1,968 research outputs found

    Rectifications of A-Algebras

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    In this article, in the setting of connected DG-modules, we prove that, for any A -algebra M mi i≥1 , there is a chain contraction from a DG-algebra AM onto the DG-module M such that the A -algebra structure induced by perturbation theory on M is precisely the original one. In fact, the mentioned DG-algebra can be considered a rectification of the A -algebra in the sense of Boardman and Vogt (1973). Appropiate dual results are given for A -coalgebras

    Estudio del papel inmunopatogénico de las moléculas TROMBOSPONDINA-1 y GADD45-ALFA en la psoriasis

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina. Fecha de lectura: 28-09-202

    Tratamiento quirúrgico del Tumor de Koënen: expresión podológica de la Esclerosis Tuberosa

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    The Koenen tumors are cutaneous manifestations of tuberous sclerosis, which is of systemic involvement and sometimes with location in the foot. The knowledge of this type of dermatological is very important for proper treatment and for this reason an interdisciplinary approach is essential for the accurate and early diagnosis. In the clinical history is important to make an assessment of family history, perform a scan of the skin and a neurological study. We report a case with symptoms consistent with the presence of tumor Koenen. The differential diagnosis is essential for planning treatment and get a good outcome and speedy recovery.Conclusions. Surgical treatment is proposed as a technique of choice despite the high rate of recurrence presents such treatment. Surgical resection of the lesion allows the pathological diagnosis.Los Tumores de Koënen son manifestaciones cutáneas de la Esclerosis Tuberosa, que es de afectación sistémica y en ocasiones con localización en el pie. El conocimiento de este tipo de afecciones dermatológicas es muy importante para un tratamiento correcto y por este motivo un enfoque interdisciplinario es esencial para que el diagnóstico sea preciso y precoz. En la Historia Clínica es importante realizar una valoración de los antecedentes familiares, realizar una exploración de la piel y un estudio neurológico. Se presenta un caso con clínica compatible con la presencia de Tumor de Koënen. El diagnostico diferencial es esencial para plantear el tratamiento y conseguir un buen pronóstico y pronta curación. Conclusiones. Se plantea el tratamiento quirúrgico como técnica de elección pese a la elevada tasa de recidivas que presenta dicho tratamiento. La resección quirúrgica de la lesión permite el diagnóstico anatomopatologico

    ε-partitions and α-equivalences

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    The aim of this paper is to study a special type of fuzzy relations, the α-equivalences, as well as to consider the relation that connects these with the family of ε-partitions of the referential. Some classic equivalences between set, partitions and fuzzy relations are also studied

    Mohs Surgery Outside Usual Indications: A Review

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    The body of literature supporting the use of Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) in tumors outside the main indications (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, dermatofibrosacroma protuberans, lentigo maligna) is constantly growing, but it is still based on case reports, case series, or at best institutional case series that focus on a single malignancy. Our aim in this review was to assess use of MMS in an array of rare tumors outside the usual indications. A review was performed using the MEDLINE database and the search engine ClinicalKey®. We reviewed the use of MMS on atypical fibroxanthoma (AFX)/malignant fibrous histiocytoma, microcystic adnexal carcinoma, extramammary Paget’s disease, Merkel cell carcinoma, pocrine/eccrine carcinoma/porocarcinoma, trichilemmal carcinoma, leiomyosarcoma, and angiosarcoma. Mohs micrographic surgery appears to be scarcely used in these tumors due to their low incidence. It is mainly performed for tumors in the H-zone of the face, and can be performed safely. The overall recurrence rate is lower compared with simple or wide local excision. MMS should be used in a more generalized fashion for these tumors

    Mohs Surgery Outside Usual Indications: A Review

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    The body of literature supporting the use of Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) in tumors outside the main indications (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, dermatofibrosacroma protuberans, lentigo maligna) is constantly growing, but it is still based on case reports, case series, or at best institutional case series that focus on a single malignancy. Our aim in this review was to assess use of MMS in an array of rare tumors outside the usual indications. A review was performed using the MEDLINE database and the search engine ClinicalKey®. We reviewed the use of MMS on atypical fibroxanthoma (AFX)/malignant fibrous histiocytoma, microcystic adnexal carcinoma, extramammary Paget’s disease, Merkel cell carcinoma, pocrine/eccrine carcinoma/porocarcinoma, trichilemmal carcinoma, leiomyosarcoma, and angiosarcoma. Mohs micrographic surgery appears to be scarcely used in these tumors due to their low incidence. It is mainly performed for tumors in the H-zone of the face, and can be performed safely. The overall recurrence rate is lower compared with simple or wide local excision. MMS should be used in a more generalized fashion for these tumors

    NGS data analysis: a review of major tools and pipeline frameworks for variant discovery

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    [EN]The analysis of genetic data has always been a problem due to the large amount of information available and the difficulty in isolating that which is relevant. However, over the years progress in sequencing techniques has been accompanied by a development of computer techniques to the current application of artificial intelligence. We can summarize the phases of sequence analysis in the following: quality assessment, alignment, pre-variant processing, variant calling and variant annotation. In this article we will review and comment on the tools used in each phase of genetic sequencing, and analyze the drawbacks and advantages offered by each of them

    Comparação da saúde subjetiva entre protótipos de personalidade em população geral do México

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue obtener prototipos de personalidad en población general de México y comparar la salud subjetiva entre ellos. En total, participaron 994 individuos de 14 a 63 años de edad. Se evaluaron cinco rasgos de personalidad (Neuroticismo, Extraversión, Apertura, Responsabilidad y Amabilidad) con el NEO-FFI, y la salud subjetiva con el GHQ-12 y una pregunta sobre el estado de salud. Para corroborar la consistencia de los prototipos se dividió la muestra en dos grupos de edad: joven (de 14 a 25 años) y maduro (de 26 a 63 años). Y como resultado se recuperaron tres prototipos en ambos grupos: las personas Resilientes -bajo neuroticismo y alto en el resto de los rasgos-, quienes tuvieron la mejor salud subjetiva; las No-Resilientes -alto neuroticismo y bajo en el resto de los rasgos-, que presentaron la peor salud subjetiva; y las personas Disciplinadas -alto en responsabilidad y promedio en los otros rasgos-, que presentaron una salud subjetiva intermedia en comparación con los otros prototipos. Finalmente, la autodisciplina y la resiliencia fueron los rasgos que discriminaron mejor la buena salud. Los hallazgos se discuten en términos de la generalización de prototipos a través de culturas.The objective of this study was to extract personality prototypes from general population of Mexico and to compare subjective health indicators between these prototypes. Participants were 994 individuals (aged 14 to 63 years). Five personality traits (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Conscientiousness, and Agreeableness) were assessed with the NEO-FFI. Subjective indicators of health (self-rated health and psychological distress) were assessed with a question regarding health status and the GHQ-12. To verify the consistency of the prototypes, the sample was divided into two age groups, young (14 to 25 years) and mature (26 to 63 years.). Three stable prototypes were recovered from both groups. Resilient individuals (low neuroticism and high in other traits) had the best subjective health; the Non-Resilient individuals (high neuroticism and low in other traits) had the worst subjective health; and Self-Disciplined individuals (high conscientiousness and medium scores in other traits) were in the middle of these extremes in subjective health. Self-discipline and resilience were most discriminative in terms of subjective health. Findings are discussed in terms of the generalization of prototypes across cultures.O objetivo deste estudo foi obter protótipos da personalidade em população geral do México e comparar a saúde subjetiva entre eles. No total, participaram 994 indivíduos de 14 a 63 anos. Avaliaram-se cinco traços de personalidade (extroversão, neuroticismo, abertura à experiência, conscienciosidade e amabilidade) com o NEO-FFI, e a saúde subjetiva com o GHQ-12, e uma pergunta sobre o estado de saúde. Para corroborar a consistência dos protótipos, dividiu-se a amostra em dois grupos de idade: jovem (de 14 a 25 anos) e adulto (de 26 a 63 anos). Como resultado, obtiveram-se três protótipos em ambos os grupos: as pessoas resilientes -baixo neuroticismo e alto nos demais traços-, os que tiveram a melhor saúde subjetiva; as não resilientes -alto neuroticismo e baixo no restante dos traços-, que apresentaram a pior saúde subjetiva, e as pessoas disciplinadas -alto em conscienciosidade e média nos outros traços-, que apresentaram uma saúde subjetiva intermediária em comparação com os outros protótipos. Finalmente, a autodisciplina e a resiliência foram os traços que melhor discriminaram a boa saúde. Os achados são discutidos em termos da generalização de protótipos através de culturas

    Gas phase selective hydrogenation of furfural to furfuryl alcohol and 2-methylfuran over Cu-CeO2 coprecipitated catalysts

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    Furfural is an important chemical derived from lignocellulosic biomass, in particular from C5 sugars like xylose, and it is considered as a platform molecule of great potential for the synthesis of a broad spectrum of chemicals. In this sense, furfuryl alcohol and 2-methylfuran are two important chemicals which can be produced through furfural hydrogenation, either in liquid or vapor phase, although the latter is preferred because it can be carried out at atmospheric pressure. Industrially, a copper chromite catalyst is used, although this catalyst can become very toxic due to the presence of chromium. Therefore, much attention is being paid to the development of chromium-free catalysts, more sustainable and environmentally friendly, as those based on Cu or Ni which are active and selective towards the formation of furfuryl alcohol and 2-methylfuran. Furfuryl alcohol is mainly used for the production of thermostatic resins, intermediate in the manufacture of lysine, vitamin C and dispersing agents. Meanwhile, 2-methyl furan is used in the synthesis of pesticides, or in the pharmaceutical and fragrance industries. The aim of this work is the synthesis of a series of copper based catalysts, which have been synthesized by coprecipitation of copper and cerium(IV) and subsequent thermal programmed reduction. This method allows increasing the dispersion of Cu particles, while the use of a support like CeO2 can modify the electronic density of the active phase, which can influence the catalytic activity and resistance to deactivation.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Economy and Competitiveness Ministry (Project CTQ2012-38204-C03-02), Junta de Andalucía (Project: RNM-1565) and FEDER funds of the European Unio