19 research outputs found

    Big GABA II: Water-referenced edited MR spectroscopy at 25 research sites

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    Accurate and reliable quantification of brain metabolites measured in vivo using 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a topic of continued interest. Aside from differences in the basic approach to quantification, the quantification of metabolite data acquired at different sites and on different platforms poses an additional methodological challenge. In this study, spectrally edited γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) MRS data were analyzed and GABA levels were quantified relative to an internal tissue water reference. Data from 284 volunteers scanned across 25 research sites were collected using GABA+ (GABA + co-edited macromolecules (MM)) and MM-suppressed GABA editing. The unsuppressed water signal from the volume of interest was acquired for concentration referencing. Whole-brain T1-weighted structural images were acquired and segmented to determine gray matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid voxel tissue fractions. Water-referenced GABA measurements were fully corrected for tissue-dependent signal relaxation and water visibility effects. The cohort-wide coefficient of variation was 17% for the GABA + data and 29% for the MM-suppressed GABA data. The mean within-site coefficient of variation was 10% for the GABA + data and 19% for the MM-suppressed GABA data. Vendor differences contributed 53% to the total variance in the GABA + data, while the remaining variance was attributed to site- (11%) and participant-level (36%) effects. For the MM-suppressed data, 54% of the variance was attributed to site differences, while the remaining 46% was attributed to participant differences. Results from an exploratory analysis suggested that the vendor differences were related to the unsuppressed water signal acquisition. Discounting the observed vendor-specific effects, water-referenced GABA measurements exhibit similar levels of variance to creatine-referenced GABA measurements. It is concluded that quantification using internal tissue water referencing is a viable and reliable method for the quantification of in vivo GABA levels

    Exendin-4 effects on islet volume and number in mouse pancreas

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate Exendin-4 (EX-4) effects on islet volume and number in the mouse pancreas. Thirty-two healthy adult male NMRI mice were randomly divided into control and experimental groups. EX-4 was injected intraperitoneally (i. p.) at doses of 0.25 (E1 group), 0.5 (E2 group), and 1 µg/kg (E3 group), twice a day for 7 consecutive days. One day after the final injection, the mice were sacrificed, and the pancreas from each animal dissected out, weighed, and fixed in 10% formalin for measurement of pancreas and islet volume, and determination of islet number by stereological assessments. There was a significant increase in the weight of pancreases in the E3 group. Islet and pancreas volumes in E1 and E2 groups were unchanged compared to the control group. The E3 group showed a significant increase in islet and pancreas volume (P < 0.05). There were no significant changes in the total number of islets in all three experimental groups. The results revealed that EX-4 increased pancreas and islet volume in non-diabetic mice. The increased total islet mass is probably caused by islet hypertrophy without the formation of additional islets

    Tshz1 regulates pancreatic beta cell maturation.

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    International audienceThe homeodomain transcription factor Pdx1 controls pancreas organogenesis, specification of endocrine pancreas progenitors, and the postnatal growth and function of pancreatic β-cells. Pdx1 expression in human-derived stem cells is used as a marker for induced pancreatic precursor cells. Unfortunately, the differentiation efficiency of human pancreatic progenitors into functional β-cells is poor. In order to gain insight into the genes that Pdx1 regulates during differentiation, we performed Pdx1 chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing of embryonic day (e) 13.5 and 15.5 mouse pancreata. From this, we identified the transcription factor Teashirt zinc finger 1 (Tshz1) as a direct Pdx1 target. Tshz1 is expressed in developing and adult insulin- and glucagon-positive cells. Endocrine cells are properly specified in Tshz1-null embryos, but critical regulators of β-cell (Pdx1 and Nkx6.1) and α-cell (MafB and Arx) formation and function are downregulated. Adult Tshz1(+/-) mice display glucose intolerance due to defects in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion associated with reduced Pdx1 and Clec16a expression in Tshz1(+/-) islets. Lastly, we demonstrate that TSHZ1 levels are reduced in human islets of donors with type 2 diabetes. Thus, we position Tshz1 in the transcriptional network of maturing β-cells and suggest that its dysregulation could contribute to the islet phenotype of human type 2 diabetes

    Epigenetic priming of enhancers predicts developmental competence of hESC-derived endodermal lineage intermediates

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    Embryonic development relies on the capacity of progenitor cells to appropriately respond to inductive cues, a cellular property known as developmental competence. Here, we report that epigenetic priming of enhancers signifies developmental competence during endodermal lineage diversification. Chromatin mapping during pancreatic and hepatic differentiation of human embryonic stem cells revealed the en masse acquisition of a poised chromatin state at enhancers specific to endoderm-derived cell lineages in gut tube intermediates. Experimentally, the acquisition of this poised enhancer state predicts the ability of endodermal intermediates to respond to inductive signals. Furthermore, these enhancers are first recognized by the pioneer transcription factors FOXA1 and FOXA2 when competence is acquired, while subsequent recruitment of lineage-inductive transcription factors, such as PDX1, leads to enhancer and target gene activation. Together, our results identify the acquisition of a poised chromatin state at enhancers as a mechanism by which progenitor cells acquire developmental competence

    Epigenetic priming of enhancers predicts developmental competence of hESC-derived endodermal lineage intermediates

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    Embryonic development relies on the capacity of progenitor cells to appropriately respond to inductive cues, a cellular property known as developmental competence. Here, we report that epigenetic priming of enhancers signifies developmental competence during endodermal lineage diversification. Chromatin mapping during pancreatic and hepatic differentiation of human embryonic stem cells revealed the en masse acquisition of a poised chromatin state at enhancers specific to endoderm-derived cell lineages in gut tube intermediates. Experimentally, the acquisition of this poised enhancer state predicts the ability of endodermal intermediates to respond to inductive signals. Furthermore, these enhancers are first recognized by the pioneer transcription factors FOXA1 and FOXA2 when competence is acquired, while subsequent recruitment of lineage-inductive transcription factors, such as PDX1, leads to enhancer and target gene activation. Together, our results identify the acquisition of a poised chromatin state at enhancers as a mechanism by which progenitor cells acquire developmental competence

    LIM domain-binding 1 maintains the terminally differentiated state of pancreatic β cells

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    The recognition of β cell dedifferentiation in type 2 diabetes raises the translational relevance of mechanisms that direct and maintain β cell identity. LIM domain-binding protein 1 (LDB1) nucleates multimeric transcriptional complexes and establishes promoter-enhancer looping, thereby directing fate assignment and maturation of progenitor populations. Many terminally differentiated endocrine cell types, however, remain enriched for LDB1, but its role is unknown. Here, we have demonstrated a requirement for LDB1 in maintaining the terminally differentiated status of pancreatic β cells. Inducible ablation of LDB1 in mature β cells impaired insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis. Transcriptomic analysis of LDB1-depleted β cells revealed the collapse of the terminally differentiated gene program, indicated by a loss of β cell identity genes and induction of the endocrine progenitor factor neurogenin 3 (NEUROG3). Lineage tracing confirmed that LDB1-depleted, insulin-negative β cells express NEUROG3 but do not adopt alternate endocrine cell fates. In primary mouse islets, LDB1 and its LIM homeodomain-binding partner islet 1 (ISL1) were coenriched at chromatin sites occupied by pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1 (PDX1), NK6 homeobox 1 (NKX6.1), forkhead box A2 (FOXA2), and NK2 homeobox 2 (NKX2.2) - factors that co-occupy active enhancers in 3D chromatin domains in human islets. Indeed, LDB1 was enriched at active enhancers in human islets. Thus, LDB1 maintains the terminally differentiated state of β cells and is a component of active enhancers in both murine and human islets