9 research outputs found

    Activation of Secondary Metabolism in Citrus Plants Is Associated to Sensitivity to Combined Drought and High Temperatures

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    Drought and heat stresses are two of the most frequent environmental factors that take place simultaneously in the field constraining global crop productivity. Metabolism reconfiguration is often behind the adaptation of plants to adverse environmental conditions. Carrizo citrange and Cleopatra mandarin, two citrus genotypes with contrasting ability to tolerate combined heat and drought conditions, showed different metabolite patterns. Increased levels of phenylpropanoid metabolites were observed in Cleopatra in response to stress, including scopolin, a metabolite involved in defense mechanisms. Tolerant Carrizo accumulated sinapic acid and sinapoyl aldehyde, direct precursors of lignins. Finally, Cleopatra showed an accumulation of flavonols and glycosylated and polymethoxylated flavones such as tangeritin. The activation of flavonoid biosynthesis in Cleopatra could be aimed to mitigate the higher oxidative damage observed in this genotype. In general, limonoids were more severely altered in Cleopatra than in Carrizo in response to stress imposition. To conclude, all metabolite changes observed in Cleopatra suggest the activation of energy metabolism along with metabolic pathways leading to the accumulation of photoprotective and antioxidant secondary metabolites, oriented to mitigate the damaging effects of stress. Conversely, the higher ability of Carrizo to retain a high photosynthetic activity and to cope with oxidative stress allowed the maintenance of the metabolic activity and prevented the accumulation of antioxidant metabolites.This work was supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) [AGL2013-42038-R, AGL2016-76574-R] and Universitat Jaume I [UJI-B2016-23/UJI-B2016-24]. SZ was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from Universitat Jaume I

    Plantació de tomateres

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    L'encanyat de les tomaques per a ensalada i altres plantes, com les bajoques, és una pràctica necessària en els regs a manta en l'Horta. La finalitat és doble: impedir el contacte dels fruits amb la terra i l'aigua, i permetre una collita, sempre manual

    Fent guaret

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    El cavall ha sigut el company inseparable de l'agricultor de l'Horta. Infinitat de tasques de conreu necessitaven de la seua presència: acavallonar, birbar, recalçar, etc., a més del transport de collites, adobs i fem. En l'actualitat queda com un elemen

    Reg a manta

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    Abans de la plantació les parcel·les de l'Horta es reguen abundantment per a garantir el bon arrelament de les plantes. La parcel·la es prepara per a ser inundada en la seua totalitat després d'haver romàs en guaret darrere de l'última collita

    Plantació de cebes

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    Els espais agrícoles de l'Horta més pròxima a la ciutat de València es caracteritzen per una perfecta integració entre els camps conreats i els hàbitats dels seus conreadors. Els edificis disseminats per l'Horta són, a més de vivendes, magatzems per a l

    Regant a manta

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    El paisatge de l'Horta es caracteritza per la imbricació de la xarxa de reg, que farà arribar l'aigua a cada una de les parcel·les, i un conjunt quasi infinit d'estes anivellades per a poder rebre el reg a manta. Parcel·les que majoritàriament ho són en

    Gestión, transformación y desaparición del arrozal al norte de la ciudad de València (1767-1976)

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    Hasta los años 70 del siglo XX, existieron espacios al Norte de la ciudad de Valencia con importantes zonas dedicadas al cultivo del arroz con una gestión de los recursos hídricos diferenciada claramente de las zonas de huerta, funcionando como territorios hidrosociales. El proceso de reubicación de las industrias de Valencia, la apertura de los nuevos accesos a la ciudad y el auge de la segunda residencia en la costa, contribuyeron a una rápida desaparición del arrozal

    Structure finding in cosmological simulations: the state of affairs

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    The ever increasing size and complexity of data coming from simulations of cosmic structure formation demand equally sophisticated tools for their analysis. During the past decade, the art of object finding in these simulations has hence developed into an important discipline itself. A multitude of codes based upon a huge variety of methods and techniques have been spawned yet the question remained as to whether or not they will provide the same (physical) information about the structures of interest. Here we summarize and extent previous work of the `halo finder comparison project': we investigate in detail the (possible) origin of any deviations across finders. To this extent, we decipher and discuss differences in halo-finding methods, clearly separating them from the disparity in definitions of halo properties. We observe that different codes not only find different numbers of objects leading to a scatter of up to 20 per cent in the halo mass and Vmax function, but also that the particulars of those objects that are identified by all finders differ. The strength of the variation, however, depends on the property studied, e.g. the scatter in position, bulk velocity, mass and the peak value of the rotation curve is practically below a few per cent, whereas derived quantities such as spin and shape show larger deviations. Our study indicates that the prime contribution to differences in halo properties across codes stems from the distinct particle collection methods and - to a minor extent - the particular aspects of how the procedure for removing unbound particles is implemented. We close with a discussion of the relevance and implications of the scatter across different codes for other fields such as semi-analytical galaxy formation models, gravitational lensing and observables in general