173 research outputs found

    CMB anisotropy: deviations from Gaussianity due to non-linear gravity

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    Non-linear evolution of cosmological energy density fluctuations triggers deviations from Gaussianity in the temperature distribution of the cosmic microwave background. A method to estimate these deviations is proposed. N-body simulations -- in a Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology -- are used to simulate the strongly non-linear evolution of cosmological structures. It is proved that these simulations can be combined with the potential approximation to calculate the statistical moments of the CMB anisotropies produced by non-linear gravity. Some of these moments are computed and the resulting values are different from those corresponding to Gaussianity.Comment: 6 latex pages with mn.sty, 3 eps figures. Accepted in MNRA

    Molybdenum-Catalyzed Synthesis of Nitrogenated Polyheterocycles from Nitroarenes and Glycols with Reuse of Waste Reduction By-product

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    A novel domino reduction/imine formation/intramolecular cyclization/oxidation for the efficient synthesis of pyrrolo(indolo)[1,2-a]quinoxalines and pyrrolo(indolo)[3,2-c]-quinolines from readily available nitrobenzenes and glycols is reported. The process utilizes the carbonyl byproduct of the initial dioxomolybdenum(VI)-catalyzed reduction of nitroaromatics with glycols as a reagent for the imine generation. This method represents the first sustainable domino reaction for the preparation of biologically relevant heterocycles that internally incorporates the waste formed in the first step to the final product.Junta de Castilla y León and FEDER (BU076U16) and Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) (CTQ2015-70371-REDT and CTQ2016-75023- C2-1-P

    An unprecedented use for glycerol: chemoselective reducing agent for sulfoxides

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    A new application for glycerol that expands its possibilities beyond a green solvent and a precursor of value-added products has been demonstrated. Simple, easily available, and environmentally friendly dioxomolybdenum( VI) complexes are highly efficient catalysts for the chemoselective sulfoxide deoxygenation with this biomass-derived chemical feedstock. Both refined glycerol and crude glycerin can be used, thus expanding the potential application of this reaction. Subsequent transformation of glycerol during this reductive process has also been investigatedMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN), FEDER (CTQ2010-15358 and CTQ2009-09949/BQU), Junta de Castilla y Leon (BU021A09 and GR-172), MICINN ("Juan de la Cierva" and "Ramon y Cajal" contracts for P.G.-G. and M.A.F.-R.

    Yield and nutritional value of first-cutting alfalfa grown in temperature gradient greenhouses under future climate change scenarios depend on Sinorhizobium meliloti strain

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    Ponencia presentada a la 51 Reunión Científica de la SEEP celebrada en la Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos de la Universidad Pública de Navarra entre el 14 y el 18 de mayo de 2012.El objetivo del estudio fue analizar bajo distintos escenarios de simulación de cambio climático (CO2 y temperatura elevados), el efecto de tres cepas de Sinorhizobium meliloti, en la producción, calidad y digestibilidad in-vitro de la alfalfa. Las alfalfas más productivas en su primer corte durante el mes de noviembre fueron las inoculadas con la cepa 102F34, seguidas por la 102F78 y la 1032GMI. El CO2 y la temperatura elevados aumentaron el contenido en fibras, disminuyendo la digestibilidad invitro de la materia seca en las plantas inoculadas con las cepas 102F78 y 1032GMI. La proteína bruta, un indicador de la calidad del forraje, descendió en condiciones de CO2 y temperatura elevados, independientemente de la cepa inoculada. Si bien las plantas inoculadas con la cepa 102F78 produjeron forraje con mayor concentración de proteína bruta, la mayor digestibilidad obtenida con la cepa 102F34, hizo que de las tres cepas analizadas, sea ésta la más adecuada en el escenario de cambio climático estudiado.Elevated CO2 may decrease alfalfa forage quality and in-vitro digestibility through a drop in crude protein and an enhancement of fibre content. The aim of the present study was to analyze the effect of elevated CO2, elevated temperature and Sinorhizobium meliloti strains on alfalfa yield, forage quality and in-vitro dry matter digestibility. Shoot dry matter under elevated CO2 and temperature was different depending on the S. meliloti strain, with 102F34 inoculated plants being the most productive, followed by 102F78, and then 1032GMI. Plants inoculated with the 102F34 strain did not enhance neutral or acid detergent fibre under elevated CO2 or temperature and hence, in-vitro dry matter digestibility was unaffected. Crude protein content, an indicator of forage quality, was negatively related to shoot yield. Plants inoculated with 102F78 showed a similar shoot yield to those inoculated with 102F34, but had higher crude protein content at elevated CO2 and temperature. Under these climate change conditions, 102F78 inoculated plants produced more quality forage. However, the higher digestibility of plants inoculated with the 102F34 strain under any CO2 or temperature conditions, makes them more suitable for growing under applied experimental climate change conditions.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN BFU2008-01405 y BFU2011-26989), Fundación Universitaria de Navarra (PIUNA-2008), Fundación Caja Navarra y Asociación de Amigos de la Universidad de Navarra

    Mo–Catalyzed One-Pot Synthesis of N-Polyheterocycles from Nitroarenes and Glycols with Recycling of the Waste Reduction Byproduct. Substituent-Tuned Photophysical Properties

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    A catalytic domino reduction–imine formation– intramolecular cyclization–oxidation for the general synthesis of a wide variety of biologically relevant N-polyheterocycles, such as quinoxaline- and quinoline-fused derivatives, and phenanthridines, is reported. A simple, easily available, and environmentally friendly dioxomolybdenum(VI) complex has proven to be a highly efficient and versatile catalyst for transforming a broad range of starting nitroarenes involving several redox processes. Not only is this a sustainable, stepeconomical as well as air- and moisture-tolerant method, but also it is worth highlighting that the waste byproduct generated in the first step of the sequence is recycled and incorporated in the final target molecule, improving the overall synthetic efficiency. Moreover, selected indoloquinoxalines have been photophysically characterized in cyclohexane and toluene with exceptional fluorescence quantum yields above 0.7 for the alkyl derivatives.Junta de Castilla y León and FEDER (BU291P18 and BU049P20) and Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and FEDER (CTQ2016-75023-C2-1P) for financial support. The project leading to these results has also received funding from “la Caixa” Foundation, under the agreement (LCF/PR/PR18/51130007) (CAIXA-UBU001). R.H.-R. thanks Ministerio de Educación for a FPU predoctoral contract. S.S P. thanks Junta de Castilla y León and FSE and FEDER for a postdoctoral contract

    Microwave background anisotropies due to non-linear structures in open and Lambda universes

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    A new method arising from a gauge-theoretic approach to general relativity is applied to the formation of clusters in an expanding universe. The three cosmological models (Omega_0=1, Omega_Lambda=0), (Omega_0=0.3, Omega_Lambda=0.7), (Omega_0=0.3, Omega_Lambda=0) are considered, which extends our previous application (Lasenby et al. 1999 -"http://xxx.soton.ac.uk/abs/astro-ph/9810123"-, Dabrowski et al. 1999 -"http://xxx.soton.ac.uk/abs/astro-ph/9810149"-). A simple initial velocity and density perturbation of finite extent is imposed at the epoch z=1000 and we investigate the subsequent evolution of the density and velocity fields for clusters observed at redshifts z=1, z=2 and z=3. Photon geodesics and redshifts are also calculated so that the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies due to collapsing clusters can be estimated. We find that the central CMB temperature decrement is slightly stronger and extends to larger angular scales in the non-zero Omega_Lambda case. This effect is strongly enhanced in the open case. Gravitational lensing effects are also considered and we apply our model to the reported microwave decrement observed towards the quasar pair PC 1643+4631 A & B.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS

    High-throughput characterization, correlation, and mapping of leaf photosynthetic and functional traits in the soybean (Glycine max) nested association mapping population

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    Photosynthesis is a key target to improve crop production in many species including soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. A challenge is that phenotyping photosynthetic traits by traditional approaches is slow and destructive. There is proof-of-concept for leaf hyperspectral reflectance as a rapid method to model photosynthetic traits. However, the crucial step of demonstrating that hyperspectral approaches can be used to advance understanding of the genetic architecture of photosynthetic traits is untested. To address this challenge, we used full-range (500-2,400 nm) leaf reflectance spectroscopy to build partial least squares regression models to estimate leaf traits, including the rate-limiting processes of photosynthesis, maximum Rubisco carboxylation rate, and maximum electron transport. In total, 11 models were produced from a diverse population of soybean sampled over multiple field seasons to estimate photosynthetic parameters, chlorophyll content, leaf carbon and leaf nitrogen percentage, and specific leaf area (with R2 from 0.56 to 0.96 and root mean square error approximately \u3c10% of the range of calibration data). We explore the utility of these models by applying them to the soybean nested association mapping population, which showed variability in photosynthetic and leaf traits. Genetic mapping provided insights into the underlying genetic architecture of photosynthetic traits and potential improvement in soybean. Notably, the maximum Rubisco carboxylation rate mapped to a region of chromosome 19 containing genes encoding multiple small subunits of Rubisco. We also mapped the maximum electron transport rate to a region of chromosome 10 containing a fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase gene, encoding an important enzyme in the regeneration of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate and the sucrose biosynthetic pathway. The estimated rate-limiting steps of photosynthesis were low or negatively correlated with yield suggesting that these traits are not influenced by the same genetic mechanisms and are not limiting yield in the soybean NAM population. Leaf carbon percentage, leaf nitrogen percentage, and specific leaf area showed strong correlations with yield and may be of interest in breeding programs as a proxy for yield. This work is among the first to use hyperspectral reflectance to model and map the genetic architecture of the rate-limiting steps of photosynthesis

    Cancer mortality inequalities in urban areas: a Bayesian small area analysis in Spanish cities

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    Background: Intra-urban inequalities in mortality have been infrequently analysed in European contexts. The aim of the present study was to analyse patterns of cancer mortality and their relationship with socioeconomic deprivation in small areas in 11 Spanish cities. Methods: It is a cross-sectional ecological design using mortality data (years 1996-2003). Units of analysis were the census tracts. A deprivation index was calculated for each census tract. In order to control the variability in estimating the risk of dying we used Bayesian models. We present the RR of the census tract with the highest deprivation vs. the census tract with the lowest deprivation. Results: In the case of men, socioeconomic inequalities are observed in total cancer mortality in all cities, except in Castellon, Cordoba and Vigo, while Barcelona (RR = 1.53 95%CI 1.42-1.67), Madrid (RR = 1.57 95%CI 1.49-1.65) and Seville (RR = 1.53 95%CI 1.36-1.74) present the greatest inequalities. In general Barcelona and Madrid, present inequalities for most types of cancer. Among women for total cancer mortality, inequalities have only been found in Barcelona and Zaragoza. The excess number of cancer deaths due to socioeconomic deprivation was 16,413 for men and 1,142 for women. Conclusion: This study has analysed inequalities in cancer mortality in small areas of cities in Spain, not only relating this mortality with socioeconomic deprivation, but also calculating the excess mortality which may be attributed to such deprivation. This knowledge is particularly useful to determine which geographical areas in each city need intersectorial policies in order to promote a healthy environment.This article was partially supported by Fondo de Investigaciones Ssanitarias (FIS) projects numbers PI042013, PI040041, PI040170, PI040069, PI042602 PI040388, PI040489, PI042098 , PI041260, PI040399, PI081488 and by the CIBER en Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Spain and by the program of “Intensificación de la Actividad Investigadora (Carme Borrell)” funded by the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” and “Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya”