142 research outputs found

    The influence of internal and external variables in the export performance

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    Focusing on export performance and having as a starting point the resource- based view (RBV) and contingency theories, this paper intends to study the effect of both internal and external factors to a firm in the export venture performance. As methodology, a qualitative study was developed – case study – using semi- structured interviews to two managers and one director of marketing and communication of one of the largest cork stoppers manufacturing firm in Portugal. The major findings of this paper are that both internal and external factors have impact in both export marketing strategy adaptation and export venture performance. The more developed the internal resources are, the better is the export venture performance and export marketing adaptation. A better knowledge of external factors has the previously mentioned impact. Also, export marketing strategy adaptation has a positive influence on export venture performance. This research provides a better comprehension of the phenomenon of export performance in a strict research setting (a firm form a small open economy and, only one product). To have a better export performance, managers should invest in their internal resources (such as market and international business knowledge). This paper contributes to extant knowledge of the export performance, in the way that it sheds a light on export performance in small open economies, namely the factors which contributes to a better performance of a firm (within the research setting defined).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Helicobacter pylori—Associated Dyspepsia in Paediatrics

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    Helicobacter pylori ubiquitously infects the human gastric mucosa since time immemorial,predictably before the man’s diaspora out of East Africa around 58,000 years ago [1].Colonization may have been somehow beneficial for human carriers, allowing the coevolutionof this gram-negative bacterium and its host over the centuries. Yet, at leastnowadays [2], this may not be a peaceful association, with infection almost invariablycausing an acute host immune response. However, in a fully adapted manner, H. pyloriavoids recognition and, thus, clearance, by the host immune system, with both infectionand the consequent gastritis persisting throughout the patients’ life. The clinical outcomeof this persistence is dependent on a sophisticated crosstalk between the host and thepathogen. If often asymptomatic, the H. pylori-associated non-ulcer dyspepsia is clearly thestrongest aetiological factor for severe gastric diseases that will develop late in adult life ina minority of infected patients, i.e., peptic ulcer disease, both gastric and duodenal ulcers,and gastric cancer, namely, adenocarcinoma and mucosa associated lymphoid tissue(MALT) lymphoma (reviewed in [3]). Peptic ulcer disease rarely occurs soon after H. pyloriinfection [4-8] that generally starts in childhood; this presumably reflects marked differencesin the virulence [9-16] and/or in the susceptibility of young patients [17-19].This chapter, focussing on the paediatric population, seeks to explore: the prevalence of H.pylori infection; the molecular mechanism used by H. pylori during colonization and infection;the role of this bacterium in the development of peptic ulcer-related organic dyspepsia; andthe genetic/proteome profile of the H. pylori-strains associated with peptic ulcer disease.BNP Paribas, Sociedade Portuguesa de Gastrenterologi

    Avaliação do potencial de Lemna Minor L. como bioindicador de toxicidade em águas residuais

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial da macrófita flutuante Lemna minor como bioindicador de toxicidade numa água residual doméstica, avaliando a eficiência de tratamento da ETAR de Fernão Ferro. Deste modo, foram efetuados ensaios de ecotoxicidade com L. minor na água residual bruta e tratada, tendo sido avaliado o número de frondes e a área foliar, para calcular a taxa de crescimento específica média e yield. Os testes de ecotoxicidade em água são bastante importantes, em particular quando a matriz aquosa é complexa como é o caso das águas residuais que contêm muitos compostos dissolvidos. Na água residual bruta obteve-se, para o parâmetro número de frondes, uma CE50 de 4,6% para yield e de 11,2% para a taxa de crescimento específica média, enquanto que para a área foliar, obteve-se uma CE50 de 9,6% tanto para yield como para a taxa de crescimento específica média. Os valores obtidos indicam que uma percentagem de água residual bruta apresenta uma elevada inibição no crescimento de L. minor. Apesar do efluente ter sido tratado na ETAR, a água residual tratada apresentou uma toxicidade só ligeiramente inferior à da água residual bruta. De realçar que, apesar desta toxicidade, os valores dos parâmetros físico-químicos da água residual tratada, como CQO, SST e fósforo total, não ultrapassaram os valores limites de emissão exigidos pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 236/98. Os resultados permitiram concluir que tanto a água residual bruta como a água residual tratada, apresentaram elevada inibição de crescimento de L. minor. O potencial deste macrófita como bioindicador para os testes de ecotoxicidade foi demostrado, permitindo avaliar se o processo de tratamento é suficiente para diminuir o impacte no meio aquático recetor

    The role of mobility in sexual risk behaviour and HIV acquisition among sub-Saharan African migrants residing in two European cities

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    Background: Migrants from high endemic countries accounted for 18% of newly diagnosed HIV infections in Europe in 2017. Knowledge on the link between HIV risk and post-migration travels and their impact on HIV acquisition is scarce, but critical to inform prevention. This study aims to explore risky sexual behaviour and HIV-acquisition among sub-Saharan African migrants, and to assess post-migration mobility as a determinant of sexual risk behaviour. Methods: Data from two cross-sectional bio-behavioural surveys to assess HIV-prevalence conducted in Lisbon and Antwerp were analysed to explore migration-related characteristics, travel patterns, and sexual risk taking in the host country and abroad. Bi- and multivariate associations were estimated through adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals; multivariable logistic regression determined factors associated with condomless sexual intercourse. Results: Among N = 1508 participants above 18 years (58% males), 68% travelled post-migration (49.2% reported intercourse abroad). The overall proportion of condomless sex at last sexual intercourse was high (68.1%). The odds of condomless sex in the host country was five times higher when the last sexual intercourse abroad was also condomless [OR:5.32; 95% CI:2.98-9.25]. About half of the travellers reported concurrency, i.e. a regular partner in the host country while having other sexual partners abroad. Almost three percent of the participants reported being HIV+, but 5% had a reactive HIV test-result, with similar proportions among travellers and non-travellers. Also, among the n = 75 participants with reactive HIV test-results, condomless sex occurred (n = 40) and was associated with mobility. Conclusions: Sub-Saharan African migrants are mobile and engage in sexual risk behaviours in the countries of residence and while travelling, increasing risk of post-migration HIV-acquisition. A transnational perspective on HIV prevention and sexual health promotion is needed for effectively reducing migrants' HIV risk related to their mobility.publishersversionpublishe

    A experiência da Biblioteca da FCT-Nova com o Koha

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    O Software Integrado de Gestão de Bibliotecas KOHA celebra, em 2017, 10 anos de implementação em Portugal. As bibliotecas do IPL já utilizam o sistema KOHA desde 2009, um software de código aberto conforme às orientações governamentais (medida 21 do PGETIC) relativas à adoção destes sistemas de informação na Administração Pública. Este foi um evento organizado pelo Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (IPL), aberto à comunicação de boas práticas, demonstrações do sistema e trocas de experiências da parte de Unidades Orgânicas do IPL e de outros Politécnicos, assim como de bibliotecas de Universidades, da Administração Central e de Autarquias. Paul Poulain, um dos maiores especialistas no desenvolvimento do software KOHA foi o orador principal desta conferência.Comunicação Painel 4 | Debate sobre o futuro da comunidade: A Biblioteca da FCT-NOVA implementou o sistema de gestão integrada Koha em Janeiro de 2013, após anos de experiência com o Docbase. Foram vários os desafios enfrentados, pois para além da adaptação ao novo sistema, foi necessário introduzir novos procedimentos. Ainda assim, o Koha trouxe mais e novas funcionalidades aos utilizadores tornando os serviços mais eficazes e mais transparentes e acima de tudo, trouxe a possibilidade de diálogo e cooperação entre bibliotecas, permitindo resolver muitos dos problemas encontrados.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impacte do serviço de formação de utilizadores da Biblioteca FCTUNL

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    Places of Enunciation and Disputes of Meaning of Journalistic Work in Alternative Arrangements to Media Corporations

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    The paper intends to analyze how “alternative arrangements to media corporations” name their work activities in relation to journalism and express certain ethos in their presentation texts (official websites) – taken here as a corpus of analysis. Considering a set of initiatives of this nature in São Paulo, it seeks to identify the different places of enunciation of these arrangements, as well as the disputes of meaning engendered in these spaces. It defines operational criteria to visualize the presence/absence of identification marks (with journalism) and of differentiation (in relation to the meaning of journalism enunciated by the subjects), from the construction of two categories of analysis, classified as “markers of journalistic praxis” and “journalism qualifiers”. O artigo pretende analisar como “arranjos econômicos alternativos às corporações de mídia” nomeiam suas atividades de trabalho em relação ao jornalismo e manifestam determinados ethos em seus textos de apresentação (sites oficiais) – tomados, aqui, como corpus de análise. Considerando um conjunto de iniciativas desta natureza em São Paulo, procura identificar os diferentes lugares de enunciação destes arranjos, bem como as disputas de sentido engendradas nestes espaços. Define critérios operacionais para visualizar a presença/ausência de marcas enunciativas de identificação (com o jornalismo) e de diferenciação (em relação ao sentido de jornalismo enunciado pelos sujeitos), a partir da construção de duas categorias de análise, classificadas como “marcadores de práxis jornalísticas” e “qualificadores de jornalismo”. El artículo pretende analizar cómo “arreglos económicos alternativos a las corporaciones de medios” nombra sus actividades de trabajo en relación al periodismo y manifiestan determinados ethos en sus textos de presentación (sitios oficiales) – tomados aquí como corpus de análisis. Considerando un conjunto de iniciativas de esta naturaleza en São Paulo, busca identificar los diferentes lugares de enunciación de estos arreglos, así como las disputas de sentido engendradas en estos espacios. Define criterios operacionales para visualizar la presencia/ausencia de marcas enunciativas de identificación (con el periodismo) y de diferenciación (en relación al sentido de periodismo enunciado por los sujetos) a partir de la construcción de dos categorías de análisis, clasificadas como “marcadores de praxis periodística” y “calificadores de periodismo

    Understanding male (con)tradi(c)tions through an in-depth interview study

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    This study aims to explore the diversity of male attitudes towards, and experiences of, sexual problems in the context of their relationships, through a qualitative approach on the historically and culturally specific patterns of change in sexual pleasures and experiences over the life course.Merck Sharp & Dohme Foundationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Atypical mycobacterial dermatitis in cat: a case report

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    A case of dermatitis caused by atypical mycobateria of Mycobacterium fortuitum peregrinum complex was observed for the first time in Brazil. A five-year-old female mixed breed cat had a dermatitis process which had started eight months before. Lesions were characterized by macules, nodules, erosions, ulcers and exsudative fistulas, with intensive pruritus and pain. It had failed to respond to clinical treatment and surgical excision. The diagnosis was based on history, physical and dermatologic examination and complementary tests (cytologic, bacterioscopic, bacterial culture, histopathological, hemathological, ultrasonographic, radiographic and electrocardiographic). The presence of mycobacteria of Mycobacterium fortuitum-peregrinum complex (group IV of Runyon) was observed and identified after histopathological evidence, bacterial culture and biochemical tests. After two months of systemic therapy with enrofloxacin (5mg/kg, orally/twice a day) and topic treatment with triclosan and rifamicin, rapid improvement of the clinical appearance of the lesions were observed with low incidence of side-effects.Relata-se, pela primeira vez no Brasil, um caso de dermatite decorrente de infecção por micobactéria atípica do complexo Mycobacterium fortuitum-peregrinum, em espécie felina, sem raça definida, fêmea, com cinco anos de idade. Há oito meses, evoluía com lesões maculares equimóticas, nodulares, erosadas, ulceradas, acompanhadas de fístulas exsudativas, com intenso prurido e algia. Evidenciou-se a presença de micobactéria do complexo Mycobacterium fortuitum-peregrinum (grupo IV de Runyon ) identificada após evidenciação histopatológica, cultivo bacteriano e por testes bioquímicos. Após dois meses de terapia sistêmica com enrofloxacina (5mg/kg/Bid/VO) e tópica (triclosan e rifamicina) houve involução das lesões, com efeitos colaterais discretos.USP Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e ZootecniaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM)Instituto BiológicoUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Natural establishment of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. in burnt stands in Portugal

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    Exotic tree species are increasingly common in many regions of the world and at least some species are becoming naturalized in the regions where they were introduced. Disturbances like fire may be at the origin or accelerate the naturalization of these species. Portugal holds one of the largest areas of exotic Eucalyptus globulus plantations in the world and is one of the countries most affected by forest fires. These two facts have triggered the present research. This study aimed at characterising medium-term natural establishment of E. globulus plants originated from seeds under natural conditions in burnt planted forests (pure E. globulus stands, pure Pinus pinaster stands, and mixed stands of both species), and at analysing factors associated with this establishment. Occurrence, abundance and height of naturally established E. globulus plants were characterized in 284 sites distributed in burnt areas, across Central and Northern Portugal, 5– 7 years after wildfire. Generalized linear models were used to assess the influence of stand type, regional productivity potential, and post-fire management practices on occurrence probability, density, and median height of sampled E. globulus individuals. The influence of these explanatory variables on the structure (in terms of size class distribution) of naturally established E. globulus cohort was examined using analysis of similarity and non-metric multidimensional scaling. Naturally established E. globulus plants were present in 93.1%, 19.0% and 98.6% of samples in pure E. globulus, pure P. pinaster and mixed stands, respectively. Cohort median density was 0.20 plants m 2 and maximum density was 4.55 plants m 2. Median height of plantswas 2.0 mand 95.3% of them had h >1.30 mand DBH 65 cm. Establishment probability, density and median height were highest in the most productive regions. Three post-fire management operations had a significant influence on the response variables: (i) salvage logging was associated with a higher density; (ii) tillage was associated with a lower density and a smaller median height; (iii) understorey removal was associated with a lower occurrence probability. Tillage was the only studied factor influencing the size structure of spontaneously established cohort, eliminating larger plants. This study showed that stand type, productivity region and post-fire management operations might have significantly influenced the natural establishment of E. globulus in burnt areas, and consequently the species naturalization process in Portugal. The implications of these findings for management are discussedinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio