129 research outputs found

    Homogenising and segmenting hyperspectral images of plants and testing chemicals in a high-throughput plant phenotyping setup

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    Use of hyperspectral imaging (HSI) for automated characterisation of plants in a high-throughput plant phenotyping setup (HTPPS) is a challenging task. A challenge arises when the same plant is being monitored automatically during the experiment as it might not be in the same orientation as it was imaged last time. Such changes in orientation result in variations in illumination, which affects the signals recorded by the HSI setup. In addition, there are challenges with the use of threshold-based segmentation approaches such as normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) for distinguishing between old and dead leaves, which might be observed in the later stages of experiments, from the soil background. Therefore, the potential of spectral normalisation for homogenising HS images and the use of supervised spectral set for plant segmentation is presented. Further, the effects of testing chemicals on plants were visualised using PCA of the HS images

    Permafrost - physical aspects and carbon cycling, databases and uncertainties

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    Permafrost is defined as ground that remains below 0°C for at least 2 consecutive years. About 24% of the northern hemisphere land area is underlain by permafrost. The thawing of permafrost has the potential to influence the climate system through the release of carbon (C) from northern high latitude terrestrial ecosystems, but there is substantial uncertainty about the sensitivity of the C cycle to thawing permafrost. Soil C can be mobilized from permafrost in response to changes in air temperature, directional changes in water balance, fire, thermokarst, and flooding. Observation networks need to be implemented to understand responses of permafrost and C at a range of temporal and spatial scales. The understanding gained from these observation networks needs to be integrated into modeling frameworks capable of representing how the responses of permafrost C will influence the trajectory of climate in the future

    The Role of Physical Activity in Nonalcoholic and Metabolic Dysfunction Associated Fatty Liver Disease

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    Sedentary behavior constitutes a pandemic health threat contributing to the pathophysiology of obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Sedentarism is further associated with liver disease and particularly with nonalcoholic/metabolic dysfunction associated fatty liver disease (NAFLD/MAFLD). Insulin resistance (IR) represents an early pathophysiologic key element of NAFLD/MAFLD, prediabetes and T2D. Current treatment guidelines recommend regular physical activity. There is evidence, that physical exercise has impact on a variety of molecular pathways, such as AMP-activated protein kinase and insulin signaling as well as glucose transporter 4 translocation, modulating insulin action, cellular substrate flow and in particular ectopic lipid and glycogen storage in a positive manner. Therefore, physical exercise can lead to substantial clinical benefit in persons with diabetes and/or NAFLD/MAFLD. However, experience from long term observational studies shows that the patients’ motivation to exercise regularly appears to be a major limitation. Strategies to integrate everyday physical activity (i.e., nonexercise activity thermogenesis) in lifestyle treatment schedules might be a promising approach. This review aggregates evidence on the impact of regular physical activity on selected molecular mechanisms as well as clinical outcomes of patients suffering from IR and NAFLD/MAFLD

    Development of Physical Fitness among the Top 10 Boys and Girls in Sport Schools: A 10-Year Cohort Analysis

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    In this study, we aimed to measure the development of physical fitness (PF) of 10 different cohorts in grade 4 and 8 different cohorts in grade 7 at 18 sport schools of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. A total of 11,451 subjects (3979 female, 7472 male) aged 8–12 from the past 10 years were assessed using the German Motor Test (DMT) in grade 4. We tested 2614 subjects (1032 girls, 1582 boys) aged 11–15 from the past eight years using the DMT in grade 7. PF talents were defined as the top 10 boys and top 10 girls of each cohort. Linear regression was calculated to assess the development of PF. The PF of all subjects remained stable in grade 4 and declined in grade 7. The PF of the top 10 boys and top 10 girls increased in both grades. The improvements were stronger in grade 7 (female: rates of change () = 0.80; male: = 0.76) than in grade 4 (female: = 0.36; male: = 0.32). Sit-ups and push-ups showed the highest change rates. The increase in PF of the top 10 boys and girls can be interpreted as a success for sport schools. Due to the increasing number of test participants, the likelihood of finding top talent increased. However, the increase in PF in the top talents was only partly explained by an increase in the number of tested individuals

    MemeGraphs: Linking Memes to Knowledge Graphs

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    Memes are a popular form of communicating trends and ideas in social media and on the internet in general, combining the modalities of images and text. They can express humor and sarcasm but can also have offensive content. Analyzing and classifying memes automatically is challenging since their interpretation relies on the understanding of visual elements, language, and background knowledge. Thus, it is important to meaningfully represent these sources and the interaction between them in order to classify a meme as a whole. In this work, we propose to use scene graphs, that express images in terms of objects and their visual relations, and knowledge graphs as structured representations for meme classification with a Transformer-based architecture. We compare our approach with ImgBERT, a multimodal model that uses only learned (instead of structured) representations of the meme, and observe consistent improvements. We further provide a dataset with human graph annotations that we compare to automatically generated graphs and entity linking. Analysis shows that automatic methods link more entities than human annotators and that automatically generated graphs are better suited for hatefulness classification in memes

    Automated freeze-thaw cycles for decellularization of tendon tissue: a pilot study

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    Background: Decellularization of tendon tissue plays a pivotal role in current tissue engineering approaches for in vitro research as well as for translation of graft-based tendon restoration into clinics. Automation of essential decellularization steps like freeze-thawing is crucial for the development of more standardized decellularization protocols and commercial graft production under good manufacturing practice (GMP) conditions in the future. Methods: In this study, a liquid nitrogen-based controlled rate freezer was utilized for automation of repeated freeze-thawing for decellularization of equine superficial digital flexor tendons. Additional tendon specimens underwent manually performed freeze-thaw cycles based on an established procedure. Tendon decellularization was completed by using non-ionic detergent treatment (Triton X-100). Effectiveness of decellularization was assessed by residual nuclei count and calculation of DNA content. Cytocompatibility was evaluated by culturing allogeneic adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells on the tendon scaffolds. Results: There were no significant differences in decellularization effectiveness between samples decellularized by the automated freeze-thaw procedure and samples that underwent manual freeze-thaw cycles. Further, we inferred no significant differences in the effectiveness of decellularization between two different cooling and heating rates applied in the automated freeze-thaw process. Both the automated protocols and the manually performed protocol resulted in roughly 2% residual nuclei and 13% residual DNA content. Successful cell culture was achieved with samples decellularized by automated freeze-thawing as well as with tendon samples decellularized by manually performed freeze-thaw cycles. Conclusions: Automated freeze-thaw cycles performed by using a liquid nitrogen-based controlled rate freezer were as effective as previously described manual freeze-thaw procedures for decellularization of equine superficial digital flexor tendons. The automation of this key procedure in decellularization of large tendon samples is an important step towards the processing of large sample quantities under standardized conditions. Furthermore, with a view to the production of commercially available tendon graft-based materials for application in human and veterinary medicine, the automation of key procedural steps is highly required to develop manufacturing processes under GMP conditions

    Relationship between Borderline Personality Disorder, Emotional Availability, and Cortisol Output in Mother-Child Dyads

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    Background: Mothers with borderline personality disorder (BPD) often show altered emotional availability toward their own child and heightened stress vulnerability. The aims of the present study were (1) to examine total cortisol output in saliva during mother-child interaction in mothers with BPD and their children and (2) to test whether maternal nonhostility as a subscale of emotional availability mediates the relationship between maternal BPD and child total cortisol output. Methods: We investigated 16 mothers with BPD and 30 healthy control mothers (HC) and 29 children of mothers with BPD and 33 children of HC mothers. Children were between 5 and 12 years old. Salivary cortisol was collected prior to and twice after an episode of a 21-min standardized play situation between mother and child. Nonhostility was rated using the emotional availability scales. Analyses of covariance were computed to test for group differences in total cortisol output (measured with area under the curve with respect to ground). Pearson's correlation was calculated to test the association between maternal and child total cortisol output. To test the second question, a mediation analysis according to Preacher and Hayes was conducted. Results: Mothers with BPD and their children had lower total cortisol output. Maternal and child total cortisol output was significantly correlated. Contrary to our hypothesis, maternal nonhostility did not mediate the relationship between BPD and child total cortisol output. Conclusion: Results imply that the hormonal stress activity of mothers with BPD and their children is altered, which may reflect modified stress regulation and stress vulnerability in mother and child and may impact on mother-child interaction. The finding of a positive association between mother's and child total cortisol output could indicate an intergenerational transmission of these alterations

    Development of physical fitness under consideration of talent-specific aspects

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    Purpose: To measure the initial level and development of physical fitness (PF) in pupils from grade 4 to grade 7 in sport schools with respect to the discipline, training volume and training years. Methods: A total of 1590 (1074 female, 516 male) pupils from sport schools in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) were tested in grade 4 and re-tested in grade 7 using the German Motor Test. Additionally, the discipline, training volume and training years were captured in grade 7 via questionnaire. Results: The initial level of PF of boys and girls lies above the German average and was influenced by discipline and training volume. The track and field athletes showed the best results compared to other sport disciplines. In relation to the normal population, boys showed a slight decrease in PF from grade 4 to 7 (F = 8.3; p = 0.004; η2 = 0.009) whereas the PF of girls remained stable (F = 1.1; p = 0.290; η2 = 0.003). The development of PF is influenced by sport discipline, training volume and the interaction between training volume and time. In total, the effect sizes were low. Conclusions: There is still potential to improve training and physical education at sport schools to raise the level of PF. Training years did not influence the initial level of PF or the development of PF. In further studies, more information on the type of training would be useful

    From gradual spreading to catastrophic collapse - Reconstruction of the 1888 Ritter Island volcanic sector collapse from high-resolution 3D seismic data

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    Volcanic island flank collapses have the potential to trigger devastating tsunamis threatening coastal communities and infrastructure. The 1888 sector collapse of Ritter Island, Papua New Guinea (in the following called Ritter) is the most voluminous volcanic island flank collapse in historic times. The associated tsunami had run-up heights of more than 20 m on the neighboring islands and reached settlements 600 km away from its source. This event provides an opportunity to advance our understanding of volcanic landslide-tsunami hazards. Here, we present a detailed reconstruction of the 1888 Ritter sector collapse based on high-resolution 2D and 3D seismic and bathymetric data covering the failed volcanic edifice and the associated mass-movement deposits. The 3D seismic data reveal that the catastrophic collapse of Ritter occurred in two phases: (1) Ritter was first affected by deep-seated, gradual spreading over a long time period, which is manifest in pronounced compressional deformation within the volcanic edifice and the adjacent seafloor sediments. A scoria cone at the foot of Ritter acted as a buttress, influencing the displacement and deformation of the western flank of the volcano and causing shearing within the volcanic edifice. (2) During the final, catastrophic phase of the collapse, about 2.4 km³ of Ritter disintegrated almost entirely and travelled as a highly energetic mass flow, which incised the underlying sediment. The irregular topography west of Ritter is a product of both compressional deformation and erosion. A crater-like depression underlying the recent volcanic cone and eyewitness accounts suggest that an explosion may have accompanied the catastrophic collapse. Our findings demonstrate that volcanic sector collapses may transform from slow gravitational deformation to catastrophic collapse. Understanding the processes involved in such a transformation is crucial for assessing the hazard potential of other volcanoes with slowly deforming flanks such as Mt. Etna or Kilauea

    mensaarRAUM − Walter Schrempf, Otto Herbert Hajek und ihr Studentenhaus

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    Das Saarbrücker Studentenhaus — die Mensa — ist eines der ikonischsten Gebäude auf dem Campus und auch weit über das Saarland hinaus als brutalistisches Gesamtkunstwerk aus Architektur und Raumplastik bekannt: Die innovative Zusammenarbeit von Walter Schrempf und Otto Herbert Hajek stellt in den 1960er Jahren eine der ersten und spannendsten Kooperationen zwischen Architektur und Bildhauerei der bundesdeutschen Nachkriegszeit dar. Auch heute noch — 50 Jahre nach der Eröffnung im Oktober 1970 — fordert der Bau sowohl im alltäglichen Unileben als auch in kulturwissenschaftlichen Kontexten bewusst zur Auseinandersetzung heraus. Anknüpfend an das Seminar »Spatial turn — Raumperspektiven in den Kulturwissenschaften« haben MA-Studierende diese Herausforderung angenommen und sich in einem Ausstellungsprojekt dem Bau und seinen Räumen u. a. aus kunstwissenschaftlicher, soziologischer und phänomenologischer Perspektive gewidmet
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