30 research outputs found

    Outdoor atmospheric microplastics within the Humber region (United Kingdom): Quantification and chemical characterisation of deposited particles present

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    Atmospheric microplastics (MPs) have been consistently captured within air samples on a global scale. Locations with high human activity are reported to have high MP levels. An urban sampling site in the Humber region (U.K.) has been sampled over a 13-month period, providing a seasonal variation profile of MP levels, size, shape, and polymer types that humans are exposed to. Mean MP levels, measured using passive fallout into a container, were 3055 ± 5072 MP m−2 day−1 (1164 median). An increase in levels with a decrease in MP size was observed, consisting of mainly film-shaped MPs (67%) that were polyethylene (31%) and nylon (28%) polymer types. No relationship between rainfall and MP fallout levels was observed. In parallel, MPs within five urban-ised locations relevant to human exposure were characterised over a 2-week period. An overall MP mean (and standard deviation) of 1500 ± 1279 was observed (1012 median), from which petroleum resin accounted for 32% of MP polymer type, with a higher prevalence within industrial and roadside zones. These comprised mainly fragment (52%) and film (42%) shapes, and the MPs levels increased with decreasing particle size. The results provide novel information on characterising polymer levels and types, and can inform cellular toxicity studies, investigating the consequences of human MP exposure

    Outdoor Microplastic Analysis Using Inlet Filters from an NOx Regulatory Air Quality Monitoring Device

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    Atmospheric microplastics (MPs) are a ubiquitous environmental contaminant of emerging concern. Sampling methods provide information relating to surface area concentration and MP characteristics, without direct comparison with routinely measured standard air quality parameters. This study analysed 6 active air samples generated by a local authority as part of their routine air quality monitoring activities. Continuous sampling totalled 10 months, within the city centre of Kingston-upon-Hull. By using μFTIR analysis, levels of total particles detected using the NOx inlet filters ranged from 5139 ± 2843 particles m−2 day−1, comprising 1029 ± 594 MPs m−2 day−1. The controls displayed a mean level of 2.00 ± 3.49 MPs. The polymers nylon (32%) and polypropylene, PP (22%) were the most abundant. Small fragments of 47.42 ± 48.57 μm (length) and 21.75 ± 13.62 μm (width) were most common. An increase in MP levels during April 2020 coincided with an increase in PM10 levels. This study used robust procedures to measure MPs in the air by exploiting existing air quality monitoring equipment. Knowing the levels, types, and characteristics of MPs can inform toxicity studies to provide more environmentally relevant exposures, which is urgent now that MPs have been reported in human lung tissu

    RAG1 Core and V(D)J Recombination Signal Sequences Were Derived from Transib Transposons

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    The V(D)J recombination reaction in jawed vertebrates is catalyzed by the RAG1 and RAG2 proteins, which are believed to have emerged approximately 500 million years ago from transposon-encoded proteins. Yet no transposase sequence similar to RAG1 or RAG2 has been found. Here we show that the approximately 600-amino acid “core” region of RAG1 required for its catalytic activity is significantly similar to the transposase encoded by DNA transposons that belong to the Transib superfamily. This superfamily was discovered recently based on computational analysis of the fruit fly and African malaria mosquito genomes. Transib transposons also are present in the genomes of sea urchin, yellow fever mosquito, silkworm, dog hookworm, hydra, and soybean rust. We demonstrate that recombination signal sequences (RSSs) were derived from terminal inverted repeats of an ancient Transib transposon. Furthermore, the critical DDE catalytic triad of RAG1 is shared with the Transib transposase as part of conserved motifs. We also studied several divergent proteins encoded by the sea urchin and lancelet genomes that are 25%−30% identical to the RAG1 N-terminal domain and the RAG1 core. Our results provide the first direct evidence linking RAG1 and RSSs to a specific superfamily of DNA transposons and indicate that the V(D)J machinery evolved from transposons. We propose that only the RAG1 core was derived from the Transib transposase, whereas the N-terminal domain was assembled from separate proteins of unknown function that may still be active in sea urchin, lancelet, hydra, and starlet sea anemone. We also suggest that the RAG2 protein was not encoded by ancient Transib transposons but emerged in jawed vertebrates as a counterpart of RAG1 necessary for the V(D)J recombination reaction

    Understanding how the V(D)J recombinase catalyzes transesterification: distinctions between DNA cleavage and transposition

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    The Rag1 and Rag2 proteins initiate V(D)J recombination by introducing site-specific DNA double-strand breaks. Cleavage occurs by nicking one DNA strand, followed by a one-step transesterification reaction that forms a DNA hairpin structure. A similar reaction allows Rag transposition, in which the 3′-OH groups produced by Rag cleavage are joined to target DNA. The Rag1 active site DDE triad clearly plays a catalytic role in both cleavage and transposition, but no other residues in Rag1 responsible for transesterification have been identified. Furthermore, although Rag2 is essential for both cleavage and transposition, the nature of its involvement is unknown. Here, we identify basic amino acids in the catalytic core of Rag1 specifically important for transesterification. We also show that some Rag1 mutants with severe defects in hairpin formation nonetheless catalyze substantial levels of transposition. Lastly, we show that a catalytically defective Rag2 mutant is impaired in target capture and displays a novel form of coding flank sensitivity. These findings provide the first identification of components of Rag1 that are specifically required for transesterification and suggest an unexpected role for Rag2 in DNA cleavage and transposition

    Galapagos-OIB signature in southern Central America: mantle refertilization by arc-hot spot interaction

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    [1] Although most Central American magmas have a typical arc geochemical signature, magmas in southern Central America (central Costa Rica and Panama) have isotopic and trace element compositions with an ocean island basalt (OIB) affinity, similar to the Galapagos-OIB lavas (e.g., Ba/La 10, 206Pb/204Pb > 18.8). Our new data for Costa Rica suggest that this signature, unusual for a convergent margin, has a relatively recent origin (Late Miocene ∼6 Ma). We also show that there was a transition from typical arc magmas (analogous to the modern Nicaraguan volcanic front) to OIB-like magmas similar to the Galapagos hot spot. The geographic distribution of the Galapagos signature in recent lavas from southern Central America is present landward from the subduction of the Galapagos hot spot tracks (the Seamount Province and the Cocos/Coiba Ridge) at the Middle American Trench. The higher Pb isotopic ratios, relatively lower Sr and Nd isotopic ratios, and enriched incompatible-element signature of central Costa Rican magmas can be explained by arc–hot spot interaction. The isotopic ratios of central Costa Rican lavas require the subducting Seamount Province (Northern Galapagos Domain) component, whereas the isotopic ratios of the adakites and alkaline basalts from southern Costa Rica and Panama are in the geochemical range of the subducting Cocos/Coiba Ridge (Central Galapagos Domain). Geological and geochemical evidence collectively indicate that the relatively recent Galapagos-OIB signature in southern Central America represents a geochemical signal from subducting Galapagos hot spot tracks, which started to collide with the margin ∼8 Ma ago. The Galapagos hot spot contribution decreases systematically along the volcanic front from central Costa Rica to NW Nicaragua

    TRPA1 Agonists Evoke Coughing in Guinea Pig and Human Volunteers

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    Rationale: Cough is the most frequent reason for consultation with a family doctor, or with a general or respiratory physician. Treatment options are limited and one meta-analysis concluded that over-the-counter remedies are ineffective. There is also increasing concern about their use in children. Environmental irritants such as air pollution and cigarette smoke are thought to evoke cough by stimulating airway sensory nerves; however, how this occurs is not fully understood