6,880 research outputs found

    Errores en la sustracción cometidos por estudiantes universitarios

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    El manejo adecuado de las operaciones elementales es uno de los objetivos de la enseñanza obligatoria de gran parte de los países del mundo. Referido a ello, la investigación muestra que un alto porcentaje de niños de primaria (6-12 años) cometen errores cuando realizan sustracciones (López y Sánchez, 2007; Young y O’Shea, 1981). Sin embargo apenas se sabe si esos errores se mantienen en personas adultas. En este trabajo se pretende analizar los tipos de errores que estudiantes universitarios cometen al realizar la sustracción

    Integral Field Spectroscopy of HH 262: The Spectral Atlas

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    HH 262 is a group of emitting knots displaying an "hour-glass" morphology in the Halpha and [SII] lines, located 3.5' to the northeast of the young stellar object L1551-IRS5, in Taurus. We present new results of the kinematics and physical conditions of HH 262 based on Integral Field Spectroscopy covering a field of 1.5'x3', which includes all the bright knots in HH 262. These data show complex kinematics and significant variations in physical conditions over the mapped region of HH 262 on a spatial scale of <3". A new result derived from the IFS data is the weakness of the [NII] emission (below detection limit in most of the mapped region of HH 262), including the brightest central knots. Our data reinforce the association of HH 262 with the redshifted lobe of the evolved molecular outflow L1551-IRS5. The interaction of this outflow with a younger one, powered by L1551 NE, around the position of HH 262 could give rise to the complex morphology and kinematics of HH 262.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Caracterización de la estructura de las sustracciones en las que estudiantes universitarios cometen errores

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    La resolución correcta de las operaciones elementales es uno de los objetivos de la educación obligatoria en todo el mundo aunque no siempre se consigue (López y Sánchez, 2009). En concreto, referido a la sustracción, de los 535 estudiantes universitarios de la Universidad de Salamanca que completaron el cuestionario validado de 20 sustracciones de VanLehn (1990), sólo el 24’1% realizó correctamente todas las sustracciones (Rodríguez y Sánchez, 2015). En este trabajo se pretende analizar las características de las sustracciones en cuya resolución los estudiantes universitarios cometieron algún tipo de error

    Relación entre los serotipos de lengua azul y su vector, en Europa y cuenca mediterránea

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    La Lengua Azul es una enfermedad de distribución mundial que afecta a rumiantes y se transmite a través de la picadura de las hembras del mosquito del Género Culicoides. Tradicionalmente, la enfermedad ha estado ligada a la presencia del mosquito Culicoides imicola, pero estudios recientes apuntan a una posible implicación de otras especies de mosquitos que puedan sobrevivir en regiones más frías. Utilizando un sistema de visualización geográfica ARCGIS 9.2 (ESRI®) se ha podido representar la distribución de las principales especies de Culicoides implicadas en la transmisión de Lengua Azul en Europa y norte de África y compararlo con el mapa de distribución de los serotipos del virus de la Lengua Azul. El análisis de los mapas realizados prueba que Culicoides imicola está relacionado con la transmisión de los serotipos 1, 2, 4, 9 y 16 y que el complejo Obsoletus transmite el serotipo 8 y podría ser capaz de transmitir otros serotipos del virus con los que hasta ahora no ha tenido contacto.Bluetongue (BT) is a worldwide spread disease affecting ruminants, which is transmitted by the biting of female midges from the Genus Culicoides. Traditionally, this disease has been linked with the presence of the midge Culicoides imicola, but, recent studies have suggested the possibility of other midge species being involved in the transmission of Bluetongue in cooler regions. By applying the geographic information system ARCGIS 9.2 (ESRI®), the distribution of the main Culicoides species involved in Blue Tongue transmission in Europe and the North of Africa and the distribution of BT serotypes in the same region has been represented. The analysis of the maps obtained shows that Culicoides imicola is involved in the transmission of Bluetongue serotypes 1, 2, 4, 9 and 16 and the Obsoletus complex could be able to transmit, besides BTV-8, other BT serotypes with which it has never been in contact so far

    Retinal pigment epithelium degeneration caused by aggregation of PRPF31 and the role of HSP70 family of proteins

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    Background Mutations in pre-mRNA splicing factor PRPF31 can lead to retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Although the exact disease mechanism remains unknown, it has been hypothesized that haploinsufficiency might be involved in the pathophysiology of the disease. Methods In this study, we have analyzed a mouse model containing the p.A216P mutation in Prpf31 gene. Results We found that mutant Prpf31 protein produces cytoplasmic aggregates in the retinal pigment epithelium and decreasing the protein levels of this splicing factor in the nucleus. Additionally, normal protein was recruited in insoluble aggregates when the mutant protein was overexpressed in vitro. In response to protein aggregation, Hspa4l is overexpressed. This member of the HSP70 family of chaperones might contribute to the correct folding and solubilization of the mutant protein, allowing its translocation to the nucleus. Conclusions Our data suggests that a mechanism haploinsufficiency and dominant-negative is involved in retinal degeneration due to mutations in PRPF31. HSP70 over-expression might be a new therapeutic target for the treatment of retinal degeneration due to PRPF31 mutations.This project has been financed through a) The ISCIII (Miguel Servet-I, 2015), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), No CP15/00071. b) The European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, under grant agreement No 634479. c) Regional Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science of the Junta de Andalucía, No P09-CTS-04967.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Role of IL-33 in Host Response to Candida albicans

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    Background. Interleukin (IL) 33 is a recently identified pleiotropic cytokine that influences the activity of multiple cell types and orchestrates complex innate and adaptive immune responses. Methods. We performed an extensive review of the literature published between 2005 and 2013 on IL-33 and related cytokines, their functions, and their regulation of the immune system following Candida albicans colonization. Our literature review included cross-references from retrieved articles and specific data from our own studies. Results. IL-33 (IL-1F11) is a recently identified member of the IL-1 family of cytokines. Accumulating evidence suggests a pivotal role of the IL-33/ST2 axis in host immune defense against fungal pathogens, including C. albicans. IL-33 induces a Th2-type inflammatory response and activates both innate and adaptive immunity. Studies in animal models have shown that Th2 inflammatory responses have a beneficial role in immunity against gastrointestinal and systemic infections by Candida spp. Conclusions. This review summarizes the most important clinical studies and case reports describing the beneficial role of IL-33 in immunity and host defense mechanisms against pathogenic fungi. The finding that the IL-33/ST2 axis is involved in therapeutic target has implications for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases, including acute or chronic candidiasis

    Origin of the biphase nature and surface roughness of biogenic calcite secreted by the giant barnacle Austromegabalanus psittacus

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    The calcite grains forming the wall plates of the giant barnacle Austramegabalanus psittacus have a distinctive surface roughness made of variously sized crystalline nanoprotrusions covered by extremely thin amorphous pellicles. This biphase (crystalline-amorphous) structure also penetrates through the crystal’s interiors, forming a web-like structure. Nanoprotrusions very frequently elongate following directions related to the crystallographic structure of calcite, in particular, the directions, which are the strongest periodic bond chains (PBCs) in calcite. We propose that the formation of elongated nanoprotrusions happens during the crystallization of calcite from a precursor amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC). This is because biomolecules integrated within the ACC are expelled from such PBCs due to the force of crystallization, with the consequent formation of uninterrupted crystalline nanorods. Expelled biomolecules accumulate in adjacent regions, thereby stabilizing small pellicle-like volumes of ACC. With growth, such pellicles become occluded within the crystal. In summary, the surface roughness of the biomineral surface reflects the complex shape of the crystallization front, and the biphase structure provides evidence for crystallization from an amorphous precursor. The surface roughness is generally explained as resulting from the attachment of ACC particles to the crystal surface, which later crystallised in concordance with the crystal lattice. If this was the case, the nanoprotrusions do not reflect the size and shape of any precursor particle. Accordingly, the particle attachment model for biomineral formation should seek new evidence.Instituto de Salud Carlos III Spanish Government CGL2017-85118-P CGL2015-64683-PUnidad Cientifica de Excelencia of the University of Granada UCE-PP2016-05Junta de Andalucía RNM363ANID-Chile FONDECYT 1140938 PCI ANID REDES 170106 PIA ANID ANILLOS ACT17203

    El virus de la lengua azul como modelo para el estudio de los orbivirus

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    Al género Orbivirus pertenecen tres virus transmitidos a través de vector, que afectan al ganado domestico y a animales de vida libre (Lengua Azul, Peste Equina Africana y Enfermedad Hemorrágica Epizoótica de los Ciervos), y que han causado en las dos últimas décadas, especialmente el virus de la Lengua Azul (vLA), pérdidas económicas cuantiosas en prácticamente toda Europa y en los países del sur y el este del Mediterráneo. Es importante, por tanto, profundizar en el conocimiento sobre los mecanismos de actuación de estos virus, tomando como base al vLA considerado como el virus modelo para el estudio de este género, y en los mecanismos que modulan la respuesta inmunológica del hospedador para poder mejorar el control de la enfermedad mediante vacunas más eficaces. Hasta el momento se desconocen aspectos tan importantes como la duración de la viremia en animales infectados, el papel de la inmunidad celular desencadenada en el hospedador o los mecanismos de “hibernación” que permitan al vLA “reaparecer” tras un periodo de ausencia del vector. Además, el hecho de que los tres compartan los mismos vectores, hace necesario analizar el riesgo de entrada de los virus de la Peste Equina Africana y dela Enfermedad Hemorrágica Epizoótica de los Ciervos en España, -que actualmente se detectan en los países del África Subsahariana y en el sur y este del Mediterráneo, respectivamente-. Por último, se considera también imprescindible mejorar las técnicas de diagnóstico para el virus de la Enfermedad Hemorrágica Epizoótica de los Ciervos y el virus de la Peste Equina Africana y desarrollar nuevos ensayos basados en las cepas circulantes por el área mediterránea

    Metástasis gingival de adenocarcinoma de colon

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    La cavidad oral es lugar de asiento de tumores metastásicos, sobre todo con origen en mama y pulmón. La mayoría de los casos afectan por este orden a los huesos mandibular y maxilar, aunque en ocasiones se desarrollan sobre las partes blandas intraorales. Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 62 años diagnosticado de adenocarcinoma de colon sigmoide con metástasis ganglionares y hepáticas, que 6 meses después presenta una lesión vegetante en la encía, interpretada inicialmente como neoplasia primaria de encía, que tras ser biopsiada fue diagnosticada como adenocarcinoma intestinal metastásico. El estudio histológico es obligatorio para diferenciar un adenocarcinoma de los carcinomas de células escamosas, habituales en la zona, y las técnicas inmunohistoquímicas permiten diferenciar entre un tumor metastásico, sea intestinal o de otro origen, y un adenocarcinoma primario originado en glándulas salivares menores de la zona. La presencia de un tumor diseminado con extensión intraoral acarrea un pronóstico ominoso, aunque si se trata de una metástasis única es posible un tratamiento quirúrgico radical con una supervivencia mayor.Metastatic tumors involve the oral cavity, and the most common primary sites are the breast and lung. Most cases affect the mandible and maxilla in that order, although some of them can be located in the soft perioral tissues. We report the case of a 62-year-old male who had been diagnosed with sigmoid adenocarcinoma with nodal and liver metastasis, who presented 6 months later with a gingival polypoid tumor, at first considered as a primary neoplasm of gingiva, that was diagnosed in a biopsy as metastatic intestinal adenocarcinoma. The histological evaluation is essential to separate adenocarcinoma from the commoner in this site squamous cell carcinoma, and the immunohistochemical techniques are useful to distinguish metastatic tumor versus primary adenocarcinoma from the minor salivary glands of the area. The intraoral spread of a disseminated neoplasm is generally a sign of bad prognosis, although a longer survival can be expected if a radical surgical treatment of a solitary metastasis is carried out