899 research outputs found

    Variables determining the commercial maturity of castilla blackberry (Rubus Glaucus Benth)

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    P?ginas 39-44El estado de madurez es considerado uno de los factores determinantes en la comercializaci?n de los productos hortofrut?colas, principalmente, por su relaci?n directa con la calidad y el tiempo de conservaci?n en poscosecha. La mora de Castilla (Rubus glaucus Benth), considerada un fruto no climat?rico altamente perecedero, evidencia en su recolecci?n heterogeneidad en forma, tama?o, color, peso y composici?n, que genera altas p?rdidas durante las etapas de cosecha, poscosecha y comercializaci?n, lo que, en consecuencia, afecta vol?menes en el mercado y produce p?rdidas econ?micas. Por lo anterior, el objetivo de este estudio fue establecer el grado de madurez de cosecha adecuado para la comercializaci?n de la mora proveniente del ca??n del Combeima, para lo cual se recurri? a la evaluaci?n de par?metros f?sicos, qu?micos y fisiol?gicos en producto con grado de madurez 4, 5 y 6 seg?n la NTC 4106. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian diferencias significativas en el estado de madurez 4 respecto del peso fresco que se reduce en promedio 12 %, el m?nimo contenido de s?lidos solubles (6.93 ? 0.12 ?Bx) que indicen en el ?ndice de madurez y la superior intensidad respiratoria durante su almacenamiento refrigerado, aspectos que reducen la calidad y vida ?til de este fruto. Se concluy? que el estado de madurez recomendable para la cosecha y comercializaci?n del producto evaluado es el 5, teniendo en cuenta que en este se alcanza la adecuada acumulaci?n de ?cidos, s?lidos solubles, tama?o y forma caracter?stica del fruto, sin diferencias significativas en peso al compararse con la madurez comercial actual (GM 6).ABSTRACT. The maturity stage is considered a factor decisive in the marketing of horticultural products, mainly because its direct related with the quality and postharvest shelf life. Castilla blackberry (Rubus glaucus Benth) is considered a non-climateric highly perishable fruit, presented in its harvest heterogeneity, in shape, size, color, weight and composition, generating high losses during the harvest, post-harvest and marketing that in consequence affect the market stock and economic losses. Therefore, the aim of this study was establish the proper harvest maturity for marketing of blackberry from Canyon Combeima, which was assement of physical, chemical and physiological with maturity level 4, 5 and 6 according to standard Icontec 4106. The results showed significant differences in maturity stage 4 respect to fresh weight was reduced 12 %, minimum soluble solids content (6.93 ? 0.12 ?Bx) influencing maturity index and higher respiratory rate during refrigerated storage, both of which reduce the quality and shelf life of this fruit. It was concluded that the state of maturity harvest and marketing recommended of the product evaluated is five, considering that in that state it reached adequate accumulation of acids, soluble solids, size and characteristic form of the fruit, without significant differences in weight when compared with the actual commercial maturity (GM 6)

    Cancer Cell Internalization of Gold Nanostars Impacts Their Photothermal Efficiency In Vitro and In Vivo: Toward a Plasmonic Thermal Fingerprint in Tumoral Environment

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    Gold nanoparticles are prime candidates for cancer thermotherapy. However, while the ultimate target for nanoparticle-mediated photothermal therapy is the cancer cell, heating performance has not previously been evaluated in the tumoral environment. A systematic investigation of gold nanostar heat-generating efficiency in situ is presented: not only in cancer cells in vitro but also after intratumoral injection in vivo. It is demonstrated that (i) in aqueous dispersion, heat generation is governed by particle size and exciting laser wavelength; (ii) in cancer cells in vitro, heat generation is still very efficient, but irrespective of both particle size and laser wavelength; and (iii) heat generation by nanostars injected into tumors in vivo evolves with time, as the nanostars are trafficked from the extracellular matrix into endosomes. The plasmonic heating response thus serves as a signature of nanoparticle internalization in cells, bringing the ultimate goal of nanoparticle-mediated photothermal therapy a step closer. ¸ 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

    Gesti?n de residuos s?lidos municipales

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    La calidad de vida de los peruanos puede mejorar si su entorno cambia. Un aspecto central para ello es el manejo adecuado de los residuos s?lidos municipales, cuya responsabilidad recae en alrededor de 190 municipios provinciales y m?s de 1800 municipios distritales. Este trabajo plantea diversos mecanismos que pueden usar los municipios para afrontar el manejo de los residuos s?lidos, mecanismos que depender?n de la magnitud de los costos implicados. Para ello se analizan desde modelos de gesti?n privada integral, mediante esquemas de concesi?n en el marco de las asociaciones p?blico privadas, hasta los de gesti?n directa municipal, en el caso de que los costos privados superen a los p?blicos. Los modelos estudiados son, en su mayor parte, de gesti?n mixta, que cuentan con posibilidades de apoyo y financiamiento internacional y en los cuales los riesgos del proyecto se comparten entre el sector p?blico y el privado. Con modelos de esta naturaleza, las municipalidades pueden reducir sus costos y las empresas privadas obtener una rentabilidad esperada. El sustento de una gesti?n eficiente de residuos s?lidos est? en el desarrollo de un plan integral de gesti?n ambiental de residuos s?lidos en el que se debe incorporar, adem?s, la relaci?n con el sector informal de manejo de residuos s?lidos, y fortalecer los temas de sensibilizaci?n y capacitaci?n de la ciudadan?a

    Morphological Transformations of Galaxies in the A901/02 Supercluster from STAGES

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    We present a study of galaxies in the Abell 901/902 Supercluster at z~0.165, based on HST ACS F606W, COMBO-17, Spitzer 24um, XMM-Newton X-ray, and gravitational lensing maps, as part of the STAGES survey. We characterize galaxies with strong externally-triggered morphological distortions and normal relatively undisturbed galaxies, using visual classification and quantitative CAS parameters. We compare normal and distorted galaxies in terms of their frequency, distribution within the cluster, star formation properties, and relationship to dark matter (DM) or surface mass density, and intra-cluster medium (ICM) density. We revisit the morphology density relation, which postulates a higher fraction of early type galaxies in dense environments, by considering separately galaxies with a low bulge-to-disk (B/D) ratio and a low gas content as these two parameters may not be correlated in clusters. We report here on our preliminary analysis.Comment: To appear in the ASP conference proceedings of the "Frank N. Bash Symposium 2007: New Horizons in Astronomy", Eds. A. Frebel, J. Maund, J. Shen, M. Siegel. 4 pages, 4 figure

    Nuclear WRAP53 promotes neuronal survival and functional recovery after stroke

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    Failure of neurons to efficiently repair DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) contributes to cerebral damage after stroke. However, the molecular machinery that regulates DNA repair in this neurological disorder is unknown. Here, we found that DSBs in oxygen/glucose-deprived (OGD) neurons spatiotemporally correlated with the up-regulation of WRAP53 (WD40-encoding p53-antisense RNA), which translocated to the nucleus to activate the DSB repair response. Mechanistically, OGD triggered a burst in reactive oxygen species that induced both DSBs and translocation of WRAP53 to the nucleus to promote DNA repair, a pathway that was confirmed in an in vivo mouse model of stroke. Noticeably, nuclear translocation of WRAP53 occurred faster in OGD neurons expressing the Wrap53 human nonsynonymous single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs2287499 (c.202C>G). Patients carrying this SNP showed less infarct volume and better functional outcome after stroke. These results indicate that WRAP53 fosters DNA repair and neuronal survival to promote functional recovery after stroke

    Investigaci?n aplicada para un modelo de plan de marketing estrat?gico y operacional para la carrera de Aviaci?n Comercial : caso Columbia

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    La presente tesis consiste en una ?Investigaci?n aplicada para un modelo de plan de marketing estrat?gico y operacional para la carrera de Aviaci?n Comercial?, como caso de an?lisis se ha seleccionado al Instituto Columbia, quien lidera el mercado en esta carrera. El objetivo principal es determinar los factores claves del modelo de plan de marketing, para ello, se han delimitado objetivos espec?ficos vinculados a la demanda, a las fuerzas competitivas del sector industrial y el impacto de los proyectos o desarrollo de la industria. La investigaci?n ha permitido aterrizar propuestas estrat?gicas en temas de crecimiento orientados a penetraci?n y desarrollo de nuevos mercados. Para ello, a su vez, se ha definido la segmentaci?n de los alumnos en funci?n al ciclo de vida del estudiante: antes, durante y despu?s de su paso por Columbia. Se ha definido un nuevo posicionamiento. Y finalmente, se ha elaborado un plan de acci?n por cada variable del marketing mix, en este plan de acci?n se han considerado actividades que permitir?n materializar las estrategias, se ha clasificado cada acci?n por nivel de importancia para determinar qu? acciones son las que van a tener mayor impacto para el logro de los objetivos y, de esta manera, poder priorizar su ejecuci?n

    PM2.5 chemical composition and health risks by inhalation near a chemical complex

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    Particulate matter (PM2.5) samples were collected in the vicinity of an industrial chemical pole and analysed for organic and elemental carbon (OC and EC), 47 trace elements and around 150 organic constituents. On average, OC and EC accounted for 25.2% and 11.4% of the PM2.5 mass, respectively. Organic compounds comprised polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), alkylated PAHs, anhydrosugars, phenolics, aromatic ketones, glycerol derivatives, aliphatic alcohols, sterols, and carboxyl groups, including aromatic, carboxylic and dicarboxylic acids. Enrichment factors > 100 were obtained for Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Sn, B, Se, Bi, Sb and Mo, showing the contribution of industrial emissions and nearby major roads. Principal component analysis revealed that vehicle, industrial and biomass burning emissions accounted for 66%, 11% and 9%, respectively, of the total PM2.5-bound PAHs. Some of the detected organic constituents are likely associated with plasticiser ingredients and thermal stabilisers used in the manufacture of PVC and other plastics in the industrial complex. Photooxidation products of both anthropogenic (e.g., toluene) and biogenic (e.g., isoprene and pinenes) precursors were also observed. It was estimated that biomass burning accounted for 13.8% of the PM2.5 concentrations and that secondary OC represented 37.6% of the total OC. The lifetime cancer risk from inhalation exposure to PM2.5-bound PAHs was found to be negligible, but it exceeded the threshold of 10?6 for metal(loi)s, mainly due to Cr and As.3518-5DB7-75B0 | M?rio Tom?N/

    Phi-values in protein folding kinetics have energetic and structural components

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    Phi-values are experimental measures of how the kinetics of protein folding is changed by single-site mutations. Phi-values measure energetic quantities, but are often interpreted in terms of the structures of the transition state ensemble. Here we describe a simple analytical model of the folding kinetics in terms of the formation of protein substructures. The model shows that Phi-values have both structural and energetic components. In addition, it provides a natural and general interpretation of "nonclassical" Phi-values (i.e., less than zero, or greater than one). The model reproduces the Phi-values for 20 single-residue mutations in the alpha-helix of the protein CI2, including several nonclassical Phi-values, in good agreement with experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Master equations for effective Hamiltonians

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    We reelaborate on a general method for obtaining effective Hamiltonians that describe different nonlinear optical processes. The method exploits the existence of a nonlinear deformation of the su(2) algebra that arises as the dynamical symmetry of the original model. When some physical parameter (usually related to the dispersive limit) becomes small, we immediately get a diagonal effective Hamiltonian that represents correctly the dynamics for arbitrary states and long times. We apply the same technique to obtain how the noise terms in the original model transform under this scheme, providing a systematic way of including damping effects in processes described in terms of effective Hamiltonians.Comment: 10 pages, no figure