12,216 research outputs found

    Remarks on the mixed joint universality for a class of zeta-functions

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    Two remarks related with the mixed joint universality for a polynomial Euler product and a periodic Hurwitz zeta-function with a transcendental parameter are given. One is the mixed joint functional independence, and the other is a generalized universality, which includes several periodic Hurwitz zeta-functions.Comment: 12 page

    Critical behavior of spin and chiral degrees of freedom in three-dimensional disordered XY models studied by the nonequilibrium aging method

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    The critical behavior of the gauge-glass and the XY spin-glass models in three dimensions is studied by analyzing their nonequilibrium aging dynamics. A new numerical method, which relies on the calculation of the two-time correlation and integrated response functions, is used to determine both the critical temperature and the nonequilibrium scaling exponents, both for spin and chiral degrees of freedom. First, the ferromagnetic XY model is studied to validate this nonequilibirum aging method (NAM), since for this nondisordered system we can compare with known results obtained with standard equilibrium and nonequilibrium techniques. When applied to the case of the gauge-glass model, we show that the NAM allows us to obtain precise and reliable values of its critical quantities, improving previous estimates. The XY spin-glass model with both Gaussian and bimodal bond distributions, is analyzed in more detail. The spin and the chiral two-time correlation and integrated response functions are calculated in our simulations. The results obtained mainly for Gaussian and, to a lesser extent, for bimodal interactions, support the existence of a spin-chiral decoupling scenario, where the chiral order occurs at a finite temperature while the spin degrees of freedom order at very low or zero temperature.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures. Phys. Rev. B 89, 024408 (2014

    The empirical process on Gaussian spherical harmonics

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    We establish weak convergence of the empirical process on the spherical harmonics of a Gaussian random field in the presence of an unknown angular power spectrum. This result suggests various Gaussianity tests with an asymptotic justification. The issue of testing for Gaussianity on isotropic spherical random fields has recently received strong empirical attention in the cosmological literature, in connection with the statistical analysis of cosmic microwave background radiation

    A Theoretical Model for the Extraction and Refinement of Natural Resources

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    The modelling of production in microeconomics has been the subject of heated debate. The controversial issues include the substitutability between production inputs, the role of time and the economic consequences of irreversibility in the production process. A case in point is the use of Cobb-Douglas type production functions. This approach completely ignores the physical process underlying the production of a good. We examine these issues in the context of the production of a basic commodity (such as copper or aluminium). We model the extraction and the refinement of a valuable substance which is mixed with waste material, in a way which is fully consistent with the physical constraints of the process. The resulting analytical description of production unambiguously reveals that perfect substitutability between production inputs fails if a corrected thermodynamic approach is used. We analyze the equilibrium pricing of a commodity extracted in an irreversible way. The thermodynamic model allows for the calculation of the ”energy yield” (energy return on energy invested) of production alongside a financial (real) return in a two-period investment decision. The two investment criteria correspond in our economy to a different choice of numeraire and means of payment and corresponding views of the value of energy resources. Under an energy numeraire, energy resources will naturally be used in a more parsimonious way

    A Class of Preconditioners for Large Indefinite Linear Systems, as by-product of Krylov subspace Methods: Part I

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    We propose a class of preconditioners, which are also tailored for symmetric linear systems from linear algebra and nonconvex optimization. Our preconditioners are specifically suited for large linear systems and may be obtained as by-product of Krylov subspace solvers. Each preconditioner in our class is identified by setting the values of a pair of parameters and a scaling matrix, which are user-dependent, and may be chosen according with the structure of the problem in hand. We provide theoretical properties for our preconditioners. In particular, we show that our preconditioners both shift some eigenvalues of the system matrix to controlled values, and they tend to reduce the modulus of most of the other eigenvalues. In a companion paper we study some structural properties of our class of preconditioners, and report the results on a significant numerical experience.preconditioners; large indefinite linear systems; large scale nonconvex optimization; Krylov subspace methods

    Entanglement in continuous variable systems: Recent advances and current perspectives

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    We review the theory of continuous-variable entanglement with special emphasis on foundational aspects, conceptual structures, and mathematical methods. Much attention is devoted to the discussion of separability criteria and entanglement properties of Gaussian states, for their great practical relevance in applications to quantum optics and quantum information, as well as for the very clean framework that they allow for the study of the structure of nonlocal correlations. We give a self-contained introduction to phase-space and symplectic methods in the study of Gaussian states of infinite-dimensional bosonic systems. We review the most important results on the separability and distillability of Gaussian states and discuss the main properties of bipartite entanglement. These include the extremal entanglement, minimal and maximal, of two-mode mixed Gaussian states, the ordering of two-mode Gaussian states according to different measures of entanglement, the unitary (reversible) localization, and the scaling of bipartite entanglement in multimode Gaussian states. We then discuss recent advances in the understanding of entanglement sharing in multimode Gaussian states, including the proof of the monogamy inequality of distributed entanglement for all Gaussian states, and its consequences for the characterization of multipartite entanglement. We finally review recent advances and discuss possible perspectives on the qualification and quantification of entanglement in non Gaussian states, a field of research that is to a large extent yet to be explored.Comment: 61 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables; Published as Topical Review in J. Phys. A, Special Issue on Quantum Information, Communication, Computation and Cryptography (v3: few typos corrected

    Unconventional critical activated scaling of two-dimensional quantum spin-glasses

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    We study the critical behavior of two-dimensional short-range quantum spin glasses by numerical simulations. Using a parallel tempering algorithm, we calculate the Binder cumulant for the Ising spin glass in a transverse magnetic field with two different short-range bond distributions, the bimodal and the Gaussian ones. Through an exhaustive finite-size scaling analysis, we show that the universality class does not depend on the exact form of the bond distribution but, most important, that the quantum critical behavior is governed by an infinite randomness fixed point.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure


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    Pembinaan olahraga prestasi khususnya cabang olahraga futsal, atlet dituntut harus mempunyai kondisi fisik yang prima. Daya tahan (VO2max) yang tinggi salah satu komponen kondisi fisik sebagai pondasi awal seorang atlet guna menunjang peforma saat bertanding tanpa mengalami rasa kelelahan yang berarti. Kemampuan daya tahan (VO2max) bisa ditingkatkan dengan latihan yang terprogram dan terukur sesuai dengan periodisasi latihan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah penerapan periodisai latihan pada tahap persiapan umum (TPU) memberikan pengaruh dalam peningkatan VO2max dan mengetahui persentase peningkatannya. Metode penelitian ini yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dengan menggunakan desain penelitian one group pretest-postest desain. Sampel yang digunakan adalah seluruh atlet futsal dari mahasiswa Ilmu Keolahragaan UPI angkatan 2019 yang berjumlah 12 orang, di ambil dengan menggunakan non probability sapling yaitu sampling kuota. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu Balke Test untuk menghitung VO2max agar dapat melihat perubahan pretest dan posttest. Pengolahan data mengunakan paired sample T test. Dari hasil data diperoleh nilai sig (p) 0.002 < 0.005 yang artinya terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan pada TPU dan terjadi peningkatan sebesar 13,01% dengan rata rata VO2max awal 37,65 ml/kg/menit menjadi 42,55 ml/kg/menit. Kata Kunci: Olahraga prestasi, daya tahan, VO2max, futsal, kelelahan, program latihan, periodisasi latihan, tahap persiapan umum. In coaching achievement sports, especially futsal, athletes are required to have excellent physical condition. High endurance (VO2max) is one of the physical condition components as the initial foundation for an athlete to support their performance while competing without experiencing significant fatigue. Endurance ability (VO2max) can be increased with programmed and measured training according to the training periodization. This present study aims at determining whether the implementation of training periods at the general preparation stage (TPU) has an effect on increasing VO2max and at observing the increment percentage. Experimental method is used in this research using a one group pretest-postest research design. The sample involved in this study is all 12 futsal athletes from Sports Science students UPI of 2019 Batch, they are chosen using non-probability sapling, namely quota sampling. The instrument used is the Balke Test to calculate VO2max in order to see the changes in the pretest and posttest. Data analyzing was done using paired sample T test. From the data results, the sig (p) value is 0.002 <0.005, which means that there is a significant effect on general preparation stage and an increase of 13.01% with an initial VO2max average of 37.65 ml/ kg/minute to 42.55 ml/kg/minute. Keywords: achievement sports, endurance, VO2max, futsal, fatigue, exercise program, training periodization, general preparation stag