91 research outputs found

    Potential trade implications of Latin America and the Caribbean’s climate commitments under the Paris Agreement

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    This paper investigates Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)’s nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and their potential implications for the region’s balance of payments. The first section summarizes prevailing trade dynamics, finding that in LAC, exports of raw materials help to cover the cost of importing capital goods. The second section turns to the region’s NDCs to identify policies affecting import expenditure. The third section employs a similar methodology on the export side, tallying policies affecting output and global cost competitiveness in key sectors (crops, livestock, timber, metals and minerals, manufactured goods, fisheries, and tourism).Abstract .-- Introduction .-- I. Regional trade profile .-- II. Import side policies in the NDCs .-- III. Export side policies in the NDCs .-- IV. Conclusions and recommendations

    Interactive effects between nest microclimate and nest vegetation structure confirm microclimate thresholds for Lesser Prairie-Chicken nest survival

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    Citation: Grisham, B. A., Godar, A. J., Boal, C. W., & Haukos, D. A. (2016). Interactive effects between nest microclimate and nest vegetation structure confirm microclimate thresholds for Lesser Prairie-Chicken nest survival. Condor, 118(4), 728-746. doi:10.1650/CONDOR-16-38.1The range of Lesser Prairie-Chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) spans 4 unique ecoregions along 2 distinct environmental gradients. The Sand Shinnery Oak Prairie ecoregion of the Southern High Plains of New Mexico and Texas is environmentally isolated, warmer, and more arid than the Short-Grass, Sand Sagebrush, and Mixed-Grass Prairie ecoregions in Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, and the northeast panhandle of Texas. Weather is known to influence Lesser Prairie-Chicken nest survival in the Sand Shinnery Oak Prairie ecoregion; regional variation may also influence nest microclimate and, ultimately, survival during incubation. To address this question, we placed data loggers adjacent to nests during incubation to quantify temperature and humidity distribution functions in 3 ecoregions. We developed a suite of a priori nest survival models that incorporated derived microclimate parameters and visual obstruction as covariates in Program MARK. We monitored 49 nests in Mixed-Grass, 22 nests in Sand Shinnery Oak, and 30 nests in Short-Grass ecoregions from 2010 to 2014. Our findings indicated that (1) the Sand Shinnery Oak Prairie ecoregion was hotter and drier during incubation than the Mixed- and Short-Grass ecoregions; (2) nest microclimate varied among years within ecoregions; (3) visual obstruction was positively associated with nest survival; but (4) daily nest survival probability decreased by 10% every half-hour when temperature was greater than 34°C and vapor pressure deficit was less than - 23 mmHg during the day (about 0600-2100 hours). Our major finding confirmed microclimate thresholds for nest survival under natural conditions across the species' distribution, although Lesser Prairie-Chickens are more likely to experience microclimate conditions that result in nest failures in the Sand Shinnery Oak Prairie ecoregion. The species would benefit from identification of thermal landscapes and management actions that promote cooler, more humid nest microclimates. © 2016 Cooper Ornithological Society

    Particle size effects on bioaccessible amounts of ingestible soil-borne toxic elements

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    The unified BARGE method was used to examine the effects of soil particle size on the bioaccessible amounts of potentially toxic elements in multi-contaminated soils from a closed landfill site. The results show that bioaccessible As, Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn increased with decreasing soil particle size and the <0.002 mm soil fraction contained much greater amounts of the bioaccessible elements, as compared to other soil fractions (0.002-0.063 mm, 0.063-0.125 mm, and 0.125-0.250 mm). As, Al and Cr had much lower bioaccessibility, as compared to the six cationic heavy metals. In contrast with other elements, As bioaccessibility tended to be higher in the gastrointestinal phase than in the gastric phase. There was a significant soil particle size effect on bioaccessibility of As and Al in the gastrointestinal phase: As bioaccessibility decreased with decreasing particle size, and the finer soil fractions tended to have a higher Al bioaccessibility, as compared to the coarser soil fractions. The research findings prompt the need for further division of soil particle size fractions in order to more accurately assess the bioaccessible amounts of soil-borne potentially toxic elements in contaminated lands

    Electron shuttle-mediated microbial Fe(III) reduction under alkaline conditions

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    Purpose: Extracellular Fe(III) reduction plays an important role in a variety of biogeochemical processes. Several mechanisms for microbial Fe(III) reduction in pH-neutral environments have been proposed, but pathways of microbial Fe(III) reduction within alkaline conditions have not been clearly identified. Alkaline soils are vastly distributed; thus, a better understanding of microbial Fe(III) reduction under alkaline conditions is of significance. The purpose of this study is to explore the dominant mechanism of bacterial iron reduction in alkaline environments. Materials and methods: We used antraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS) as a representative of quinone moities of humic substances and elemental sulfur and sulfate as sulfur species to investigate the potential role of humic substances and sulfur species in mediating microbial Fe(III) reduction in alkaline environments. We carried out thermodynamic calculations to predict the ability of bacteria to reduce Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides under alkaline conditions and the ability of AQDS and sulfur species to serve as electron acceptors for microbial anaerobic respiration in an assumed alkaline soil environments. A series of incubation experiments with two model dissimilatory metal reducing bacteria, Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 and Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA as well as mixed bacteria enriched from a soil were performed to confirm the contribution of AQDS and sulfur species to Fe(III) reduction under alkaline conditions. Results and discussion: Based on thermodynamic calculations, we predicted that, under alkaline conditions, the enzymatic reduction of Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides would be thermodynamically feasible but very weak. In our incubation experiments, the reduction of ferrihydrite by anaerobic cultures of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA or microbes enriched from a soil was significantly increased in the presence of S0 or AQDS. Notably, AQDS contributed more to promoting Fe(III) reduction as a soluble electron shuttle than S0 did under the alkaline conditions probably because of different mechanisms of microbial utilization of AQDS and S0. Conclusions: These results suggest that microbial reduction of Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxides under alkaline conditions may proceed via a pathway mediated by electron shuttles such as AQDS and S0. Considering the high ability of electron shuttling and vast distribution of humic substances, we suggest that humic substance-mediated Fe(III) reduction may potentially be the dominant mechanism for Fe(III) reduction in alkaline environments

    Solid-phase arsenic speciation in aquifer sediments: A micro-X-ray absorption spectroscopy approach for quantifying trace-level speciation

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    Arsenic (As) is a geogenic contaminant affecting groundwater in geologically diverse systems globally. Arsenic release from aquifer sediments to groundwater is favored when biogeochemical conditions, especially oxidation-reduction (redox) potential, in aquifers fluctuate. The specific objective of this research is to identify the solid-phase sources and geochemical mechanisms of release of As in aquifers of the Des Moines Lobe glacial advance. The overarching concept is that conditions present at the aquifer-aquitard interfaces promote a suite of geochemical reactions leading to mineral alteration and release of As to groundwater. A microprobe X-ray absorption spectroscopy (ÎĽXAS) approach is developed and applied to rotosonic drill core samples to identify the solid-phase speciation of As in aquifer, aquitard, and aquifer-aquitard interface sediments. This approach addresses the low solid-phase As concentrations, as well as the fine-scale physical and chemical heterogeneity of the sediments. The spectroscopy data are analyzed using novel cosine-distance and correlation-distance hierarchical clustering for Fe 1s and As 1s ÎĽXAS datasets. The solid-phase Fe and As speciation is then interpreted using sediment and well-water chemical data to propose solid-phase As reservoirs and release mechanisms. The results confirm that in two of the three locations studied, the glacial sediment forming the aquitard is the source of As to the aquifer sediments. The results are consistent with three different As release mechanisms: (1) desorption from Fe (oxyhydr)oxides, (2) reductive dissolution of Fe (oxyhydr)oxides, and (3) oxidative dissolution of Fe sulfides. The findings confirm that glacial sediments at the interface between aquifer and aquitard are geochemically active zones for As. The diversity of As release mechanisms is consistent with the geographic heterogeneity observed in the distribution of elevated-As wells

    The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company

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