57 research outputs found

    Realidad Aumentada como herramienta docente en la asignatura de Construcción en las enseñanzas de Ingeniería

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    La visualización de objetos 3D en el espacio es uno de los principales retos a los que se enfrentan los estudiantes de ingeniería en su formación. En la asignatura de Construcción y Topografía en las enseñanzas de ingeniería este es un obstáculo añadido a la comprensión de la misma. Siendo esta una asignatura de primer curso en los planes de estudio de distintas titulaciones de ingeniería, los alumnos de primer ingreso se encuentran con un temario y elementos nunca estudiados por ellos. Esto, unido con la imposibilidad de poder llevar a clase los diferentes elementos constructivos de una edifica-ción, hace que la comprensión global de la asignatura se dificulte. En la Es-cuela Politécnica Superior de Sevilla se ha desarrollado un nuevo método de enseñanza de esta materia usando Realidad Aumentada (RA). La rápida evo-lución de la tecnología unida con la creciente popularidad y fácil acceso a los dispositivos móviles inteligentes, hacen posible el desarrollo de nuevas oportunidades en aras de mejorar la calidad de su enseñanza. Así, este estu-dio muestra cómo la RA es una herramienta complementaria que hace que las clases sean más realistas y completas, permitiendo visualizar los modelos en el espacio y desarrollar la concepción espacial de los estudiantes, consi-guiendo un mejor entendimiento de los distintos elementos constructivos y las conexiones entre ello

    23S rRNA and L22 ribosomal protein are involved in the acquisition of macrolide and lincosamide resistance in Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum

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    © 2018. Elsevier. This document is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Accepted version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Veterinary Microbiology. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vetmic.2018.02.014Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum (Mcc) is one of the causative agents of contagious agalactia, and antimicrobial treatment is the most commonly applied measure to treat outbreaks of this disease. Macrolides and lincosamides bind specifically to nucleotides at domains II and V of the 23S rRNA gene. Furthermore, rplD and rplV genes encode ribosomal proteins L4 and L22, which are also implicated in the macrolide binding site. The aim of this work was to study the relationship between these genes and the acquisition of macrolide and lincosamide resistance in Mcc. For this purpose, in vitro selected resistant mutants and field isolates were studied. This study demonstrates the appearance of DNA point mutations at the 23S rRNA encoding genes (A2058G, A2059G and A2062C) and rplV gene (Ala89Asp) in association to high minimum inhibitory concentration values. Hence, it proves the importance of 23S rRNA domain V and ribosomal protein L22 as molecular mechanisms responsible for the acquisition of macrolide and lincosamide resistance in both field isolates and in vitro selected mutants. Furthermore, these mutations enable us to provide an interpretative breakpoint of antimicrobial resistance for Mcc at MIC 0.8 µg/ml

    Bioinspired catechol-terminated self-assembled monolayers with enhanced adhesion properties

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    The role of the catechol moiety in the adhesive properties of mussel proteins and related synthetic materials has been extensively studied in the last years but still remains elusive. Here, a simplified model approach is presented based on a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of upward-facing catechols thiol-bound to epitaxial gold substrates. The orientation of the catechol moieties is confirmed by spectroscopy, which also showed lack of significant amounts of interfering o-quinones. Local force-distance curves on the SAM measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM) shows an average adhesion force of 45 nN, stronger than that of a reference polydopamine coating, along with higher reproducibility and less statistical dispersion. This is attributed to the superior chemical and topographical homogeneity of the SAM coating. Catechol-terminated SAMs are also obtained on high-roughness gold substrates that show the ability to assemble magnetic nanoparticles, despite their lack of enhanced adhesion at the molecular level. Finally, the influence of the catechol group on the formation and quality of the SAM is explored both theoretically (molecular dynamics simulations) and experimentally using direct-write AFM lithography. Highly packed catechol monolayers with a large density and smaller roughness are studied by AFM force-distance curves. These experiments afford adhesion force values higher and much more monodisperse than those reported for polydopamine-like polymeric materials. These results are unique giving valuable information on the effect of molecular organization on the adhesive properties of interphases. Such information is crucial for the development of improved materials and interphases engineered at the molecular level, by chemical design

    Epitaxial thin-film vs single crystal growth of 2D Hofmann-type iron(II) materials: a comparative assessment of their bi-stable spin crossover properties

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    Integration of the ON−OFF cooperative spin crossover (SCO) properties of FeII coordination polymers as components of electronic and/or spintronic devices is currently an area of great interest for potential applications. This requires the selection and growth of thin films of the appropriate material onto selected substrates. In this context, two new series of cooperative SCO two-dimensional FeII coordination polymers of the Hofmann-type formulated {FeII(Pym)2[MII(CN)4]·xH2O}n and {FeII(Isoq)2[MII(CN)4]}n (Pym = pyrimidine, Isoq = isoquinoline; MII = Ni, Pd, Pt) have been synthesized, characterized, and the corresponding Pt derivatives selected for fabrication of thin films by liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE). At ambient pressure, variable-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction, magnetic, and calorimetric studies of the Pt and Pd microcrystalline materials of both series display strong cooperative thermal induced SCO properties. In contrast, this property is only observed for higher pressures in the Ni derivatives. The SCO behavior of the {FeII(L)2[PtII(CN)4]}n thin films (L = Pym, Isoq) were monitored by magnetization measurements in a SQUID magnetometer and compared with the homologous samples of the previously reported isostructural {FeII(Py)2[PtII(CN)4]}n (Py = pyridine). Application of the theory of regular solutions to the SCO of the three derivatives allowed us to evaluate the effect on the characteristic SCO temperatures and the hysteresis, as well as the associated thermodynamic parameters when moving from microcrystalline bulk solids to nanometric thin films

    Bottom‐Up Fabrication of Semiconductive Metal-Organic Framework Ultrathin Films

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    Though generally considered insulating, recent progress on the discovery of conductive porous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) offers new opportunities for their integration as electroactive components in electronic devices. Compared to classical semiconductors, these metal-organic hybrids combine the crystallinity of inorganic materials with easier chemical functionalization and processability. Still, future development depends on the ability to produce high-quality films with fine control over their orientation, crystallinity, homogeneity, and thickness. Here self-assembled monolayer substrate modification and bottom-up techniques are used to produce preferentially oriented, ultrathin, conductive films of Cu-CAT-1. The approach permits to fabricate and study the electrical response of MOF-based devices incorporating the thinnest MOF film reported thus far (10 nm thick)

    Lexical and semantic representations in the acquisition of L2 cognate and non-cognate words: Evidence from two learning methods in children

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    How bilinguals represent words in two languages and which mechanisms are responsible for second language acquisition are important questions in the bilingual and vocabulary acquisition literature. This study aims to analyze the effect of two learning methods (picture-based vs. word-based method) and two types of words (cognates and noncognates) in early stages of children’s L2 acquisition. Forty-eight native speakers of European Portuguese, all sixth graders (mean age= 10.87 years; SD= 0.85), participated in the study. None of them had prior knowledge of Basque (the L2 in this study). After a learning phase in which L2 words were learned either by a picture- or a word-based method, children were tested in a backward-word translation recognition task at two times (immediately vs. one week later). Results showed that the participants made more errors when rejecting semantically-related than semantically-unrelated words as correct translations (semantic interference effect). The magnitude of this effect was higher in the delayed test condition regardless of the learning method. Moreover, the overall performance of participants from the word-based method was better than the performance of participants from the picture-word method. Results were discussed concerning the most significant bilingual lexical processing models

    Staging, neurocognition and social functioning in bipolar disorder.

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    Introduction: Bipolar disorder (BD) is associated with significant neurocognitive and functional impairment, which may progress across stages. The 'latent stage' of BD remains understudied. This cross-sectional study assessed staging, neurocognition and social functioning among BD patients and their healthy siblings. Methods: Four groups were included: euthymic type I BD patients in the early (n = 25) and late (n = 23) stages, their healthy siblings (latent stage; n = 23) and healthy controls (n = 21). All 92 subjects underwent a comprehensive neuropsychological battery of processing speed, verbal learning/memory, visual memory, working memory, verbal fluency, executive cognition, and motor speed. Social functioning was assessed using the FAST scale. Results: Siblings' social functioning was identical to that of controls, and significantly better than both early- (p < 0.005) and late- (p < 0.001) stage patients. Although all patients were strictly euthymic, those at late stages had a significantly worse social functioning than early-stage patients (p < 0.001). Compared to controls, increasingly greater neurocognitive dysfunction was observed across stages of BD (F = 1.59; p = 0.005). Healthy siblings' performance lied between those of controls and patients, with deficits in tasks of processing speed, executive attention, verbal memory/learning, and visual memory. Both early- and late-stage patients had a more severe and widespread dysfunction than siblings, with no significant differences between them. Conclusions: Genetic vulnerability to BD-I seems to be associated with neurocognitive impairments, whereas social dysfunction would be the result of the clinical phenotype. Staging models of BD should take into account these divergent findings in the latent stage

    Diseño Interactivo de Escenarios para Simulación de Conducción

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    El diseño de escenarios, cuyo objetivo es la evaluación y formación de conductores, es una tarea compleja ya que requiere, por una parte el diseño del escenario tridimensional, y por otra el diseño de las situaciones dinámicas de conducción. Habitualmente estos escenarios se diseñan utilizando herramientas de modelado de propósito general, y mediante un lenguaje de programación o un lenguaje script para el diseño de las situaciones dinámicas. En este trabajo se presenta una herramienta que permite el diseño interactivo de los escenarios de conducción