91 research outputs found

    On the smoothness of static multi-black hole solutions of higher-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell theory

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    Previous work has shown that static multi-black hole solutions of higher-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell theory do not possess smooth horizons. We show that the lack of smoothness is worse than previously demonstrated. We consider solutions describing multiple black holes on a common axis. In five dimensions, the metric is generically twice, but not three times, continuously differentiable at the horizon. The Maxwell field is generically continuous, but not differentiable, at the horizon. In more than five dimensions, the metric is once, but not twice, continuously differentiable, and there is a parallely-propagated curvature singularity at the horizon. The Maxwell field strength is again continuous, but not differentiable, at the horizon.Comment: 19 pages; minor correction

    On the smoothness of multi-M2 brane horizons

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    We calculate the degree of horizon smoothness of multi- M2M2-brane solution with branes along a common axis. We find that the metric is generically only thrice continuously differentiable at any of the horizons. The four-form field strength is found to be only twice continuously differentiable. We work with Gaussian null-like co-ordinates which are obtained by solving geodesic equations for multi-M2M2 brane geometry. We also find different, exact co-ordinate transformations which take the metric from isotropic co-ordinates to co-ordinates in which metric is thrice differentiable at the horizon. Both methods give the same result that the multi-M2M2 brane metric is only thrice continuously differentiable at the horizon.Comment: 24 pages, reference added, modified equation for non-singularity of metri

    3D hydrodynamic simulations for the formation of the local group satellite planes

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    Funding: IB is supported by Science and Technology Facilities Council grant ST/V000861/1. He acknowledges support from a ‘Pathways to Research’ fellowship from the University of Bonn in 2021 after an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation postdoctoral research fellowship (2018–2020). IT acknowledges support through the Stellar Populations and Dynamics research group at the University of Bonn. GC acknowledges support from Chile’s National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT) Regular No. 1181708. BF and RI acknowledge funding from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR project ANR-18-CE31-0006 and ANR-19-CE31-0017) and from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (grant agreement number 834148). MSP was supported by the Leibniz Junior Research Group grant J94/2020 via the Leibniz Competition, and a Klaus Tschira Boost Fund provided by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung and the German Scholars Organization.The existence of mutually correlated thin and rotating planes of satellite galaxies around both the Milky Way (MW) and Andromeda (M31) calls for an explanation. Previous work in Milgromian dynamics (MOND) indicated that a past MW–M31 encounter might have led to the formation of these satellite planes. We perform the first-ever hydrodynamical MOND simulation of the Local Group using PHANTOM OF RAMSES. We show that an MW–M31 encounter at z ≈ 1, with a perigalactic distance of about 80 kpc, can yield two disc galaxies at z = 0 oriented similarly to the observed galactic discs and separated similarly to the observed M31 distance. Importantly, the tidal debris are distributed in phase space similarly to the observed MW and M31 satellite planes, with the correct preferred orbital pole for both. The MW–M31 orbital geometry is consistent with the presently observed M31 proper motion despite this not being considered as a constraint when exploring the parameter space. The mass of the tidal debris around the MW and M31 at z = 0 compare well with the mass observed in their satellite systems. The remnant discs of the two galaxies have realistic radial scale lengths and velocity dispersions, and the simulation naturally produces a much hotter stellar disc in M31 than in the MW. However, reconciling this scenario with the ages of stellar populations in satellite galaxies would require that a higher fraction of stars previously formed in the outskirts of the progenitors ended up within the tidal debris, or that the MW–M31 interaction occurred at z > 1.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The sensitivity of harassment to orbit: Mass loss from early-type dwarfs in galaxy clusters

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    We conduct a comprehensive numerical study of the orbital dependence of harassment on early-type dwarfs consisting of 168 different orbits within a realistic, Virgo-like cluster, varying in eccentricity and pericentre distance. We find harassment is only effective at stripping stars or truncating their stellar discs for orbits that enter deep into the cluster core. Comparing to the orbital distribution in cosmological simulations, we find that the majority of the orbits (more than three quarters) result in no stellar mass loss. We also study the effects on the radial profiles of the globular cluster systems of early-type dwarfs. We find these are significantly altered only if harassment is very strong. This suggests that perhaps most early-type dwarfs in clusters such as Virgo have not suffered any tidal stripping of stars or globular clusters due to harassment, as these components are safely embedded deep within their dark matter halo. We demonstrate that this result is actually consistent with an earlier study of harassment of dwarf galaxies, despite the apparent contradiction. Those few dwarf models that do suffer stellar stripping are found out to the virial radius of the cluster at redshift = 0, which mixes them in with less strongly harassed galaxies. However when placed on phase-space diagrams, strongly harassed galaxies are found offset to lower velocities compared to weakly harassed galaxies. This remains true in a cosmological simulation, even when haloes have a wide range of masses and concentrations. Thus phase-space diagrams may be a useful tool for determining the relative likelihood that galaxies have been strongly or weakly harassed

    The Sensitivity of Harassment to Orbit: Mass Loss from Early-Type Dwarfs in Galaxy Clusters

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    We conduct a comprehensive numerical study of the orbital dependence of harassment on early-type dwarfs consisting of 168 different orbits within a realistic, Virgo-like cluster, varying in eccentricity and pericentre distance. We find harassment is only effective at stripping stars or truncating their stellar disks for orbits that enter deep into the cluster core. Comparing to the orbital distribution in cosmological simulations, we find that the majority of the orbits (more than three quarters) result in no stellar mass loss. We also study the effects on the radial profiles of the globular cluster systems of early-type dwarfs. We find these are significantly altered only if harassment is very strong. This suggests that perhaps most early-type dwarfs in clusters such as Virgo have not suffered any tidal stripping of stars or globular clusters due to harassment, as these components are safely embedded deep within their dark matter halo. We demonstrate that this result is actually consistent with an earlier study of harassment of dwarf galaxies, despite the apparent contradiction. Those few dwarf models that do suffer stellar stripping are found out to the virial radius of the cluster at redshift=0, which mixes them in with less strongly harassed galaxies. However when placed on phase-space diagrams, strongly harassed galaxies are found offset to lower velocities compared to weakly harassed galaxies. This remains true in a cosmological simulation, even when halos have a wide range of masses and concentrations. Thus phase-space diagrams may be a useful tool for determining the relative likelihood that galaxies have been strongly or weakly harassed.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, Accepted to MNRAS 8th September 201

    On the `Stationary Implies Axisymmetric' Theorem for Extremal Black Holes in Higher Dimensions

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    All known stationary black hole solutions in higher dimensions possess additional rotational symmetries in addition to the stationary Killing field. Also, for all known stationary solutions, the event horizon is a Killing horizon, and the surface gravity is constant. In the case of non-degenerate horizons (non-extremal black holes), a general theorem was previously established [gr-qc/0605106] proving that these statements are in fact generally true under the assumption that the spacetime is analytic, and that the metric satisfies Einstein's equation. Here, we extend the analysis to the case of degenerate (extremal) black holes. It is shown that the theorem still holds true if the vector of angular velocities of the horizon satisfies a certain "diophantine condition," which holds except for a set of measure zero.Comment: 30pp, Latex, no figure

    Susceptibility of hamsters to clostridium difficile isolates of differing toxinotype

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    Clostridium difficile is the most commonly associated cause of antibiotic associated disease (AAD), which caused ~21,000 cases of AAD in 2011 in the U.K. alone. The golden Syrian hamster model of CDI is an acute model displaying many of the clinical features of C. difficile disease. Using this model we characterised three clinical strains of C. difficile, all differing in toxinotype; CD1342 (PaLoc negative), M68 (toxinotype VIII) and BI-7 (toxinotype III). The naturally occurring non-toxic strain colonised all hamsters within 1-day post challenge (d.p.c.) with high-levels of spores being shed in the faeces of animals that appeared well throughout the entire experiment. However, some changes including increased neutrophil influx and unclotted red blood cells were observed at early time points despite the fact that the known C. difficile toxins (TcdA, TcdB and CDT) are absent from the genome. In contrast, hamsters challenged with strain M68 resulted in a 45% mortality rate, with those that survived challenge remaining highly colonised. It is currently unclear why some hamsters survive infection, as bacterial and toxin levels and histology scores were similar to those culled at a similar time-point. Hamsters challenged with strain BI-7 resulted in a rapid fatal infection in 100% of the hamsters approximately 26 hr post challenge. Severe caecal pathology, including transmural neutrophil infiltrates and extensive submucosal damage correlated with high levels of toxin measured in gut filtrates ex vivo. These data describes the infection kinetics and disease outcomes of 3 clinical C. difficile isolates differing in toxin carriage and provides additional insights to the role of each toxin in disease progression

    Unity through truth

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    Renewed worries about the unity of the proposition have been taken as a crucial stumbling block for any traditional conception of propositions. These worries are often framed in terms of how entities independent of mind and language can have truth conditions: why is the proposition that Desdemona loves Cassio true if and only if she loves him? I argue that the best understanding of these worries shows that they should be solved by our theory of truth and not our theory of content. Specifically, I propose a version of the redundancy theory according to which ‘it is true that Desdemona loves Cassio’ expresses the same proposition as ‘Desdemona loves Cassio’. Surprisingly, this variant of the redundancy theory treats ‘is true’ as an ordinary predicate of the language, thereby defusing many standard criticisms of the redundancy theory

    The difficult early stages of embedded star clusters and the importance of the pre-gas expulsion virial ratio

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    We examine the effects of gas expulsion on initially substructured distributions of stars. We perform N-body simulations of the evolution of these distributions in a static background potential to mimic the gas. We remove the static potential instantaneously to model gas expulsion. We find that the exact dynamical state of the cluster plays a very strong role in affecting a cluster's survival, especially at early times: they may be entirely destroyed or only weakly affected. We show that knowing both detailed dynamics and relative star–gas distributions can provide a good estimate of the post-gas expulsion state of the cluster, but even knowing these is not an absolute way of determining the survival or otherwise of the cluster
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