1,178 research outputs found

    Rosuvastatin and vascular dysfunction markers in pulmonary arterial hypertension: a placebo-controlled study

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    We investigated whether chronic rosuvastatin administration could improve the abnormalities of the circulating levels of vascular dysfunction markers in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Sixty patients, aged 13 to 60 years, with idiopathic (N = 14) or congenital heart disease-associated PAH (N = 46) were equally but randomly assigned to rosuvastatin treatment (10 mg a day, orally) or placebo for 6 months in a blind fashion. Plasma levels of P-selectin, tissue-plasminogen activator and its inhibitor as well as von Willebrand factor antigen were measured by enzyme-linked immunoassay before and after 1, 3, and 6 months of treatment. Baseline levels of biomarkers were elevated (68, 16, 45 and 46% increase relative to controls, for P-selectin, von Willebrand factor antigen, tissue-plasminogen activator and its inhibitor, respectively; P < 0.001). P-selectin values at baseline, 1, 3, and 6 months were 39.9 ± 18.5, 37.6 ± 14.6, 34.8 ± 14.6, and 35.4 ± 13.9 ng/mL, respectively, for the rosuvastatin group and 45.7 ± 26.8, 48.0 ± 26.9, 48.1 ± 25.7, and 45.7 ± 25.6 ng/mL for the placebo group. The P-selectin level was lower in the rosuvastatin group compared with placebo throughout treatment (P = 0.037, general linear model). A trend was observed towards a decrease in tissue-plasminogen activator in the statin group (16% reduction, P = 0.094), with no significant changes in the other markers. Since P-selectin is crucial in inflammation and thrombosis, its reduction by rosuvastatin is potentially relevant in the pathophysiological scenario of PAH.FAPES

    Comparison of sodium content of meals served by independent takeaways using standard versus reduced holed salt shakers: cross-sectional study

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    Background Takeaway food has a relatively poor nutritional profile. Providing takeaway outlets with reduced-holed salt shakers is one method thought to reduce salt use in takeaways, but effects have not been formally tested. We aimed to determine if there was a difference in sodium content of standard fish and chip meals served by Fish & Chip Shops that use standard (17 holes) versus reduced-holed (5 holes) salt shakers, taking advantage of natural variations in salt shakers used. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study of all Fish & Chip Shops in two local government areas (n = 65), where servers added salt to meals as standard practice, and salt shaker used could be identified (n = 61). Standard fish and chip meals were purchased from each shop by incognito researchers and the purchase price and type of salt shaker used noted. Sodium content of full meals and their component parts (fish, chips, and fish batter) was determined using flame photometry. Differences in absolute and relative sodium content of meals and component parts between shops using reduced-holed versus standard salt-shakers were compared using linear regression before and after adjustment for purchase price and area. Results Reduced-holed salt shakers were used in 29 of 61 (47.5 %) included shops. There was no difference in absolute sodium content of meals purchased from shops using standard versus reduced-holed shakers (mean = 1147 mg [equivalent to 2.9 g salt]; SD = 424 mg; p > 0.05). Relative sodium content was significantly lower in meals from shops using reduced-holed (mean = 142.5 mg/100 g [equivalent to 0.4 g salt/100 g]; SD = 39.0 mg/100 g) versus standard shakers (mean = 182.0 mg/100 g; [equivalent to 0.5 g salt/100 g]; SD = 68.3 mg/100 g; p = 0.008). This was driven by differences in the sodium content of chips and was extinguished by adjustment for purchase price and area. Price was inversely associated with relative sodium content (p < 0.05). Conclusions Using reduced-holed salt shakers in Fish & Chip Shops is associated with lower relative sodium content of fish and chip meals. This is driven by differences in sodium content of chips, making our results relevant to the wide range of takeaways serving chips. Shops serving higher priced meals, which may reflect a more affluent customer base, may be more likely to use reduced-holed shakers

    Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Human Reproduction: A Changing Perspective

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    Since the outbreak of severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the coronavirus disease 2019 has had a wide range of effects on human health. This paper summarizes the data related to the effects of the SARS-CoV-2 infection on human reproduction. Both the male and female reproductive tract express high levels of receptors and proteins needed for viral cell entry. There is presently no evidence that gametes are affected by the infection. Male fertility may be temporarily reduced due to inflammatory responses following infection. The endometrium is highly susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 cell entry; however, it remains unclear whether this could alter receptivity and embryo implantation. Menstrual cycle changes were reported in women who experienced severe infection; however, they tended to be reversible. For couples undergoing assisted reproduction treatment, the pandemic led to a significant psychological burden, with changes in lifestyle that could directly affect the success of the treatment. Human reproduction societies recommend screening all patients prior to cycle initiation and avoiding treatment of women with severe comorbidities until the pandemic is under control. Finally, for pregnant women, it is expected that the infection is more severe in women in the third trimester and in those with comorbidities. Those who are symptomatic for SARS-CoV-2 are more likely to have increased rates of prematurity and intrapartum fetal distress than those who are asymptomatic. Vertical transmission cannot be completely ruled out, but neonatal infection rates are low. Vaccination appears to be safe and is indicated for use in pregnant and lactating women because the benefits outweigh the risks

    An alternative order parameter for the 4-state Potts model

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    We have investigated the dynamic critical behavior of the two-dimensional 4-state Potts model using an alternative order parameter first used by Vanderzande [J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. \textbf{20}, L549 (1987)] in the study of the Z(5) model. We have estimated the global persistence exponent θg\theta_g by following the time evolution of the probability P(t)P(t) that the considered order parameter does not change its sign up to time tt. We have also obtained the critical exponents θ\theta, zz, ν\nu, and β\beta using this alternative definition of the order parameter and our results are in complete agreement with available values found in literature.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure


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    RESUMO Motivação: A União Europeia preconizou, através do Regulamento 1606/2002, a obrigatoriedade da adoção das normas do IASB nas contas consolidadas de todas as empresas cotadas em bolsas europeias, a partir de 1 de Janeiro de 2005. A transição para as IAS/IFRS em 2005 na Europa proporciona uma oportunidade única para estudar forças e fatores explicativos das práticas contabilísticas, particularmente na adoção do justo valor. O modo de mensuração tradicionalmente adotado pelas empresas europeias, no relato financeiro, é o custo histórico, enquanto as normas do IASB apresentam-se mais próximas do critério do justo valor. Objetivo do estudo: O presente estudo investiga a importância da informação financeira para investidor, nomeadamente o justo valor nas empresas portuguesas cotadas em bolsa de valores, no que concerne aos ativos fixos tangíveis. Assumindo que as escolhas contabilísticas são influenciadas por um conjunto de variáveis e que as empresas ponderam e reconhecem a importância da informação financeira, procurou-se neste estudo identificar se a informação sobre o valor do ativo fixo tangível, endividamento, o resultado líquido e o ganho de revalorização está incorporado no preço das ações. Metodologia: O presente estudo empírico baseia-se em empresas cotadas portuguesas, incluídas na Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa, tendo sido analisado o período de 1995 a 2014. Para o efeito, utilizamos a base de dados Thomson Worldscope Database. Para identificar se a informação financeira está incorporada no preço das ações, utilizamos o modelo de avaliação de Ohlson (1995). Resultados / Contribuições: No geral, os resultados obtidos vão de encontro às nossas expectativas. Eles indicam que, tanto antes da adoção das IFRS, como após a adoção das IFRS, a informação representada no valor das ações pelas empresas, é influenciada, de modo significativo, pelo valor dos ativos, o nível de endividamento e o resultado líquido. Palavras-chave: Ativo Fixo Tangível, Justo Valor, IFRS, Portuga

    The Multidisciplinary Management Of Avulsed Teeth: A Case Report

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    This paper reports multidisciplinary treatment of a dental trauma case to achieve a favorable prognosis. A healthy 14-year-old girl reported avulsion of teeth 11 and 21 which had occurred three months earlier. The initial treatment consisting of replantation with a semi-rigid splint was performed in hospital. At presentation, the patient was still using the semi-rigid splint. The clinical examination revealed the presence of increased mobility in teeth 11 and 21, and absence of vitality in both. Radiographic examination showed the presence of inflammatory external root resorption in both teeth. The treatment proposed consisted of teeth extraction, a temporary prosthesis followed by adhesive prosthesis, and finally, implant surgery associated with porcelain crowns.74203206Koca, H., Topaloglu-Ak, A., Sutekin, E., Koca, O., Acar, S., Delayed replantation of an avulsed tooth after 5 hours of storage in saliva: A case report (2010) Dent Traumatol, 26 (4), pp. 370-373Lux, H.C., Goetz, F., Hellwig, E., Case report: Endodontic and surgical treatment of an upper central incisor with external root resorption and radicular cyst following a traumatic tooth avulsion (2010) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 110 (5), pp. e61-7Flores, M.T., Andersson, L., Andreasen, J.O., Bakland, L.K., Malmgren, B., Barnett, F., Guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries. II. Avulsion of permanent teeth (2007) Dent Traumatol, 23 (3), pp. 130-136Roskamp, L., Westphalen, V.P., Carneiro, E., Fariniuk, L.F., Silva, N.U.X., The positive influence of atopy on the prognosis of avulsed and replanted teeth despite differences in post- trauma management (2011) J Endod, 37 (4), pp. 463-465Andreasen, J.O., Andreasen, F., (2007) Textbook and Color Atlas of Traumatic Injuries to The Teeth, p. 912. , 4th Edition, Copenhagen: Denmark: MunksgaardMajorana, A., Bardellini, E., Conti, G., Keller, E., Pasini, S., Root resorption in dental trauma: 45 cases followed for 5 years (2003) Dent Traumatol, 19 (5), pp. 262-265Andreasen, J.O., Borum, M.K., Jacobsen, H.L., Andreasen, F.M., Replantation of 400 avulsed permanent incisors. 1. Diagnosis of healing complications (1995) Endod Dent Traumatol, 11 (2), pp. 51-58Soares, A.J., Gomes, B.P., Zaia, A.A., Ferraz, C.C., de Souza-Filho, F.J., Relationship between clinical-radiographic evaluation and outcome of teeth replantation (2008) Dent Traumatol, 24 (2), pp. 183-188Heithersay, G.S., Management of tooth resorption (2007) Aust Dent J, 52 (1 SUPPL.), pp. S105-S121Gold, S.I., Hasselgren, G., Peripheral inflammatory root resorption. A review of the literature with case reports (1992) J Clin Periodontol, 19 (8), pp. 523-534Emerich, K., Czerwinska, M., Ordyniec-Kwasnica, I., Immediate self-replantation of an avulsed permanent mandibular incisor - a case report (2010) Dent Traumatol, 26 (5), pp. 443-446Guzeler, I., Uysal, S., Cehreli, Z.C., Management of trauma-induced inflammatory root resorption using mineral trioxide aggregate obturation: Two-year follow up (2010) Dent Traumatol, 26 (6), pp. 501-504Drummond, S., Pessica, L.S., Monnerat, A.B., Monnerat, A.F., de Oliveira, A.M.A., Multidisciplinary solution for an avulsed upper central incisor: Case report (2011) Dent Traumatol, 27 (3), pp. 241-246Estevez, R., Aranguren, J., Escorial, A., de Gregorio, C., De La Torre, F., Vera, J., Invasive cervical resorption Class III in a maxillary central incisor: Diagnosis and follow-up by means of cone-beam computed tomography (2010) J Endod, 36 (12), pp. 2012-2014Vitale, M.C., Caprioglio, C., Martignone, A., Marchesi, U., Botticelli, A.R., Combined technique with polyethylene fibers and composite resins in restoration of traumatized anterior teeth (2004) Dent Traumatol, 20 (3), pp. 172-177Iseri, H., Solow, B., Growth displacement of the maxilla in girls studied by the implant method (1990) Eur J Orthod, 12 (4), pp. 389-398Odman, J., Grondahl, K., Lekholm, U., Thilander, B., The effect of osseointegrated implants on the dento-alveolar development. A clinical and radiographic study in growing pigs (1991) Eur J Orthod, 13 (4), pp. 279-286Graber, T.M., Vanarsdall, R., (2000) Orthodontics: Current Principles and Techniques, p. 1040. , 3th Edition. St Louis, Missouri: MosbyPolat, Z.S., Tacir, I.H., Restoring of traumatized anterior teeth: A case report (2008) Dent Traumatol, 24 (3), pp. e390-

    Transfer learning for galaxy morphology from one survey to another

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    © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.Deep Learning (DL) algorithms for morphological classification of galaxies have proven very successful, mimicking (or even improving) visual classifications. However, these algorithms rely on large training samples of labelled galaxies (typically thousands of them). A key question for using DL classifications in future Big Data surveys is how much of the knowledge acquired from an existing survey can be exported to a new dataset, i.e. if the features learned by the machines are meaningful for different data. We test the performance of DL models, trained with Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data, on Dark Energy survey (DES) using images for a sample of \sim5000 galaxies with a similar redshift distribution to SDSS. Applying the models directly to DES data provides a reasonable global accuracy (\sim 90%), but small completeness and purity values. A fast domain adaptation step, consisting in a further training with a small DES sample of galaxies (\sim500-300), is enough for obtaining an accuracy > 95% and a significant improvement in the completeness and purity values. This demonstrates that, once trained with a particular dataset, machines can quickly adapt to new instrument characteristics (e.g., PSF, seeing, depth), reducing by almost one order of magnitude the necessary training sample for morphological classification. Redshift evolution effects or significant depth differences are not taken into account in this study.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio