adolescencia. Describe cuáles son los hábitos de lectura de la población adolescente sorda, sus itinerarios y estilos lectores, marcados en muchas ocasiones por las dificultades a las que se enfrentan, pero también por una férrea voluntad de superar las barreras que les separan de la experiencia lectora

    La percepción de las personas sordas sobre la lectura: una mirada a la adolescencia

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    El presente estudio pone el acento en la percepción que las personas sordas tienen sobre la lectura, con una especial reflexión sobre la adolescencia. Describe cuáles son los hábitos de lectura de la población adolescente sorda, sus itinerarios y estilos lectores, marcados en muchas ocasiones por las dificultades a las que se enfrentan, pero también por una férrea voluntad de superar las barreras que les separan de la experiencia lectora

    A Growth Modulation Index-Based GEISTRA Score as a New Prognostic Tool for Trabectedin Efficacy in Patients with Advanced Soft Tissue Sarcomas: A Spanish Group for Sarcoma Research (GEIS) Retrospective Study

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    The aim of this study was to identify an easily reliable prognostic score that selects the subset of advanced soft tissue sarcoma (ASTS) patients with a higher benefit with trabectedin in terms of time to progression and overall survival. A retrospective series of 357 patients with ASTS treated with trabectedin as second- or further-line in 19 centers across Spain was analyzed. First, it was confirmed that patients with high growth modulation index (GMI > 1.33) were associated with the better clinical outcome. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify factors associated with a GMI > 1.33. Thus, GEISTRA score was based on metastasis free-interval (MFI ≤ 9.7 months), Karnofsky 1.33. The lowest GEISTRA score showed a median of time-to-progression (TTP) and overall survival (OS) of 5.7 and 19.5 months, respectively, whereas it was 1.8 and 3.1 months for TTP and OS, respectively, for the GEISTRA 4 score. This prognostic tool can contribute to better selecting candidates for trabectedin treatment in ASTS.This research was funded by the Spanish Group for Research on Sarcoma (grant number: NA) and partially by PharmaMar. PharmaMar S.A. did not have any role in study design, or in collection, analysis and interpretation of data.Ye

    Biochimica et biophysica acta

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    The transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 channel (TRPA1) belongs to the TRP cation channel superfamily that responds to a panoply of stimuli such as changes in temperature, calcium levels, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and lipid mediators among others. The TRP superfamily has been implicated in diverse pathological states including neurodegenerative disorders, kidney diseases, inflammation, pain and cancer. The intracellular C-terminus is an important regulator of TRP channel activity. Studies with this and other TRP superfamily members have shown that the C-terminus association with lipid bilayer alters channel sensitivity and activation, especially interactions occurring through basic residues. Nevertheless, it is not yet clear how this process takes place and which regions in the C-terminus would be responsible for such membrane recognition. With that in mind, herein the first putative membrane interacting region of the C-terminus of human TRPA1, (corresponding to a 29 residue peptide, IAEVQKHASLKRIAMQVELHTSLEKKLPL) named H1 due to its potential helical character was chosen for studies of membrane interaction. The affinity of H1 to lipid membranes, H1 structural changes occurring upon this interaction as well as effects of this interaction in lipid organization and integrity were investigated using a biophysical approach. Lipid models systems composed of zwitterionic and anionic lipids, namely those present in the lipid membrane inner leaflet, where H1 is prone to interact, where used. The study reveals a strong interaction and affinity of H1 as well as peptide structuration especially with membranes containing anionic lipids. Moreover, the interactions and peptide structure adoption are headgroup specific