2,485 research outputs found

    A Case Study: Femoroacetabular Impingement in Collegiate Baseball

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    CASE HISTORY: The patient is a 19-year-old collegiate baseball infielder who presented with an ongoing pain in his left hip that had originally presented when the patient was in high school. After becoming a member of a collegiate baseball team, his hip pain persisted, followed shortly by a new pain in his right hip. The patient had been dealing with and conservatively treating the left hip pain for a year, and with the presentation of right hip pain during his first collegiate semester a decision was made to visit the team physician. PHYSICAL EXAM: Examination of the patient’s hips determined no visible deformities or abnormalities, no obvious leg length discrepancy, and no point tenderness. Patient tested positive for Hip Scouring and Patrick (FABERS). Patient had close to full range of motion, but movements were accompanied by pain. Patient had decreased strength with the left hip and experienced most pain during squatting. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES: Labral tear; Gracilis strain; Sartorius strain; Inguinal ligament sprain. TESTS & RESULTS: Patient had x-rays taken of both hips, which reported bony outgrowths and labral tears inside each hip joint. FINAL DIAGNOSIS: Double Femoroacetabular Impingement. DISCUSSION: Femoroacetabular impingement is a condition that involves a bony outgrowth on the head of the femur, a bony growth within the hip socket, or both, as in the case with the patient. This type of condition can occur due to genetic predisposition or from excessive physical activity. In the case of the patient, a combination of genetic predisposition and excessive physical activity is what resulted in having double femoroacetabular impingement. OUTCOME OF THE CASE: Following the patient’s diagnosis, a discussion of surgery was had, due to one side needing to be repaired no matter what. The patient’s upcoming season was discussed as well, seeing as how whether surgery was done or not, the patient would miss the upcoming season regardless. The patient agreed to go through with the surgeries, as it would put him going through one rehabilitation plan for both hips, instead of two separate rehabilitation plans. RETURN TO ACTIVITY AND FURTHER FOLLOW-UP: Patient completed 6 months of rehabilitation and was able to return to play in May of 2020

    ‘Off With Their Heads’: British Prime Ministers and the Power to Dismiss

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    The British prime minister’s power to appoint and dismiss ministers is probably his most important single power. This article explores how prime ministers from Macmillan to Blair have used that power. The article considers the criteria that prime ministers use when choosing to appoint or dismiss individuals from office before examining the calculations and miscalculations that prime ministers have made in practice. Finally, the article analyses the way that prime ministers have exercised, in particular, their power to dismiss and finds that Thatcher was far more likely than others to sack cabinet colleagues on ideological or policy grounds. The article emphasizes that prime ministers’ relationships with especially powerful ministers – ‘big beasts of the jungle’ – are crucial to an understanding of British government at the top.</jats:p

    Public responses to precautionary information from the department of health (UK) about possible health risks from mobile phones

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    Understanding public perceptions of health information is of increasing importance in the light of the growing imperatives upon regulators to communicate information about risk and uncertainty. Communicating the possible health risks from mobile telecommunications is a domain that allows consideration of both public perceptions of uncertain public health information and public responses to precautionary advice. This research reports the results of a nationally representative survey in the UK (n = 1742) that explored public responses to a leaflet issued by the Department of Health (DoH) in 2000 providing information about the possible health risks of mobile phones. The aims of the study were twofold: a) to assess awareness of the leaflet and the extent to which participants could identify the precautionary advice that the leaflet contained as coming from the Government; and b) to examine publics’ responses to the current Government precautionary advice about mobile phone health risks; was this associated with increased concern or reassurance? The results indicate the importance of policy makers developing a clear understanding of the possible effects of communicating precautionary advice.Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research Programm

    Femtosecond x-ray diffraction from an aerosolized beam of protein nanocrystals

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    We demonstrate near-atomic-resolution Bragg diffraction from aerosolized single granulovirus crystals using an x-ray free-electron laser. The form of the aerosol injector is nearly identical to conventional liquid-microjet nozzles, but the x-ray-scattering background is reduced by several orders of magnitude by the use of helium carrier gas rather than liquid. This approach provides a route to study the weak diffuse or lattice-transform signal arising from small crystals. The high speed of the particles is particularly well suited to upcoming MHz-repetition-rate x-ray free-electron lasers

    Branding the nation: Towards a better understanding

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    This paper aims to clarify some misunderstanding about nation branding. It examines the origins and interpretations of the concept, and draws a comparison between nation branding and commercial branding. A new definition is offered that emphasises the need to shift from “branding” the nation to nation image management

    Reversible melting and equilibrium phase formation of (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+d

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    The decomposition and the reformation of the (Bi,Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+d (?Bi,Pb(2223)?) phase have been investigated in-situ by means of High-Temperature Neutron Diffraction, both in sintered bulk samples and in Ag-sheathed monofilamentary tapes. Several decomposition experiments were performed at various temperatures and under various annealing atmospheres, under flowing gas as well as in sealed tubes, in order to study the appropriate conditions for Bi,Pb(2223) formation from the melt. The Bi,Pb(2223) phase was found to melt incongruently into (Ca,Sr)2CuO3, (Sr,Ca)14Cu24O41 and a Pb,Bi-rich liquid phase. Phase reformation after melting was successfully obtained both in bulk samples and Ag-sheathed tapes. The possibility of crystallising the Bi,Pb(2223) phase from the melt was found to be extremely sensitive to the temperature and strongly dependent on the Pb losses. The study of the mass losses due to Pb evaporation was complemented by thermogravimetric analysis which proved that Pb losses are responsible for moving away from equilibrium and therefore hinder the reformation of the Bi,Pb(2223) phase from the melt. Thanks to the full pattern profile refinement, a quantitative phase analysis was carried out as a function of time and temperature and the role of the secondary phases was investigated. Lattice distortions and/or transitions were found to occur at high temperature in Bi,Pb(2223), Bi,Pb(2212), (Ca,Sr)2CuO3 and (Sr,Ca)14Cu24O41, due to cation diffusion and stoichiometry changes. The results indicate that it is possible to form the Bi,Pb(2223) phase from a liquid close to equilibrium conditions, like Bi(2212) and Bi(2201), and open new unexplored perspectives for high-quality Ag-sheathed Bi,Pb(2223) tape processing.Comment: 45 pages (including references,figures and captions), 13 figures Submitted to Supercond. Sci. Techno
