1,402 research outputs found

    Evidence for Reduced Specific Star Formation Rates in the Centers of Massive Galaxies at z = 4

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    We perform the first spatially-resolved stellar population study of galaxies in the early universe (z = 3.5 - 6.5), utilizing the Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS) imaging dataset over the GOODS-S field. We select a sample of 418 bright and extended galaxies at z = 3.5 - 6.5 from a parent sample of ~ 8000 photometric-redshift selected galaxies from Finkelstein et al. (2015). We first examine galaxies at 3.5< z < 4.0 using additional deep K-band survey data from the HAWK-I UDS and GOODS Survey (HUGS) which covers the 4000A break at these redshifts. We measure the stellar mass, star formation rate, and dust extinction for galaxy inner and outer regions via spatially-resolved spectral energy distribution fitting based on a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm. By comparing specific star formation rates (sSFRs) between inner and outer parts of the galaxies we find that the majority of galaxies with the high central mass densities show evidence for a preferentially lower sSFR in their centers than in their outer regions, indicative of reduced sSFRs in their central regions. We also study galaxies at z ~ 5 and 6 (here limited to high spatial resolution in the rest-frame ultraviolet only), finding that they show sSFRs which are generally independent of radial distance from the center of the galaxies. This indicates that stars are formed uniformly at all radii in massive galaxies at z ~ 5 - 6, contrary to massive galaxies at z < 4.Comment: Accepted to ApJ, 20 pages, 15 figure

    Detection of Lyman-Alpha Emission From a Triple Imaged z=6.85 Galaxy Behind MACS J2129.4-0741

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    We report the detection of Lyα\alpha emission at 9538\sim9538\AA{} in the Keck/DEIMOS and \HST WFC3 G102 grism data from a triply-imaged galaxy at z=6.846±0.001z=6.846\pm0.001 behind galaxy cluster MACS J2129.4-0741. Combining the emission line wavelength with broadband photometry, line ratio upper limits, and lens modeling, we rule out the scenario that this emission line is \oii at z=1.57z=1.57. After accounting for magnification, we calculate the weighted average of the intrinsic Lyα\alpha luminosity to be 1.3×1042 erg s1\sim1.3\times10^{42}~\mathrm{erg}~\mathrm{s}^{-1} and Lyα\alpha equivalent width to be 74±1574\pm15\AA{}. Its intrinsic UV absolute magnitude at 1600\AA{} is 18.6±0.2-18.6\pm0.2 mag and stellar mass (1.5±0.3)×107 M(1.5\pm0.3)\times10^{7}~M_{\odot}, making it one of the faintest (intrinsic LUV0.14 LUVL_{UV}\sim0.14~L_{UV}^*) galaxies with Lyα\alpha detection at z7z\sim7 to date. Its stellar mass is in the typical range for the galaxies thought to dominate the reionization photon budget at z7z\gtrsim7; the inferred Lyα\alpha escape fraction is high (10\gtrsim 10\%), which could be common for sub-LL^* z7z\gtrsim7 galaxies with Lyα\alpha emission. This galaxy offers a glimpse of the galaxy population that is thought to drive reionization, and it shows that gravitational lensing is an important avenue to probe the sub-LL^* galaxy population.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letter

    CANDELS: The Contribution of the Observed Galaxy Population to Cosmic Reionization

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    We present measurements of the specific ultraviolet luminosity density from a sample of 483 galaxies at 6<z<8. These galaxies were selected from new deep near-infrared HST imaging from the CANDELS, HUDF09 and ERS programs. In contrast to the majority of previous analyses, which assume that the distribution of galaxy ultraviolet (UV) luminosities follows a Schechter distribution, and that the distribution continues to luminosities far below our observable limit, we investigate the contribution to reionization from galaxies which we can observe, free from these assumptions. We find that the observable population of galaxies can sustain a fully reionized IGM at z=6, if the average ionizing photon escape fraction (f_esc) is ~30%. A number of previous studies have measured UV luminosity densities at these redshifts that vary by 5X, with many concluding that galaxies could not complete reionization by z=6 unless a large population of galaxies fainter than the detection limit were invoked, or extremely high values of f_esc were present. The observed UV luminosity density from our observed galaxy samples at z=7-8 is not sufficient to maintain a fully reionized IGM unless f_esc>50%. Combining our observations with constraints on the emission rate of ionizing photons from Ly-alpha forest observations at z=6, we can constrain f_esc<34% (2-sigma) if the observed galaxies are the only contributors to reionization, or <13% (2-sigma) if the luminosity function extends to M_UV = -13. These escape fractions are sufficient to complete reionization by z=6. These constraints imply that the volume ionized fraction of the IGM becomes less than unity at z>7, consistent with a number of complementary reionization probes. If faint galaxies dominate reionization, future JWST observations will probe deep enough to see them, providing an indirect constraint on the ionizing photon escape fraction [abridged].Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, Submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    RCS2 J232727.6-020437: An Efficient Cosmic Telescope at z=0.6986z=0.6986

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    We present a detailed gravitational lens model of the galaxy cluster RCS2 J232727.6-020437. Due to cosmological dimming of cluster members and ICL, its high redshift (z=0.6986z=0.6986) makes it ideal for studying background galaxies. Using new ACS and WFC3/IR HST data, we identify 16 multiple images. From MOSFIRE follow up, we identify a strong emission line in the spectrum of one multiple image, likely confirming the redshift of that system to z=2.083z=2.083. With a highly magnified (μ2\mu\gtrsim2) source plane area of 0.7\sim0.7 arcmin2^2 at z=7z=7, RCS2 J232727.6-020437 has a lensing efficiency comparable to the Hubble Frontier Fields clusters. We discover four highly magnified z7z\sim7 candidate Lyman-break galaxies behind the cluster, one of which may be multiply-imaged. Correcting for magnification, we find that all four galaxies are fainter than 0.5L0.5 L_{\star}. One candidate is detected at >10σ{>10\sigma} in both Spitzer/IRAC [3.6] and [4.5] channels. A spectroscopic follow-up with MOSFIRE does not result in the detection of the Lyman-alpha emission line from any of the four candidates. From the MOSFIRE spectra we place median upper limits on the Lyman-alpha flux of 514×1019ergs1cm25-14 \times 10^{-19}\, \mathrm{erg \,\, s^{-1} cm^{-2}} (5σ5\sigma).Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, submitted to ApJ on 3/06/201

    Beyond the Local Volume. I. Surface Densities of Ultracool Dwarfs in Deep HST/WFC3 Parallel Fields

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    Ultracool dwarf stars and brown dwarfs provide a unique probe of large-scale Galactic structure and evolution; however, until recently spectroscopic samples of sufficient size, depth, and fidelity have been unavailable. Here, we present the identification of 164 M7-T9 ultracool dwarfs in 0.6 deg2 of deep, low-resolution, near-infrared spectroscopic data obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) instrument as part of the WFC3 Infrared Spectroscopic Parallel Survey and the 3D-HST survey. We describe the methodology by which we isolate ultracool dwarf candidates from over 200,000 spectra, and show that selection by machine-learning classification is superior to spectral index-based methods in terms of completeness and contamination. We use the spectra to accurately determine classifications and spectrophotometric distances, the latter reaching to ∼2 kpc for L dwarfs and ∼400 pc for T dwarfs

    Beyond the Local Volume. II. Population Scaleheights and Ages of Ultracool Dwarfs in Deep HST/WFC3 Parallel Fields

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    Ultracool dwarfs (UCDs) represent a significant proportion of stars in the Milky Way, and deep samples of these sources have the potential to constrain the formation history and evolution of low-mass objects in the Galaxy. Until recently, spectral samples have been limited to the local volume (d \u3c 100 pc). Here, we analyze a sample of 164 spectroscopically characterized UCDs identified by Aganze et al. in the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFC3 Infrared Spectroscopic Parallel Survey (WISPS) and 3D-HST. We model the observed luminosity function using population simulations to place constraints on scaleheights, vertical velocity dispersions, and population ages as a function of spectral type. Our star counts are consistent with a power-law mass function and constant star formation history for UCDs, with vertical scaleheights of 249 pc for late-M dwarfs, 153 pc for L dwarfs, and 175 pc for T dwarfs. Using spatial and velocity dispersion relations, these scaleheights correspond to disk population ages of 3.6 Gyr for late-M dwarfs, 2.1 Gyr for L dwarfs, and 2.4 Gyr for T dwarfs, which are consistent with prior simulations that predict that L-type dwarfs are on average a younger and less dispersed population. There is an additional 1–2 Gyr systematic uncertainty on these ages due to variances in age-velocity relations. We use our population simulations to predict the UCD yield in the James Webb Space Telescope PASSAGES survey, a similar and deeper survey to WISPS and 3D-HST, and find that it will produce a comparably sized UCD sample, albeit dominated by thick disk and halo sources

    Optical Morphologies of Millijansky Radio Galaxies Observed by HST and in the VLA FIRST Survey

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    We report on a statistical study of the 51 radio galaxies at the millijansky flux level from the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty centimeters, including their optical morphologies and structure obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope. Our optical imaging is significantly deeper (~2 mag) than previous studies with the superior angular resolution of space-based imaging. We that find 8/51 (16%) of the radio sources have no optically identifiable counterpart to AB~24 mag. For the remaining 43 sources, only 25 are sufficiently resolved in the HST images to reliably assign a visual classification: 15 (60%) are elliptical galaxies, 2 (8%) are late-type spiral galaxies, 1 (4%) is an S0, 3 (12%) are point-like objects (quasars), and 4 (16%) are merger systems. We find a similar distribution of optical types with measurements of the Sersic index. The optical magnitude distribution of these galaxies peaks at I~20.7+-0.5 AB mag, which is ~3 mag brighter than the depth of our typical HST field and is thus not due to the WFPC2 detection limit. This supports the luminosity-dependent density evolutionary model, where the majority of faint radio galaxies typically have L*-optical luminosities and a median redshift of z~0.8 with a relatively abrupt redshift cut-off at z>~2. We discuss our results in the context of the evolution of elliptical galaxies and active galactic nuclei.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 51 galaxy images, and 5 tables. Uses emulateapj.cls and natbib.sty. Accepted to ApJS. High resolution images are available upon reques

    Detection of brown dwarf-like objects in the core of NGC3603

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    We use near-infrared data obtained with the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on the Hubble Space Telescope to identify objects having the colors of brown dwarfs (BDs) in the field of the massive galactic cluster NGC 3603. These are identified through use of a combination of narrow and medium band filters spanning the J and H bands, and which are particularly sensitive to the presence of the 1.3-1.5{\mu}m H2O molecular band - unique to BDs. We provide a calibration of the relationship between effective temperature and color for both field stars and for BDs. This photometric method provides effective temperatures for BDs to an accuracy of {\pm}350K relative to spectroscopic techniques. This accuracy is shown to be not significantly affected by either stellar surface gravity or uncertainties in the interstellar extinction. We identify nine objects having effective temperature between 1700 and 2200 K, typical of BDs, observed J-band magnitudes in the range 19.5-21.5, and that are strongly clustered towards the luminous core of NGC 3603. However, if these are located at the distance of the cluster, they are far too luminous to be normal BDs. We argue that it is unlikely that these objects are either artifacts of our dataset, normal field BDs/M-type giants or extra-galactic contaminants and, therefore, might represent a new class of stars having the effective temperatures of BDs but with luminosities of more massive stars. We explore the interesting scenario in which these objects would be normal stars that have recently tidally ingested a Hot Jupiter, the remnants of which are providing a short-lived extended photosphere to the central star. In this case, we would expect them to show the signature of fast rotation.Comment: 26 Pages, 8 Figures, Accepted for publication on Ap

    The Lyman Continuum Escape Fraction of Galaxies and AGN in the GOODS Fields

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    We present our analysis of the LyC emission and escape fraction of 111 spectroscopically verified galaxies with and without AGN from 2.26<z<4.32.26<z<4.3. We extended our ERS sample from Smith et al. (2018; arXiv:1602.01555) with 64 galaxies in the GOODS North and South fields using WFC3/UVIS F225W, F275W, and F336W mosaics we independently drizzled using the HDUV, CANDELS, and UVUDF data. Among the 17 AGN from the 111 galaxies, one provided a LyC detection in F275W at mAB=23.19m_{AB}=23.19 mag (S/N \simeq 133) and GALEXGALEX NUV at mAB=23.77m_{AB}=23.77 mag (S/N \simeq 13). We simultaneously fit SDSSSDSS and ChandraChandra spectra of this AGN to an accretion disk and Comptonization model and find fescf_{esc} values of fescF275W284+20f_{esc}^{F275W}\simeq 28^{+20}_{-4}% and fescNUV305+22f_{esc}^{NUV}\simeq 30^{+22}_{-5}%. For the remaining 110 galaxies, we stack image cutouts that capture their LyC emission using the F225W, F275W, and F336W data of the GOODS and ERS samples, and both combined, as well as subsamples of galaxies with and without AGN, and allall galaxies. We find the stack of 17 AGN dominate the LyC production from z2.34.3\langle z\rangle\simeq 2.3-4.3 by a factor of \sim10 compared to all 94 galaxies without AGN. While the IGM of the early universe may have been reionized mostly by massive stars, there is evidence that a significant portion of the ionizing energy came from AGN.Comment: 36 pages, 17 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. v1 abstract latex errors corrected, minor changes to table 5, orcid ID corrected for one autho

    Limits to Rest-Frame Ultraviolet Emission From Far-Infrared-Luminous z~6 Quasar Hosts

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    We report on a Hubble Space Telescope search for rest-frame ultraviolet emission from the host galaxies of five far-infrared-luminous z6z\simeq{}6 quasars and the z=5.85z=5.85 hot-dust free quasar SDSS J0005-0006. We perform 2D surface brightness modeling for each quasar using a Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo estimator, to simultaneously fit and subtract the quasar point source in order to constrain the underlying host galaxy emission. We measure upper limits for the quasar host galaxies of mJ>22.7m_J>22.7 mag and mH>22.4m_H>22.4 mag, corresponding to stellar masses of M<2×1011MM_\ast<2\times10^{11}M_\odot. These stellar mass limits are consistent with the local MBHM_{\textrm{BH}}-MM_\ast relation. Our flux limits are consistent with those predicted for the UV stellar populations of z6z\simeq6 host galaxies, but likely in the presence of significant dust (AUV2.6\langle A_{\mathrm{UV}}\rangle\simeq 2.6 mag). We also detect a total of up to 9 potential z6z\simeq6 quasar companion galaxies surrounding five of the six quasars, separated from the quasars by 1.4''-3.2'', or 8.4-19.4 kpc, which may be interacting with the quasar hosts. These nearby companion galaxies have UV absolute magnitudes of -22.1 to -19.9 mag, and UV spectral slopes β\beta of -2.0 to -0.2, consistent with luminous star-forming galaxies at z6z\simeq6. These results suggest that the quasars are in dense environments typical of luminous z6z\simeq6 galaxies. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that some of these companions are foreground interlopers. Infrared observations with the James Webb Space Telescope will be needed to detect the z6z\simeq6 quasar host galaxies and better constrain their stellar mass and dust content.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap