385 research outputs found

    Auto-oscillation threshold, narrow spectral lines, and line jitter in spin-torque oscillators based on MgO magnetic tunnel junctions

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    We demonstrate spin torque induced auto-oscillation in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions. At the generation threshold, we observe a strong line narrowing down to 6 MHz at 300K and a dramatic increase in oscillator power, yielding spectrally pure oscillations free of flicker noise. Setting the synthetic antiferromagnet into autooscillation requires the same current polarity as the one needed to switch the free layer magnetization. The induced auto-oscillations are observed even at zero applied field, which is believed to be the acoustic mode of the synthetic antiferromagnet. While the phase coherence of the auto-oscillation is of the order of microseconds, the power autocorrelation time is of the order of milliseconds and can be strongly influenced by the free layer dynamics

    Verbale fluency bij gezonde ouderen: Onderzoek met drie complexe verbale fluencytaken bij gezonde ouderen en patiënten met een lichte neurocognitieve stoornis of beginnende dementie van het Alzheimertype

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    In de studie werden normgegevens verzameld voor een fonologisch alternerende taak (FAT), een semantisch alternerende taak (SAT) en een ‘excluded letter’ taak (ELT). De taken werden afgenomen bij 146 Vlaamstalige, cognitief gezonde ouderen. Gegevens van 102 personen waren bruikbaar en werden ingedeeld volgens de significante variabelen. Vervolgens werden deze taken afgenomen bij zeven patiënten met een lichte neurocognitieve stoornis (mild cognitive impairment; MCI) en zeven patiënten met een beginnende dementie van het Alzheimertype (DAT). Resultaten van de normstudie toonden aan dat opleidingsniveau een significante variabele is voor alle complexe taken en leeftijd voor de SAT en de ELT, waarbij ouderdomsgerelateerde achteruitgang het grootst was voor de ELT. Het foutenpercentage lag het hoogst voor de ELT en het laagst voor de SAT. Analyse van de duurtijd toont aan dat registratie ten minste gedurende 2 minuten dient te gebeuren. De patiëntenpopulatie scoorde significant lager dan de normgroep. Het foutenpercentage was het hoogst voor de SAT en het laagst voor de ELT

    Auto-oscillation threshold and line narrowing in MgO-based spin-torque oscillators

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    We present an experimental study of the power spectrum of current-driven magnetization oscillations in MgO tunnel junctions under low bias. We find the existence of narrow spectral lines, down to 8 MHz in width at a frequency of 10.7 GHz, for small applied fields with clear evidence of an auto-oscillation threshold. Micromagnetics simulations indicate that the excited mode corresponds to an edge mode of the synthetic antiferromagnet

    Septic Thrombophlebitis of the Right Ovarian Vein

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    Background: A 26-year-old woman presented at the emergency department with a painful abdomen and fever up to 39°C, despite antibiotics. She had given prematurely birth by caesarian section to a twin 8 days earlier. On clinical examination she had a diffuse painful and tender abdomen, especially on the right side and suprapubic region. Laboratory findings showed an increased c-reactive protein of 24 mg/dL (normal < 0,3) and increased white blood cell count of 13 Å~ 10E9/L (normal 4,3-10 Å~ 10E9/L). There was also a decreased hemoglobin level of 8,4 g/dL (normal 12-15 g/dL). An ultrasonography was performed by the gynecologist and revealed a large heterogeneous fluid collection anteriorly of the uterus

    Mapping Informative Clusters in a Hierarchial Framework of fMRI Multivariate Analysis

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    Pattern recognition methods have become increasingly popular in fMRI data analysis, which are powerful in discriminating between multi-voxel patterns of brain activities associated with different mental states. However, when they are used in functional brain mapping, the location of discriminative voxels varies significantly, raising difficulties in interpreting the locus of the effect. Here we proposed a hierarchical framework of multivariate approach that maps informative clusters rather than voxels to achieve reliable functional brain mapping without compromising the discriminative power. In particular, we first searched for local homogeneous clusters that consisted of voxels with similar response profiles. Then, a multi-voxel classifier was built for each cluster to extract discriminative information from the multi-voxel patterns. Finally, through multivariate ranking, outputs from the classifiers were served as a multi-cluster pattern to identify informative clusters by examining interactions among clusters. Results from both simulated and real fMRI data demonstrated that this hierarchical approach showed better performance in the robustness of functional brain mapping than traditional voxel-based multivariate methods. In addition, the mapped clusters were highly overlapped for two perceptually equivalent object categories, further confirming the validity of our approach. In short, the hierarchical framework of multivariate approach is suitable for both pattern classification and brain mapping in fMRI studies

    Good and Bad in the Hands of Politicians: Spontaneous Gestures during Positive and Negative Speech

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    According to the body-specificity hypothesis, people with different bodily characteristics should form correspondingly different mental representations, even in highly abstract conceptual domains. In a previous test of this proposal, right- and left-handers were found to associate positive ideas like intelligence, attractiveness, and honesty with their dominant side and negative ideas with their non-dominant side. The goal of the present study was to determine whether ‘body-specific’ associations of space and valence can be observed beyond the laboratory in spontaneous behavior, and whether these implicit associations have visible consequences

    Primary tumor sidedness has an impact on prognosis and treatment outcome in metastatic colorectal cancer : results from two randomized first-line panitumumab studies

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    Previous studies have reported the prognostic impact of primary tumor sidedness in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) and its influence on cetuximab efficacy. The present retrospective analysis of two panitumumab trials investigated a possible association between tumor sidedness and treatment efficacy in first-line mCRC patients with RAS wild-type (WT) primary tumors. Data from two randomized first-line panitumumab trials were analyzed for treatment outcomes by primary tumor sidedness for RAS WT patients. PRIME (phase 3; NCT00364013) compared panitumumab plus FOLFOX versus FOLFOX alone; PEAK (phase 2; NCT00819780) compared panitumumab plus FOLFOX versus bevacizumab plus FOLFOX. Primary tumors located in the cecum to transverse colon were coded as right-sided, while tumors located from the splenic flexure to rectum were considered left-sided. Tumor sidedness ascertainment (RAS WT population) was 83% (n = 559/675); 78% of patients (n = 435) had left-sided and 22% (n = 124) had right-sided tumors. Patients with right-sided tumors did worse for all efficacy parameters compared with patients with left-sided disease in the RAS WT population and also in the RAS/BRAF WT subgroup. In patients with left-sided tumors, panitumumab provided better outcomes than the comparator treatment, including on median overall survival (PRIME: 30.3 versus 23.6 months, adjusted hazard ratio = 0.73, P = 0.0112; PEAK: 43.4 versus 32.0 months, adjusted hazard ratio = 0.77, P = 0.3125). The results of these retrospective analyses confirm that in RAS WT patients, right-sided primary tumors are associated with worse prognosis than left-sided tumors, regardless of first-line treatment received. RAS WT patients with left-sided tumors derive greater benefit from panitumumab-containing treatment than chemotherapy alone or combined with bevacizumab, including an overall survival advantage (treatment difference: PRIME 6.7 months; PEAK 11.4 months). No final conclusions regarding optimal treatment could be drawn for RAS WT patients with right-sided mCRC due to the relatively low number of paxtients. Further research in this field is warranted. PRIME (NCT00364013), PEAK (NCT00819780)

    Knowing with Which Eye We See: Utrocular Discrimination and Eye-Specific Signals in Human Visual Cortex

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    Neurophysiological and behavioral reports converge to suggest that monocular neurons in the primary visual cortex are biased toward low spatial frequencies, while binocular neurons favor high spatial frequencies. Here we tested this hypothesis with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Human participants viewed flickering gratings at one of two spatial frequencies presented to either the left or the right eye, and judged which of the two eyes was being stimulated (utrocular discrimination). Using multivoxel pattern analysis we found that local spatial patterns of signals in primary visual cortex (V1) allowed successful decoding of the eye-of-origin. Decoding was above chance for low but not high spatial frequencies, confirming the presence of a bias reported by animal studies in human visual cortex. Behaviorally, we found that reliable judgment of the eye-of-origin did not depend on spatial frequency. We further analyzed the mean response in visual cortex to our stimuli and revealed a weak difference between left and right eye stimulation. Our results are thus consistent with the interpretation that participants use overall levels of neural activity in visual cortex, perhaps arising due to local luminance differences, to judge the eye-of-origin. Taken together, we show that it is possible to decode eye-specific voxel pattern information in visual cortex but, at least in healthy participants with normal binocular vision, these patterns are unrelated to awareness of which eye is being stimulated

    Diagnostic and clinical significance of Crohn’s disease-specific anti-MZGP2 pancreatic antibodies by a novel ELISA:New anti-MZGP2 ELISA in Crohn’s

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    The recent identification of the pancreas major zymogen granule membrane glycoprotein 2 (MZGP2) as the major autoantigen of pancreatic autoantibody (PAB) has led to the appreciation of anti-MZGP2 antibodies as specific markers of Crohn’s disease (CrD). We have recently developed new, robust, highly sensitive and specific IgA and IgG anti-MZGP2 antibody ELISAs and assessed their clinical relevance in the largest inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) cohort tested to date for anti-MZGP2 antibodies. In contrast to currently available anti-MZGP2 ELISAs, the new QUANTA Lite® MZGP2 ELISA (INOVA Diagnostics, San Diego, CA) utilizes the eukaryotically-expressed specific isoform 4 of human GP2 UniProtKB: P55259. A total of 832 sera were studied including 617 consecutive IBD patients (323 CrD and 294 UC) under regular follow-up in a tertiary centre, 112 patients with various diseases, and 103 healthy blood donors. The new ELISA’s calculated AUC was 0.5968, 95% CI (0.5552, 0.6383) for IgA anti-MZGP2 [CD vs non-CD (UC plus controls)] and 0.6236, 95% CI (0.5813, 0.6659) for IgG anti-MZGP2. The sensitivity of IgA anti-MZGP2 for CrD in the IBD population was 15% and the specificity was 98% (95, 99), while the sensitivity and specificity of IgG anti-MZGP2 was 27% and 97%. IgA and IgG anti-MZGP2 combined testing led to a sensitivity of 31% and specificity of 96%. Positivity for either ASCA (IgA or IgG) or anti-MZGP2 (IgA or IgG) showed a sensitivity of 75% (70, 80) and specificity of 84% (79, 89). Of clinical relevance, IgA anti- MZGP2 antibodies were more prevalent in patients with early disease onset (Montreal classification A1, p=0.011), while patients with localised colonic disease were less likely to be IgG anti-MZGP2 positive. Anti-MZGP2 positive patients more frequently had extensive disease with ileal involvement and stricture formation. Patients with longer disease duration were more likely to have IgG anti-MZGP2 or IgA ASCA antibodies. In conclusion, the new IgA and IgG anti-MZGP2 antibody ELISAs allow accurate autoantibody determination, and can be used as a tool to study the clinical significance and utility of these autoantibodies in patients with IBD

    Engagement of Fusiform Cortex and Disengagement of Lateral Occipital Cortex in the Acquisition of Radiological Expertise

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    The human visual pathways that are specialized for object recognition stretch from lateral occipital cortex (LO) to the ventral surface of the temporal lobe, including the fusiform gyrus. Plasticity in these pathways supports the acquisition of visual expertise, but precisely how training affects the different regions remains unclear. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure neural activity in both LO and the fusiform gyrus in radiologists as they detected abnormalities in chest radiographs. Activity in the right fusiform face area (FFA) correlated with visual expertise, measured as behavioral performance during scanning. In contrast, activity in left LO correlated negatively with expertise, and the amount of LO that responded to radiographs was smaller in experts than in novices. Activity in the FFA and LO correlated negatively in experts, whereas in novices, the 2 regions showed no stable relationship. Together, these results suggest that the FFA becomes more engaged and left LO less engaged in interpreting radiographic images over the course of training. Achieving expert visual performance may involve suppressing existing neural representations while simultaneously developing others