487 research outputs found

    Bancos de tempo e creación de capital social: unha análise de datos de transaccións

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    This article uses transaction data from three time banks located in Barcelona to analyze their otential to generate bonding and bridging social capital for their members. Regarding bonding social capital, the findings are in line with the related literature in terms of the average number of trading partners and the ego-network density. However, reciprocity is a more frequent form of behavior in our data than in other time banks from other countries. Concerning bridging social capital and considering different age groups, the results show slight evidence of homophilic behavior, although intergenerational transactions are also present, being more frequent between more similar age groups. Finally, we explore the influence of age on the time it takes for members to engage in transactions, which could somehow be related to their potential motivations behind joining a time bank.Este artigo utiliza datos de transaccións de tres bancos do tempo situados en Barcelona para analizar o seu potencial para xerar capital social entre os seus membros. En canto aos vínculos do capital social, os resultados están en consonancia coa literatura relacionada en canto ao número medio de socios de intercambio e a densidade da ego-network. Non obstante, a reciprocidade é máis frecuente nos nosos datos que noutros bancos doutros países. En canto á xeración do capital social entre diferentes grupos de individuos e considerando a idade, os resultados mostran lixeiras evidencias de comportamento homofílico, aínda que tamén están presentes transaccións interxeracionais, sendo máis frecuentes entre grupos de idade máis próximos. Finalmente, exploramos a influencia da idade no tempo que tardan os membros en realizar transaccións, o que podería estar relacionado coas súas posibles motivacións detrás de unirse a un banco de tempo.Authors acknowledge financial support from Ministry of Science and Innovation, Grants PID2021-124860NB-I00 (Ángeles Carnero), Grants PID2022-139458NB-I00 and PID2022-138706NB-I00 (Blanca Martinez), Grant PID2022-139614NB-C21 (Rocío Sánchez Mangas); and from Generalitat Valenciana, Grant CIPROM/2021/060 (Ángeles Carnero)

    Mobbing and workers' health: an empirical analysis for Spain

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    his paper analyzes empirically the impact of mobbing on the health of workers in Spain. Based on the Sixth Spanish Survey on Working Conditions, we first describe the differences in health among mobbed and not mobbed workers, sing two different indicators: the worker's self-perception that work affects health and the presence of bad health symptoms. The descriptive evidence shows that mobbing victims perform worse on such health indicators. We estimate the effect of being mobbed on the probability of suffering from health problems, taking into account the potential endogeneity of mobbing. Our estimates show that being a mobbing victim increases significantly the probability of having bad health, independently on the indicator used. Moreover, when bad health is measured by the perception indicator, we find that the effect of mobbing is underestimated if endogeneity is not accounted for.bullying at workplace, moral harassment

    The colored Hanbury Brown--Twiss effect

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    The Hanbury Brown--Twiss effect is one of the celebrated phenomenologies of modern physics that accommodates equally well classical (interferences of waves) and quantum (correlations between indistinguishable particles) interpretations. The effect was discovered in the late thirties with a basic observation of Hanbury Brown that radio-pulses from two distinct antennas generate signals on the oscilloscope that wiggle similarly to the naked eye. When Hanbury Brown and his mathematician colleague Twiss took the obvious step to propose bringing the effect in the optical range, they met with considerable opposition as single-photon interferences were deemed impossible. The Hanbury Brown--Twiss effect is nowadays universally accepted and, being so fundamental, embodies many subtleties of our understanding of the wave/particle dual nature of light. Thanks to a novel experimental technique, we report here a generalized version of the Hanbury Brown--Twiss effect to include the frequency of the detected light, or, from the particle point of view, the energy of the detected photons. In addition to the known tendencies of indistinguishable photons to arrive together on the detector, we find that photons of different colors present the opposite characteristic of avoiding each others. We postulate that fermions can be similarly brought to exhibit positive (boson-like) correlations by frequency filtering.Comment: 18 pages, includes supplementary material of the derivation

    Una propuesta que facilita el uso eficaz de los libros de texto a los futuros profesores de matemáticas

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    En este trabajo se presentan los primeros resultados de una experiencia piloto desarrollada en el marco del Máster de Formación de Profesores de Matemáticas de Secundaria, Bachillerato e Idiomas (MFP) de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (URJC), en la que se trata de obtener información, a través de cuestionarios diseñados a tal efecto por el equipo de investigadores que presenta esta propuesta, sobre qué conocimientos matemáticos específicos necesita un profesor de matemáticas para usar de manera eficaz en el aula el libro de texto. Como punto de partida, y a través del trabajo colaborativo de los autores de la propuesta aquí presentada, se ha diseñado un conjunto de ítems para analizar minuciosamente los contenidos de una Unidad Didáctica de un libro de texto

    Diásporas y transiciones en la Teoría del Actor-Red

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    Este texto es una presentación del monográfico Diásporas y transiciones en la teoría del actor-red. Sus páginas presentan las principales características de esta teoría, una manera de entender sus orígenes y una descripción de su presente estableciendo un paralelismo con la etnometodología. El texto finaliza con una valoración del estado de la teoría del actor-red en España y un comentario sobre un congreso que llevó el título de Presente y futuro de la teoría del actor-red y que constituye el embrión del presente monográfico. En el texto se defiende una tesis muy simple: la teoría del actor-red nace con cierta relevancia para el pensamiento social en el momento en que se difracta en una miríada de usos y aplicaciones diferentes. El principal corolario de este hecho también es muy sencillo: la gran diferencia entre la teoría del actor-red y otras propuestas del pensamiento social es su permanente estado de diáspora y transiciónThis paper is an introduction to the monograph titled Diasporas and Transitions in the Actor-Network Theory. Drawing a parallel with ethnomethodology, its pages present the main features of this theory, a way to figure out its origins and a description of its present. The text ends with a brief look at the state of art of actor-network theory in Spain and an appraisal of a meeting titled Present and Future of Actor-Network Theory, which is the origin of our monograph. In this paper we put forward a very simple idea: Actor-Network Theory was born with certain relevance in Social Sciences when it diffracted in a myriad of different uses and applications. The main corollary of such an idea is also straightforward: the very difference between Actor- Network Theory and other perspectives in Social Sciences resides in the permanent diaspora and transition of the forme

    IAPT chromosome data 28

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    [EN] Veronica angustifolia (Vahl) Bernh.; Veronica austriaca subsp. jacquinii (Baumg.) Watzl; Veronica dalmatica N.Pad.Gar., Rojas-Andrés, López-González & M.M.Mart.Ort.; Veronica kindlii Adam.; Veronica orsiniana Ten.; Veronica prostrata L.; Veronica rosea Desf.; Veronica sennenii (Pau) M.M.Mart.Ort. & E.Rico; Veronica tenuifolia subsp. javalambrensis (Pau) Molero & J.Pujadas; Veronic tenuifolia Asso subsp. tenuifolia; Veronica teucrium L.; Veronica thracica Velen.. In: K. Marhold & J. Kucera, IAPT chromosome data 28

    Entrenamiento en inoculación de estrés en un síndrome de intestino irritable. Caso único

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    In this paper an example of the psychotherapy efficacy in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders is exposed. The patient, a twenty-one aged student, showed an excessive physiological arousal that made him go to the bathroom urgently and frequently. In addition, he was really afraid of calling the others’ attention or even not arriving in time. He failed to attend to class, to go out with friends, etc., what was breaking his academic, social life. Furthermore, he had been under pharmacological treatment for two years. Besides the Irritable Bowel Syndrome, situational, social anxiety and low mood were found. Stress Inoculation Training was carried out to reach the following aims: (1) to improve situational coping, (2) to reduce physiological arousal, and (3) to control anticipatory behaviours in the evacuation; all of them reached. These results were maintained after a nine month follow up.ResumenPresentamos aquí una muestra de la eficacia de la psicoterapia en el tratamiento de trastornos psicosomáticos. El paciente, estudiante de veintiún años, presentaba una activación fisiológica excesiva que le llevaba a ir al baño con cierta urgencia y frecuencia. Unido a esto, se daba un miedo notable a llamar la atención al ir al aseo e, incluso, a no llegar a tiempo. Estaba faltando a clases y renunciando a salir con amigos, de viaje, etc., con el consiguiente deterioro de su vida académica y social. Asimismo, llevaba dos años en tratamiento farmacológico. Además de los síntomas del Síndrome de Intestino Irritable, se detectaron problemas de ansiedad situacional y social y desánimo. Realizamos un Entrenamiento en Inoculación de Estrés con los objetivos: (1) mejorar afrontamiento situacional, (2) reducir activación fisiológica y (3) controlar conductas anticipatorias en la evacuación; todos ellos alcanzados. Resultados que se mantenían tras un seguimiento de nueve meses.AbstractIn this paper an example of the psychotherapy efficacy in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders is exposed. The patient, a twenty-one aged student, showed an excessive physiological arousal that made him go to the bathroom urgently and frequently. In addition, he was really afraid of calling the others’ attention or even not arriving in time. He failed to attend to class, to go out with friends, etc., what was breaking his academic, social life. Furthermore, he had been under pharmacological treatment for two years. Besides the Irritable Bowel Syndrome, situational, social anxiety and low mood were found. Stress Inoculation Training was carried out to reach the following aims: (1) to improve situational coping, (2) to reduce physiological arousal, and (3) to control anticipatory behaviours in the evacuation; all of them reached. These results were maintained after a nine month follow up

    Association of gene-enviroment and age of pre-onset cannabis use with age at onset of psychosis in frist-episode patients

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    Trabajo presentado a la 10ª Reunión anual de la Sociedad Española de Investigación sobre Cannabinoides celebrada en Santander del 26 al 28 de noviembre de 2009.Es conocida la influencia negativa del uso de cannabis sobre el curso y pronóstico de la esquizofrenia. El cannabis es, además, la sustancia de abuso más utilizada en pacientes con esquizofrenia (15%-65%). Sin embargo sólo una pequeña proporción de consumidores de cannabis desarrollan psicosis. Varios estudios han demostrado que el uso de cannabis precede al debut de la psicosis en varios años (entre 4 y 5 ). El inicio precoz del consumo de cannabis en la adolescencia, puede por tanto, estar asociado a un debut precoz de la psicosis, con el consiguiente pronóstico negativo de la enfermedad. Varios polimorfismos de nucleótidoúnico (SNPs) del gen que codifica el receptor CB1 (CNR1; rs806379, rs1535255, rs2023239 y rs1049353) han sido asociados al consumo de drogas o alcohol (Zhang et al., Molecular Psychiatry, 9, 916–931. 2004, Schmidtetal., 2002 Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 65, 221–224) Variaciones en el gen de la triptófano hidroxilasa se han asociado con un mayor riesgo de psicosis (LiD, HeL: Hum Genet 2006). Finalmente, algunos de los SNPs en los receptores de la serotonina se han asociado con diversos trastornos psiquiátricos como la esquizofrenia o la depresión, sin embargo, los resultados de estos estudios de asociación genética han mostrado resultados conflictivos.Peer Reviewe

    Distinctive Traits for Drought and Salt Stress Tolerance in Melon (Cucumis melo L.)

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    Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is a crop with important agronomic interest worldwide. Because of the increase of drought and salinity in many cultivation areas as a result of anthropogenic global warming, the obtention of varieties tolerant to these conditions is a major objective for agronomical improvement. The identification of the limiting factors for stress tolerance could help to define the objectives and the traits which could be improved by classical breeding or other techniques. With this objective, we have characterized, at the physiological and biochemical levels, two different cultivars (sensitive or tolerant) of two different melon varieties (Galia and Piel de Sapo) under controlled drought or salt stress. We have performed physiological measurements, a complete amino acid profile and we have determined the sodium, potassium and hormone concentrations. This has allowed us to determine that the distinctive general trait for salt tolerance in melon are the levels of phenylalanine, histidine, proline and the Na+/K+ ratio, while the distinctive traits for drought tolerance are the hydric potential, isoleucine, glycine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, serine, and asparagine. These could be useful markers for breeding strategies or to predict which varieties are likely perform better under drought or salt stress. Our study has also allowed us to identify which metabolites and physiological traits are differentially regulated upon salt and drought stress between different varieties.SC was a recipient of grant FPU19/01977 from the Spanish Ministerio de Universidades. LM and AV activities were funded by the Prometeu program (IMAGINA project, PROMETEU/2019/110). LM was also supported by the Spanish MICINN (PTA2019-018094). The CEAM foundation was funded by the Generalitat Valenciana

    Knowledge and Opinions of Healthcare Professionals about Thirdhand Smoke: A Multi-National, Cross-Sectional Study

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    There is scarce evidence on the knowledge and opinions about third-hand smoke (THS) of health care professionals. The main aim of this study was to explore the knowledge and opinions of health care professionals about THS and, secondarily, to explore the factors that are associated with this knowledge. Cross-sectional study using a snowball sample of multi-national health care professionals (n = 233). Data were obtained from an exploratory, online questionnaire. The health care professionals’ knowledge and opinions on THS were described with absolute frequency and percentage. Chi-square and Fisher-Freeman-Halton exact tests, and simple logistic regression models, were used to explore the bivariate association between the knowledge of the concept THS and sex, continent of birth, educational level, occupation, years of experience, and attitude towards smoking. Finally, a multivariable logistic regression model incorporating all the above variables was fitted. A total of 65.2% of the participants were unaware of the term THS before the study began. In the bivariate analysis, an association was found between prior knowledge of the term THS and continent of birth (p-value = 0.030) and occupation (p-value = 0.014). In the multivariable logistic regression model, a significant association was observed between prior knowledge of the concept THS and sex (p-value = 0.005), continent of birth (p-value = 0.012), and occupation (p-value = 0.001). Almost two out of three health care professionals who participated in our study did not know what THS was. Educational activities on this topic should be implemented