982 research outputs found

    Evidencia del procesamiento arriba-abajo en la comprensión lectora en niños

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    The current research discusses the problem of the different reading processing models that prevail nowadays in Psychology. Here we find a duality between the bottom-up approach, which has been extensively studied, and the top-down approach, which has been scarcely investigated. We attempt to identify the moment in a child’s development when top-down processing in reading comprehension starts working. The level of difficulty of the texts used to assess comprehension was experimentally manipulated by breaking up the structure of the words in order to prevent the use of bottom-up processing. The school year of the participating children was the second independent variable. The effects of both variables on reading comprehension were shown, besides the existence of top-down processing in children. The results suggest that top-down processing is present from very early ages, that it starts to develop around the second year of primary school and that its effectiveness is comparable to that of bottom-up processing in later school yearsEl presente estudio aborda la problemática de los modelos de procesamiento de la lectura actualmente vigentes en la Psicología, donde existe un dualismo entre los modelos de procesamiento de abajo-arriba, ampliamente estudiados, y los modelos de procesamiento de arriba-abajo, investigados limitadamente. Buscamos conocer en qué momento del desarrollo evolutivo comienza a funcionar el procesamiento de arriba-abajo en la comprensión de la lectura. Se manipuló experimentalmente el nivel de dificultad de los textos utilizados para evaluar la comprensión, rompiendo la estructura de las palabras con el fin de imposibilitar el uso del procesamiento de abajo-arriba, y también se utilizó como segunda variable independiente el curso escolar de los participantes. Se comprobaron los efectos de ambas variables sobre la comprensión lectora y se probó la existencia del procesamiento desde arriba en niños. Los resultados mostraron que el procesamiento de arriba-abajo está presente desde edades muy tempranas, comenzando a desarrollarse desde segundo de primaria y alcanzando en los cursos superiores una efectividad equiparable al desarrollo del procesamiento desde abajoThis research was supported by the Spanish Science and Technology Minister (MCYT ), via Award number PSI2009-1393

    ¿Revitalización o inhabilitación religiosa en la realidad social posglobalizada? El caso estadounidense y sus problemas

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    This critical and comparative study combines Religious Sciences, Sociology, Philosophy & Theology (with other Social Sciences and Liberal Arts linked), to offer a holistic view on the role of religion in a post-globalized social reality. It addresses the state of the main social spheres, including religion, with an ontological, epistemological and axiological examination, as well as removing veils of confusion about it. This paper is focused on American/US social reality and its roots, where historical & historiographically the religion has enjoyed great power and presence, but now it is a fuzzy issue on troubles. Este estudio crítico y comparado, combina CC. Religiosas, Sociología, Filosofía y Teología (junto con otras CC. Sociales y Humanidades conexas), para ofrecer una visión holística sobre el papel de la religión en la realidad social posglobalizada. Se aborda el estado de la cuestión de las principales esferas sociales, entre las que destaca la religión, ofreciéndose un examen ontológico, epistemológico y axiológico, además de aprovechar para retirar velos de confusión al respecto. Se enraíza todo ello en la realidad social estadounidense, donde histórica e historiográficamente la religión ha gozado de gran vigor y presencia, pero que hoy se halla difuminada y en dificultades

    Bilingual teaching in Business Administration: Main challenges and possible solutions

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    [SPA] La globalización actual requiere el creciente uso del inglés como lengua común en el ámbito económico y empresarial. Así, nace el deseo de internalización de la Universidad y de sus estudiantes para mejorar sus expectativas profesionales y personales. En consecuencia, la Facultad de Ciencias de la Empresa de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena ha desarrollado un proyecto de enseñanza bilingüe para el Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas, dentro del Campus de Excelencia Mare Nostrum. Este proyecto permite a los estudiantes extranjeros mejorar su conocimiento sobre contenidos de la titulación y del español como segundo idioma, y a los estudiantes españoles avanzar en su conocimiento específico y mejorar su nivel de inglés; generando así profesionales e investigadores con proyección internacional. Este proyecto de enseñanza bilingüe ha supuesto enfrentarse a una serie de retos que hemos estudiado desde tres perspectivas: institucionales (por ejemplo, la ausencia de reconocimiento del título oficial bilingüe), profesorado (necesidad de formación específica), y alumnado (nivel de inglés exigido y alto compromiso exigido). Igualmente, también ha planteado la necesidad de ofrecer soluciones, que son analizadas en este trabajo, como la introducción de la metodología CLIL, el apoyo de lingüistas o la elaboración de un manual específico para profesorado y alumnado: “English for Business Administration”. [ENG] Current globalisation requires the increasing use of English as the common language in the economic and business environment. Thus, the desire to internalise the University and its students has appeared to enhance their professional and personal expectations. Consequently, the Facultad de Ciencias de la Empresa at the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena has developed a bilingual education project for the Degree in Business Administration, within the program of excellence Campus Mare Nostrum. This project enables foreign students to improve their knowledge about the content of the degree and their Spanish as a second language, and for Spanish students advance their specific knowledge and improve their English skills; generating professionals and researchers with international projection. This bilingual education project has faced a number of challenges that we have studied from three perspectives: institutional (for example, the absence of recognition of the bilingual official degree), professors (the need of specific training), and students (English level demanded and higher commitment required).Similarly, the project has also required some solutions which have been analysed in this paper, such as the introduction of CLIL methodology, linguists supporting or creating a specific manual for professors and students: “English for Business Administration”

    Comparative Study of the Proteins Involved in the Fermentation-Derived Compounds in Two Strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during Sparkling Wine Second Fermentation

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    Sparkling wine is a distinctive wine. Saccharomyces cerevisiae flor yeasts is innovative and ideal for the sparkling wine industry due to the yeasts’ resistance to high ethanol concentrations, surface adhesion properties that ease wine clarification, and the ability to provide a characteristic volatilome and odorant profile. The objective of this work is to study the proteins in a flor yeast and a conventional yeast that are responsible for the production of the volatile compounds released during sparkling wine elaboration. The proteins were identified using the OFFGEL fractionator and LTQ Orbitrap. We identified 50 and 43 proteins in the flor yeast and the conventional yeast, respectively. Proteomic profiles did not show remarkable differences between strains except for Adh1p, Fba1p, Tdh1p, Tdh2p, Tdh3p, and Pgk1p, which showed higher concentrations in the flor yeast versus the conventional yeast. The higher concentration of these proteins could explain the fuller body in less alcoholic wines obtained when using flor yeasts. The data presented here can be thought of as a proteomic map for either flor or conventional yeasts which can be useful to understand how these strains metabolize the sugars and release pleasant volatiles under sparkling wine elaboration conditions

    Toward an Automatic Assessment of Cognitive Dysfunction in Relapsing–Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients Using Eye Movement Analysis

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    Multiple sclerosis; Ocular markers; Prediction methodsEsclerosis múltiple; Marcadores oculares; Métodos de predicciónEsclerosi múltiple; Marcadors oculars; Mètodes de prediccióDespite the importance of cognitive function in multiple sclerosis, it is poorly represented in the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), the commonly used clinical measure to assess disability, suggesting that an analysis of eye movement, which is generated by an extensive and well-coordinated functional network that is engaged in cognitive function, could have the potential to extend and complement this more conventional measure. We aimed to measure the eye movement of a case series of MS patients with relapsing–remitting MS to assess their cognitive status using a conventional gaze tracker. A total of 41 relapsing–remitting MS patients and 43 age-matched healthy controls were recruited for this study. Overall, we could not find a clear common pattern in the eye motor abnormalities. Vertical eye movement was more impaired in MS patients than horizontal movement. Increased latencies were found in the prosaccades and reflexive saccades of antisaccade tests. The smooth pursuit was impaired with more corrections (backup and catchup movements, p<0.01). No correlation was found between eye movement variables and EDSS or disease duration. Despite significant alterations in the behavior of the eye movements in MS patients, which are compatible with altered cognitive status, there is no common pattern of these alterations. We interpret this as a consequence of the patchy, heterogeneous distribution of white matter involvement in MS that provokes multiple combinations of impairment at different points in the different networks involved in eye motor control. Further studies are therefore required.This research was partially funding by RoboCity2030-DIH-CM Madrid Robotics Digital 366 Innovation Hub (Robotica aplicada a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos, Fase IV; 367 S2018/NMT-4331), funded by Comunidad de Madrid and cofunded by Structural Funds of the EU and partially funding by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Cooperation area. J. Benito-León is supported by the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA (NINDS R01 NS39422), the European Commission (grant ICT-2011-287739, NeuroTREMOR), the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant RTC-2015-3967-1, NetMD—platform for the tracking of movement disorder), and the Spanish Health Research Agency (grant FIS PI12/01602 and grant FIS PI16/00451)

    Regional economic effects of COVID-19 on the self-employed: The case of Cantabria

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar y estimar los efectos que la crisis sanitaria desatada por la enfermedad COVID-19 tendrá sobre los trabajadores autónomos en la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria a través de la simulación de tres posibles escenarios de contingencia (base, favorable y adverso). Los resultados obtenidos muestran que, si los trabajadores autónomos afectados por las caídas de actividad económica se diesen de baja en la Seguridad Social, esto equivaldría a una caída anual de afiliación estimada en un 2,95% en el escenario base, un 0,43% en el favorable y un 4,48% en el caso más desfavorable.The economic crisis that, as a consequence of the health pandemic, has been unleashed, will affect to a greater extent the weakest groups of our labour market. In this regard, self-employed workers may face a particularly dramatic situation. Thus, due to the lock down measures established to mitigate the advance of the coronavirus, at this time of uncertainty, millions of workers in general, and self-employed in particular, have had to radically reduce their economic activity, paralyzing numerous projects and/or jobs. Consequently, their income has been suddenly and indefinitely reduced. Given these circumstances, at the present time, it is especially relevant to analyse the effects that COVID-19 is generating on employment and, more particularly, on the group of self-employed workers. Therefore, the objective of this work is to analyse and estimate the effects that the health crisis unleashed by the disease COVID-19 might have on self-employed workers in the Autonomous Community of Cantabria through the simulation of three possible contingency scenarios: base, favourable and adverse

    Perception of current and desired body size in early childhood

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    Body image is a construct of social relevance given its impact on physical and mental health. The research of this construct at an early age has received little attention despite some authors have demonstrated that there is concern towards the body in preschool age. This mixed design study aimed to measure body size perception, desired body and body dissatisfaction among children of young age. For that purpose, Preschoolers’ Body Scale, composed of four children figures with different weight status, was administered to 176 participants of 4 and 5 years, of which 96 were boys and 80 were girls. Results showed that body size perception was inaccurate in both sexes and ages, tending towards greater overestimation in girls. It was also observed that most participants chose the desired figure different from the perceived one, especially females. However, this finding does not necessarily reflect the existence of body dissatisfaction, as qualitative data suggest. Participants’ responses appear to reflect a slight body awareness. Future studies that deepen in body image development at early ages are needed

    Pràctica 5: Coeducació

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    Coeducar significa «educar les persones al marge dels rols i els estereotips que ens imposa la societat, de manera que tinguen les mateixes oportunitats i no se’ls imposen diferències socioculturals (joguets, colors, formes de comportar-se, etc.) per ser home o dona». Per aquest motiu, coeducar no és educar a les mateixes aules els xiquets i les xiquetes, sinó propiciar un canvi en la cultura de l’escola infantil. Aquest canvi es basa a tenir cura de les relacions quotidianes a l’escola infantil, promovent una educació afectiva que afavorisca les relacions en igualtat i rebutge la violència, els prejudicis i els comportaments sexistes des d’edats primerenques i promoga la resolució pacífica de conflictes. Amb aquesta pràctica intentarem mostrar una experiència educativa que promoga la igualtat de gènere en l’alumnat d’educació infantil


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    Methodological alternative is applied in the bachelor’s degree of stomatological career to incursion in the educational practice to modify the methodology about the learning of the bacteria concept, verifying the results in the preexperimental group. There were obtained some results like the historical analysis of the learning of the biological agents’ program concepts, theorical considerations about the learning of the concept, methodological guide lines to teach the unit, the theorical validation of the methodological alternative by means of experts opinion, the outcomes of the preexperimental application from the qualitative point of view for the students. Some conclusions were made like the alternative proposed what permits the students to obtain the general structure of the system of concepts to study and keep on using the conceptual maps applied to the particular cases in the study of bacterial. Besides the results obtained with the experimental checking evidenced the certainly and validity of the formulated hypothesis because the measured parameters are of paramount statistics significance. It generated a social impact since a highly prepared technologist was presented to teach new methodologies to increase the teaching learning process of biological agentsSe aplica la alternativa metodológica en la Licenciatura de Atención  Estomatológica con el propósito de incursionar en la práctica educativa para modificar la metodología del aprendizaje del concepto bacteria, constatándose los resultados en el grupo pre experimental. Se obtuvieron resultados tales como un Análisis histórico tendencial del aprendizaje de los conceptos del programa de Agentes Biológicos, consideraciones teóricas acerca del aprendizaje de concepto, alternativa metodológica para el aprendizaje del concepto, orientaciones Metodológicas  para la impartición de la unidad, la validación teórica de la alternativa metodológica mediante el criterio  de expertos , los resultados de la aplicación del pre experimento y desde el punto de vista cualitativo el significado fenomenológico para los estudiantes. Se arribo a conclusiones como que la alternativa que se propone, permite a los estudiantes desde un primer momento apropiarse de la estructura general del sistema de conceptos a estudiar y segundo seguir empleando los mapas conceptuales aplicados a casos particulares en el estudio de las Bacterias y que los resultados obtenidos con la comprobación experimental evidenciaron la certeza y validez de la hipótesis formulada ya que los parámetros e indicadores medidos son de elevada significación estadística .Esto genero un impacto social ya que se incorpora a la sociedad un tecnólogo mejor preparado en conocimientos sobre Agentes Biológicos y se aporta nuevas metodologías para elevar la calidad del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la disciplina objeto de estudio

    Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment to Evaluate People with Addictions

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    Background. The LOTCA (Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment) battery is a cognitive screening test which is widely used in occupational health. However, no work has been found that explores its use in addiction treatment. Objectives of Study. To explore the convergent validity of LOTCA with neuropsychological tests that assess related cerebral functional areas. Methods. The LOTCA, along with a battery of neuropsychological tests, was administered to a sample of 48 subjects who start a treatment by substance or gambling addictions. Findings. A correlational pattern was observed of a considerable magnitude between the effects of the LOTCA scales and those of some neuropsychological tests, but not with others. There is barely any convergence in measures with memory and executive function tests. Relevance to Clinical Practice. There is a lack of research applying test of occupational assessment to populations of patients treated by addictive behaviors. The LOTCA seems to be a reliable and valid test for preliminary screening of function in certain cognitive areas, easy, and quick to use (around 30 minutes). However, it must be supplemented with other tests for a full and ecological assessment of patients. Limitations. An incident, small-size sample. Recommendations for Further Research. New studies are needed to explore the applicability, diagnostic validity, and whole psychometric quality of the test in addiction-related treatment