198 research outputs found

    Semiclassical universality of parametric spectral correlations

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    We consider quantum systems with a chaotic classical limit that depend on an external parameter, and study correlations between the spectra at different parameter values. In particular, we consider the parametric spectral form factor K(τ,x)K(\tau,x) which depends on a scaled parameter difference xx. For parameter variations that do not change the symmetry of the system we show by using semiclassical periodic orbit expansions that the small τ\tau expansion of the form factor agrees with Random Matrix Theory for systems with and without time reversal symmetry.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Semiclassical Theory for Universality in Quantum Chaos with Symmetry Crossover

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    We address the quantum-classical correspondence for chaotic systems with a crossover between symmetry classes. We consider the energy level statistics of a classically chaotic system in a weak magnetic field. The generating function of spectral correlations is calculated by using the semiclassical periodic-orbit theory. An explicit calculation up to the second order, including the non-oscillatory and oscillatory terms, agrees with the prediction of random matrix theory. Formal expressions of the higher order terms are also presented. The nonlinear sigma (NLS) model of random matrix theory, in the variant of the Bosonic replica trick, is also analyzed for the crossover between the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble and Gaussian unitary ensemble. The diagrammatic expansion of the NLS model is interpreted in terms of the periodic orbit theory.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Periodic-orbit theory of universal level correlations in quantum chaos

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    Using Gutzwiller's semiclassical periodic-orbit theory we demonstrate universal behaviour of the two-point correlator of the density of levels for quantum systems whose classical limit is fully chaotic. We go beyond previous work in establishing the full correlator such that its Fourier transform, the spectral form factor, is determined for all times, below and above the Heisenberg time. We cover dynamics with and without time reversal invariance (from the orthogonal and unitary symmetry classes). A key step in our reasoning is to sum the periodic-orbit expansion in terms of a matrix integral, like the one known from the sigma model of random-matrix theory.Comment: 44 pages, 11 figures, changed title; final version published in New J. Phys. + additional appendices B-F not included in the journal versio

    The Discovery of a Large Lyman-alpha+HeII Nebula at z~1.67: A Candidate Low Metallicity Region?

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    We have discovered a ~45 kpc Lya nebula (or Lya ``blob'') at z~1.67 which exhibits strong, spatially-extended HeII emission and very weak CIV and CIII] emission. This is the first spatially-extended Lya+HeII emitter observed and the lowest redshift Lya blob yet found. Strong Lya and HeII-1640 emission in the absence of metal lines has been proposed as a unique observational signature of primordial galaxy formation (e.g., from gravitational cooling radiation or Population III star formation), but no convincing examples of spatially-extended Lya+HeII emitters have surfaced either in Lya-emitting galaxy surveys at high redshifts (z > 4) or in studies of Lya nebulae at lower redshifts. From comparisons with photoionization models, we find that the observed line ratios in this nebula are consistent with low metallicity gas (Z < 10^-2 - 10^-3 Z_sun), but that this conclusion depends on the unknown ionization parameter of the system. The large HeII equivalent width (~37+/-10A) and the large HeII/Lya ratio (0.12+/-0.04) suggest that the cloud is being illuminated by a hard ionizing continuum, either an AGN or very low metallicity stars, or perhaps powered by gravitational cooling radiation. Thus far there is no obvious sign of a powerful AGN in or near the system, so in order to power the nebula while remaining hidden from view even in the mid-infrared, the AGN would need to be heavily obscured. Despite the strong Lya+HeII emission, it is not yet clear what is the dominant power source for this nebula. The system therefore serves as an instructive example of how the complexities of true astrophysical sources will complicate matters when attempting to use a strong Lya+HeII signature as a unique tracer of primordial galaxy formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ; emulateapj format, 17 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables; updated coordinate

    ALMA Reveals Strong [C II] Emission in a Galaxy Embedded in a Giant Lyα Blob at z = 3.1

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    We report the result from observations conducted with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to detect [C ii] 158 μm fine structure line emission from galaxies embedded in one of the most spectacular Lyα blobs (LABs) at z = 3.1, SSA22-LAB1. Of three dusty star-forming galaxies previously discovered by ALMA 860 μm dust continuum survey toward SSA22-LAB1, we detected the [C ii] line from one, LAB1-ALMA3 at z = 3.0993 ± 0.0004. No line emission was detected, associated with the other ALMA continuum sources or from three rest-frame UV/optical selected zspec sime 3.1 galaxies within the field of view. For LAB1-ALMA3, we find relatively bright [C ii] emission compared to the infrared luminosity (L[C ii]/LIR ≈ 0.01) and an extremely high [C ii] 158 μm and [N ii] 205 μm emission line ratio (L[C ii]/L[N ii] > 55). The relatively strong [C ii] emission may be caused by abundant photodissociation regions and sub-solar metallicity, or by shock heating. The origin of the unusually strong [C ii] emission could be causally related to the location within the giant LAB, although the relationship between extended Lyα emission and interstellar medium conditions of associated galaxies is yet to be understand

    Observation of Lambda H-4 hyperhydrogen by decay-pion spectroscopy in electron scattering

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    At the Mainz Microtron MAMI, the first high-resolution pion spectroscopy from decays of strange systems was performed by electron scattering off a Be-9 target in order to study the ground-state masses of Lambda-hypernuclei. Positively charged kaons were detected by a short-orbit spectrometer with a broad momentum acceptance at zero degree forward angles with respect to the beam, efficiently tagging the production of strangeness in the target nucleus. In coincidence, negatively charged decay-pions were detected by two independent high-resolution spectrometers. About 10^3 pionic weak decays of hyperfragments and hyperons were observed. The pion momentum distribution shows a monochromatic peak at p_pi ~ 133 MeV/c, corresponding to the unique signature for the two-body decay of hyperhydrogen Lambda H-4 -> He-4 + pi-, stopped inside the target. Its binding energy was determined to be B_Lambda = 2.12 +- 0.01 (stat.) +- 0.09 (syst.) MeV with respect to the H-3 + Lambda mass

    Diacylglycerol oil for the metabolic syndrome

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    Excess adiposity has been shown to play a crucial role in the development of the metabolic syndrome. The elevated fasting and postprandial triglyceride-rich lipoprotein levels is the central lipid abnormality observed in the metabolic syndrome. Recent studies have indicated that diacylglycerol (DAG) is effective for fasting and postprandial hyperlipidemia and preventing excess adiposity by increasing postprandial energy expenditure. We will here discuss the mechanisms of DAG-mediated improvements in hyperlipidemia and in postprandial energy expenditure, and effects of DAG oil on lipid/glucose metabolism and on body fat. Further, the therapeutic application of DAG for the metabolic syndrome will be considered

    First [N II]122 μm Line Detection in a QSO-SMG Pair BRI 1202-0725 at z = 4.69

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    We report the first detection obtained with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array of the [N II] 122 μm line emission from a galaxy group BRI 1202−0725 at z = 4.69 consisting of a quasi-stellar object (QSO) and a submillimeter-bright galaxy (SMG). Combining this with a detection of [N II] 205 μm line in both galaxies, we constrain the electron densities of the ionized gas based on the line ratio of [N II] 122/205. The derived electron densities are {26}-11+12 and {134}-39+50 cm−3 for the SMG and the QSO, respectively. The electron density of the SMG is similar to that of the Galactic Plane and to the average of the local spirals. However, higher electron densities (by up to a factor of three) could be possible for systematic uncertainties of the line flux estimates. The electron density of the QSO is comparable to high-z star-forming galaxies at z = 1.5─2.3, obtained using rest-frame optical lines and with the lower limits suggested from stacking analysis on lensed starbursts at z = 1─3.6 using the same tracer of [N II]. Our results suggest a large scatter of electron densities in global scale at fixed star formation rates for extreme starbursts. The success of the [N II] 122 μm and 205 μm detections at z = 4.69 demonstrates the power of future systematic surveys of extreme starbursts at z > 4 for probing the interstellar medium conditions and the effects on surrounding environments


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    We present our discovery of dramatic variability in SDSS J1100+4421 by the high-cadence transient survey Kiso Supernova Survey (KISS). The source brightened in the optical by at least a factor of three within about half a day. Spectroscopic observations suggest that this object is likely a narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy (NLS1) at z=0.840, however with unusually strong narrow emission lines. The estimated black hole mass of ~ 10^7 Msun implies bolometric nuclear luminosity close to the Eddington limit. SDSS J1100+4421 is also extremely radio-loud, with a radio loudness parameter of R ~ 4 x 10^2 - 3 x 10^3, which implies the presence of relativistic jets. Rapid and large-amplitude optical variability of the target, reminiscent of that found in a few radio- and gamma-ray loud NLS1s, is therefore produced most likely in a blazar-like core. The 1.4 GHz radio image of the source shows an extended structure with a linear size of about 100 kpc. If SDSS J1100+4421 is a genuine NLS1, as suggested here, this radio structure would then be the largest ever discovered in this type of active galaxie