212 research outputs found

    Unusual magneto-transport of YBa2Cu3O7-d films due to the interplay of anisotropy, random disorder and nanoscale periodic pinning

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    We study the general problem of a manifold of interacting elastic lines whose spatial correlations are strongly affected by the competition between random and ordered pinning. This is done through magneto-transport experiments with YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films that contain a periodic vortex pinning array created via masked ion irradiation, in addition to the native random pinning. The strong field-matching effects we observe suggest the prevalence of periodic pinning, and indicate that at the matching field each vortex line is bound to an artificial pinning site. However, the vortex-glass transition dimensionality, quasi-2D instead of the usual 3D, evidences reduced vortex-glass correlations along the vortex line. This is also supported by an unusual angular dependence of the magneto-resistance, which greatly differs from that of Bose-glass systems. A quantitative analysis of the angular magnetoresistance allows us to link this behaviour to the enhancement of the system anisotropy, a collateral effect of the ion irradiation

    Pyhtään kunnan kuljetusten optimointi ja tarkistustyökalu

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    Pyhtään kunta on yli 5 000 asukkaan maalaiskunta Kymenlaaksossa Kaakkois-Suomessa. Kunnan toimeksiantona selvitettiin kuljetusten parantamismahdollisuudet. Pyhtään kunnan kuljetusselvitys koostui neljästä eri kuljetusosa-alueesta: koulukuljetuksesta, vammaispalvelusta, ruokakuljetuksesta ja Pyhtään palvelulinjasta. Selvityksen pääpaino oli koulukuljetuksissa. Tavoitteina oli löytää kuljetuksista kustannussäästöjä, selvittää vuoroliikenteen pysyvyys ja rakentaa tarkistustyökalu. Selvitystyö koostui myös Suomen lainsäädännön tarkastelusta, kuljetusten nykytilan selvittämisestä ja niiden mahdollisesta yhdistämisestä sekä koulukuljetuskustannusten laskemisesta. Työmenetelmät olivat tiedon keruu ja analysointi, yhteydenotot ja haastattelut sekä tarkistustyökalun luominen MS Excel -taulukkolaskentaohjelmalla. Työn tuloksena syntyivät koulukuljetuskartat ja ehdotus koulukuljetusportfolion laatimisesta sekä kaksi tarkistustyökalua. Lisäksi selvitystyössä päädyttiin siihen, että koulukuljetuskustannusten nousu on johtunut epäonnistuneesta kilpailutuksesta.The municipality of Pyhtää has over 5000 inhabitants and is located in Southern Finland. The aim of this thesis was to make a report to the municipality of Pyhtää, Finland. The report consisted of four different fields of transportation: school transport, services for the disabled, transport of perishable foodstuff and service line of Pyhtää. The main subject was the school transportation. The aims of the thesis were to find cost savings, clarify the permanence of bus lines and create a control tool to the municipality’s personnel. The report also consisted of Finnish legislation, monitoring the present state of transport, drawing the route maps from the school transportation and counting the transportation costs. The methods were finding and analyzing the available information, contacting and interviewing involved parties. The control tool was built with MS Office Excel –program. The results of the thesis were the school transport’s route maps, suggestion to create a portfolio from the school transportation and two different versions of the control tool. In addition the thesis concluded that the cost of the school transportation has increased from the unsuccessful tendering

    Influence of radiative forcing factors on ground–air temperature coupling during the last millennium: implications for borehole climatology

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    Past climate variations may be uncovered via reconstruction methods that use proxy data as predictors. Among them, borehole reconstruction is a well-established technique to recover the long-term past surface air temperature (SAT) evolution. It is based on the assumption that SAT changes are strongly coupled to ground surface temperature (GST) changes and transferred to the subsurface by thermal conduction. We evaluate the SAT–GST coupling during the last millennium (LM) using simulations from the Community Earth System Model LM Ensemble (CESM-LME). The validity of such a premise is explored by analyzing the structure of the SAT–GST covariance during the LM and also by investigating the evolution of the long-term SAT–GST relationship. The multiple and single-forcing simulations in the CESM-LME are used to analyze the SAT–GST relationship within different regions and spatial scales and to derive the influence of the different forcing factors on producing feedback mechanisms that alter the energy balance at the surface. The results indicate that SAT–GST coupling is strong at global and above multi-decadal timescales in CESM-LME, although a relatively small variation in the long-term SAT–GST relationship is also represented. However, at a global scale such variation does not significantly impact the SAT–GST coupling, at local to regional scales this relationship experiences considerable long-term changes mostly after the end of the 19th century. Land use land cover changes are the main driver for locally and regionally decoupling SAT and GST, as they modify the land surface properties such as albedo, surface roughness and hydrology, which in turn modifies the energy fluxes at the surface. Snow cover feedbacks due to the influence of other external forcing are also important for corrupting the long-term SAT–GST coupling. Our findings suggest that such local and regional SAT–GST decoupling processes may represent a source of bias for SAT reconstructions from borehole measurement, since the thermal signature imprinted in the subsurface over the affected regions is not fully representative of the long-term SAT variations.Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Competitividad (FPI grant no. BES-2015-075019)Versión del editor3,50

    Recurrent climate winter regimes in reconstructed and modelled 500hPa geopotential height fields over the North Atlantic/European sector 1659-1990

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    Recurrent climate winter regimes are examined from statistically reconstructed and modelled 500hPa geopotential height fields over the North Atlantic/European sector for the period 1659-1990. We investigate the probability density function of the state space spanned by the first two empirical orthogonal functions of combined winter data. Regimes are detected as patterns that correspond to areas of the state space with an unexpected high recurrence probability using a Monte Carlo approach. The reconstruction and the model reveal four recurrent climate regimes. They correspond to the two phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation and two opposite blocking patterns. Complemented by the investigation of the temporal evolution of the climate regimes this leads to the conclusion that the reconstructed and the modelled data for this geographic sector reproduce low-frequency atmospheric variability in the form of regime-like behaviour. The overall evidence for recurrent climate regimes is higher for the model than for the reconstruction. However, comparisons with independent data sources for the period 1659-1990 revealed a more realistic temporal evolution of the regimes for the reconstructed dat

    Consistent accretion-induced heating of the neutron-star crust in MXB 1659-29 during two different outbursts

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    Monitoring the cooling of neutron-star crusts heated during accretion outbursts allows us to infer the physics of the dense matter present in the crust. We examine the crust cooling evolution of the low-mass X-ray binary MXB 1659-29 up to ~505 days after the end of its 2015 outburst (hereafter outburst II) and compare it with what we observed after its previous 1999 outburst (hereafter outburst I) using data obtained from the Swift, XMM-Newton, and Chandra observatories. The observed effective surface temperature of the neutron star in MXB 1659-29 dropped from ~92 eV to ~56 eV from ~12 days to ~505 days after the end of outburst II. The most recently performed observation after outburst II suggests that the crust is close to returning to thermal equilibrium with the core. We model the crust heating and cooling for both its outbursts collectively to understand the effect of parameters that may change for every outburst (e.g., the average accretion rate, the length of outburst, the envelope composition of the neutron star at the end of the outburst) and those which can be assumed to remain the same during these two outbursts (e.g., the neutron star mass, its radius). Our modelling indicates that all parameters were consistent between the two outbursts with no need for any significant changes. In particular, the strength and the depth of the shallow heating mechanism at work (in the crust) were inferred to be the same during both outbursts, contrary to what has been found when modelling the cooling curves after multiple outburst of another source, MAXI J0556-332. This difference in source behaviour is not understood. We discuss our results in the context of our current understanding of cooling of accretion-heated neutron-star crusts, and in particular with respect to the unexplained shallow heating mechanism.Comment: Submitted to A&A. The supplementary video can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpJ053zq9-

    Large-scale temperature response to external forcing in simulations and reconstructions of the last millennium

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    Understanding natural climate variability and its driving factors is crucial to assessing future climate change. Therefore, comparing proxy-based climate reconstructions with forcing factors as well as comparing these with paleo-climate model simulations is key to gaining insights into the relative roles of internal versus forced variability. A review of the state of modelling of the climate of the last millennium prior to the CMIP5-PMIP3 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5-Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project Phase 3) coordinated effort is presented and compared to the available temperature reconstructions. Simulations and reconstructions broadly agree on reproducing the major temperature changes and suggest an overall linear response to external forcing on multidecadal or longer timescales. Internal variability is found to have an important influence at hemispheric and global scales. The spatial distribution of simulated temperature changes during the transition from the Medieval Climate Anomaly to the Little Ice Age disagrees with that found in the reconstructions. Thus, either internal variability is a possible major player in shaping temperature changes through the millennium or the model simulations have problems realistically representing the response pattern to external forcing. A last millennium transient climate response (LMTCR) is defined to provide a quantitative framework for analysing the consistency between simulated and reconstructed climate. Beyond an overall agreement between simulated and reconstructed LMTCR ranges, this analysis is able to single out specific discrepancies between some reconstructions and the ensemble of simulations. The disagreement is found in the cases where the reconstructions show reduced covariability with external forcings or when they present high rates of temperature change

    Biodiversity and ecosystem services in quarries

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    Although covering less than 1% of the land surface, extraction activities have long‐lasting impacts on local ecosystems, inevitably damaging biological diversity and depleting ecosystem services. Many extractive companies are now aware of their impacts and, while pressured by society, demand concrete solutions from researchers to reverse the effects of exploitation and restore biodiversity and ecosystems services. In this article, we compile and synthesize the contributions of the latest available research on quarry restoration. We depict and discuss some of the most pressing issues regarding (1) the challenges of restoring quarries; (2) the opportunities for biodiversity and ecosystem services delivery; and (3) outline further research addressing current gaps. We conclude that quarries pose different abiotic and biotic constraints that act interdependently, hampering the attainment of effective restoration if considered solely. Such constraints need to be addressed holistically to lastly encourage the self‐sustainability of the system by reinstating ecological processes. However, a restored site does not have to specifically mimic the pristine situation, as under certain conditions alternative approaches may uphold valuable natural assets contributing to the conservation of rare, restricted, or protected species and habitats.Czech Grant Agency by the project no. 20-06065Sinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    VLA monitoring of LS V +44 17 reveals scatter in the X-ray – radio correlation of Be/X-ray binaries

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    Funding: JvdE acknowledges a Warwick Astrophysics prize post-doctoral fellowship made possible thanks to a generous philanthropic donation, and was supported by a Lee Hysan Junior Research Fellowship awarded by St. Hilda’s College, Oxford, during part of this work. ARE is supported by the European Space Agency (ESA) Research Fellowship. TDR acknowledges support as an INAF IAF fellow. GRS is supported by NSERC Discovery Grant RGPIN-2021-0400.LS V +44 17 is a persistent Be/X-ray binary (BeXRB) that displayed a bright, double-peaked period of X-ray activity in late 2022/early 2023. We present a radio monitoring campaign of this outburst using the Very Large Array. Radio emission was detected, but only during the second, X-ray brightest, peak, where the radio emission followed the rise and decay of the X-ray outburst. LS V +44 17 is therefore the third neutron star BeXRB with a radio counterpart. Similar to the other two systems (Swift J0243.6+6124 and 1A 0535+262), its X-ray and radio luminosity are correlated: we measure a power law slope β = 1.25+0.64-0.30 and a radio luminosity of LR = (1.6 ± 0.2) × 1026 erg s-1 at a 0.5 − 10 keV X-ray luminosity of 2 × 1036 erg s-1 (i.e. ∼ 1 per cent LEdd). This correlation index is slightly steeper than measured for the other two sources, while its radio luminosity is higher. We discuss the origin of the radio emission, specifically in the context of jet launching. The enhanced radio brightness compared to the other two BeXRBs is the first evidence of scatter in the giant BeXRB outburst X-ray – radio correlation, similar to the scatter observed in sub-classes of low-mass X-ray binaries. While a universal explanation for such scatter is not known, we explore several options: we conclude that the three sources do not follow proposed scalings between jet power and neutron star spin or magnetic field, and instead briefly explore the effects that ambient stellar wind density may have on BeXRB jet luminosity.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe