189 research outputs found

    Comparative Genomic Analysis of the 2016 Vibrio cholerae Outbreak in South Korea

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    In August 2016, South Korea experienced a cholera outbreak that caused acute watery diarrhea in three patients. This outbreak was the first time in 15 years that an outbreak was not linked to an overseas source. To identify the cause and to study the epidemiological implications of this outbreak, we sequenced the whole genome of Vibrio cholerae isolates; three from each patient and one from a seawater sample. Herein we present comparative genomic data which reveals that the genome sequences of these four isolates are very similar. Interestingly, these isolates form a monophyletic Glade with V. cholerae strains that caused an outbreak in the Philippines in 2011. The V. cholerae strains responsible for the Korean and Philippines outbreaks have almost identical genomes in which two unique genomic islands are shared, and they both lack SXT elements. Furthermore, we confirm that seawater is the likely source of this outbreak, which suggests the necessity for future routine surveillance of South Korea's seashore.

    A Retrospective Analysis of the Impact of Metastasectomy on Prognostic Survival According to Metastatic Organs in Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma

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    This study evaluated the effects of metastasectomy on overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) according to metastatic organs. The medical records (2005–2017) of 273 patients with mRCC were analyzed retrospectively to evaluate OS and PFS according to metastatic organs and their metastasectomy states. The Cox proportional hazard model was used to determine the prognostic significance of metastasectomy. The Kaplan-Meier curve and log-rank test were used to compare groups with different modalities and metastatic organs at a statistical significance of p < 0.05. The overall median age was 57 years; 175 (64.3%) and 83 (30.4%) patients received cytoreductive nephrectomy and metastasectomy, respectively. The metastasectomy group was significantly younger and had a lower clinical T stage with significantly better PFS/OS (20.2/32.0 vs. 9.7/12.8 months) than that in the non-metastasectomy group (N = 190, p < 0.05). Liver with lung metastases were the worst metastatic combination for survivals in which liver metastasis was the only significant unfavorable risk factor for both PFS (HR 1.67) and OS (HR 1.74) (p < 0.05). Multivariable analysis confirmed that metastasectomy was a significant favorable risk factor for PFS (HR 0.70) and OS (HR 0.56) (p < 0.05) along with non-clear cell type (HR 0.61 for PFS), whereas the nuclear grade and poor Heng risk group were unfavorable risk factors (HR > 2.0) for both PFS and OS (p < 0.05). Metastasectomy and the affected metastatic organs significantly influenced prognostic survival in mRCC

    O Museu de Ciências Nucleares como um espaço interativo para desmistificação das ciências nucleares

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    This paper presents the educational potential of the Nuclear Science Museum (NSM) located at the Federal University of Pernambuco, the first museum about Nuclear Sciences in Latin America and the only one in Brazil fully dedicated to radioactivity and its beneficial applications. Its also presents a study about the your role as a facilitating space for new knowledge construction as well as the development of integrated competences and skills for students in Elementary. In this sense, the NSM provides an interactive and meaningful learning of nuclear science, articulating scientific information to social reality, playing an important role in the knowledge reconstruction process, demystifying unfounded prejudices and fears, and promoting a critical thinking about radioactivity. In addition, the visit to the NSM provides the reconstructive questioning about risks and benefits of radioactivity, which allows the students to make ethical and citizen decisions, with a wider perception founded on scientifically based information.O presente artigo discute o potencial educacional do Museu de Ciências Nucleares (MCN) localizado na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, primeiro museu de Ciências Nucleares da América Latina e o único no Brasil inteiramente dedicado ao tema da radioatividade e suas aplicações benéficas. Também apresenta apontamentos sobre o museu enquanto espaço facilitador para a produção de novos saberes e desenvolvimento de competências e habilidades para a educação básica. Nesta direção, o MCN proporciona uma aprendizagem interativa e significativa da Ciência Nuclear, articulando a informação científica à realidade social, possuindo um grande papel no processo de reconstrução do conhecimento, desmistificando mitos e medos infundados, promovendo um senso crítico e reflexivo acerca da radioatividade. Além disso, a visita ao MCN proporciona o questionamento reconstrutivo sobre riscos e benefícios da radioatividade que oportuniza aos envolvidos a tomarem decisões éticas e cidadãs a respeito do tema com uma visão mais ampliada e cientificamente embasada

    Dairy Cattle, a Potential Reservoir of Human Campylobacteriosis: Epidemiological and Molecular Characterization of Campylobacter jejuni From Cattle Farms

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    Campylobacter jejuni is a major foodborne pathogen that is increasingly found worldwide and that is transmitted to humans through meat or dairy products. A detailed understanding of the prevalence and characteristics of C. jejuni in dairy cattle farms, which are likely to become sources of contamination, is imperative and is currently lacking. In this study, a total of 295 dairy cattle farm samples from 15 farms (24 visits) in Korea were collected. C. jejuni prevalence at the farm level was 60% (9/15) and at the animal level was 23.8% (68/266). Using the multivariable generalized estimating equation (GEE) model based on farm-environmental factors, we estimated that a high density of cattle and average environmental temperature (7 days prior to sampling) below 24°C affects the presence and survival of C. jejuni in the farm environment. Cattle isolates, together with C. jejuni from other sources (chicken and human), were genetically characterized based on analysis of 10 virulence and survival genes. A total of 19 virulence profile types were identified, with type 01 carrying eight genes (all except hcp and virB11) being the most prevalent. The prevalence of virB11 and hcp was significantly higher in isolates from cattle than in those from other sources (p < 0.05). Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) of C. jejuni isolates from three different sources mainly clustered in the CC-21 and CC-48. Within the CC-21 and CC-48 clusters, cattle isolates shared an indistinguishable pattern with human isolates according to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and flaA-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) typing. This suggests that CC-21 and CC-48 C. jejuni from dairy cattle are genetically related to clinical campylobacteriosis isolates. In conclusion, the farm environment influences the presence and survival of C. jejuni, which may play an important role in cycles of cattle re-infection, and dairy cattle represent potential reservoirs of human campylobacteriosis. Thus, environmental management practices could be implemented on cattle farms to reduce the shedding of C. jejuni from cattle, subsequently reducing the potential risk of the spread of cattle-derived C. jejuni to humans through the food chain

    2D Black Phosphorus: from Preparation to Applications for Electrochemical Energy Storage

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    Black phosphorus (BP) is rediscovered as a 2D layered material. Since its first isolation in 2014, 2D BP has triggered tremendous interest in the fields of condensed matter physics, chemistry, and materials science. Given its unique puckered monolayer geometry, 2D BP displays many unprecedented properties and is being explored for use in numerous applications. The flexibility, large surface area, and good electric conductivity of 2D BP make it a promising electrode material for electrochemical energy storage devices (EESDs). Here, the experimental and theoretical progress of 2D BP is presented on the basis of its preparation methods. The structural and physiochemical properties, air instability, passivation, and EESD applications of 2D BP are discussed systemically. Specifically, the latest research findings on utilizing 2D BP in EESDs, such as lithium‐ion batteries, supercapacitors, and emerging technologies (lithium–sulfur batteries, magnesium‐ion batteries, and sodium‐ion batteries), are summarized. On the basis of the current progress, a few personal perspectives on the existing challenges and future research directions in this developing field are provided

    Web-based system to unify the radiological protection programs: ionizing radiation monitoring and optimization

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    Um programa de monitoramento para fins de proteção radiológica deve mostrar como ele auxilia na obtenção e demonstração de um grau de proteção adequado e comprovar que as condições de trabalho continuam satisfatórias com o transcorrer do tempo. Para o controle operacional das exposições à radiação ionizante em qualquer local de trabalho, a Comissão Internacional de Proteção Radiológica (CIPR) recomenda um programa de proteção radiológica operacional, proporcional ao grau de risco, para garantir o gerenciamento efetivo das medidas necessárias para se satisfazer o principio da otimização. O presente trabalho de pesquisa tem como premissa o potencial das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) como ferramenta para a comunicação e disseminação do conhecimento em Proteção Radiológica. O trabalho inclui a informatização da filosofia e técnica do monitoramento e sua otimização, unificando e inter-relacionando informações advindas de diversas publicações nacionais e internacionais, oferecendo às instalações radiativas brasileiras um veículo completo para informação e pesquisa, que permite dimensionar os esforços de otimização tornando-os eficazes e justificados. O sistema oferece ainda tópicos de discussões no intuito de ampliar o repertório dos profissionais do campo da proteção radiológica, suscitando novas reflexões a favor da segurança. Trata-se dos temas desenvolvidos nesta tese, a saber: a necessidade de um monitoramento auditor e discussões mais aprofundadas sobre as exposições potenciais. As reflexões propostas na presente tese vêm ao encontro das novas exigências internacionais, propondo ações passíveis de serem incorporadas na prática laboral. Dentro dos princípios da proteção radiológica, a implementação de um programa de monitoramento auditor permite avaliar se os critérios e ações previamente estabelecidas pelo Serviço de Proteção Radiológica são ou não atendidos, se foram implementados com eficácia e se permanecem adequados. Os fatos resultantes dos procedimentos de auditoria auxiliam a detectar deficiências no processo, possibilitando conclusões e recomendações diante de possíveis fatores desencadeadores de exposições indevidas. Por meio de exames sistemáticos das atividades realizadas em cada tipo de monitoramento, a auditoria infere segurança ao processo, respaldando o trabalhador na realização do monitoramento relacionado com a tarefa e respaldando a instalação, que empreende ações responsáveis a favor da segurança. Em relação às exposições potenciais, somente duas publicações da CIPR são expressivas e desenvolvem o assunto. Entretanto, ainda que forneçam a fundamentação teórica, são incompletas em seus exemplos. Há uma grande falta de conhecimento das probabilidades de falhas, o que atualmente constitui um vasto campo de pesquisa da proteção radiológica. A presente tese propõe, a partir de árvores de falhas, caminhos que auxiliam a quantificar probabilisticamente a ocorrência das exposições potenciais e a probabilidade de se atingir um determinado valor da dose. Acreditamos que o potencial das TIC contribuirá largamente para a disseminação da informação para as instalações radiativas, estimulando o desenvolvimento neste país de grandes extensões territoriais, onde permanece um desafio oferecer o acesso à informação ao maior número de pessoas possível, minimizando custos e maximizando resultados.A monitoring program for the purposes of radiological protection should demonstrate an adequate protection degree and prove that working conditions remain appropriate as time goes by. For operational control of exposures to ionizing radiation in any workplace, the International Comission on Radiation Protection (ICRP) recommends establishing a program of operational radiation protection, proportional to the risk, to ensure the effective management of all necessary measures to satisfy the principle of optimization. This research work focus on the potential value of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to enhance communication and education on Radiological Protection throughout Brazil. The work includes the informatization of the monitoring policy and techniques, interrelating information currently scattered in several documents, providing Brazilian radioactive facilities a complete repository for research, consultation and information, which allows to size optimization efforts by technology, enabling them to be effective and justified. The content of monitoring programs involves not only the collection and interrelationship of existing information in the publications, but also new approaches from some recommendations, presenting some initiatives towards safety. In this sense, the two contents researched and expanded are: the need for an auditor monitoring and discussions on potential exposures. The recommendations proposed in this thesis meet the new international requirements stablished by the International Agency of Nuclear Energy (IAEA) and propose appropriate actions to be incorporated into labor practice. Respecting the scope of the principles of radiological protection, an auditing program permits to evaluate whether criteria and actions previously established by Radiological Protection Service are effectively implemented and remain appropriate as time goes by. The results of auditing procedures help to detect deficiencies in the process, enabling conclusions and recommendations, avoiding possible triggers of undue exposures. Through systematic examinations of activities in each type of monitoring, auditing attempt to ensure the process, supporting the employee in performing task-related monitoring and support the facility that choose responsible actions towards safety. Furthermore, regarding potential exposures, only two publications of ICRP develop expressively the issue. Even though these publications provide the fundamental theory, they are incomplete in their examples. There is still lack of knowledge of failure probabilities, which currently constitutes a broad research field in radiological protection. This research work proposes the development of fault trees, suggesting paths to quantify probabilistically the occurrence of potential exposures, as well as probabilities to reach a certain level of dose. We believe that the potential of ICT shall contribute greatly to provide information where it is needed, stimulating development in this large country where it is a strong challenge to ensure access to information to as many people as possible, minimizing costs and optimizing results