127 research outputs found

    Brote de eritema infeccioso en un centro de salud urbano

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    ObjetivosAnalizar las características clínicas y serológicas de un brote de eritema infeccioso en pacientes que acudieron a las 2 consultas de pediatría del Centro de Salud de Soria Norte.DiseñoEstudio descriptivo, transversal.EmplazamientoConsultas de pediatría del Centro de Salud de Soria Norte.PacientesUna vez sospechado el brote, se estudiaron niños con clínica sugestiva de eritema infeccioso que acudieron sucesivamente a las 2 consultas de pediatría de Soria Norte durante los meses de abril a agosto de 1998 y consintieron en la práctica de analítica.IntervencionesSe realizó registro de síntomas clínicos, serología, hemograma y evolución de 25 pacientes.ResultadosSe estudiaron 25 pacientes del total de casos, confirmando nuestra sospecha diagnóstica en un 84% de los casos. No se observaron diferencias en ambos sexos, con una edad media de 6,1 años, y DE, 2,015. El signo clínico más constante fue el exantema en mejillas, presente en un 100% de los casos confirmados, seguido de exantema en tronco y extremidades en un 57,1%, adenopatías en un 9,5% y fiebre en un 4,7%. En ningún caso se objetivaron complicaciones.ConclusionesLos resultados de este trabajo permiten confirmar la existencia de un brote de eritema infeccioso en nuestro medio. Consideramos útil la confirmación serológica para constatar la presencia de un brote y poder realizar un enfoque terapéutico (frente a complicaciones posibles) y preventivo adecuado. Destacamos el carácter, en general, benigno de la enfermedad.ObjectivesTo analyse the clinical and serological characteristics of an outbreak of infectious erythema in patients attending the two paediatrics clinics at the Soria Norte Health Centre.DesignCross-sectional, descriptive study.SettingPaediatrics clinics of the Soria Norte Health Centre.PatientsOnce the outbreak was suspected, the study was conducted on children with a clinical picture suggesting infectious erythema who attended successively two Soria Norte paediatrics clinics between April and August 1998 and who consented to the analyses.InterventionsThe clinical symptoms, serology, haemogram and evolution of 25 patients were recorded.Results25 patients of the total were studied and diagnostic suspicion was confirmed in 84% of the cases. There were no differences between sexes, with an average age of 6.1, SD 2.015. The most constant clinical sign was exanthem on the cheeks, present in 100% of the cases confirmed, followed by 57% exanthem on the trunk and limbs, 9.5% adenopathies and 4.7% temperature. No complications were found in any case.ConclusionsThe results of this study confirm the existence of an outbreak of infectious erythema in our area. Serological confirmation of an outbreak is useful and can lay the basis for a proper therapeutic and preventive focus (against possible complications). We highlight the generally benign nature of the disease

    Predicción de la potencialidad de los bosques esclerófilos españoles mediante redes neuronales artificiales

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    Holm oak and cork oak forests are between the most important sclerophyllous formations in the Mediterranean Iberia. In order to study their potentiality, an artificial neural network model, with a feedforward BP algorithm, has been applied. The elevation, continentality, insolation, annual rainfall, annual mean temperature, mean temperature of the coldest month and mean temperature of the warmest month are the used bioclimatic variables with a 10 km resolution. The neural networks seem a highly predictive powerful tool. Different patterns in the response of the studied forests have been shown. The holm oak presents a continuous and wide potential simulate range. Meanwhile the cork oak potential area is fragmented and restricted, in accordance with its actual distribution area. The lack of both forests in the eastern and southern warm zones of Iberian Peninsula is the main discrepancy with previous potential vegetation proposals.Encinares y alcornocales son dos de las formaciones esclerófilas más importantes de la Iberia mediterránea. Para conocer cual es su potencialidad en el territorio español se ha empleado un modelo generado mediante redes neuronales artificiales con un algoritmo de retropropagación de errores que conduce la información siempre hacia delante. Las variables bioclimáticas empleadas como predictores son: altitud, continentalidad, insolación, precipitación total, temperatura media anual, temperatura media de las mínimas del mes más frío y temperatura media de las máximas del mes más cálido, con una resolución de 10 km. Las redes neuronales se perfilan como una herramienta de gran poder predictivo. Se aprecian patrones de respuesta diferente para las formaciones estudiadas. Mientras que para la encina se simula un área potencial continua y extensa, para el alcornoque se obtiene un área fragmentada y restringida, que se ajusta bastante a su presencia actual. La principal discrepancia del modelo presentado con esquemas de vegetación potencial anteriores radica en la ausencia de encinares y alcornocales en zonas térmicas del Levante y sur peninsular

    Predicting the onset and persistence of episodes of depression in primary health care. The predictD-Spain study: Methodology

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    Background: The effects of putative risk factors on the onset and/or persistence of depression remain unclear. We aim to develop comprehensive models to predict the onset and persistence of episodes of depression in primary care. Here we explain the general methodology of the predictD-Spain study and evaluate the reliability of the questionnaires used. Methods: This is a prospective cohort study. A systematic random sample of general practice attendees aged 18 to 75 has been recruited in seven Spanish provinces. Depression is being measured with the CIDI at baseline, and at 6, 12, 24 and 36 months. A set of individual, environmental, genetic, professional and organizational risk factors are to be assessed at each follow-up point. In a separate reliability study, a proportional random sample of 401 participants completed the test-retest (251 researcher-administered and 150 self-administered) between October 2005 and February 2006. We have also checked 118,398 items for data entry from a random sample of 480 patients stratified by province. Results: All items and questionnaires had good test-retest reliability for both methods of administration, except for the use of recreational drugs over the previous six months. Cronbach's alphas were good and their factorial analyses coherent for the three scales evaluated (social support from family and friends, dissatisfaction with paid work, and dissatisfaction with unpaid work). There were 191 (0.16%) data entry errors. Conclusion: The items and questionnaires were reliable and data quality control was excellent. When we eventually obtain our risk index for the onset and persistence of depression, we will be able to determine the individual risk of each patient evaluated in primary health car

    Seguimiento de la biodiversidad en la era del Big Data

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    [ES], La diversidad biológica o biodiversidad es de vital importancia para la persistencia de los ecosistemas terrestres, ya que constituye el pilar que da estabilidad funcional a los sistemas naturales y proporciona una gran variedad de servicios ecosistémicos esenciales para el bienestar humano. Pero, ¿cuál es el estado actual de la biodiversidad? ¿Cómo estamos progresando con respecto a los obje- tivos de conservación establecidos para limitar o reducir la extinción de especies? ¿Cuáles son las principales presiones y amenazas para la biodiversidad derivadas del Cambio Global? Estas preguntas sólo pueden responderse si existe un conocimiento sólido sobre el estado y tendencias de aspectos esenciales que gobiernan los patrones y procesos de la biodiversidad a escalas espacio-temporales complementarias (Kühl et al. 2020). Este conocimiento es crucial para desarrollar políticas de conservación eficaces y una gestión medioambiental que revierta las tendencias de muchas poblaciones y comunidades actualmente en declive (IPBES 2019). Por este motivo, disponer de documentación exhaustiva derivada de programas de seguimiento de la distribución, estructura y funcionamiento de la biodiversidad, así como los efectos del Cambio Global sobre su conservación, son esenciales para alcanzar los objetivos de muchos reglamentos internacionales. Entre estas disposiciones destacan los objetivos estratégicos de las metas de Aichi, definidas para evaluar el progreso hacia los objetivos del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (CBD 2014). En concreto, el objetivo B: “Reducir las presiones directas sobre la biodiversidad y promover su uso sostenible’’ y C: ‘’Mejorar la situación de la biodiversidad salvaguardando los eco- sistemas, las especies y la diversidad genética’’, requieren un se- guimiento exhaustivo del estado y tendencias de la biodiversidad. Igualmente, la Agenda 2030 para los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sos- tenible, concretamente el ODS 14 ‘’La vida bajo el agua’’ y el ODS 15 ‘’La vida en la tierra’’, exigen un amplio esfuerzo para medir el progreso hacia el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales y la conservación de la biodiversidad en el agua y en la tierra (UN 2015). Dada la importancia de los datos para dar respuesta a estos desafíos, la Ecología, como otras ramas de la Biología y Ciencias de la Tierra, se ha hecho eco del fenómeno denominado “Big Data” o “Data Science”. El volumen mundial de datos se ha multiplicado nueve veces en los últimos años y continúa creciendo de forma ex- ponencial (Farley et al. 2018), lo que confirma el establecimiento y continuidad futuros de este paradigma que brinda nuevas oportunidades, pero también retos, ya que requiere de nuevas herramien- tas, técnicas, formas de trabajo y marcos teóricos (Kitchin 2014). Una mayoría de autores acepta el término Big Data, que em- pezó a usarse décadas recientes en el ámbito del comercio elec- trónico cuando las empresas privadas buscaban nuevas formas de desarrollar y controlar grandes cantidades de datos, principalmente para mejorar su rendimiento (McAfee y Brynjolfsson 2012; Kitchin 2014). El término se ha extendido después a muy diversos ámbitos, desde la política a la industria, y a diferentes ramas científicas, generando la necesidad de una definición universal del mismo. Aun- que esta definición es compleja y varía entre disciplinas, sí existe un consenso general sobre los elementos clave que caracterizan al Big Data. En términos generales, se define como la capacidad de gestionar y analizar datos, que a su vez deben caracterizarse a través de las denominadas 4Vs: volumen, velocidad, variedad y ve- racidad (Farley et al. 2018; Musvuugwa et al. 2021). El volumen se refiere a la gran cantidad de datos recopilados; la velocidad a la tasa con que se recopilan; la variedad alude a su estructura o he- terogeneidad y la veracidad indica su fiabilidad. En el contexto de este estudio, relacionado con el seguimiento de la biodiversidad, el Big Data se ha definido como una “herramienta tecno-política para gestionar la distribución de las especies y comunidades biológicas”, y como “la acumulación intensiva de información digitalizada de la distribución espacial y temporal de especies y comunidades” (De- victor y Bensaude-Vincent 2016). En esta monografía nos referimos a Big Data como un concepto amplio que considera la capacidad de gestionar y analizar una gran cantidad de datos espacio-tempo- rales y heterogéneos sobre seguimiento de la biodiversidad, flexi- bilizando así las características de volumen y velocidad.S

    Conceptual design of the ITER fast-ion loss detector

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    A conceptual design of a reciprocating fast-ion loss detector for ITER has been developed and is presented here. Fast-ion orbit simulations in a 3D magnetic equilibrium and up-to-date first wall have been carried out to revise the measurement requirements for the lost alpha monitor in ITER. In agreement with recent observations, the simulations presented here suggest that a pitch-angle resolution of ∼5 ◦ might be necessary to identify the loss mechanisms. Synthetic measurements including realistic lost alpha-particle as well as neutron and gamma fluxes predict scintillator signal-to-noise levels measurable with standard light acquisition systems with the detector aperture at ∼11 cm outside of the diagnostic first wall. At measurement position, heat load on detector head is comparable to that in present devices.Marie Curie FP7 Integration PCIG11-GA2012-321455Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad RYC-2011-09152, FIS2015-69362-P, ENE2012- 3108

    Cryptographic properties of Boolean functions defining elementary cellular automata

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    In this work, the algebraic properties of the local transition functions of elementary cellular automata (ECA) were analysed. Specifically, a classification of such cellular automata was done according to their algebraic degree, the balancedness, the resiliency, nonlinearity, the propagation criterion and the existence of non-zero linear structures. It is shown that there is not any ECA satisfying all properties at the same time

    Election proximity and representation focus in party-constrained environments

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    Do elected representatives have a time-constant representation focus or do they adapt their focus depending on election proximity? In this article, we examine these overlooked theoretical and empirical puzzles by looking at how reelection-seeking actors adapt their legislative behavior according to the electoral cycle. In parliamentary democracies, representatives need to serve two competing principals: their party and their district. Our analysis hinges on how representatives make a strategic use of parliamentary written questions in a highly party-constrained institutional context to heighten their reselection and reelection prospects. Using an original data set of over 32,000 parliamentary questions tabled by Portuguese representatives from 2005 to 2015, we examine how time interacts with two key explanatory elements: electoral vulnerability and party size. Results show that representation focus is not static over time and, in addition, that electoral vulnerability and party size shape strategic use of parliamentary questions

    Mapping the temporary and perennial character of whole river networks

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    Knowledge of the spatial distribution of temporary and perennial river channels in a whole catchment is important for effective integrated basin management and river biodiversity conservation. However, this information is usually not available or is incomplete. In this study, we present a statistically based methodology to classify river segments from a whole river network (Deva-Cares catchment, Northern Spain) as temporary or perennial. This method is based on an a priori classification of a subset of river segments as temporary or perennial, using field surveys and aerial images, and then running Random Forest models to predict classification membership for the rest of the river network. The independent variables and the river network were derived following a computer-based geospatial simulation of riverine landscapes. The model results show high values of overall accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity for the evaluation of the fitted model to the training and testing data set (?0.9). The most important independent variables were catchment area, area occupied by broadleaf forest, minimum monthly precipitation in August, and average catchment elevation. The final map shows 7525 temporary river segments (1012.5 km) and 3731 perennial river segments (662.5 km). A subsequent validation of the mapping results using River Habitat Survey data and expert knowledge supported the validity of the proposed maps. We conclude that the proposed methodology is a valid method for mapping the limits of flow permanence that could substantially increase our understanding of the spatial links between terrestrial and aquatic interfaces, improving the research, management, and conservation of river biodiversity and functioning.We would like to thank the Journal Editor and the three referees for their comments and suggestions, which have greatly improved the manuscript. This study was partly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness as part of the RIVERLANDS (Ref: BIA-2012–33572) and HYDRA (Ref: BIA-2015–71197) projects. Alexia María González-Ferreras is supported by a predoctoral research grant (Ref: BES-2013–065770) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and José Barquín was supported by a Ramon y Cajal grant (Ref: RYC-2011–08313) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. We would like to thank the Government of Cantabria, the Principado de Asturias and the forest guards of the study areas for providing useful information. We would also like to acknowledge the Interautonomic Consortium of the Picos de Europa National Park and the Biodiversity Foundation from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, for their advice and project support. Finally, we would also like to thank all the people involved in the field data collection, and those who read an early draft of the manuscript and suggested several improvements. The data and the data sources used in this study are cited and explained in the text. Readers can obtain further information about the data supporting the analysis and conclusions by contacting the corresponding author

    Polyamine ligand-mediated self-assembly of gold and silver nanoparticles into chainlike structures in aqueous solution: Towards new nanostructured chemosensors

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    We are grateful to the Scientific Association ProteoMass (Portugal) for financial support. C.N. thanks Xunta de Galicia (Spain) for her postdoctoral contract (I2C program).1D Nanochain formation: The binding ability of a polyamine molecular linker (L)2- bearing different functional groups, which favors the self-assembling of silver (AgNPs) and gold nano-particles (AuNPs) into 1D nanochains in aqueous solution was explored. UV/Vis spectrophotometry and TEM were used to determine time-dependent structural changes associated with these 1D structure formations. Sensing of Hg2+ using AgNPs@ (L) 2- and AuNPs@ (L)2- assemblies was also carried out in aqueous solution. © 2013 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH& Co. KGaA, Weinheim.publishersversionpublishe