243 research outputs found

    Pengelolaan Rekrutmen guru Di Sekolah Dasar Islam Baitunnur Blora

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    Fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah pengelolaan rekrutmen guru. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan perencanaan rekrutmen guru, pelaksanaan seleksi guru dan kompetensi dalam rekrutmen guru dan pemberdayaan pascaseleksi guru di SD Islam Baitunnur Blora. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain etnografi pendidikan. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah SD Islam Baitunnur Blora. Waktu penelitian ini adalah Semeser Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, guru kelas, dan guru pengampu mata pelajaran. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah Wawancara mendalam, Observasi dan Dokumentasi. Untuk mengecek keabsahan data peneliti menggunakan trianggulasi, yaitu Trianggulasi Sumber dan Trianggulasi Metode. Hasil penelitian adalah 1) Sekolah mengevaluasi kebutuhan guru baru, baik sebagai guru pengampu mata pelajaran, asisten guru maupun guru kelas. Selanjutnya, sekolah mengusulkan rekrutmen guru baru kepada pihak yayasan dan persetujuan tersebut dilanjutkan dengan pembentukan panitia rekrutmen. Panitia rekrutmen guru baru akan mempersiapkan kebutuhan rekrutmen dan membuka lowongan kerja kepada masyarakat. 2) Sekolah melaksanakan rekrutmen guru baru secara bertahap dan berkelanjutan, yaitu 1) penilaian administrative, 2) tes tertulis, 3) wawancara dan micro teaching, dan 4) magang selama tiga bulan. 3) Guru baru yang telah direkrut diberikan tugas akademik sesuai dengan kebutuhan sekolah dengan status sebagai guru tidak tetap yang menerima kompensasi. Guru baru dilibatkan dalam kegiatan‐kegiatan nonakademik di sekolah maupun pengambilan keputusan. Guru baru juga mendapat pengarahan dari kepala sekolah dan mendapat bimbingan dari guru senior


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    Abstract :According APJII growth of Internet users in Indonesia each year has increased, it is proven with an online purchases made ​​by the Indonesian people by 27 % via the Internet. Lifestyle of today's society began to depend on the internet. This situation used to increase sales company primarily develops promotion through the internet. It is utilized by Gramedia to develop and expand the network marketing market. Gramedia provide more facilities at Gramedia online to give the consumer the convenience of making a purchase. The population is a consumer  Gramedia online with aged 16-25 years old with a number of 110 respondents. Measuring instruments usedtechnically multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed thatnet oriented, innovative and price oriented not effected on online purchasing decision while service quality effected on online purchasing decision. Keywords:online lifestyle, service quality, and online purchasing decisio

    Pelatihan Menghafal Kosa Kata Dalam Bahasa Arab Pada Siswa MI Nahdatul Ulama Blado Wetan Banyuanyar Probolinggo

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    Kegiatan pelatihan pengahafalan kosa kata dalam  bahasa arab pada siswa mi nahdatul ulama blado wetan  dilaksanakan di rumah salah satu guru bahasa Arab mi nahdatul ulama Blado Wetan yang memiliki tujuan diantaranya yaitu 1. Untuk mengajarkan beberapa pemahaman bahasa arab kepada siswa mi nahdatul ulama blado wetan 2. Melatih untuk meningkatkan daya hafal mereka terhadap kosa kata dalam bahasa arab. 3. Dan juga membimbing para siswa mi nahdatul ulama blado wetan  untuk menghafalkan kosa kata dalam bahasa arab. Metode penelitian dalam kegiatan pelatihan penghafalan kosa kata dalam bahasa arab ini menggunakan metode sosialisasi, pelatihan dan bimbingan. Hasil dari kegiatan pelatihan penghafalan kosa kata dalam bahasa pada siswa mi nahdatul ulama dapat disimpulkan bahwa : 1. Mereka masih kesulitan untuk menghafal kosa kata dalam bahasa arab. 2. Sangat perlu adanya bimbingan atau pelatihan pada siswa mi nahdatul ulama untuk menghafalkan kosa kata dalam bahasa arab. 3. Dengan adanya pelatihan ini setidaknya mereka bisa belajar meski bukan di jam sekolah mereka

    The Implementation of Cooperative Learning Method using STAD Technique In Order To Increase Activity and The Student’s Study Outcome

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    The author did observation in class X IPS that have been held in Senior High School 1 Turen, Malang regency, based on the observation during learning process, the student were pasive. They only gave less respond during learning process. Based on the intervierw with Ms. Etika Dewi Rahmawati, known as teacher economy subject, she explain the reasons why the student have low outcome  because they are less active during learning process. Through the interview and the observation wich has been done, so that we need to solve that problem by changing the fundamental of learning process. Cooperative methode technique STAD can help student to increase their activity in the class. This type of research is PTK (Research Action Class) that consist of two cycles, every cycles has 4 steps: (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. The subject in this research is class XIPS 2, the amount of the subject are 33 student. The learnng material which are used in this reseach are central bank, payment system and the instrumental of payment. This research is held at second semester in Januari 2017. The instrument of this research are observation sheet and test to evaluate learning outcome. The result of this reseach show that the learning process with the aplication of using learning methode technique STAD, generally can make student more active. The average of their activity in the first cycle is 62.40% and in the second cycle is 79,31%. It aslo occurs the increasing of learning outcome, in the first cycle is 45,45% and in the second cycle is 90,32%

    Konflik Batin Tokoh Utama Dalam Novel 5cm Karya Donny Dirgantoro dan Relevansi Sebagai Bahan Ajar Bahasa Indonesia Kelas XII Sekolah Menengah Atas (Kajian Psikologi Sastra)

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    Ainur Rofiq Affandi .INNER CONFLICT THE MAIN CHARACTER IN A NOVEL 5 cm OF DONNY DIRGANTORO AND RELEVANCE AS MATERIAL INDONESIAN CLASS XII HIGH SCHOOL ( STUDY PSYCHOLOGY LITERARY ).Skripsi , The Teaching And Education Sebelas Maret University , Surakarta: November 2015 The purpose of this research is to described characteristic of the main figure, aspects psychiatric the main figure, inner conflict in the main figure, value education that is in a novel 5cm by Donny Dirgantoro. In the qualitative study it uses the data is novel 5cm by Donny Dirgantoro. Research techniques used is a technique sampling namely purposive sampling . Technique research used in this research is a technique analysis the contents of. Technique data analysis using analysis interactive having three components analysis 1 ) redukasi data, 2 ) the presentation of data, 3 ) withdrawal of drawing conclusions. Characteristics data, psychiatric aspects, conflict inner experienced, value education analyzed in depth with an instrument are arranged based on theories relevant as the basis and information from some informants. This research result indicates that study psychology literature and value education in novel 5cm work donny dirgantoro as follows: ( 1 ) characteristic; the main figure and additional 73 data, figures protagonist and antagonistic 17 data, figures simple and round 14 data.( 2 ) aspects psychiatric; a physiological need 13 data, needs security 12 data, the need for love and affection 11 data, needs award 11 data, cognitive needs 2 data, aesthetic needs 10 data, needs actual self 2 data, ( 3 ) conflict inner 14 data, ( 4 ) the value education; value religious 10 data, value moral 9 data, social values 3 data, of the cultural 2 data. Keyword: psychology literature, characteristic, psychiatric aspects, conflict inner experienced, and value of educatio

    Correlation of Motivation to Learn Arabic Language with Interest in Communication in Arabic Language of Students Department of Arabic Language Education Faculty of Tarbiyah Islam University of Zainul Hasan Genggong

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    Study This motivated by the reduction Power pull and lower PBA ability of students major in communicate with Language Arabic , finally party Faculty nor Major do various method For increase it . Analyzed problem are : what and how motivation Study Language arabs and students and whether There is significant relationship _ between motivation Study with try communicate in Language arabic ?. For answer problem the collected data through questionnaire to 80 respondents , then analyzed in a manner descriptive , qualitative with percentage contingency and correlation . The result show that motivation Study student Arabic are below tall with percentage 84.40 % meanwhile get ranking sufficient communication tall with percentage of 78.80%. But percentage both of them No Far different . Analysis results correlation contingency show No There is significant correlation between motivation Study Language Arab with effort For get communication Language Arab student

    The Implementation of Cooperative Learning Method using STAD Technique In Order To Increase Activity and The Student’s Study Outcome

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    The author did observation in class X IPS that have been held in Senior High School 1 Turen, Malang regency, based on the observation during learning process, the student were pasive. They only gave less respond during learning process. Based on the intervierw with Ms. Etika Dewi Rahmawati, known as teacher economy subject, she explain the reasons why the student have low outcome  because they are less active during learning process. Through the interview and the observation wich has been done, so that we need to solve that problem by changing the fundamental of learning process. Cooperative methode technique STAD can help student to increase their activity in the class. This type of research is PTK (Research Action Class) that consist of two cycles, every cycles has 4 steps: (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. The subject in this research is class XIPS 2, the amount of the subject are 33 student. The learnng material which are used in this reseach are central bank, payment system and the instrumental of payment. This research is held at second semester in Januari 2017. The instrument of this research are observation sheet and test to evaluate learning outcome. The result of this reseach show that the learning process with the aplication of using learning methode technique STAD, generally can make student more active. The average of their activity in the first cycle is 62.40% and in the second cycle is 79,31%. It aslo occurs the increasing of learning outcome, in the first cycle is 45,45% and in the second cycle is 90,32%

    Penerapan Metode Group Investigation Dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas V Mata Pelajaran PAI Di SDN Kalirejo Gondangwetan Pasuruan

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    The research aims to analyze the application of the group investigation method in improving the learning outcomes of class V students in Islamic Religious Education subjects at SDN Kalirejo Gondangwetan Pasuruan. The group investigation method is used as a collaborative learning approach that allows students to work in groups to explore learning material in depth. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of research being a case study. The results of the research show that the application of the group investigation method significantly increases student achievement in Islamic religious education subjects.  Keyword: Group Investigation Method, Achievement, Student Learning Result

    Synergy between School Principals and Foundation Chairs in Building a Quality Learning Environment

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    This research aims to determine the synergy of top management within the educational foundation in the school's efforts to create a quality educational environment at Albuhari Labuhanbatu Vocational School. The research was conducted using qualitative descriptive methods at Albuhari Labuhanbatu Vocational School 2023. Data collection methods in this research used interview, observation and documentation techniques. Research shows that funds play a role as supervisors, mentors and coaches in implementing the development of a quality learning environment. This is seen in the selective decisions of administrators and the selection of teaching staff. The principal is the engine that drives the process of creating a quality learning environment. Creating a quality learning environment in schools requires three elements: input, process, and results. These three things are interdependent. Without good implementation and learning processes, the results of an educational institution will not be optimal. There are many obstacles in developing a quality learning environment, but with the cooperation and involvement of all parties in the school, such as the foundation and the principal, all of these can be overcome. Foundations, principals, and staff must work together to overcome the challenges that hinder the development of quality learning environments. It can be concluded that the role of the foundation in creating a quality educational environment at Al-Bukhari Labuhan Batu Vocational School has been quite effective. This shows that the Foundation plays an important role and synergizes well with the school principal in developing a quality learning environment at Albuhari Labukhanbatu Vocational School

    Bersama Javidan Khirad Seyyed Hossein Nasr

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    On the issue of religious pluralism one may find different currents of thoughtranging from that which rejects it to that which accepts it. A part from this, the issue ofreligious pluralism has also provoked scholars of different backgrounds ?Muslim andWestern scholars- to have their say concerning this very important problem. One ofthose scholars is Seyyed Hossein Nasr who proposed what he calls Javidan Khirad. Thispaper is destined to explore this concept and the implication that emerges there of