22 research outputs found

    Mid-Holocene cluster of large-scale landslides revealed in the Southwestern Alps by 36Cl dating. Insight on an Alpine-scale landslide activity,

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    International audienceAlthough it is generally assumed that the internal structure of a slope (e.g. lithology and rock mass properties, inherited faults and heterogeneities, etc.) is preponderant for the progressive development of large-scale landslides, the ability to identify triggering factors responsible for final slope failures such as glacial debuttressing, seismic activities or climatic changes, especially when considering landslide cluster at an orogen-scale, is still debated. Highlighting in this study the spatial and temporal concordant clustering of deep-seated slope failures in the external Southwestern Alps, we discuss and review the possible causes for such wide-spread slope instabilities at both local and larger (Alpine) scale. High resolution field mapping coupled with electrical resistivity tomography first allows establishing an inventory of large landslides in the Southwestern Alps, determining their structural model, precising their depth limit (100-200 m) as well as the involved rock volumes (>107 m3). We show that they developed in the same geostructural context of thick mudstone layers overlain by faulted limestone and followed a block-spread model of deformation that could evolve in rock-collapse events. Cosmic ray exposure dating (CRE), using both 36Cl and 10Be in coexisting limestone and chert, respectively, has been carried out from the main scarps of six Deep Seated Landslides (DSL) and leads to landslide-failure CRE ages ranging from 3.7 to 4.7 ka. They highlighted: (i) mainly single and fast ruptures and (ii) a possible concomitant initiation with a main peak of activity between 3.3 and 5.1 ka, centered at ca 4.2 ka. Because this region was not affected by historical glaciations events, landslide triggering by glacial unloading can be excluded. The presented data combined with field observations preferentially suggest that these failures were climatically driven and were most likely controlled by high pressure changes in the karstic medium. In effect, the chronicle of failure-ages is concomitant to a well-known climatic pulse, the "4.2 ka" climate event characterized by intense hydrological perturbations associated to the heaviest rainfall period of the entire Holocene. Despite requiring further investigations and discussions, the dating of numerous events across the entire Alps during the middle Holocene period suggests a potential synchronous triggering of several large-scale gravitational-failures induced by the mid-Holocene climatic transition

    Erosional and Depositional Features of Glacial Meltwater Discharges on the Eastern Canadian Continental Margin,

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    A very large deep-seated landslide (DSL) in the northern Pyrenees with over ∼ 1.4 × 109 m3 was mapped and dated based on sedimentation rates and 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic radionuclide surface exposure (CRE) dating. Our analysis on the landslide reveals the role of inherited structures in the landslide process, and highlighted typical gravitational morpho-structures and a small lake trapped at the toe of the landslide head scarp. The rate of lake sedimentation (0.86 ± 0.57 mm yr− 1) also provided us with the approximate age of the landslide: 1106 ± 540 yr. The CRE dating result highlights two main slope destabilization phases. Then we discussed the history of DSL activity and its controlling factors. Information related to historic markers and the absence of particular climate markers and changes during the Medieval Dark Ages point to a single event in AD 1380 due to a major seismic event (Lavedan earthquake)

    Landslides triggered factors analysed by time lapse electrical survey and multidimensional statistical approach

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    International audienceA temporal imagery of water circulation in a landslide by Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) was conducted to identify spatially and temporally the coupling between rainfalls, consecutive water inflows in a sliding mass, and induced resistivity variations. This work is based on a multi-scale experimental approach applied on the “Vence” landslide (South-eastern France) which is characterised by a sandy-clay sliding mass on a marly limestone substratum mostly controlled by high rainfall events. At the landslide scale, historical, geological and geotechnical data combined with field investigations and the interpretation of three ERT allowed the definition of a geometrical model of the landslide and the calibration of the resistivity values. On the basis of these results, a permanent time lapse ERT survey was designed on a specific part of the landslide, coupled with water level acquisition (piezometric levels) and rain fall events. Results covering a three-month period are showed. The statistical analyses of all the physical parameters measured during the three months of investigation show that the matrix of correlations highlighted strong correlations between the rainfall, piezometric elevation and the resistivity. These first results show an accurate answer resistivity/piezometric elevation that can be associated as a precursor of the reactivation of the landslide

    Dating chert (diagenetic silica) using in-situ produced Be-10 : possible complications revealed through a comparison with Cl-36 applied to coexisting limestone

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    This paper highlights potential complications that may arise while using in situ produced Be-10 to date exposure or burial events using diagenetic silica (chert). The initiation and evolution of large gravitational collapses in sedimentary rocks were constrained using cosmic ray exposure dating. Because these collapses occurred in a stratigraphic level composed of chert (diagenetic silica) concretions interbedded in limestone layers, their development was studied by performing in situ-produced Cl-36 and Be-10 concentration measurements in both the limestone and coexisting diagenetic silica (chert), respectively. Following the routinely used decontamination and preparation protocols for Be-10 produced in diagenetic silica, large discrepancies were observed with exposure ages determined by Cl-36 within carbonate for samples originating from the same scarp. While Cl-36 exposure ages were clustered as expected for a unique single gravitational event, Be-10 exposure ages were scattered along the same studied scarps. To determine the origin of such a bias, petrological investigations were carried out for chert (diagenetic silica). Thin sections highlighted a complex mineralogical texture characterized by remnant silicified ooids showing calcitic cores, calcite inclusions and a dominant amorphous hydrated silica (grain > 20 mu m). To decipher and characterize the potential origins of the excess measured Be-10 within diagenetic silica, all samples were first reprocessed following the routine decontamination protocol (HCL-H2SiF6 leachings and three partial HF dissolutions) but starting from three different grain size fractions (GS1: 1000-500, GS2: 500 -250 and G53: 250-50 mu m). The resulting concentrations clearly showed a decreasing Be-10 content as a function of the grain size, but still yielded Be-10 exposure ages significantly higher than Cl-36 counterparts. Because potential adsorption of Be-10 at the surface of amorphous silica grains was suspected, partial dissolution steps following by a leaching step in hydroxylamine were investigated. Finally, it seems that an additional leaching in KOH allowed removal of the amorphous silica phase and the measured Be-10 concentrations yielded Be-10 exposure ages agreeing within uncertainties with the Cl-36 ones. This work suggests that measuring in situ produced Be-10 within chert (amongst other types of diagenetic silica, e.g. flint, hornstone, jasper, etc.) containing amorphous silica requires caution

    Alpine deep-seated gravitational slope deformation and the Messinian Salinity Crisis

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    International audienceThe southern part of the French Alps is studied for years in mapping and understanding of large-scale gravitational deformations. The identification and the knowledge of large-scale slope deformation (deep-seated gravitational slope deformation or DSGSD and deep-seated landslide or DSL) in the previous work of Jomard (2006) and Zerathe (2013) open a new vision of landslide processes with the reinterpretation of their dynamics and the characterization of the time scales involved. We identify DSGSD(10.109 m3) in the Var Valley associated with geological and geomorphological anomalies linked to the Messinian Salinity Crisis(MSC) and the alpine orogenesis. We use field observations, geological information (geological map, boreholes), and topographic analysis performed in a GIS environment in order to describe these anomalies. This old and partly eroded slide mass is associated with three typical DSGSD features: (1) a double-crested ridge, the Sinne Valley, (2) a large formation (2.7 × 108 m3) of slope deposit dated from the Messinian (Carros breccia), and (3) the kilometric deviation (1 to 2 km) of the Var River. We relate all these anomalies to the MSC (5.97 to 5.46 Ma) and the incision of deep canyons during this period related to this major eustatic variation(≈ 1300 m). The incision of the canyon triggered the collapse process of the DSGSD of the Sinne Valley and so destabilized the entire massif. At present, three DSLs resulting from the DSGSD deformation are still present in the area in a dormant state. Indeed, since the infilling of the Var Canyon during the Pliocene, the activity of the DSGSD has stopped

    Temporal evolution of weathered cataclastic material in gravitational faults of the La Clapiere deep-seated landslide by mechanical approach

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    International audienceAfter a few years of research, the observation and the analysis of the deep-seated landslides suggest that these are mainly controlled by tectonic structures, which play a dominant role in the deformation of massif slopes. The La Clapière deep-seated landslide (Argentera Mercantour massif) is embedded in a deep-seated gravitational slope deformation affecting the entire slope, and characterized by specific landforms (trenches, scarps...). Onsite, the tangential displacement direction of the trenches and the scarps are controlled by the tectonic structures. The reactivation of the inherited fault in gravitational faults create a gouge material exposed to an additional mechanical and chemical weathering as well as an increased of leaching. The displacement of these reactivated faults gets increasingly important around the area of the La Clapière landslide and this since 3.6 ka BP. In this study, mechanical analysis and grain size distributions were performed and these data were analysed according to their proximity the La Clapiere landslide and times of initiation of the landslide by 10Be dating. Triaxial test results show that the effective cohesion decreases and the effective angle of internal friction increases from the unweathered area to the weathered area. The whole distribution of the grain size indicates that the further the shear zone is open or developed, the further the residual material loses its finest particles. This paper suggests that the mechanical evolution along the reactivated fault is influenced by the leaching processes. For the first time, we can extract from these data temporal behaviour of the two main mechanical parameters (cohesion and angle of internal friction) from the beginning of the La Clapiere landslide initiation (3.6 ka BP) to now

    Late Holocene initiation of a deep rock slope failure in an alpine valley revealed by 10Be surface exposure dating (Chamonix, France)

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    International audienceWe studied a newly identified, multiple-kilometer-long rock slope failure in the Aiguilles Rouges massif (Chamonix valley, France). Owing to a high-resolution light detection and ranging (LiDAR) digital elevation model (DEM) and field work, we mapped morphostructures, including scarps, open fractures, and counterscarps. In some places, vertical offsets can reach tens of meters and crevasses can be meters wide. The evidence of gravitational activity (boulder displacements from analyses of archival satellite images) and the sharpness of the scarp outcrops together suggest very recent movements. These observations agree with ground displacement rates of a few millimeters per year estimated by interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) time series between 2014 and 2018. We sampled two vertical profiles along the top scarps to define the chronology of the slope failure using beryllium-10 (10 Be) surface exposure dating. Glacially polished surfaces cut by these gravitational scarps were also sampled to determine glacial retreat timing as well as to constrain the pre-exposure 10 Be inheritance. In total, 11 samples were studied. Our results highlight a significant time lag (approximately 15 ka) between the first evidence of nonglacial activity and the initiation of the slope failure that happened 1.3-2.5 ka ago, depending on Revised Manuscript with changes accepted Click here to view linked References 2 the inheritance schemes. This suggests that the delayed opening of the crevasse is only one stage of a process that began when the valley was deepened and the glacial debuttressing is not the unique driving factor. This process of progressive failure of an excessively steep slope may continue, and the evolution of this slope failure may constitute a hazard for the upper part of the Chamonix valley

    The Tutupaca volcanic complex (Southern Peru): Eruptive chronology and successive destabilization of a dacitic dome complex

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    International audienceSeveral processes have been proposed as triggering mechanisms for the large sector collapses that affect most volcanoes, and which may occur several times in the volcano’s lifetime. Here we present and discuss the case of Tutupaca volcano, located in southern Peru and part of the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes. Tutupaca is composed of an old, hydrothermally altered and highly eroded Basal edifice, as well as younger twin peakslocated in the northern part of the complex (the Western and Eastern Tutupaca). The youngest Eastern edifice of Tutupaca is composed of at least seven coalescing lava domes and associated deposits, including block-and-ash flow and debris avalanche deposits. We identified two debris avalanche deposits. An older unit (Azufre debris avalanche deposit) was channeled in the valleys located to the E and SE of the basal volcano, reaching up to 3.5 km from its source region. Four cosmogenic nuclide exposure dates (10Be/feldspar) were obtained from boulders of this debris avalanche deposit and ranged between 6.0 ± 0.7 and 7.8 ± 1.5 ka. The younger unit (Paipatja deposit) was associated with the sector collapse of the edifice reconstructed just after the first debris avalanche (domes IV to VIII). The sector collapse produced a debris avalanche deposit that outcrops immediately to the NE of the amphitheater and was associated with a large pyroclastic density current deposit that was previously dated by radiocarbon at 218 ± 14 a BP (Samaniego et al., 2015). Both debris avalanche deposits have two contrasting sub-units: (1) the main subunit, hereafter called hydrothermal-altered debris avalanche deposit, is a whitishyellow volcanic breccia with heterolithic and heterometric blocks, which originated from the Basal edifice, and (2) a dome-rich debris avalanche deposit, composed by non-altered dome blocks from Eastern Tutupaca. Inproximal areas, the dome-rich unit overlaps the hydrothermally-altered unit while in distal areas, these two units are mixed forming a hummocky and/or ridged topography. In addition to the similarity of both debris avalanches, we propose that the triggering mechanism for these debris avalanches was similar. The dacitic dome growth, coupled with a substrate of older, hydrothermally-altered rock, induced the destabilization of the edifice, producing the debris avalanches and the related pyroclastic density currents