1,581 research outputs found

    IRAS 18511+0146: a proto Herbig Ae/Be cluster?

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    Context: The evolution of a young protocluster depends on the relative spatial distributions and dynamics of both stars and gas. Aims: We study the distribution and properties of the gas and stars surrounding the luminous (10^4 L_sun) protocluster IRAS 18511+0146. Methods: IRAS 18511+0146 and the cluster associated with it has been investigated using the sub-millimetre (JCMT-SCUBA), infrared (Spitzer-MIPSGAL, Spitzer-GLIMPSE, Palomar) and radio (VLA) continuum data. Cluster simulations have been carried out in order to understand the properties of clusters as well as to compare with the observations. Results: The central most obscured part of the protocluster coincident with the compact sub-millimetre source found with SCUBA is responsible for at least 2/3 of the total luminosity. A number of cluster members have been identified which are bright in mid infrared and show rising (near to mid infrared) spectral energy distributions suggesting that these are very young stellar sources. In the mid infrared 8.0 micron image, a number of filamentary structures and clumps are detected in the vicinity of IRAS 18511+0146. Conclusions: Based on the luminosity and cluster size as well as on the evolutionary stages of the cluster members, IRAS 18511+0146 is likely to be protocluster with the most massive object being a precursor to a Herbig type star.Comment: Accepted by the Astronomy and Astrophysics (23 Pages, 5 Tables, 12 Figures

    Physical Properties of Galactic Planck Cold Cores revealed by the Hi-GAL survey

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    Previous studies of the initial conditions of massive star formation have mainly targeted Infrared-Dark Clouds (IRDCs) toward the inner Galaxy. This is due to the fact that IRDCs were first detected in absorption against the bright mid-IR background, requiring a favourable location to be observed. By selection, IRDCs represent only a fraction of the Galactic clouds capable of forming massive stars and star clusters. Due to their low dust temperatures, IRDCs are bright in the far-IR and millimeter and thus, observations at these wavelengths have the potential to provide a complete sample of star-forming massive clouds across the Galaxy. Our aim is to identify the clouds at the initial conditions of massive star formation across the Galaxy and compare their physical properties as a function of their Galactic location. We have examined the physical properties of a homogeneous galactic cold core sample obtained with the Planck satellite across the Galactic Plane. With the use of Herschel Hi-GAL observations, we have characterized the internal structure of them. By using background-subtracted Herschel images, we have derived the H2 column density and dust temperature maps for 48 Planck clumps. Their basic physical parameters have been calculated and analyzed as a function of location within the Galaxy. These properties have also been compared with the empirical relation for massive star formation derived by Kauffmann & Pillai (2010). Most of the Planck clumps contain signs of star formation. About 25% of them are massive enough to form high mass stars. Planck clumps toward the Galactic center region show higher peak column densities and higher average dust temperatures than those of the clumps in the outer Galaxy. Although we only have seven clumps without associated YSOs, the Hi-GAL data show no apparent differences in the properties of Planck cold clumps with and without star formation.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Photoevaporation of Circumstellar Disks due to External FUV Radiation in Stellar Aggregates

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    When stars form in small groups (N = 100 - 500 members), their circumstellar disks are exposed to little EUV radiation but a great deal of FUV radiation from massive stars in the group. This paper calculates mass loss rates for circumstellar disks exposed to external FUV radiation. Previous work treated large disks and/or intense radiation fields in which the disk radius exceeds the critical radius (supercritical disks) where the sound speed in the FUV heated layer exceeds the escape speed. This paper shows that significant mass loss still takes place for subcritical systems. Some of the gas extends beyond the disk edge (above the disk surface) to larger distances where the temperature is higher, the escape speed is lower, and an outflow develops. The evaporation rate is a sensitive function of the stellar mass and disk radius, which determine the escape speed, and the external FUV flux, which determines the temperature structure of the flow. Disks around red dwarfs are readily evaporated and shrink to disk radii of 15 AU on short time scales (10 Myr) when exposed to moderate FUV fields with G0G_0 = 3000. Although disks around solar type stars are more durable, these disks shrink to 15 AU in 10 Myr for intense FUV radiation fields with G0G_0 = 30,000; such fields exist in the central 0.7 pc of a cluster with N = 4000 stars. If our solar system formed in the presence of such strong FUV radiation fields, this mechanism could explain why Neptune and Uranus in our solar system are gas poor, whereas Jupiter and Saturn are gas rich. This mechanism for photoevaporation can also limit the production of Kuiper belt objects and can suppress giant planet formation in sufficiently large clusters, such as the Hyades, especially for disks associated with low mass stars.Comment: 49 pages including 12 figures; accepted to Ap

    First results from a VLBA proper motion survey of H2O masers in low-mass YSOs: the Serpens core and RNO15-FIR

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    This article reports first results of a long-term observational program aimed to study the earliest evolution of jet/disk systems in low-mass YSOs by means of VLBI observations of the 22.2 GHz water masers. We report here data for the cluster of low-mass YSOs in the Serpens molecular core and for the single object RNO~15-FIR. Towards Serpens SMM1, the most luminous sub-mm source of the Serpens cluster, the water maser emission comes from two small (< 5 AU in size) clusters of features separated by ~25 AU, having line of sight velocities strongly red-shifted (by more than 10 km/s) with respect to the LSR velocity of the molecular cloud. The two maser clusters are oriented on the sky along a direction that is approximately perpendicular to the axis of the radio continuum jet observed with the VLA towards SMM1. The spatial and velocity distribution of the maser features lead us to favor the interpretation that the maser emission is excited by interaction of the receding lobe of the jet with dense gas in the accretion disk surrounding the YSO in SMM1. Towards RNO~15-FIR, the few detected maser features have both positions and (absolute) velocities aligned along a direction that is parallel to the axis of the molecular outflow observed on much larger angular scales. In this case the maser emission likely emerges from dense, shocked molecular clumps displaced along the axis of the jet emerging from the YSO. The protostar in Serpens SMM1 is more massive than the one in RNO~15-FIR. We discuss the case where a high mass ejection rate can generate jets sufficiently powerful to sweep away from their course the densest portions of circumstellar gas. In this case, the excitation conditions for water masers might preferably occur at the interface between the jet and the accretion disk, rather than along the jet axis.Comment: 18 pages (postscript format); 9 figures; to be published into Astronomy & Astrophysics, Main Journa

    First results from the CALYPSO IRAM-PdBI survey - III. Monopolar jets driven by a proto-binary system in NGC1333-IRAS2A

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    Context: The earliest evolutionary stages of low-mass protostars are characterised by hot and fast jets which remove angular momentum from the circumstellar disk, thus allowing mass accretion onto the central object. However, the launch mechanism is still being debated. Aims: We would like to exploit high-angular (~ 0.8") resolution and high-sensitivity images to investigate the origin of protostellar jets using typical molecular tracers of shocked regions, such as SiO and SO. Methods: We mapped the inner 22" of the NGC1333-IRAS2A protostar in SiO(5-4), SO(65-54), and the continuum emission at 1.4 mm using the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer in the framework of the CALYPSO IRAM large program. Results: For the first time, we disentangle the NGC1333-IRAS2A Class 0 object into a proto-binary system revealing two protostars (MM1, MM2) separated by ~ 560 AU, each of them driving their own jet, while past work considered a single protostar with a quadrupolar outflow. We reveal (i) a clumpy, fast (up to |V-VLSR| > 50 km/s), and blueshifted jet emerging from the brightest MM1 source, and (ii) a slower redshifted jet, driven by MM2. Silicon monoxide emission is a powerful tracer of high-excitation (Tkin > 100 K; n(H2) > 10^5 cm-3) jets close to the launching region. At the highest velocities, SO appears to mimic SiO tracing the jets, whereas at velocities close to the systemic one, SO is dominated by extended emission, tracing the cavity opened by the jet. Conclusions: Both jets are intrinsically monopolar, and intermittent in time. The dynamical time of the SiO clumps is < 30-90 yr, indicating that one-sided ejections from protostars can take place on these timescales.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics Letter, in pres

    Relative Evolutionary Time Scale of Hot Molecular Cores with Respect to Ultra Compact HII Regions

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    Using the Owens Valley and Nobeyama Radio Observatory interferometers, we carried out an unbiased search for hot molecular cores and ultracompact UC HII regions toward the high-mass star forming region G19.61--0.23. In addition, we performed 1.2 mm imaging with SIMBA, and retrieved 3.5 and 2 cm images from the VLA archive data base. The newly obtained 3 mm image brings information on a cluster of high-mass (proto)stars located in the innermost and densest part of the parsec scale clump detected in the 1.2 mm continuum. We identify a total of 10 high-mass young stellar objects: one hot core (HC) and 9 UC HII regions, whose physical parameters are obtained from model fits to their continuum spectra. The ratio between the current and expected final radii of the UC \HII regions ranges from 0.3 to 0.9, which leaves the possibility that all O-B stars formed simultaneously. Under the opposite assumption -- namely that star formation occurred randomly -- we estimate that HC lifetime is less than ∌\sim1/3 of that of UCHII regions on the basis of the source number ratio between them.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figs, including a color fi

    On the shape of the mass-function of dense clumps in the Hi-GAL fields. II. Using Bayesian inference to study the clump mass function

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    Context. Stars form in dense, dusty clumps of molecular clouds, but little is known about their origin, their evolution and their detailed physical properties. In particular, the relationship between the mass distribution of these clumps (also known as the "clump mass function", or CMF) and the stellar initial mass function (IMF), is still poorly understood. Aims. In order to better understand how the CMF evolve toward the IMF, and to discern the "true" shape of the CMF, large samples of bona-fide pre- and proto-stellar clumps are required. Two such datasets obtained from the Herschel infrared GALactic Plane Survey (Hi-GAL) have been described in paper I. Robust statistical methods are needed in order to infer the parameters describing the models used to fit the CMF, and to compare the competing models themselves. Methods. In this paper we apply Bayesian inference to the analysis of the CMF of the two regions discussed in Paper I. First, we determine the Bayesian posterior probability distribution for each of the fitted parameters. Then, we carry out a quantitative comparison of the models used to fit the CMF. Results. We have compared the results from several methods implementing Bayesian inference, and we have also analyzed the impact of the choice of priors and the influence of various constraints on the statistical conclusions for the preferred values of the parameters. We find that both parameter estimation and model comparison depend on the choice of parameter priors. Conclusions. Our results confirm our earlier conclusion that the CMFs of the two Hi-GAL regions studied here have very similar shapes but different mass scales. Furthermore, the lognormal model appears to better describe the CMF measured in the two Hi-GAL regions studied here. However, this preliminary conclusion is dependent on the choice of parameters priors.Comment: Submitted for publication to A&A on November 12, 2013. This paper contains 11 pages and 7 figure

    Glycolaldehyde in Perseus young solar analogs

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    Aims: In this paper we focus on the occurrence of glycolaldehyde (HCOCH2OH) in young solar analogs by performing the first homogeneous and unbiased study of this molecule in the Class 0 protostars of the nearby Perseus star forming region. Methods: We obtained sub-arcsec angular resolution maps at 1.3mm and 1.4mm of glycolaldehyde emission lines using the IRAM Plateau de Bure (PdB) interferometer in the framework of the CALYPSO IRAM large program. Results: Glycolaldehyde has been detected towards 3 Class 0 and 1 Class I protostars out of the 13 continuum sources targeted in Perseus: NGC1333-IRAS2A1, NGC1333-IRAS4A2, NGC1333-IRAS4B1, and SVS13-A. The NGC1333 star forming region looks particularly glycolaldehyde rich, with a rate of occurrence up to 60%. The glycolaldehyde spatial distribution overlaps with the continuum one, tracing the inner 100 au around the protostar. A large number of lines (up to 18), with upper-level energies Eu from 37 K up to 375 K has been detected. We derived column densities > 10^15 cm^-2 and rotational temperatures Trot between 115 K and 236 K, imaging for the first time hot-corinos around NGC1333-IRAS4B1 and SVS13-A. Conclusions: In multiple systems glycolaldehyde emission is detected only in one component. The case of the SVS13-A+B and IRAS4-A1+A2 systems support that the detection of glycolaldehyde (at least in the present Perseus sample) indicates older protostars (i.e. SVS13-A and IRAS4-A2), evolved enough to develop the hot-corino region (i.e. 100 K in the inner 100 au). However, only two systems do not allow us to firmly conclude whether the primary factor leading to the detection of glycolaldehyde emission is the environments hosting the protostars, evolution (e.g. low value of Lsubmm/Lint), or accretion luminosity (high Lint).Comment: A&A, in pres
