184 research outputs found

    Työsuojeluohjeistus : Harrison M400-kärkisorvin käyttöohjeistus

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    Verkko-opintojen kehittäminen Tredun ammatillisessa aikuiskoulutuksessa

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli verkko-opintojen kehittäminen ammatillisessa aikuiskoulu-tuksessa. Tavoitteena oli tutkia mitä osioita voitaisiin opettaa verkko-opetuksena ja minkälaisia tuloksia verkko-opetuksen järjestäminen toisi opiskelijoiden oppimistuloksiin. Verkko-opetuksen luomiseksi tarvittaisiin erilaisia apuohjelmia ja yhtenä tutkimuksen kohtana oli pohtia erilaisten verkko alustojen käyttöä opetuksessa. Tutkimustyössä luotiin pilottikurssi, jonka pohjalta haastateltiin tutkimukseen osallistuneita opiskelijoita. Pilottikurssin jälkeen haastateltiin opettajia ja pyrittiin saamaan heiltä objektiivista palautetta toteutuksen suunnittelusta ja käytännöin järjestelyistä. Tutkimus työssä pyritään ottamaan kantaa mikä olisi suhde verkko-opetuksessa ja perinteisessä kontakti opetuksessa.Subject of this thesis was the development of web-based education in vocational adult training. The aim was to investigate which parts of the network could be taught a lesson, and what kind of results in e-learning organization would bring students' learning outcomes. Web-based learning need to create a wide variety of utilities, and one of the research was to consider the contrast of different network platforms in education. The research project was to develop a pilot course, which on the basis of interviews with research students participating agents. The pilot course, the teachers were interviewed, and in order to provide them with objective feedback on the design and implementation of practical arrangements. The research work seeks to comment on what would be the relationship between e-learning and traditional in class

    Engine room pressure : measurements onboard MT Suula

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    Approaches to student evaluation in invention pedagogy

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    A sensor-based personal navigation system and its application for incorporating humans into a human-robot team

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    In this thesis methods for the sensor-based localisation of human beings are studied. The thesis presents the theory, test results and a realisation of the methods, which is called PeNa. PeNa is further applied to incorporate a human into a human-robot team that performs a simulated search and rescue task. Human-robot teamwork provides the vision for this thesis. Furthermore, the PeLoTe project and its search and rescue task provided the primary motivation for the research. However, the major part of this work and contribution is on sensor-based personal navigation. The approaches studied for personal navigation systems are based on sensor-based dead reckoning, laser-based dead reckoning, and map-based localisation. Sensor-based dead reckoning is based on heading estimation using a compass and gyro and step length estimation. Two alternative step length estimation methods are presented, ultrasound-based and accelerometer-based. Two laser dead reckoning methods are presented; a pose correlation method and a combined angle histogram matcher with position correlation. Furthermore, there are three variations for map-based localisation based on the well-known Monte Carlo Localisation (MCL): topological MCL, scan-based MCL, and a combined MCL method. As a result of the research it can be stated that it is possible to build a personal navigation system that can localise a human being indoors using only self-contained sensors. The results also show that this can be achieved using various combinations of sensors and methods. Furthermore, the personal navigation system that was developed is used to incorporate a human being into a human-robot team performing a search and rescue task. The initial results show that the location information provides a basis for creating situational awareness for a spatially distributed team

    Unified Representation Of Decoupled Dynamic Models For Pendulum-Driven Ball-Shaped Robots

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    Dynamic models describing the ball-robot motion form the basis for developments in ball-robot mechanics and motion control systems. For this paper, we have conducted a literature review of decoupled forward-motion models for pendulum-driven ball-shaped robots. The existing models in the literature apply several different conventions in system definition and parameter notation. Even if describing the same mechanical system, the diversity in conventions leads into dynamic models with different forms. As a result, it is difficult to compare, reproduce and apply the models available in the literature. Based on the literature review, we reformulate all common variations of decoupled dynamic forward-motion models using a unified notation and formulation. We have verified all reformulated models through simulations, and present the simulation results for a selected model. In addition, we demonstrate the different system behavior resulting from different ways to apply the pendulum reaction torque, a variation that can be found in the literature. For anyone working with the ball-robots, the unified compilation of the reformulated dynamic models provides an easy access to the models, as well as to the related work.Peer reviewe

    Data-driven warehouse optimization

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    Batching orders and routing order pickers is a commonly studied problem in many picker-to-parts warehouses. The impact of individual differences in picking skills on performance has received little attention. In this paper, we show that taking into account differences in the skills of individual pickers when assigning work has a substantial effect on total batch execution time and picker productivity. We demonstrate this for the case of a Finnish retailer. First, using time-stamped picking data, multilevel modeling is used to forecast batch execution times for individual pickers by modeling individual skills of pickers. Next, these forecasts are used to minimize total batch execution time, by assigning the right picker to the right order batch. We formulate the problem as a joint order batching and generalized assignment model, and solve it with an Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search algorithm. For the sample company, we are able to improve state-of-the-art batching and routing methods by almost 10% taking skill differences among pickers into account and minimizing the sum of total order processing time. Compared to assigning order batches to pickers only based on individual picker productivity, savings of 6% in total time are achieved

    The Use of Digital Technologies at School and Cognitive Learning Outcomes: A Population-Based Study in Finland

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    Recently, the use of information and communications technology (ICT) at school has been extensively increased in Finland. This study investigated whether the use of ICT at school is linked to students ‘learning outcomes in Finland. We used the Finnish PISA 2015 data (N=5037). Cognitive learning outcomes (i.e. science, mathematics, reading, collaborative problem-solving) were evaluated with computer-based tests. ICT use at school, ICT availability at school, and students’ perceived ICT competence were assessed with self-rating questionnaires. Frequent ICT use at school predicted students’ weaker performance in all the cognitive learning outcomes, when adjusted for age, gender, parental socioeconomic status, students’ ICT competence, and ICT availability at school. Further, the effect of ICT use on learning outcomes was more negative in students with higher than lower ICT skills. Frequent use of  ICT at school appears to be linked to weaker cognitive learning outcomes in Finland. This may be explained by working memory overload and task-switching during the use of digital technologies. This finding also suggests that even though students with ICT skills are good at mechanical use of digital device, they may not have abilities for a goal-oriented and self-directed use of digital technologies that could promote their learning

    The Use of Digital Technologies at School and Cognitive Learning Outcomes : A Population-Based Study in Finland

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    Recently, the use of information and communications technology (ICT) at school has been extensively increased in Finland. This study investigated whether the use of ICT at school is linked to students 'learning outcomes in Finland. We used the Finnish PISA 2015 data (N=5037). Cognitive learning outcomes (i.e. science, mathematics, reading, collaborative problem-solving) were evaluated with computer-based tests. ICT use at school, ICT availability at school, and students' perceived ICT competence were assessed with self-rating questionnaires. Frequent ICT use at school predicted students' weaker performance in all the cognitive learning outcomes, when adjusted for age, gender, parental socioeconomic status, students' ICT competence, and ICT availability at school. Further, the effect of ICT use on learning outcomes was more negative in students with higher than lower ICT skills. Frequent use of ICT at school appears to be linked to weaker cognitive learning outcomes in Finland. This may be explained by working memory overload and task-switching during the use of digital technologies. This finding also suggests that even though students with ICT skills are good at mechanical use of digital device, they may not have abilities for a goal-oriented and self-directed use of digital technologies that could promote their learning.Peer reviewe