680 research outputs found

    CD26/DPPIV and response to hepatitis B vaccination

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    The prevention of hepatitis B is important, since it is responsible for significant morbidity and mortality around the world. Unfortunately, hepatitis B vaccine does not always induce protective immunity. The lack of immune response to vaccine (non-responders) can depend on individual characteristics. The objective of this study was to correlate the CD26/DPPIV cellular expression and DPPIV serum activity with HBV vaccine response and its possible role as an indicator of immune competence acquisition. We also determined the cellular expression of CD3, CD19, CD56 and CD25 in peripheral blood T lymphocytes. Blood samples were obtained from 28 healthy human volunteers who were enrolled with a vaccination program. There were "responders" (RM = 13) and "non-responders" (NRM = 15), after vaccination. The lymphocyte populations were identified by flow cytometry. DPPIV serum activity was measured fluorimetrically. CD26 expression in responders (55.9 +/- 7.7%) versus in non-responders (51.9 +/- 7.0%) did not show a significant difference. The DPPIV serum activity in responders compared to in non-responder subgroup (59.9 +/- 8.4/50.3 +/- 10.6U/L) showed, however, a significant difference (P < 0.05). The expression of CD3, CD19 and CD56 on peripheral lymphocytes was similar between responders and non-responders. The expression of CD3CD26 (52.2 +/- 8.6%) and CD3CD25 (10.9 +/- 3.8%) in responders versus the expression of CD3CD26 (48.0 +/- 5.7%) and CD3CD25 (8 +/- 4.6%) in non-responders did not show statistically significant difference. CD25 referred as a marker of T lymphocyte activation was increased in responders (15.8 +/- 4.5%) versus in non-responders (10.1 +/- 4.8%), showing a significant difference (P = 0.003). It was, however, impossible to demonstrate an increase in CD3CD25 and CD3CD26 in the responder subgroup. This suggests that different lymphocyte subsets other than T cells are implicated in the response to hepatitis B vaccination

    Elevated neopterin levels in non-allergic asthma

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    Neopterin is synthesized by human monocyte-derived macrophages upon stimulation with interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). Measurement of neopterin concentration is useful to monitor cell-mediated (Th1-type) immune activation. In this study, we aimed to analyze the behaviour of neopterin in long lasting asthma considering its role as a marker of the Th1 environment and to establish the distinction between patients belonging either to the allergic or the non-allergic population, particularly in the elderly where asthma is often under diagnosed. Therefore we evaluated allergic parameters such as skin prick tests, IgE and hemogram (eosinophils count), and we compared our findings with neopterin values found in an age-matched control population. A group of individuals older than 65 was selected. It included 64 asthmatic patients (mean age 72+/-5 years) and 41 healthy individuals (mean age 79+/-7 years). In our study population, 42 patients presented positive skin tests, mainly to house dust mites. All patients were clinically stable and presented an average percentage of predicted forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) of 73.6+/-25.3 and predicted median expiratory flow percentage (MEF50) of 38.8+/-26.7. Blood cell counts showed statistically different mean values of eosinophils between allergic and non-allergic controls (5.42+/-4.7% versus 2.8+/-2.8%; p2.1ng/ml) presented lower mean IgE values (IgE</=336.58IU) than those with lower neopterin values (</=2.1ng/ml) who presented mean IgE values of 402.70IU. Our initial findings may lead to a better understanding of the immunoinflammatory pathways in asthma. Further studies will probably show that serum neopterin could became a useful marker for asthma classification including in elderly patients with long lasting disease

    Substance P in Long-Lasting Asthma: Immunoinflammatory pathways

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    Background: Substance P (SP) was described at the beginning of the 20th Century, and its biological action was recognized to have implications in neurogenic inflammation and constriction of smooth muscles. The changes associated with inflammatory chronicity can compromise organ function reversibility. The role of neuromechanisms in the pathology of the disease has been investigated in order to achieve better diagnosis and therapeutic approaches. The stimulation of human cells, such as macrophages and polymorphonuclear cells by SP leads to their activation and to the release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by these cells. Consequently, a continuous inflammatory disability is observed, mainly if a decrease in antioxidant defence occurs. SP is a substrate for dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV), which is a multifunctional molecule with enzymatic and proinflammatory activities. CD26 is considered an activation T cell marker. The aim of the present study was to analyse if serum SP values in long-lasting asthma patients were related to lung function parameters. It was also decided to analyze the relationship of SP with superoxide dismutase (SOD) and total antioxidant activity in serum (TAS), as well as its association to CD26/DPPIV values considering their immunological and inflammatory properties. Methods/Data base: A group of individuals older than 65 years, including 64 asthmatic patients (mean age 72±5 years) and 41 healthy individuals (mean age 79±7years) was selected. Both subgroups were submitted to clinical observation, to skin prick tests (SPT) and to SP, TAS, SOD, and DPPIV determinations. T cell CD26 typing was also performed. Lung function tests were done on all patients. Results: Among the patients studied, 42 had positive skin tests, mainly to house dust mites. Asthmatic patients showed a significant increase in SP values (116.2±138.9 vs 39.5±17.9 pg/ml) when compared to controls and a significant decrease in TAS levels (.85±.13 vs .91±.10 mM) and in SOD levels (588.1±156.l vs 822.9±179.5 U/gHb). All patients were clinically stable and presented an average percentage of predict forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) of 73.6±25.3 and median expiratory flow percentage of predict (MEF50) of 38.8±26.7. DPPIV values were significantly increased in asthmatics compared to controls (69.7±15.2 vs 58.6±14.3 U/L). The CD26 expression was only slightly increased in asthmatic patients (41.9±10.2 vs 39.4±11.4). Conclusion: These results confirm the role of SP in asthma and give a contribution for a better knowledge of the immunoinflammatory pathway associated with this chronic disorder. A final goal for these studies would be to achieve a better therapeutic approach in order to improve the outcome of asthmatic patients

    Substance P in Bronchial Asthma: Role in oxidant stress and in cell activation

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    The substance P (SP) was described in the beginning of the XXth Century, and its biological actions was recognized to have implications in neurogenic inflammation and constriction of smooth muscles. The bronchial asthma prevalence has been increasing in all developed countries. The changes associated to inflammatory chronicity can compromise the organ function reversibility. The role of neuromechanisms in the pathology of the disease has been investigated considering the hypotheses that better therapeutic approaches can be achieved. The stimulation of human cells by SP leads to their activation and to reactive oxygen species (ROS) release. Consequently a persisting inflammatory disability is observed, mainly if a decrease in the anti-oxidant defence occurs. SP is a substrate for dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV), which is a multifunctional molecule with enzymatic and proinflammatory activities. CD26 was identified as the membrane DPPIV and is considered as an activation T cell marker, as well as CD25. The aim of the present study was therefore to analyse if serum SP values in long-term asthma patients, were associated to lung function parameters, considering the role of SP in neurogenic inflammation and in bronchoconstriction. It was also proposed to analyse the relationship of SP with superoxide dismutase (SOD) and total anti-oxidation activity in serum (TAS), considering the ROS production during the inflammatory process, as well as its association to CD26 and CD25 values and their immunologic and inflammatory properties. A group of individuals older than 65 years including 64 asthmatic patients (mean age 72.4±5.1 years) and 41 healthy individuals (mean age 79.2±7.0 years) was selected. Both subgroups were submitted to clinical observation, to skin prick tests and to SP, TAS and SOD. T cell CD26 and CD25 typing was also performed. Lung function tests were done to all patients. Among patients studied, 42 presented positive skin tests, mainly to house dust mites. Asthmatic patients presented significant increased values of SP (116.2±138.9 vs 39.5±17.9 pg/ml) when compared to controls and a significant decrease of TAS (.85±.13 vs .91±.10 mM) and SOD (588.1±156.l vs 822.9±179.5 U/gHb). All patients have clinical stability and presented forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) values of 73.6±25.3 l/s and peak expiratory flow (PEF50) of 38.8±26.7l. The CD25 expression was significantly increased in disease (14.3±5.9 vs 22.4±7.8) while CD26 was only slightly increased (41.9±10.2 vs 39.4±11.4). These results confirm the role of SP in the respiratory pathology studied and give a contribution for a better knowledge of the network of immunoinflammatory pathway, associated to this chronic disorder. A final goal for these studies would be a better diagnostic and therapeutic approach in this pathology

    Efeito de sistemas de embalagens na estabilidade da farinha de raspa de mandioca biofortificada.

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    Produtos de mandioca biofortificados com alto teor de carotenóides são fontes de vitamina A, mas devem ser acondicionado em sistemas de embalagem que retardem a degradação dos carotenóides para prolongar a vida de prateleira

    Nomenclatural issues concerning cultured yeasts and other fungi: why it is important to avoid unneeded name changes

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    The unambiguous application of fungal names is important to communicate scientific findings. Names are critical for (clinical) diagnostics, legal compliance, and regulatory controls, such as biosafety, food security, quarantine regulations, and industrial applications. Consequently, the stability of the taxonomic system and the traceability of nomenclatural changes is crucial for a broad range of users and taxonomists. The unambiguous application of names is assured by the preservation of nomenclatural history and the physical organisms representing a name. Fungi are extremely diverse in terms of ecology, lifestyle, and methods of study. Predominantly unicellular fungi known as yeasts are usually investigated as living cultures. Methods to characterize yeasts include physiological (growth) tests and experiments to induce a sexual morph; both methods require viable cultures. Thus, the preservation and availability of viable reference cultures are important, and cultures representing reference material are cited in species descriptions. Historical surveys revealed drawbacks and inconsistencies between past practices and modern requirements as stated in the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants (ICNafp). Improper typification of yeasts is a common problem, resulting in a large number invalid yeast species names. With this opinion letter, we address the problem that culturable microorganisms, notably some fungi and algae, require specific provisions under the ICNafp. We use yeasts as a prominent example of fungi known from cultures. But viable type material is important not only for yeasts, but also for other cultivable Fungi that are characterized by particular morphological structures (a specific type of spores), growth properties, and secondary metabolites. We summarize potential proposals which, in our opinion, will improve the stability of fungal names, in particular by protecting those names for which the reference material can be traced back to the original isolate

    Campanhas de produção de sementes de arroz e milho em comunidades rurais rondonienses.

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    Objetivou-se, especificamente, com estas duas campanhas anual e consecutivas, disponibilizar e transferir tecnologias de produção sementes (sem fins comerciais) de arroz e milho em 125 comunidades rurais rondonienses. Procurou-se também demonstrar que, com orientações técnicas adequadas, seria possível aos pequenos produtores rurais, produzirem sementes com qualidade genética e tecnológica para o seu uso e da comunidade rural, impactando positivamente na melhoria da produtividade e da qualidade do produto produzido.bitstream/item/24650/1/doc120-arroz.pd

    Influence of habitat and land use on the assemblages of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera in Neotropical Streams

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    Insects of the orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT) are often used to assess the conditions of aquatic environments, but few studies have examined the differences in these communities between riffles and pools. Our objective was to test whether riffles shelter greater richness and abundance of EPT, as well as to assess the sensitivity of these insects for detecting impacts from different land uses in streams in southeastern Brazil. Samples were collected in the dry season of 2012 with a Surber sampler in riffles and pools of nine streams (forest, pasture, and urban areas). Principal component analysis distinguished the streams according to different land uses as a function of percentage of plant cover and water oxygenation level and showed partial distinction between riffles and pools as a function of current speed and percentage of ultrafine sand. Detrended correspondence analysis indicated the distinction in EPT composition between riffles and pools, except in urban streams. The results of this study confirm the expected differences in the EPT fauna structure between riffles and pools, especially in forest and pasture environments. The individual metrics of riffle and pool assemblages showed significantly different responses to land use. Therefore, we suggest individual sampling of riffles and pools, since the metrics of these assemblages' insects can differ between these habitats and influence the results of assessments in low-order streams. © The Author 2015

    Planck intermediate results. XXIX. All-sky dust modelling with Planck, IRAS, and WISE observations

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    We present all-sky modelling of the high resolution Planck, IRAS, and WISE infrared (IR) observations using the physical dust model presented by Draine and Li in 2007 (DL). We study the performance and results of this model, and discuss implications for future dust modelling. The present work extends the DL dust modelling carried out on nearby galaxies using Herschel and Spitzer data to Galactic dust emission. We employ the DL dust model to generate maps of the dust mass surface density, the optical extinction Av, and the starlight intensity parametrized by Umin. The DL model reproduces the observed spectral energy distribution (SED) satisfactorily over most of the sky, with small deviations in the inner Galactic disk and in low ecliptic latitude areas. We compare the DL optical extinction Av for the diffuse interstellar medium with optical estimates for 2 10^5 quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) observed in the Sloan digital sky survey. The DL Av estimates are larger than those determined towards QSOs by a factor of about 2, which depends on Umin. The DL fitting parameter Umin, effectively determined by the wavelength where the SED peaks, appears to trace variations in the far-IR opacity of the dust grains per unit Av, and not only in the starlight intensity. To circumvent the model deficiency, we propose an empirical renormalization of the DL Av estimate, dependent of Umin, which compensates for the systematic differences found with QSO observations. This renormalization also brings into agreement the DL Av estimates with those derived for molecular clouds from the near-IR colours of stars in the 2 micron all sky survey. The DL model and the QSOs data are used to compress the spectral information in the Planck and IRAS observations for the diffuse ISM to a family of 20 SEDs normalized per Av, parameterized by Umin, which may be used to test and empirically calibrate dust models.Comment: Final version that has appeared in A&