66 research outputs found

    Intercomparación bilateral entre LATU y PTB de calibración en puntos fijos (ITS-90) del Zn al Hg de un SPRT con PTB como laboratorio piloto

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    El Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay, LATU, es el Instituto Metrológico Nacional del Uruguay, miembro fi rmante del Acuerdo de Reconocimiento Mutuo (MRA) entre Laboratorios Nacionales de Metrología del Comité Internacional de Pesas y Medidas (CIPM). Las capacidades de medida y calibración (CMCs) del LATU fueron reconocidas en junio de 2004 y se encuentran publicadas en la BIPM- Key Comparison Data Base (BIPM, 2009). El LATU estuvo acreditado desde 2001 hasta junio de 2007 por el Deutscher Kalibrier Dienst (Servicio de Acreditación Alemán) en las magnitudes Masa, Balanzas y Temperatura (Laboratorio DKD, DKD-K-25601). Se decidió a partir de ese momento probar el cumplimiento con los criterios establecidos por el CIPM MRA y los requisitos de la Norma ISO/IEC 17025 en el marco de una auditoría in situ llevada a cabo en el LATU en enero de 2008. Como parte de ese proceso de revisión de pares, se realizó una Intercomparación Bilateral entre el PTB y el LATU en los puntos fi jos de la Escala Internacional de Temperatura (ITS-90), desde el punto triple de Hg hasta el punto de congelación del Zn, con el PTB como laboratorio piloto. En este artículo los resultados son presentados y discutidos de manera de sostener la declaración de mejores capacidades de medida y calibración (CMCs) en sustitución de las ya declaradas. Abstract Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay, LATU, is the National Metrology Institute of Uruguay, signatory of the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA), has Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMCs) in temperature that were fi rst published in the BIPM Key Comparison Data Base (BIPM, 2009) in June 2004. LATU was a DKD Laboratory accredited in Mass, Balances and Temperature from 2001 until June 2007 when it was decided to adopt the CIPM criteria for proving compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 through a Peer Review process. The LATU on site Peer Review was carried out in January 2008, as part of the process. During the evaluation, a bilateral intercomparison was performed between PTB and LATU at the ITS- 90 fi xed points covering the range from Hg TP to Zn FP with PTB acting as the Pilot Laboratory. In this paper the results are presented and discussed in order to support the declaration of better Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMCs) and substitute the declared ones

    Thermal diffusivity measurements of metastable austenite during continuous cooling

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    The thermal diffusivity of the metastable undercooled austenite is relevant for the quantitative analysis of the carbon and low-alloy steel quench. The standard laser-flash method requires prior thermal equilibrium between the sample and the furnace, which may not be possible to achieve without allowing the metastable phase to transform. Nevertheless, depending upon the steel's hardenability, the thermal transient due to a laser pulse may be much shorter than a cooling transient sufficiently steep to prevent the transformation of the austenite. In one such case, flash measurements were performed during continuous sample cooling and the thermal diffusivity of the metastable austenite was determined by using an extension of the standard analytical model. The adopted analytical model and data reduction procedure are described and the limitations and uncertainties of this method are discussed, also with the aid of a non-linear numerical simulation. The measured thermal diffusivity of the under cooled low-alloy austenite decreases linearly from 5.4•10−6 m2 s−1 at 1133 K to 4.3•10−6 m2 s−1 at 755 K; this trend is in broad agreement with one previous set of measurements upon a low-alloy undercooled austenite and with a large number of previous standard measurements upon stable (high-alloy) austenitic stainless steels

    Radiation-induced melting in coherent X-ray diffractive imaging at the nanoscale

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    Coherent X-ray diffraction techniques play an increasingly significant role in imaging nanoscale structures which range from metallic and semiconductor samples to biological objects. The conventional knowledge about radiation damage effects caused by ever higher brilliance X-ray sources has to be critically revised while studying nanostructured materials

    Methodik zur Bewertung von Produktionssystemen in der frühen Entwicklungsphase

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