267 research outputs found

    Metastatic breast carcinoma of the coracoid process: two case reports

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The coracoid process of the scapula is a rare site of involvement for metastatic disease or for primary tumors. We are unaware of any reports in the literature of pathologic coracoid process fractures and only one report of metastatic disease to the coracoid.</p> <p>Methods and Results</p> <p>In this case report, we present two cases with metastatic breast carcinoma of the coracoid process, one of which presented with a pathologic fracture of the coracoid.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>An orthopaedic surgeon must be aware of the potential for metastatic disease to the coracoid as they may be the first medical provider to encounter evidence of malignant disease.</p

    Recruiting men from across the socioeconomic spectrum via GP registers and community outreach to a weight management feasibility randomised controlled trial

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    Background Men, particularly those living in disadvantaged areas, are less likely to participate in weight management programmes than women despite similar levels of excess weight. Little is known about how best to recruit men to weight management interventions. This paper describes patient and public involvement in pre-trial decisions relevant to recruitment and aims to report on recruitment to the subsequent men-only weight management feasibility trial, including the: i) acceptability and feasibility of recruitment; and ii) baseline sample characteristics by recruitment strategy. Methods Men with BMI ≥30 kg/m2 and/or waist circumference ≥ 40 in. were recruited to the feasibility trial via two strategies; community outreach (venue information stands and word of mouth) and GP letters, targeting disadvantaged areas. Recruitment activities (e.g. letters sent, researcher venue hours) were recorded systematically, and baseline characteristics questionnaire data collated. Qualitative interviews (n = 50) were conducted three months post-recruitment. Analyses and reporting followed a complementary mixed methods approach. Results 105 men were recruited within four months (community n = 60, GP letter n = 45). Community outreach took 2.3 recruiter hours per participant and GP letters had an opt-in rate of 10.2% (n = 90/879). More men were interested than could be accommodated. Most participants (60%) lived in more disadvantaged areas. Compared to community outreach, men recruited via GP letters were older (mean = 57 vs 48 years); more likely to report an obesity-related co-morbidity (87% vs 44%); and less educated (no formal qualifications, 32% vs 10%, degree educated 11% vs 41%). Recruitment strategies were acceptable, a sensitive approach and trusting relationships with recruiters valued, and the ‘catchy’ study name drew attention. Conclusions Targeted community outreach and GP letters were acceptable strategies that successfully recruited participants to a men-only weight management feasibility trial. Both strategies engaged men from disadvantaged areas, a typically underserved population. Using two recruitment strategies produced samples with different health risk profiles, which could add value to research where either primary or secondary prevention is of interest. Further work is required to examine how these strategies could be implemented and sustained in practice

    Surgery for scapula process fractures: Good outcome in 26 patients

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    Background Generally, scapula process fractures (coracoid and acromion) have been treated nonoperatively with favorable outcome, with the exception of widely displaced fractures. Very little has been published, however, regarding the operative management of such fractures and the literature that is available involves very few patients. Our hypothesis was that operative treatment of displaced acromion and coracoid fractures is a safe and effective treatment that yields favorable surgical results

    The production of nominal and verbal inflection in an agglutinative language: evidence from Hungarian

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    The contrast between regular and irregular inflectional morphology has been useful in investigating the functional and neural architecture of language. However, most studies have examined the regular/irregular distinction in non-agglutinative Indo-European languages (primarily English) with relatively simple morphology. Additionally, the majority of research has focused on verbal rather than nominal inflectional morphology. The present study attempts to address these gaps by introducing both plural and past tense production tasks in Hungarian, an agglutinative non-Indo-European language with complex morphology. Here we report results on these tasks from healthy Hungarian native-speaking adults, in whom we examine regular and irregular nominal and verbal inflection in a within-subjects design. Regular and irregular nouns and verbs were stem on frequency, word length and phonological structure, and both accuracy and response times were acquired. The results revealed that the regular/irregular contrast yields similar patterns in Hungarian, for both nominal and verbal inflection, as in previous studies of non-agglutinative Indo-European languages: the production of irregular inflected forms was both less accurate and slower than of regular forms, both for plural and past-tense inflection. The results replicate and extend previous findings to an agglutinative language with complex morphology. Together with previous studies, the evidence suggests that the regular/irregular distinction yields a basic behavioral pattern that holds across language families and linguistic typologies. Finally, the study sets the stage for further research examining the neurocognitive substrates of regular and irregular morphology in an agglutinative non-Indo-European language

    Effect of a Fatty Acid Additive on the Kinetic Friction and Stiction of Confined Liquid Lubricants

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    Apresentamos neste texto parte das produções de pesquisa que acompanhou a construção de corpos inseridos num Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para Álcool e outras Drogas, em cidade do nordeste brasileiro, focando de modo mais acentuado em arranjos de masculinidades. Especial atenção é dada à tensão entre normalização de corpos e tentativas de (re)existências. A argumentação se desenvolve no campo da saúde pública, em particular o da saúde mental, e alicerçada nos estudos de gênero e sexualidade. A produção de dados se valeu de observações registradas em diário de campo, acompanhamento itinerante, composição de um coletivo de pesquisa, entrevistas, grupos focais em que, dentre outras coisas, se discutia trechos de diários de campo, rodas de conversa e oficinas com profissionais e usuári*s. A aposta metodológica foi a de forjar um modo de narrar coletivo que agenciasse experimentação e desaprendizagens corporais, junto a modos de produzir cuidado em saúde e de fazer pesquisa.Apresentamos neste texto parte das produções de pesquisa que acompanhou a construção de corpos inseridos num Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para Álcool e outras Drogas, em cidade do nordeste brasileiro, focando de modo mais acentuado em arranjos de masculinidades. Especial atenção é dada à tensão entre normalização de corpos e tentativas de (re)existências. A argumentação se desenvolve no campo da saúde pública, em particular o da saúde mental, e alicerçada nos estudos de gênero e sexualidade. A produção de dados se valeu de observações registradas em diário de campo, acompanhamento itinerante, composição de um coletivo de pesquisa, entrevistas, grupos focais em que, dentre outras coisas, se discutia trechos de diários de campo, rodas de conversa e oficinas com profissionais e usuári*s. A aposta metodológica foi a de forjar um modo de narrar coletivo que agenciasse experimentação e desaprendizagens corporais, junto a modos de produzir cuidado em saúde e de fazer pesquisa.Apresentamos neste texto parte das produções de pesquisa que acompanhou a construção de corpos inseridos num Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para Álcool e outras Drogas, em cidade do nordeste brasileiro, focando de modo mais acentuado em arranjos de masculinidades. Especial atenção é dada à tensão entre normalização de corpos e tentativas de (re)existências. A argumentação se desenvolve no campo da saúde pública, em particular o da saúde mental, e alicerçada nos estudos de gênero e sexualidade. A produção de dados se valeu de observações registradas em diário de campo, acompanhamento itinerante, composição de um coletivo de pesquisa, entrevistas, grupos focais em que, dentre outras coisas, se discutia trechos de diários de campo, rodas de conversa e oficinas com profissionais e usuári*s. A aposta metodológica foi a de forjar um modo de narrar coletivo que agenciasse experimentação e desaprendizagens corporais, junto a modos de produzir cuidado em saúde e de fazer pesquisa.Apresentamos neste texto parte das produções de pesquisa que acompanhou a construção de corpos inseridos num Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para Álcool e outras Drogas, em cidade do nordeste brasileiro, focando de modo mais acentuado em arranjos de masculinidades. Especial atenção é dada à tensão entre normalização de corpos e tentativas de (re)existências. A argumentação se desenvolve no campo da saúde pública, em particular o da saúde mental, e alicerçada nos estudos de gênero e sexualidade. A produção de dados se valeu de observações registradas em diário de campo, acompanhamento itinerante, composição de um coletivo de pesquisa, entrevistas, grupos focais em que, dentre outras coisas, se discutia trechos de diários de campo, rodas de conversa e oficinas com profissionais e usuári*s. A aposta metodológica foi a de forjar um modo de narrar coletivo que agenciasse experimentação e desaprendizagens corporais, junto a modos de produzir cuidado em saúde e de fazer pesquisa.Apresentamos neste texto parte das produções de pesquisa que acompanhou a construção de corpos inseridos num Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para Álcool e outras Drogas, em cidade do nordeste brasileiro, focando de modo mais acentuado em arranjos de masculinidades. Especial atenção é dada à tensão entre normalização de corpos e tentativas de (re)existências. A argumentação se desenvolve no campo da saúde pública, em particular o da saúde mental, e alicerçada nos estudos de gênero e sexualidade. A produção de dados se valeu de observações registradas em diário de campo, acompanhamento itinerante, composição de um coletivo de pesquisa, entrevistas, grupos focais em que, dentre outras coisas, se discutia trechos de diários de campo, rodas de conversa e oficinas com profissionais e usuári*s. A aposta metodológica foi a de forjar um modo de narrar coletivo que agenciasse experimentação e desaprendizagens corporais, junto a modos de produzir cuidado em saúde e de fazer pesquisa.Apresentamos neste texto parte das produções de pesquisa que acompanhou a construção de corpos inseridos num Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para Álcool e outras Drogas, em cidade do nordeste brasileiro, focando de modo mais acentuado em arranjos de masculinidades. Especial atenção é dada à tensão entre normalização de corpos e tentativas de (re)existências. A argumentação se desenvolve no campo da saúde pública, em particular o da saúde mental, e alicerçada nos estudos de gênero e sexualidade. A produção de dados se valeu de observações registradas em diário de campo, acompanhamento itinerante, composição de um coletivo de pesquisa, entrevistas, grupos focais em que, dentre outras coisas, se discutia trechos de diários de campo, rodas de conversa e oficinas com profissionais e usuári*s. A aposta metodológica foi a de forjar um modo de narrar coletivo que agenciasse experimentação e desaprendizagens corporais, junto a modos de produzir cuidado em saúde e de fazer pesquisa.The paper presents part of the research productions that accompanied the construction of bodies inserted in a Psychosocial Care Center for Alcohol and Other Drugs (CAPS-AD) of a city in the northern region of Brasil, focusing more sharply on masculinities arrangements. Special attention is given to the tension between normalized bodies and attempts at resistance and (re) exist. The argument is in the field of public health, particularly mental health, and rooted in gender and sexuality studies. The data production methodology made use of observations recorded in a diary, itinerant follow-up of a collective of research, interviews, focus groups where, among other things, was discussed diary topics, conversation circles and workshops. The attempt was to produce a way of collective narrating strategy, combining up experience and body (un)learn well as ways of producing health care and doing research

    African tropical rainforest net carbon dioxide fluxes in the twentieth century

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    The African humid tropical biome constitutes the second largest rainforest region, significantly impacts global carbon cycling and climate, and has undergone major changes in functioning owing to climate and land-use change over the past century. We assess changes and trends in CO2 fluxes from 1901 to 2010 using nine land surface models forced with common driving data, and depict the inter-model variability as the uncertainty in fluxes. The biome is estimated to be a natural (no disturbance) net carbon sink (−0.02 kg C m−2 yr−1 or −0.04 Pg C yr−1, p < 0.05) with increasing strength fourfold in the second half of the century. The models were in close agreement on net CO2 flux at the beginning of the century (σ1901 = 0.02 kg C m−2 yr−1), but diverged exponentially throughout the century (σ2010 = 0.03 kg C m−2 yr−1). The increasing uncertainty is due to differences in sensitivity to increasing atmospheric CO2, but not increasing water stress, despite a decrease in precipitation and increase in air temperature. However, the largest uncertainties were associated with the most extreme drought events of the century. These results highlight the need to constrain modelled CO2 fluxes with increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations and extreme climatic events, as the uncertainties will only amplify in the next century

    Identifying susceptibility genes for primary ovarian insufficiency on the high-risk genetic background of a fragile X premutation

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordObjective: To identify modifying genes that explains the risk of fragile X-associated primary ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI). Design: Gene-based, case/control association study, followed by a functional screen of highly ranked genes using a Drosophila model. Setting: Participants were recruited from academic and clinical settings. Patient(s): Women with a premutation (PM) who experienced FXPOI at the age of 35 years or younger (n = 63) and women with a PM who experienced menopause at the age of 50 years or older (n = 51) provided clinical information and a deoxyribonucleic acid sample for whole genome sequencing. The functional screen was on the basis of Drosophila TRiP lines. Intervention(s): Clinical information and a DNA sample were collected for whole genome sequencing. Main Outcome Measures: A polygenic risk score derived from common variants associated with natural age at menopause was calculated and associated with the risk of FXPOI. Genes associated with the risk of FXPOI were identified on the basis of the P-value from gene-based association test and an altered level of fecundity when knocked down in the Drosophila PM model. Results: The polygenic risk score on the basis of common variants associated with natural age at menopause explained approximately 8% of the variance in the risk of FXPOI. Further, SUMO1 and KRR1 were identified as possible modifying genes associated with the risk of FXPOI on the basis of an untargeted gene analysis of rare variants. Conclusions: In addition to the large genetic effect of a PM on ovarian function, the additive effects of common variants associated with natural age at menopause and the effect of rare modifying variants appear to play a role in FXPOI risk.Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)Fundacion Merck Salu

    A case of serendipity*

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    An account is given of how a sensitive bioassay system for measurement of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine serendipitously led to the identification of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) released in vitro from active skeletal muscle. Subsequent application of the identification procedures to exercising human muscle in vivo, cardiac muscle cells in vitro, and human erythrocytes exposed to hypoxia gave rise to the general concept of ATP as a molecule that could influence cell function from the extracellular direction. Mechanisms of ATP release from cells in terms of “trigger” events such as mechanical distortion of the membrane, depolarization of the membrane, and exposure to hypoxia are discussed. Potential therapeutic uses of extracellular ATP in cancer therapy, radiation therapy, and a possible influence upon aging are discussed. Possible roles (distant and local) of extracellular ATP released from muscle during whole body exercise are discussed